ITunes :: 10.6 Crashes When Trying To Play Video Full Screen?
Mar 24, 2012
When switching from the normal video window to full screen while watching a podcast in my iTunes library, the program immediately crashes. I've tried several different podcast, starting with the smaller video window, then trying to expand using the opposing diagonal arrows symbol in the bottom right corner. The result has been the same. As soon as I click on that the window screen goes black, and iTunes shuts down. I'm on a MacBook Pro 4,1 using OS 10.6.8 and iTunes 10.6 (40). Meanwhile, hope someone is working on the problem with the clickable scroll bars being inoperable.
Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x OWC 350 GB 1 x 2 TB OWC external storage
i have a brand new imac and i am having some problems on a few web sites, not all websites. when i try to make the video full screen it doesn't work. for example, if i go to i can't make the game highlight clips play on full screen. but if I go to, i don't have a problem. They both go full screen on my husband's pc.
Ive recon that when having your MBP's GT330M turned on, you can't play YouTube-videos in full-screen, my screen just turns white, and nothing happens.. Then you have to ESC yourself outta there..
The funny thing is that if you use the Intel HD Graphics processor, it works fine, but it gets very laggy if you have 720p res..
I was recently prompted to update to 10.6 (40) version of itunes just prior to the last conference this month and since doing so now I can not watch anything in full screen mode without Itunes crashing. Is anyone receiving similar problems and or have a work around I have tried reinstalling a fresh download of the software with no luck, anyone know where I can get a copy of the previews version?I am currently running 10.6.8 Snow Leapord on early 2008 Mac Book Pro?
As the headline says the right half of the screen turns black when watching video content in iTunes on full screen. I can see the whole picture when moving the mouse a little but as soon as the navigation bar disappears the right half of the picture disappears too. It does not matter what source it is. Both podcasts and movies work (or do not work) the same.
The problem doesn't occur for other player (VLC, XBMC etc.).
I have the latest OS (10.9.4) and iTunes (11.4). The computer is MBP 13-inch retina, late 2012 if it matters.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Just wondering if there is a way to have videos in iTunes play full screen on a secondary display. I know you can do it in Quicktime, VLC and eyeTV with terminal... but all my content is in iTunes..Can anyone help?I take it from this overwhelming responce that it is not possible to do??
Let me start by saying it was really early this morning when I tried, but I couldn't find the "full screen" setting for video. I know you can hit the expansion arrows and that works, but the actual VIDEO didn't get any bigger. In 9.0.3 I'd hit the arrows and the video would fill the screen. Today on 9.1 the video stayed the same size and the black boarder filled the screen.
I have a Early-2008 Model MacBook with a... I think it's a 19" ACER widescreen monitor hooked up dua-screen. Works marvelously, but I want it to play my movies and games, preferably without the laptop screen going black. Currently, playing a fullscreen game has the external screen go black and it plays on the laptop.
I can watch a film from front row, uing Leopard, no problem. HOwever, I cannot fine the settings to adjust the output aspect ratio and therefore always watch it in 16:9 which means I have fat borders above and below the film when I watch. This is compared to full control from my standard DVD player.
how do you play mine craft on a mac with 2 screens fullscreen i play mine craft and i have a mac pro with 2 screens and i want to know how to play mine craft with both screens
I listen to and watch a lot of podcasts. Quite often, after I am done listening to a Audio Podcast I will watch a video podcast. Some times it gets stuck and won't play the video but plays audio fine. Anyone else have this problem?
I recently had to erase and install Leopard. I then restored everything from my time-machine backup. The weird thing is, before, when watching streaming videos from the internet, the screen stayed at the same brightness, regardless of whether there was any mouse movement, or touching the keyboard, or anything. Now, if I don't do anything, the computer dims the screen, as if i wasn't watching a video.
Why does ITunes sometimes not play the full song? Some songs will only play until the last 20-30 seconds but only in Itunes. They play fine and complete in the finder.
This may be the dumbest post in history, but is there an easier way to play a full album in itunes than having to make a separate playlist out of the album or having to check the box on every single track on the album? This seems slightly more complicated than it needs to be, but I can't figure out any other way to do it.
I'm trying to watch a video streamed on google chrome on my second display, which is a Samsung TV connected by HDMI to my macbook pro.
However, I can't use my laptop when doing this, if I press full screen on the video no a separate window on the TV then click back onto my macbook screen the video exits full screen.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've had iTunes 10 on my PPC Mac crash twice in the past hour while playing SD video that worked fine in iTunes 9 here. The first time iTunes itself crashed. The 2nd time it caused a kernel panic. Has anyone else had any issues playing video with iTunes 10, particularly under Leopard or a PPC machine under Leopard? I'm about ready to go back to iTunes 9 at this rate.
Since day one, whenever I tried opening a fullscreen window whether it be Vimeo or Youtube, there is a pause of hesitation where the screen turns blank white for a second or 2 before playing the video. It's sort of annoying but is it just my computer is it like that for every mbp? #2 Whenever I try clicking on anything whether it be the maxmize, minimize, close button or dragging items around with the trackpad held down, 3 out of 5 times, it'll not respond. It was the case with my logitech optical mouse and when i'm using the track pad sometimes. Sorry for the terribly crappy video, but the part towards the end where i'm showing myself clicking is when i'm trying to close the window and its not responding to my click. Again, this is the case with both when i'm using a usb powered mouse and my trackpad. [URL]
my laptop is 2 months old and i've noticed the past few days my computer freezes for a good minute whenever i do full screen videos wether its youtube (safari browser), or downloaded video it still freezes and the dock disappears along with it.
I purchased an album off the itunes store recently, and one of the songs does not play in full, it stops after about 30 seconds - any idea why, how I can fix it, or how I can complain about it?
I just started watching some tv shows I downloaded and I am using VLC... When I go to full screen it pixelates/isn't smooth. I just tested it on my Alu uMB connected to a 21.5" monitor and it doesn't do that...
I have a new Mini, 2.0ghz, 4gb Mushkin RAM upgrade. When I try to stream video from YouTube at fullscreen on my 22" display it will play fine for about 10-15 seconds but will then lock up. If I do command option esc. for a Force quit, the video kicks back out of fullscreen to a regular web browser, and immediately continues from where it locked up just fine. This happens in both FF and Safari. Reboot does not solve the issue.
was wondering if when your watching a youtube video or anything that makes the nvidia 330m kick in do you experience a lag when hitting the full screen button? I have the graphics switcher/indicator program installed and whenever I go to full screen it goes from intel to nvidia and there is a good 1-2 second delay from clicking the button to going to full screen. If I force 330m to be on at all times the lag goes away. This seem normal? You would think Apple would have ironed out this kink. It makes my computer go from feeling snappy to slow when my netbook can full screen faster.
I would like to shoot video, and project it on a big screen, but without the menus and what-not: ie full screen. I've hooked up my camera via firewire, and am using Quicktime, but it doesn't let me select View:Full screen.
I currently have my MacBook hooked up to a second 20" display. My problem is that I want to play fullscreen Flash video, eg. from BBC iPlayer or direct from the BBC site, on one monitor and not have it affect what goes on on the second monitor.
Each time I open a Flash video on my MacBook monitor in fullscreen, if I then click anywhere on my second monitor, the video always falls out of fullscreen mode back into windows mode. Is there a way round this? I'd like to watch this content fullscreen but do other tasks on my other primary monitor.
I have a Samsung 2033SW hooked up to my mac and whenever I play video full-screen on on screen (either the laptop or the samsung), the other screen blacks out. This happens whether I use VLC, RealPlayer or Quicktime. How do I set it up so that I can play full-screen video on one and still be able to use the other screen for other stuff?
I'm pretty sure it's not because there aren't enough resources because I can still play "fit-to-screen" on one screen and still have access to the other screen.
So this problem started yesterday where whenever I try to play a video (youtube,or any other site) neither the sound nor image works, but whenever i make the video fullscreen, everything works perfectly. It's a bit annoying if I want to watch a video or listen to music off youtube whilst doing other things.