Software :: Unexplained Crashes And Screen Locks

Jul 4, 2010

I you review this: [URL:...] you can see I have been dealing with this for a while. I am just about to run the apple hardware test again but I am hoping someone might have a new idea.

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MacBook Pro :: Physical Locks Versus Software Locks?

Jun 23, 2009

I just read a thread on Undercover and it reminded me of a question I wanted to ask earlier this week.

I'm going to college in september and it seems as if a Kingston lock is not a good choice. There are a number of things on youtube including yanking the notebook, pulling on the lock itself and using cardboard to open the lock. This makes physical locks look bad. Would software be a good alternative? How about lojack for laptops? Apparently they'll get your laptop back regardless of where it ended up. If not, they'll give you a grand. Seems like it would be hard to do if it was chopped up like when a thief brings a car to a chop shop.


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PowerPC :: Screen Locks Up But Mouse Still Moves?

Sep 10, 2010

This is sort of a double post, but since this problem is way down in the original thread and pretty much a different problem (with no replies) I figured it might be worth a new post.


On this 1.25ghz Tiger emac we picked up, the OS loads, and everything seems to work for a minute of so, but then the mouse stops working.

Actually the pointer still works, but I can't click anything, almost like the desktop is frozen. This does have a swollen capacitor, so I'm, not sure if that's the problem or if I just need to reload to OS.

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MacBook :: Screen Fades To White And Locks Up

Mar 15, 2012

My macbook has a new bad habit of being slow, too many pinwheel timeouts and now the screen fades to white and must be rebooted to work for 5-10 minutes. My research so far indicates a bad wiring between the screen and base or overheating.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Locks Up Shutting Down On Blue Screen?

Jun 28, 2012

My 4 year old Powerbook Pro locks up intermittenly when shutting down. Could this have something to do with Malware or adding an antiVirus program? Using 10.6 OS.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), model identifier 4, 1

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MacBook Pro :: What Shows On Screen At Startup When Using Find My Mac If Owner Locks It

Mar 29, 2012

what shows on screen at startup when using find my mac if owner locks it?

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OS X :: Unexplained Clock Cycles / CPU Activity

Jan 17, 2010

I apologize if I missed a similar problem, but i think this is an unusual thing. Ok, so occasionally after my uMBP has been on a while (say, 1.5+ days?) sometimes when doing little more than doing a little web browsing, I'll see in both Activity Monitor and iStats that i'm using about 60-70% of my processor, but there is no visible process that is taking up the CPU. the issue is temporarily resolved by logging out or restarting. Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried running what available malware scanners there are for the mac, but nothing has come up.

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PowerPC :: Unexplained Freezes On G5 IMac

Jun 26, 2010

I've got a G5 iMac which is 5 years old now, it's got 2Gb RAM and 75Gb HD In the past couple of weeks it really slowed down and then it started having panic attacks and random freezes. It also crashed with a what appeared to be a wierd zig-zag pattern [see attached jpeg - this happens even when the log-inscreen is on] I hadn't installed any new applications or anything and it had been fine upto then. I've ran the hardware test a few times, which has said everything is fine: video, memory, logic board all passed. So I backed everything up, scrubbed the HD, installed a fresh system 10.4, which Software Upgrade then took upto 10.4.11; Installed some of the apps and put some data back on - but leaving about half of the HD empty The random crashes are happening more and more frequently, crashing, panic attacks and i am forced to do a hard restart every time Is there anyway out of this or is it a case of old machine, on its last legs and needing a new one?

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OS X :: Unexplained Disk Activity - Track Process?

Oct 17, 2009

I'm running 10.5.8 on a 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac. The machine often slows down dramatically and i can hear the internal drive going like crazy. When I look in Activity Monitor however there's nothing chewing up much CPU. I can see that there's a lot of disk activity going on however. Unfortunately I don't see anyway in activity monitor to see what processes are accessing the hard drive. Does anyone know of a way to track down what processes are accessing the disk?

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Software :: Unexplained Airtunes / Itunes Pauses

Oct 3, 2005

almost everytime I use airtunes, somewhere in the middle of a song, the music will quit unexpectedly. sometimes the music will resume in a three-count, sometimes longer, sometimes not at all. When i look at itunes, it looks like the song is just paused - meaning the little diamond that shows where you are in the song in the display along the top isn't inching along anymore, however the actual PAUSE button on the upper left has not been selected (meaning there is not a PLAY arrow displayed. the double bar PAUSE button is still showing). I have tried:

stopping the song (clicking the PAUSE button) and then starting it again
quitting itunes and restarting
restarting my ibook (G4)
unplugging my airport express and plugging it back in to reboot
using the airport admin aplication
completely unplugging EVERYTHING (modem, airport base station, airport extreme) and then slowly rebooting them all in order
upgrading itunes to the current version

at first, I thought it was a problem with airtunes, like the signal got lost or something, but after looking at itunes and realizing the song isn't *going* anymore, i thought the problem was with the application. but I don't know. I've never experienced this if i use the computer speakers, but then again, I hardly ever use them so I really don't know that for sure. oh, and I bought my airport base station *after* the airport express, and I'm pretty sure this problem was happening when my "network" was just my ibook and the express. (my experience level: I'm a former PC'er. I'm fairly knowlegable, but more on the software end. I know *nothing* when it comes to mac hardware.

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MacBook Air :: Constant Unexplained Crashing And Failed Booting

Mar 9, 2010

I'm trying to diagnose problems with a friend's MacBook Air who due to language barriers cannot get help from the Apple Store. He has a Rev. A MacBook Air (with the 1.6GHz and 80GB HDD) and Snow Leopard. My friend is new at computers (this is his first computer) and only goes online to read the news, check the weather, travel research, etc. So the Air is the perfect machine for that. The issue started with a few weeks ago, he called me to ask me how to fix his internet. I wasn't sure where to start, but I suspected the Airport card. After testing the USB-to-Ethernet adapter which did not work, I figured it was something else. He told me everything gave him the "red" dot in Network Preferences (Well he didn't know to check there, as I had to tell him where to go). A PRAM reset fixed that which is good and he was able to go online again. Over the past few days he has called again because his computer would constantly freeze. At first it would be freezing and then it would work again after a few minutes. Sometimes it would just freeze and would require a forced shutdown (power button—5 seconds). Now of late it sometimes does not boot. I have been notified that it does boot past the gray screen, but stop right before when the desktop loads. Here is where it difficult: I do not know how to continue.

I can't have him run hardware tests off the Installation DVDs because he does not have an optical drive and even if he did, he would not be able to relay me the results of any test. I cannot have him take it to the Apple Store because well they wouldn't be able to speak his language). All my family friends come to me for computer help, so that's no good and his neighbors are well not Mac proficient and again call me for computer help. He does not email, text, send MMS, etc. So I can't even get the console files. I would like to suggest a Erase and Install, but again with no optical drive and the difficulty of explaining things over the phone—I don't think I can do it. Any one has suggestions on how to proceed? Maybe even what's wrong? The only thing I can think of is to give him my MacBook Air and have him give me his and then I can figure it out later, but that's a bit inconvenient (but I'm definitely willing to do that if that's the only solution).

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Mac Pro :: Screen Crashes On 8-core

Oct 27, 2007

Since a couple of weeks I am facing weird crashes on my 8core Mac Pro (May 2007). They happen from time to time. Sometimes directly after starting up, sometimes there are no crashes for a couple of days.

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PowerPC :: IBook Screen Goes Wavy And Crashes

Feb 27, 2007

When I boot up this ibook it works fine for a little while then it gets all wavy and crashes. Would this be the screen, board, or the connector? Everything looks solid.

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ITunes :: Update Crashes During Full-screen?

Mar 14, 2012

I was recently prompted to update to 10.6 (40) version of itunes just prior to the last conference this month and since doing so now I can not watch anything in full screen mode without Itunes crashing. Is anyone receiving similar problems and or have a work around I have tried reinstalling a fresh download of the software with no luck, anyone know where I can get a copy of the previews version?I am currently running 10.6.8 Snow Leapord on early 2008 Mac Book Pro?

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ITunes :: 10.6 Crashes When Trying To Play Video Full Screen?

Mar 24, 2012

When switching from the normal video window to full screen while watching a podcast in my iTunes library, the program immediately crashes.  I've tried several different podcast, starting with the smaller video window, then trying to expand using the opposing diagonal arrows symbol in the bottom right corner.  The result has been the same.  As soon as I click on that the window screen goes black, and iTunes shuts down. I'm on a MacBook Pro 4,1 using OS 10.6.8 and iTunes 10.6 (40). Meanwhile, hope someone is working on the problem with the clickable scroll bars being inoperable.

Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x OWC 350 GB 1 x 2 TB OWC external storage

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Mac Pro :: Login-window Crashes With Blue Screen And Sudden Log-out?

Apr 2, 2012

I have faced some known symptoms of a problem for which I was not able to find any sound resolution. I have an account with which I am unable to login. When I enter login details for a session, the system immediately kicks me out showing a blue screen, logs out and goes back to the login window. An interesting observation during a sudden logout is that I spotted a vague image or window of an open application (probably Finder) at the background which is like 95% transparent in comparison to the Mac's desktop and therefore barely visible. The white-ish edges of that window is more distingushable though for a short duration. 

I can ssh to this username and work remotely. But there is another username which has not been affected with this issue and works fine. The console logs show that loginwindow process is crashing everytime. Look at the output below. There have been notes with similar effects but with specific causes (e.g. MS Excel 2004 inc Rosetta, Blootooth peripherials, eBook Studio, Photoshop CS3 etc.) which might be related cases.


I have already tried booting in Safe Mode, deleting loginwindow.plist without success.

Process:         loginwindow [52]
Path:            /System/Library/CoreServices/
Identifier:      loginwindow
Version:         ??? (???)


Mac OS X (10.4), Unlimited Client Server

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OS X :: Desktop / Screen Saver Preferences Pane Crashes - SOLVED

Aug 25, 2008

I'm having an issue with my iMac running 10.5.4. Whenever I try to select a screen saver System Preferences starts to beach ball, and then will crash. Sometimes I can get it to select the screen saver that I want, but then if I try to preview it, System Preferences beach balls, and then crashes. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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OS X :: Screen Saver System Preferences Pane Crashes To Desktop?

Dec 24, 2008

Has anyone else found that their screensaver system preferences pane crashes to the desktop when you try to access it? Ever since I upgraded to 10.5.6 I have had this problem. My screensaver is now just a black screen and I can't change it because the preference pane crashes everytime. Spaces, expose and dashboard seem to now only work when they want and its not very often. I have reinstalled 10.5.6 using the combo update to see if that fixes things but it doesnt. I have been send all the crash reports to Apple. This is REALLY getting me mad now! Im on a PMG5 dual 1.8. Never had any problems with it until 10.5.6 came along. I have an ATI X800XT could the update of the ATI stuff in 10.5.6 be causing all this crap? I am reluctant to do a clean install because it will take me days to get all my apps back and how I have them set up now plus I don't think it will make the slightest bit of difference as the combo update hasn't.

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MacBook :: Boot Camp Drivers On XP Crashes To Blue Screen

Jun 19, 2010

My parents bought my younger sister a new MacBook a couple of days ago. She wanted me to install Windows on it so that she could play some games that she has.

So, I ran Boot Camp assisstant and installed Windows XP. XP itself runs fine. However, when I put in the disc from her MacBook that installs the Boot Camp drivers it gets to about Cirrus Audio (or something) and then crashes to blue screen. I tried installing the drivers a couple of times and then tried to reinstall XP and try again.

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Software :: IMovie Crashes - No Screen Or Error Message Shown

Aug 3, 2008

I can't launch iMovie '08. When I try to run the app, the icon appears on the dock, but no screen or message error is shown. It just hangs, and I must do "force quit". This only happens with my user, as I've tested with other users on the same machine and iMovie seems to be running OK. I've cleaned my user cache in order to solve any problem with that, but it didn't work at all. I have installed the last actualization (iMovie 7.1.4). I doesn't seem to be an interference with iPhoto, as other users have experienced, since I've deleted and the problem still persists.

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PowerPC ::in Middle Of Deadline G5 Crashes, It Won't Boot Again, Only Get Grey Screen With Apple?

Jan 13, 2008

I'm a film composer in the middle of a deadline, and my G5 crashes won't boot again, only get grey screen with Apple and spinning logo.Boot from Applecare disk, run tech tool, hardware fine, disk is corrupted. Catalog B-tree stuff. Cannot re-build without destroying data.Of course I have a clone of my system drive and try to boot from that, but IT is corrupted too of course!Go to Apple Store (I have ProCare), then run diagnostics and find the same. Advice? Wipe the drive and start from scratch.I do just that. I own about 35 plug-in instruments for Logic 8, so it took two days. The same thing happens. Disk won't boot.

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MacBook :: Start Skype While In Windows, The Computer Crashes / Blue Screen?

Feb 19, 2009

Everytime I start skype while in windows, the computer crashes and I get the blue screen... I think it has to do with the sound drivers, because when I'm using msn messenger also in windows suddenly the microphone mutes itself.

I tryed updating the realtek drivers with no help, updated skype, no help, I uninstalled the realtek drivers and the laptop did not crash anymore but I had no sound, any advice like for example how to get the microsoft drivers to work on the laptop without using realtek??

For whatever reason with the microsoft drivers,I think the sound is trying to come out of the digital outlet, I can see the ligth inside the jack, but nothing comes out of the laptop's speakers...

By the way, the vista version is Home basic.

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OS X Mavericks :: Frequent White Screen Crashes / Restart Freezes On IMac - 10.4.9

Aug 25, 2014

Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering   It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Locks In MAC Applications?

Apr 20, 2009

I have recently bought a mac and I'm really proud of it. I was going through the list of applications available for mac and happened to bump into iConquer. It's a pretty addictive game and I liked it. But I can't pay for it. So, I was hoping I could keep reinstalling once I'm out of the 10 free uses and keep playing. Now, this according to some was not possible( as I read this in the forums ). It seems that even after uninstalling the application and then reinstallaing it, it remembers that 10 uses are over. How is this possible? This would mean there is some sort of file left behind in some other folder. How do I find out about it? It's not that I want to reverse engineer, but I don't want random orphaned files lying around in the system.

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Software :: G4 OS X 10.3.9 Locks Up

Nov 2, 2008

Do I call out a repair person or try something myself? Need advice for a know nothing like me.
Kernal Version:7.9.0
Memory 1-512, 1-256 & 2-128's

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IMac :: Extremely Loud Static Noise / System Crashes To Black Screen

Oct 13, 2009

Very occasionally the screen on my iMac (early 08 24") goes blank and it makes an incredibly loud static sound that's independent of the volume control setting. The power then needs disconnecting to restart the machine. Haven't been able to tie it to any specific program. Apple Care asked I leave it on logged in on a new user account (at the time I originally thought it only happened in sleep mode, but have since discovered this is not the case).

It's happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the same number of months. I've only found one similar case on the net, with someone suggesting it was Safari 4 beta, which I've found not to be the case with mine. It's on extended warranty. I think there's something seriously wrong with it (it's already had the hard drive and power supply replaced).

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OS X :: System Preferences Locks Up

Jun 19, 2009

I just got a new uMBP today. Really nice machine. I have a Time Machine backup of my old system that I used to restore onto the new system using Migration Assistant. I must say it was very easy to use, and it took all my information and data from my old computer and migrated it to my new system with ease. It saved days of software installation and resetting preferences and everything. Tested software and everything opens fine as if it had been installed on this system itself.

Slight problem though with System Preferences though, specifically the Screen Savers portion. It is very clunky and will eventually lock up System Preferences as a whole. I have to Force Quit it and reopen it again. It does not do this anywhere else in the System Preferences.
I have removed the
and even the: from:

Both individually as well as together and rebooted the machine, but no luck, System Preferences still locks up when visiting the screen saver section. I even went in and manually deleted the screen savers that I had installed and rebooted and still did not have any luck. At this point I went in and did an archive and install of the OS as well thinking that maybe there was a conflict with the OS during the migration. It still locks up in the screen saver panel.

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OS X :: Finding Cap Locks Shortcut

Jun 18, 2010

Hi I'm new to here, but have had my Macbook Pro for just over two years, I had a problem with my Mac over the weekend & was told by apple care to reload the sortware, which I did but lost everything

When I 1st got my Mac I found a cap locks short cut where you hit the shift button once, then the next letter you hit will be a capital or hit it twice & everything will be cap locks, until you hit it again, just like on the iPhone, but I can't find the setting now

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Mac Mini :: Safari 5.1.5 Locks Up?

May 3, 2012

First, I'm using a mac mini running OS 10.6.8 and Safari 5.1.5 

About once a week Safari will lock up and not display any webpage information, I can click through my tabs and it will change to that pg but everything is white.

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Software :: ITunes Locks Up MacBook Pro

Apr 6, 2008

After a couple minutes browsing in my iTunes 7.6.2 music library (about 10,000 titles), by clicking the CD covers' artwork in Cover Flow, my whole Mac (17" MacBook Pro; OSX.5.2) locks up. Completely frozen. Force Quit doesn't work, and the only way out that I know is a hard restart. I've had this happen about a dozen times already in maybe the last 4 weeks.

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