Software :: Mac Mail Won't Fetch Email From Pop Accounts
Oct 1, 2009
My mac mail account wont fetch my mails from pop accounts...console message reads: error for database. SQLite error code:1 SQL logic error or missing database during invocation.. This happened it seems like after the clock for some reason was set back to 1969 for some odd reason - I reset it back to today and this happened.
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Dec 11, 2014
Yosemite 10.10.1 - Mail 8.1 - Ethernet Connection...Since the upgrade to Yosemite, Mail is very slow when checking for (Fetching) email messages. Run 2 accounts - both affected. Did go to Mail Preferences --> Accounts --> Advanced and unchecked "Automatically detect & maintain account settings"
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Feb 5, 2008
I'm trying to create a workflow in Automator which will basically:
- Fetch new email messages
- Filter the messages so only ones with a certain sender come through
- Take the attachment from these and save it in a folder
The following workflow works perfectly for it:
- "Get New Mail"
- "Find Accounts in Mail"
- "Get Attachments from Mail Messages"
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Jun 6, 2012
After a recent OS upgrade my Mac Mail no longer access my POP email accounts. Both worked perfectly before this.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24" Cinema Display
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Feb 16, 2009
I've come across a strange problem that I'm not sure if Mac Mail will be able to deal with natively. Basically, I have several contacts in my address book that have 2 addresses; work and home. I also have 2 mail accounts set up; my work account and my home account. I've run into a few problems at work when I'm sending email to colleagues as it was auto-selecting their personal addresses when I typed in their names. I managed to fix that but now when I send mail from my personal account, the auto-select chooses their work email first so I have to scroll down to choose their personal account.
Is there a way of getting mail to understand that if I'm sending mail from my personal account, then "home" addresses should show up first in auto-complete but if I'm sending from my work account, then "work" addresses should show up first? I understand this is probably a bit of a long shot without a third party tool but thought it best to ask!
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Apr 15, 2009
I've only really used Mail in a very basic way - for reading email from three email accounts, one work, two Gmail. I've never attempted to organize things in any way. However, I want to clean things up a bit now. I'm getting a lot of work emails - I'm a journalist - and I want to organise them based on which article they relate to. I presumed the easiest way to do this would be to create a folder (a 'Mailbox' I take it, Mailbox > New Mailbox) and drag the relevant emails to the corresponding folder. However, when I do this the emails no longer appear in my overall Inbox, so when I search the Inbox, they don't appear. I've had a quick look around the Preferences, but can't see a simply option for changing this. Am I going about this the right way organising using Mailboxes? Or is there a better way perhaps?
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Dec 7, 2014
I have recently found the problem that I open the Apple Mail app and nothing is functional. When I try to edit account settings it doesn't let me access those. I want to reinstall mail app or at least update its settings. I read in some blog that yosemite "guesses" and changes your prefered account settings so I wonder if that is the cause after I backed up my emails recently I had loads of messages asking for my passwords, which never happened in Mavericks.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 3, 2014
I am working in an office that has numerous old email accounts on the computer from past temp employees that we keep so that I can reference their communications.  Since updating to Mavericks, when I add or delete accounts from Mail, the changes are restored when I restart mail or reboot the computer. How do I permenently delete or add a new account. I have done this serveral times on other computers, but this one isn't responding as it should. It was running Snow Leopard before the upgrade.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Feb 23, 2012
We're using Mail 2.1.3 on a Mac Mini (OS 10.4.11), and having problems with email accounts misbehaving in Mail.We've been checking 6 accounts (2 gmail, 1 yahoo, 3 from US Cable). Now I've tried to add 2 new gmail accounts (we're losing the USCable accounts in a few days), and started having problems. Even though the settings in both new gmail accounts are correct, they will not send email via the server, and give me the message:
"Cannot send message using the server" and it asks me to send the message using a different server.
Additionally, as I've been trying to troubleshoot this, my 2 formerly working gmail accounts have both started not working. Connection Doctor says the login for one failed, and the smtp for the other "could not connect". Though Connection Doctor says that connection and login to server succeeded for the 2 new gmail accounts, it does not even list the smtp attempts for the new accounts. I've tried deleting and recreating the new email accounts within this main user's version of Mail several times, no success.
All the email accounts are using the POP protocol, and we don't want to change to IMAP (we have multiple users checking the same accounts from different devices). I've verified the settings being correct 2 ways: Setting them up on a different machine (my MacBook running Mail 3.6, OS X 10.5.8) and on the same machine via a newly-made user on the Mac Mini. Both ways can send and receive mail just fine from these new email accounts.
I think something's hopelessly corrupted, and that I need to somehow reinstall the Mail program, or at least get rid of all the accounts and preferences or whatever needs to be deleted, and recreate all the email accounts again. How can I do this, without losing our many messages that we have filed in a number of folders?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Mar 8, 2012
workflow for handling multiple email accounts in Mac Mail? i am returning from Postbox (which seems to have had "Accounts" that I could organize these in) and I am not sure how to handle them in Mac Mail.
i have two websites with multiple email addresses and I have a gmail and a address etc etc.
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Mar 1, 2012
I am trying to manually setup my email accounts using mail app on my imac. Mail wont find my exchange account automatically and I want to add them manually. How do I deselect 'Automatically set up mail'? I do not see this option when I click "add account'?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I'm using OS Lion 10.7.3
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Dec 2, 2014
I have two email accounts (IMAP) on my Mail App on MacBook and even though I configured it to sync manually it still does sync by itself each time I get a new message. How I can put it to really sync manually. Â
MacBook Air
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May 30, 2010
it is possible to get my work email account (pop) to sync with mobile me as well as my mobile me account?
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May 15, 2009
In Mail, when you add an account, why does it take so ridiculously long to verify with no way to skip verification? At first I thought this was just my system but I've now had a friend ask me why it's so slow (took 17 minutes) and he's on a different ISP and everything. This means that 100% of the computers I've seen take an unacceptably long time to verify the account. This problem only appears to affect Apple Mail. I find it hard to believe that Apple could release something this bad, so I have two questions:
1. Is this normal?
2. Why does it happen?
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Apr 12, 2012
Just purcahsed a new IMac. my e-mail is coming into mail fine, but how do I add my wife's account, and how do we switch back and forth from accounts.
Our older Mac is still up and working, we used Entourage for that, and I kind of would like to duplicate ithe process in Mail if possible. Still getting mail there too.
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Jul 30, 2010
I know the newer Intel QPI processors have three main-memory channels, and I've seen much discussion and several complaints on these threads that Apple didn't expand their memory risers to squeeze in six DRAM sockets instead of four, so that the module count on each riser could be a multiple of 3. (And also that they should have done this for the 2009 Nehalems).
Here's my question: what kind of performance would I be losing and why if I got one of these new Westmere machines, discarded Apple's stock memory and replaced it with 4--rather than 3--OWC 4GB sticks? What I specifically don't understand is, can't the QPI fetch from any 3 of the 4 modules at once?
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Apr 18, 2012
I'd like to get off Google Gmail, but I have to retreive and read email from accounts other than my account. Is this in the product?
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4GB RAM
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May 11, 2012
Just purchased the imac. how I can permantley keep my email accounts online. It is so frustrating, when the computer keeps asking for my passwords
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 16, 2012
Will I have to re-do the directives from my other email accounts? do you suggest saving all of the account info separately before migrating to iCloud?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 10, 2014
In my home machine I have several email accounts. I have a wife, two company accounts, and 4 young kids and each of them has is own account
Still they all look like as follows
My Name <>
My Name<>
and so on
As my kids receive emails, when they want to reply they would like to have their name in the header as this
mywife <>
sonaccount <>
In the Mail preferences the names are grey and cannot be modified
Before iCloud this was easy to do, but how to do so in the latest version of Mavericks? Â
I can no longer use one of my accounts. What happens when I try to add it to Mavericks Mail it recognises the log and pass as correct, however the Mail option is not available.
Trying to enter the mail box from SAFARI the iCloud,com website recognises my log and pass, clicking on the MAIL option it asks me to enter the log and pass again, doing so it tells me that log is already taken
I don't understand how this is possible as these are all paid account for well over a decade and I am already correctly in my iCloud account.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 26, 2009
Instead of readding every single thumbnail, how do I get it to fetch all the thumbnails for the ones I already have? I'm running 3.0.0 build 30047.
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Dec 30, 2008
Im very green to the apple way of computing, before I got this new aluminum macbook from santa I've always used windows. Anyway, I am loving my new apple but of course transferring all my old stuff and getting used to how the new programs work can be quite a hassle. Right now im trying to get apple mail to function like outlook did. Please be patient with me. I have several email addresses, private, business, hobby, etc. They go with several of my websites. But they are all hosted with the same server, so although every email has a different name, they all use the same mail server, user name and password.
I know I can add new accounts and by adding different email addresses to the name, divided with a , I can send emails from different addresses. But here is my problem. Every email I send comes from the same sender, the same name but a different email address. & all come from sender Jo, not from hab & jo as I would like. Everytime I try to add a new account I get this message; "The account "jo" already has this hostname and username". I know it does! But I still want to use those with different email accounts, just like I used to do in Outlook.
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Nov 28, 2009
i have just moved over from windows and got myself a new 21.5" imac and am loving it. this may sound like a
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Feb 2, 2010
It's more of an annoyance than a problem, but it seems in mail, I am unable to rename my email accounts, to something better than the email address. The rename selection is greyed out in the menu.
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Jul 25, 2010
I formatted my macbook recently and lost my passwords for hotmail and gmail and I don't remember them as I gave remember my password option. I don't remember the answer to the secret question. Is there any software that I can use to retrieve my passwords.
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Jul 11, 2008
Which I then managed to set up again but emails going to wrong inboxes which I then tried to rectify & now I can't get mail to either inbox. I have gone to Mac Help & even tried to delete both accounts with no joy.
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Feb 10, 2012
I have suddenly been deluged with apparently undeliverable mail sent elsewhere but returned to my email address from Hotmail. I am neither a subscriber/member of Hotmail, nor of Windows Live. How do I simply block a sender from my email inbox? With the PC there was an ability to name senders, but I cannot find the same on my iMac.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), + 2 iphones and ipad
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Apr 21, 2012
My email stopped reciving email yesterday from all of my email accounts. If I go directly to gmail, myuw, comcast, etc, all email are there.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 26, 2012
All three of my email accounts are offline, will not go online?
IMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 11, 2012
I cannot access any of my mac email accounts on any device.
Info:G5, Mac OS X (10.4.6)
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