Safari :: Disable Auto-refresh In 4.0.4?
May 1, 2012I find the auto refresh of websites irritating. Sites even refresh while viewing an imbedded video, forcing you to restart the vid.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I find the auto refresh of websites irritating. Sites even refresh while viewing an imbedded video, forcing you to restart the vid.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I am very new to apple script but already a huge fan of the possibilities. I'm looking to write a script that will auto refresh a web page ive loaded on safari. if possible id like to be able to set it to a specific safari window so that i can continue you brows in a separate window.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have a Safari webpage refresh automatically every minute to every couple minutes? I have a page that updates very frequently that I need info from. I am not really familiar with RSS but does it do something like that? I seriously doubt this site does not have a feed (if thats what it needs).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use certain websites wherein I have to continuously refresh every 2-3 minutes. It sometimes get really irritating. I am using a mac, snow leapord generally use safari. Can anyone tell me how I can put some settings wherein my webpage itself refreshes every 2-3 minutes. Or any other browser I need to download.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to Safari 5 yesterday, and I am finding the new URL autocomplete to be the most obnoxious thing I have ever dealt with. Is there any way to disable URL autocomplete all together, or revert it to its old behavior?
View 24 Replies View RelatedAnyway to disable this? I can in Firefox but can't figure it out in Safari. They're taking them from the bookmarks, not the history, FYI
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make iTunes auto refresh its library? I have 2 MacBooks, a Mac Pro, and a Mac Mini for an HTPC with an external 2TB drive. I have all of our music on the external drive.
Plex Media Server auto-refreshes wonderfully. Just looking for a script or workflow or app or service that will automatically add my new media in my iTunes Library to the iTunes program every 24 hours or so.
How do you get iTunes to refresh the music selection it puts in the iPod?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a CD that opens a program on the CD every time I insert it. How can I disable that? The CD is read only.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this is properly autofill or autocomplete - the two overlap too much anyway so I'm not wasting brain cells trying to come up with a distinction that makes sense to non-engineers. ANYWAY. Here's the point.
I'm on my bank website. My login is xtnjohnson -- just like here. Only I mistyped it once, so in autofill/autocomplete (whichever it is), I get a little drop-down showing two options: xtnjohnson or xtnjohson.
I want to delete only the second option. I recall at sometime finding a very simple way that involved highlighting the offending entry and hitting either control-delete, shift-delete, command-delete, or function-delete, only I can't seem to get any of those combinations to work. And of course I can't find the thread anymore.
The solution did *not* involve dealing with the autofill preferences in *any* way -- I've seen that option and it doesn't help (a) because there's no quick way to find the website where the problem is occurring (my list is long), (b) even when I go through my list, I don't see my bank's url, (c) the place for entering my login appears to be in something like JavaScript, so I'm not sure it'd be tracked in one of those lists, and (d) I don't know that this is properly an "autofill" problem anyway.
Safari 5, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I got BootCamp setup with a Windows 7, however whenever I restart or turn on my MBP it automatically boots into Mac, and if I want to boot into windows i would have to hold on to the option/alt key at the start in order for me to choose which drive to boot from. So my question is whether there is a way so that every time I turn on the MBP it would automatically show up the 2 OSes for me to choose from?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a number of volumes on my computer and assorted drives, some of which I use very rarely, and I'd like to keep these from being mounted automatically, just to reduce the clutter in my sidebar.
Years ago there was a method of disabling the auto-mount feature of certain volumes, but I haven't the vaguest idea of how to do it now -- if in fact it can be done.
I've ordered Snow Leopard, but am still using 10.5.8 on a Mac Pro.
I've completed all software updates, so I'm at an impasse.
MacBook Air
My kids HD just started to fail. Apple replaced it this AM, however my kid's TM backup is about 5 months old. I am trying to recover the data from the old disk.
She put the old disk into an enclosure and connected it to her MBP. As I try to copy as much of the drive as possible it gets an error, ejects, then reconnects and give an annoying message that I didn’t eject properly. This is making it very difficult to get all the data off.
I figured if I mounted read-only that it’d stop doing that, but it does not. I’ve run fsck, etc…
All I need is for this stupid machine to log errors and move on just like single user mode. However, I cannot use single user mode because I am 2000 miles away from the machine. And using Facetime to remote control my kid has pushed me to the edge. There has to be a way to make OSX as “unfriendly” as Linux. OSX needs a “pro” mode.
So, I ask again. How do I stop OSX from auto ejecting a disk when it errors?
Since upgrading my iMac to the latest versions of Lion and Safari, I have noticed that the browser sporadically refreshes. This is most apparent while adding items from a Perl scripted shopping cart (url...) but I have also noticed it when viewing images in a Google search. The random refreshes do no occur in mobile Safari, nor in Firefox 12.
Info:iMac 2.4GHz C2D, 4GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.4.11), PM G5 Dual 2.3GHz, 8GB RAM
I've noticed that the ambient light sensor in the MBP can be somewhat sensitive. Sometimes an action as simple as moving my hands up to the keyboard (from the side) triggers the "auto-dimming" feature of the screen and it slightly reduces the brightness of the screen, then quickly returns. This is rather bothersome.
I've got the option under Keyboard and Mouse "Illuminate keyboard under low-light conditions" unchecked, but the screen still dims if you cover the speakers. I've also got the option under Energy Saver "Automatically reduce the brightness of the display before sleep" unchecked as well.
I'm at a loss here. Is there not a way to disable this auto-dim feature? A Google search didn't turn up much of anything. Surely there must be a way...
So I'm so sick of Firefox problems that I'm switching to Safari but there is no refresh button and also no stop button. Not even in the Customize toolbar, where you drag icons. What's up with that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need Safari to refresh every 2 seconds or so. Does anybody know any add-ons or anything at all that will let me do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny commands or programs that will allow me to automatically refresh any webpage that I am currently viewing? Say for like my emails or forums or mypsace or something.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI like and use Top Sites but it has become unsuable with this constant blacking out and reloading the thumbnails. My MBP has not seen a problem at all.
I have been searching every other day for over a month trying to find a fix in Windows Safari with no joy. I want to resolve, not switch browsers. only refreshes the Top Site thumbnails once a day or as some controlable interval. Started about two versions ago, now on ver 5.1.5. Windows 7 64bit.
Safari 5.1.5 for Win64 bit, Windows 7
I am using Safari (latest version: 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)) on a MacBook Pro (1.83Ghz Intel core duo), running OSX v.10.6.8 and have a curious issue that occurs whilst navigating between pages in Safari on occasion (not all the time):I can click on the link or navigate to the page, and the page appears to finish loading, but the previous page is still visible.Despite appearances, the page has in fact loaded, and clicking somewhere on the screen could load a link from this invisibly loaded page.It is just that the window hasn't refreshed.Is there an obvious solution to get the screen to refresh? Reloading (refreshing with cmd-R) the page doesn't do anything; the only way of making it visible is to force a window redraw by adjusting the size of window.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
For several months now safari has not been loading web pages properly (not them all, it is a bit random, but maybe every 3rd or 4th page I open?). The blue loading bar gets to about 1.5 inches from the end and stops. I can then click on the bar and refresh and it loads no problems but this is highly inconvenient and I can't seem to fix it.
I have reset safari, updated all software, I am on a mac book pro, I have Version 5.1.5 safari.
Would this be an internet problem rather than a software problem? How would I check.
It's not very convenient when you're doing something important like trying to get tickets for an event and then it jams, and you know you need to refresh but if you refresh you've lost the tickets...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just downloaded Safari for windows. I am such a Mac fan that I have even betrayed firefox but serioulsy. Safari is lighting fast. Anyways, Question: how do I change the refresh rate of RSS bookmarks in safari? I want like 5 mins instead of 30 for which they give the option. Also, can I have multiple user profiles in safari like I did in firefox?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to place a refresh toolbar icon on the Safari 4 toolbar? I realize I can type ⌘-r, but I've got in the habit of using the mouse to refresh my browser window.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have auto login on my profile and disable auto on the security page but still need to login every time I log out or shut down.I have also noticed that the general page of the security and privacy in Syste Prefs is different on my wife Macbook air and my pro....
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I surf the web, I click on interesting links every once and a while, sometimes they end up being files and Safari automatically downloads it, how do I make it ask me before it goes downloading wildly?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe autofill of my safari is not working! It does not let me remove any remembered username or password, neither will it remember any new ones I typed in. It keeps poping up the dialog asking me if I want to remember the username and password or not, but it won't remember them even though I clicked yes.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm not sure what I did but only on one specific page does Safari increase the font size. Going to zoom out makes it the way its meant to look but it doesn't stay permanent.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7)
Lately, whenever i put let's say "macrumors" in the address bar of Safari without putting the www or the .com it will not resolve to the actual website. This happens with any URL i put without the www or .com
View 14 Replies View RelatedAfter I quit safari, the next time I open Safari it opens all the windows and sites that were present in the last session. how I can disable this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)