OS X :: Desktop / Screen Saver Preferences Pane Crashes - SOLVED
Aug 25, 2008
I'm having an issue with my iMac running 10.5.4. Whenever I try to select a screen saver System Preferences starts to beach ball, and then will crash. Sometimes I can get it to select the screen saver that I want, but then if I try to preview it, System Preferences beach balls, and then crashes. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Has anyone else found that their screensaver system preferences pane crashes to the desktop when you try to access it? Ever since I upgraded to 10.5.6 I have had this problem. My screensaver is now just a black screen and I can't change it because the preference pane crashes everytime. Spaces, expose and dashboard seem to now only work when they want and its not very often. I have reinstalled 10.5.6 using the combo update to see if that fixes things but it doesnt. I have been send all the crash reports to Apple. This is REALLY getting me mad now! Im on a PMG5 dual 1.8. Never had any problems with it until 10.5.6 came along. I have an ATI X800XT could the update of the ATI stuff in 10.5.6 be causing all this crap? I am reluctant to do a clean install because it will take me days to get all my apps back and how I have them set up now plus I don't think it will make the slightest bit of difference as the combo update hasn't.
my 5k iMac "cannot open desktop and screen saver prefernces pane" nor can it open "display preferences pane" under system preferences; what is going on? I restarted in safe mode and tried several other fixes from earlier questions but nothing changed.
Info: iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
When I open system preferences pane, desktop and screen saver, it freezes and I get the spinning beachball. This does not happen with any of the other system preferences.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1.8 Ghz Intel Core i7 late 2011
I just install Lion 10.7 from scratch using a bootable DVD I made from the Install Mac OS X Install ESD Dmg found within the app. After restoring my accounts and data from a time machine backup, everything seems to work fine except for 3 preference panes within the System Preferences, (Desktop & Screen Saver, Energy Saver, and Spotlight.) I've tried reinstalling Lion over the current installation, I've tried reinstalling the latest combo update, I've trying repairing disk permissions, I've tried installing System Preferences app as well as each individual .prefpane, none of which worked. When trying to run the preference pane I get:
"Preferences Error. Could not load Desktop & Screen Saver preference pane." Replace Desktop & Screensaver part with Energy Saver and Spotlight respectively for each pane. When I run the preference pane, here is the output from the console:
3/19/12 6:13:04.765 PM System Preferences: [NSPrefPaneBundle instantiatePrefPaneObject] (/System/Library/PreferencePanes/DesktopScreenEffectsPref.prefPane): principalClass is nil.
All three give the same error, again replacing DesktopScreenEffectsPref.prefpane with the corresponding pane.
Whenever I try and open up my energy saver preferences a pop up appears "Could not install (null) preferences pane". The energy saver preferences is not in my system preferences anymore I have to spotlight search to try and open it. I have the highest update on all of my settings for my macbook pro (one of the original 13" pros from when they changed the macbook unibody to the macbook pro). I've tried googling and nothing really substantial comes up or I just cannot understand it. I've tried repairing disk permissions etc.
I am having a problem with System Preferences freezing up when selecting Desktop & Screen Saver. Everything else on the system works fine. I loaded a picture on the Macintosh HD Device (all other pictures are under a specific user account) to access it as a desktop background. The correct picture appears as the desktop background, but I want to change the picture. As soon as I select Desktop & Screen Saver under System Preferences the window freezes. The only way to unfreeze is to select something else on the Dock (which doesn't magnify as it normally does), then close that and go to back to System Preference and then close it. Or select something else from the dock and then Force Quit the Systems Preferences.
I will get an error message and the problem details (which I know VERY little about) show an Exception Type:
EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) and Exception Code: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS If that helps.
I tried sending the picture to the trash and then reloading it, but that didn't help either.
I ordered my Iman directly from apple and it came with Lion OS installed and I did not receive a Disc with Lion on it. So, I can't download the necessary file from the CD. I have read about how to reinstall this application if you have a disk, which I don't.
When I choose the Desktop/screensaver option in the system pane, it unexpectedly quits. I can see that my screensaver is set to "Never". It will not let me click on "Desktop". To help trouble shoot the issue, I made another login account with the default settings - and the system pane works. I am able to test the screen savers, ect.Is there a way to copy the files/setting from the new login in to the old?
I accidentally deleted the DesktopScreenEffectsPref.prefPane and I can't get it back without reinstalling Mac OS X. I already tried repairing permissions, and all that stuff. The file is gone (for sure). I am using Mac OS X 10.4.11
My dad just bought the $1999 model of the new MacBook Pro a few days ago. Previously he had a MacBook Pro with a 2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo processor in it. We used target disk mode to transfer all of the data over and everything went fine. The only problem now is in System Preferences when using the screen savers his favorite iTunes album artwork screen saver is not working saying there is no album artwork in iTunes which isn't true (I checked ). When in that preference it causes System Preferences to slow down to the point where I need to force quit it and it causes the application to crash.
As anyone found a way to create a video playing screen saver in Quartz Composer in Snow Leopard. These screen savers work fine in Leopard but crash System Preferences when you attempt to load them in Snow Leopard. They seem to work just fine within Quartz Composer.
In all the screenshots I see of Energy Save.prefpane, I notice that people have a "Better Battery Life" setting or something similar. However, my Energy Saver looks like this (screenshot below). Why is this? Anyway to change it if it is actually different and incorrect?
I oped system preferences and it crashes, I open activity monitor and force quit it and then open it again and it crashes.. what can i do? i got a mac book pro 2.4 ghz intel i5 10.7.4 4 b
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I was hoping somebody could lend a hand here and tell me how to put my Serene Screen Aquarium Screen Saver as my desktop. I love it and want to be able to work in my aquarium, so to speak.
So there's this great hidden feature of OS X that allows you to set your screen-saver animation as your desktop background, but it is a Terminal command and it requires Terminal to be running in order to continue executing it. Here it is: Code: System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background So the million-dollar question is → Does anybody know of a way to keep this running even after you quit Terminal? Yeah I know, it's a waste of CPU cycles and battery power... but my Mac is plenty fast and is a desktop machine so I'm not concerned about that. So how about a Terminal command to made the above Terminal command not require Terminal to be open in order to continue?
I've got an animated GIF file that I'd like to use as my desktop wallpaper. I can't figure out how to set it up. If that isn't possible, how can I set it so the GIF file plays as my screen saver, as I've heard of applications that can use a screen saver as the desktop.
When ever I enter the "Desktop & Screen Saver" preferences, the menu becomes unresponsive and freezes. CPU usage jumps to 50-60%. I've tried repairing permissions.
can someone using 10.5.6 on a Mac released before the new MacBooks please do me a favour and go to /System/Library/PreferancePanes and check if EnergySaver.prefpane is version number 4.0?
im using the Energy Saver preference pane which came with the new MacBook's Leopard install and i want to put back the old one back which came with Leopard installed on my Core Duo MacBook Pro but i lost my back up! so i want to know if the version from 10.5.0 is the same as 10.5.6. i hope i made sense .
p.s. i dont backup the system with Time Machine so i cant go back in Time and get it .
I changed my macs desktop background to my screen saver with this in terminal /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background How do I go back? i fail EDIT! SOLVED I used a program called visage to shut it off it
Recently, after a clean install to Snow Leopard (from Lion). I can no longer open the desktop and screen saver preference pane. I click, it hangs, I click again, and the entire system preferences unexpectedly quits.
I've googled and searched, deleted all of the plists mentioned in most of the threads, I've removed caches, created new admin accounts, tried logging in as the root to no avail. I've got my crash report:Process: System Preferences [1141]Path: /Applications/System Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System PreferencesIdentifier: com.apple.systempreferencesVersion: 7.0 (7.0)Build Info: SystemPrefsApp-1750100~13Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
I was changing my desktop screen saver. Now it says it is "Loading Images..." and won't stop. It is locked and I can't do anything.Everytime I click on my "System Preferences" -- the Desktop & Screen Saver comes up - has my old picture and states it is still loading images.
This has been going on for awhile and I can't seem to get it stop. The Colouful wheel goes around.
I can access my music, books, and apps libraries just fine. When I click on Movies or TV Shows libraries, iTunes quits unexpectedly. This has been happening for a few weeks, but I don't remember when I last updated iTunes. Currently, 10.6 is installed. I am assuming that this problem originated with my update to iTunes 10.6.
Today my Keyboard.prefPane stopped working. When I click it, I get the load message on the title scrren, but it never loads. If I click the button again the window goes blank. While doing this, I get this on Console. What can I do to get it working again?
When I go to "desktop & screen saver" in System Prefs, I have a mystery picture I cannot get rid of and it has been passed from Mac to Mac, OS to OS. It says it's on my desktop with the other pics that I see on my desktop that are actually there. I click on the picture to get its name or location and I get this ".UserImagesWelcomeSecondaryIm". So I try to find this location...nothing. I try to spotlight this exact phrase, NOTHING. This picture has gotten unbelievably annoying because I can't locate the physical file to delete it. I believe it may have been an image that was dragged off a browser onto the desktop.
Alright, this is possibly the strangest bug I've ever encountered on my mac. Right now, in my System Preferences, the Accounts pane won't load. Every other pane, including custom ones, works fine. But if I click on the Accounts pane, it chills there saying "Loading Accounts". If I click it again, it pulls up an empty pane. Also, under the Sharing pane, if I go to SMB sharing and click "configure accounts", nothing happens. I assumed it was permissions, but that didn't fix it. I did a full disk verification too, and that didn't help. The pref pane is there, I have read permission for everything, and the .nibs all open up in Interface Builder fine.
I've cleared the preference file and system prefs/spotlight caches with no luck. Repaired permissions. It seems the Music icon is holding up the others. If I re-arrange them they break only after "Music." This is in the console after opening the preference pane:
3/8/12 1:18:15.593 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music 3/8/12 1:18:15.594 PM System Preferences: Rebuilding icon cache. 3/8/12 1:18:15.773 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music
and earlier,
3/8/12 12:33:33.922 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Applications 3/8/12 12:33:33.922 PM System Preferences: Rebuilding icon cache. 3/8/12 12:33:34.111 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)