Software :: MacBook Shuts Down During Boot Up?

Aug 18, 2009

Upon hitting the power button, it got as far as the Apple logo screen (with chime), and then promptly powered itself down. 6+ subsequent tries have resulted in the same result; it never makes it past the boot sequence. We've tried resetting the PRAM and starting in safe mode, but we get the same result. It's also been plugged into the A/C adapter (and we've tried multiple outlets) so it doesn't appear to be a battery issue.

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MacBook :: Display Shuts Off After Boot?

Oct 3, 2010

Just as the title says I have a Macbook 2,1 (2.16 c2d) and after booting into osx the display shuts off. I can use the notebook as a desktop with an external monitor. Any ideas as to how i can fix this?

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MacBook :: 2009 Will Not Recognize Battery And Shuts Down After Boot-up?

Jun 24, 2012

the other night my girlfriends white 2009 Macbook (was updated to lion) stopped recognizing the battery. Only would boot when plugged into AC. I have other Macs so I tried different power adapters and switching in a battery that I knew was charged from another Macbook, and still did not recognize. Both batteries show 80% full or more when button pressed on battery. I moved it to my office to debug, requiring that I shut down and move the power cord. Then when I booted up, it started shutting down 10 seconds after reboot to user screen. I did the SMC reset and the PRAM resets, did Safe mode checking. Mac would still not "see" the battery or stay on for more then a few seconds even on AC. I then used the Snow Leopard install DVD and disc utilities, did a complete erase of the hard drive and reinstall of the Snow Leopard DVD. That took around 30 minutes, and the Macbook stayed on the entire time during reinstall. 1st boot after reinstall, stayed on long enogh to "set up" a user, then the shutdown problems appeared again.  

Not entirely sure, as the power light on the front has been faulty for over a year, so i can not see if it is "on", but if I plug in a thimb drive, the thumb drive light blinks as if it is getting poweer, I would think thta means the computer is on, maybe the display is just shutting off? I do not have the original install discs, just the Snow Leopard 10.6.3 install DVD and a Lion install thumb drive, how can I do a AHT? 

White Macbook early 20092 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo2 Gb Ram
120 GB Harddrive
Serial W8909P004R1

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Boot Unless Hold The Power Button And Shuts Off After Closing

Jun 17, 2012

My mac book pro (current gen) shuts off after closing the screen and won't start up unless I hold the power button for about 10 secs.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Does Not Boot Even In Safe Mode - Shuts Down When Progress Bar Reach To 25%

Aug 21, 2014

I'm facing an issue with my MacBook Pro Mid 2010. It hangs on startup and only shows a white screen with the Apple logo and an activity indicator. 

I already tried:

- Replacing the HDD with a new SSD with Mavericks installed (if I put this SSD into another MacBook everything works fine)
- when trying to boot in Safe Mode it reaches about 25% in the progress bar and then shuts down
- same when I boot in Single User Mode
- when I boot in verbose mode I'm getting this output 

jnl: disk0s2: open: journal checksum is bad (0xbff2db8 != 0xbff35a0)
jnl: disk0s2: replay_journal: from: 10668032 to: 12240896 (joffset 0x747000)
jnl: disk0s2: replay_journal: bogus block number 0x907a985480c1ad24
jnl: disk0s2: no known good txn start offset! aborting journal replay.

[Code] .....

Then the MacBook shuts down.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Won't Boot Past Gray Screen With Apple Logo And Then Shuts Off

May 29, 2012

This morning, I would turn it on and it'd go to the grey screen with the Apple logo for a few seconds and then go to the icon that is a circle with a line through it. After reading online, I was able to boot it up in Safe Mode. I went to Startup Disk in Preferences. I chose the MAC OS X, xxxx and then clicked the lock to prevent further changes and then clicked restart. Now when I turn on the macbook, it goes to the grey screen with the Apple logo for at least two-three minutes and then just shuts off. Won't boot into Safe Mode now. I already tried the Command-Option-P-R keys trick like five times.

MacBook Pro

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Shuts Down During Boot

Dec 25, 2008

I have a 700MHz iMac G3, which froze during DVD playback and it needed to be rebooted. Now it will not boot, the gray screen comes up with the loading circle, but it will just shut down after about a minute. I have reset the PRAM, PMU and it is running 10.4. No beeps or anything when it shuts down, it just turns off.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Starts To Boot And Then Shuts Off?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a 2009 iMac with SSD drive and 2TB drive.For the last 6 months, I'd get kernel errors every now and again, and I would reboot and things would be fine. A few days ago, the computer totally froze, and when I turned it on, it would shut right off. I tried booting to recovery partition, nothing worked. I took it to the apple store yesterday and they hooked it up to an external drive and then did a diagnostic test and the genius said it needed a fresh install of lion, that something was corrupting it. So we did that (for some reason though, it took about 4 tries for him to get it), and then I took the computer home and ran time machine.

Every thing worked as it should for about 12 hours, I did reboot a few times in that time. Anyways, now, it's back to where it was where I turn it on, there's a status bar on the bottom that fills about halfway and then the iMac shuts down. The apple genius said that a corrupt program/application might be causing that. I find this hard to believe ... I can understand a corrupt program crashing or not starting, but is it possible for that to not allow the computer to even turn on? The other thing is that when the computer crashed a few days ago, I hadn't installed anything new/etc .... ???

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MacBook :: Pro Shuts Down On Its Own / Why Is This?

Dec 9, 2009

I'm considering buying a used MacBook Pro (early 2008) from a seller on eBay. The seller disclosed "Sometimes the machine shuts down after startup" but adds that he does not know why.

Does this sound like something anyone has encountered and if so, was it serious?

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MacBook Pro :: It Shuts Down At 10%

Apr 10, 2012

My computer started to shut itself down without warning at around 10% battery power when my battery was bad. I bought a new battery, which works fine, but the problem persists. The computer does never tell me that battery is low or anything; it simply shuts down at 10% without warning and I can't seem to be able to do anything about it.

Info:Mac Pro

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OS X :: Macbook Shuts Down Suddenly

Mar 19, 2010

This started about 2 days ago, there was no apparent signs of such a thing going to happen.

My MacBook suddenly shuts down in the middle of my work. Shut down as in a sudden shut down, as if the battery was removed. There is no shutdown process, the whole screen just goes black. I've realized that this happens more recently when watching youtube videos, playing flash games etc.

Example : Computer dies in 10 minutes when watching videos/playing games. Computer dies in a few hours or NEVER when just typing, surfing.

It doesn't seem to be a battery problem. I've removed the battery and had my Macbook run on the Charger before, and it still died on me...

Battery Information:

Battery Installed:Yes
First low level warning:No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh):4390
Remaining Capacity (mAh):2128
Amperage (mA):-1720
Voltage (mV):11081
Cycle Count:495

Mac OSX 10.4.11

1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1.25GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I run bootcamp, same problem on my other operating system

Hardware Overview:

Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook2,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:1.83 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache (per processor):2 MB
Memory:1.25 GB
Bus Speed:667 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MB21.00A5.B07
SMC Version:1.13f3
Serial Number:4H7110U8WGK
Sudden Motion Sensor:

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MacBook :: Shuts Down Right After Start Up?

Mar 15, 2012

my macbook shuts off after initial start up

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MacBook Pro :: It Randomly Shuts Down

Apr 3, 2012

My 13" Macbook Pro is forcing me to shutdown and restart my computer at random times. So far I've only noticed this when I'm on Safari.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Airport Shuts Down After 15 Min

Apr 11, 2012

when I am connected to MSN or watching a movie on internet my airport just stops and will not turn on unless I restart computer.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Air :: Gets Extremely Hot And Shuts Down?

May 23, 2012

If  my macbook air gets extremely hot and shuts down means that i need to take it back to the apple store?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: It Shuts Off And Cannot Start

Jul 5, 2012

I have a late 2010 MacBook Air.Unfortunately, I'm in a country without an Apple store or any kind of official Apple support (no phone number to call).

2 days ago, I plugged in a little USB modem device (wireless is rare here) and my laptop shut down suddenly. It refused to restart at all until I did an SMC reset and then it was working fine (including with the USB modem plugged in).

However, the next day, the same shut-down occurred (when I plugged in the modem again) and now SMC reset is not doing anything. I've held down the start button for a very long time and there aren't any signs of life. The light on the charger shows that it is charging when I plug it in.

Info:MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Off Unexpectedly

Jun 4, 2014

As of a few days ago my MacBook Pro has been acting oddly. When I shut the clamshell and reopen it again a few minutes (or hours) later it's hot and makes sounds as if it is working hard at something but the display will not turn on. I usually end up turning it off anf then on again via the power button. I have a wireless keyboard attached due to damage to the laptop's own keyboard, but use the laptop's power button (which still functions). I've reattached, and reset, the keyboard a few times in case that was the problem but had no luck. It doesn't hinder my usage of the computer once it's on again but it is strange.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Down When Put On Sleep (OS X 10.8.6)

Jun 19, 2014

I have a Macbook pro (OS 10.8.6), when I put it to sleep by closing the lid or explicitly choosing sleep option,it goes to sleep, but when I open the lid, the machine shutsdown. I have to press the power button for around 30 seconds to start the machine. In the logs I could find--Shutdown due to error code --79 and sleep failure shutdown.

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MacBook Pro :: Overheats And Shuts Down?

Aug 26, 2014

My Mac Book (NOT PRO) get hot and shuts down

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Tries To Start Up Then Shuts Off

Aug 27, 2014

Macbook air tries to start up then shuts off ....

iPhone 4

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Down Without Warning?

Dec 10, 2014

Ever since I updated to Yosimite - my MacBook Pro is shutting down many, many times a day w/o warning.  How can this be fixed?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.1.x)

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Down When Put It To Sleep?

Sep 10, 2014

My Macbook shuts down when I put it to sleep.

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Itself Off After Startup

Jun 28, 2014

2 or 3 months ago my charger broke, I havnt used my macbook pro since then, until recently when I got a new charger. Now my Mac wont start up.Or, it starts up then shuts itself down again.

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Down Instead Of Sleep When Out Of Battery

Sep 20, 2007

Is it strange that my MacBook now just shuts down when it runs out of battery instead of just going into sleep mode? It's about two weeks old now. It used to go into sleep mode, but now it just shuts down once the battery is down. Also, I had the most wonderful experience with Apple. My first macbook (three weeks ago) had a small chip on the screen. When I finally noticed it, I thought it was a large piece of dust so it wasn't too terrible. I tried to exchange it at the local store where I purchased it, but it had already been four days and I had cut out the UPC for the printer and ipod rebate the day before and sent it out. So they recommended that I go see a mac genius and see if I can get the screen replaced because I could no longer exchange it or return it (risk losing my rebates).

So, a bit upset that I was too prompt about getting the rebates in, I scheduled an appointment with a genius. When I spoke to him, he just went to the back and got the manager. The manager said instead fixing the screen, he'd liked to give me a new macbook and instant reimbursement for the ipod and printer! (the rebates I sent in will be rejected since the mac has been returned). The new macbook I noticed has a much louder superdrive seems to be working hard every time the computer wakes up and when I open it, but that definitely beats a chip on the screen. But now it doesn't go to sleep after the battery gets low, but instead shuts off.

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MacBook :: Won't Work With Unplugged / Shuts Off

Feb 16, 2010

My Macbook shuts off immediately when unplugged and will not start up unless it's plugged in. This just started last night...I was using it while it was charging and then unplugged it when it got to 100%, and it immediately shut off. Prior to this, it seemed to be charging and running fine. It also runs fine plugged in.

I did some searching and tried some of the suggestions I found...shutting down, taking the battery out, holding down the power button for 5 secs, and replacing the battery...making sure the connectors were clean, downloading battery update, etc. Nothing helped. I also read an article about how the lithium polymer batteries will just quit suddenly like that instead of running down gradually. So I'm hoping all I need is to buy a new battery. But my question is this: Since the system profiler shows the battery health is "good," does this indicate something else is the problem? Or will it still show it's good after it completely dies?

Here are the stats according to System Profiler:
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):3955
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):3956
Health Information:

I am just now learning about these things, so apparently 1047 cycles is a good life for the battery. I just want to know that this is the only problem so I can order a battery and be done with it. Wish I could run it over to the Apple store and have them check it, but it's an hour and a half away, so if I do that, it'll have to be later in the week or next week. Naturally, I don't want to be patient and wait.

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MacBook Pro :: Brand New Shuts Down For No Reason?

Mar 26, 2012

My two week old Mac Pro shut downs for no pparent reason. Using the wireless, not plug in to an outlet but battery fully charged. Both times happen within 15hrs. apart.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5

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MacBook Pro :: 13'' Mid 2010 Shuts Down Randomly?

Mar 26, 2012

I have my macbook pro with 2.66GHZ, 320GB, 4GB RAM..It  runs properly however it shuts down randomly. Sometimes after one hour other times after just a few minutes. Am wondering what the problem could be. I have done all teh PRAM resets. Thought it was the fan but the fan runs normally.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Suddenly Shuts Down Itself, How To Stop That

Apr 6, 2012

It just suddenly shuts off and I need to turn it on again

MacBook Pro, Other OS

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MacBook :: Shuts Down On 60% Battery Percentage?

May 5, 2012

My MacBook shuts down on random percentages when used on battery power. I can only use it for FIVE minutes before it shuts down. And as I said, it shuts down before the battery runs down to 0%.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Shuts Down Unexpectedly?

May 16, 2012

Recently, my MBP has been shutting down unexpectedly and then the front light will flash 3 times. 

The MBP is running Mac OS X, version 10.6.8, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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