Safari :: "dead" After Installing 5.1.5

Mar 29, 2012

Today I downloaded the newest version of Safari (which I think is 5.1.5) and now it won't open. Neither the alias in the toolbar nor the icon in the Applications folder reacts when I double click. I suppose I can redownload and re-install, but I assume I will lose bookmarks and such, some of which are important to me. I do use iCloud, but have no idea whether it has backed up my data, and if so how to retrieve it. (My machine is an early Xeon with 8 cores and 10 Gig of ram.)

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Installing Leopard With Dead DVD Drive?

Feb 19, 2009

I've googled and searched and tried so many things. I'm coming up on my wits end here. OK! Backstory. Have an iMac and a macbook (specs in my sig). The iMac has a dead DVD drive, I have a lacie external DVD drive for it now. Can't load Leopard from external drive. I load a disc image of the Leopard install onto an external harddrive (usb not firewire) - no workie. I partitioned the drive on my laptop thinking I can use this computer to boot from via the firewire. First I installed Leopard on the laptop (wish I hadn't done that now!) - and now I can't get the computers to see each other. When I restart T (on either computer) the drive/disc won't pop up on the other. What do I do? I can't find anything on the net regarding problems with tiger and leopard OS's not seeing each other.

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MacBook Pro :: Installing Leopard On 12" G4 PB With Dead Optical Drive?

Sep 21, 2009

Clearly we need to boot from an external hard drive of some sort, but we don't currently have the ability to do that. I have the disc, but his optical drive is shot. Is there a way to boot from my optical drive onto his computer? Or if I make a disk image on my computer, can I somehow boot from that disk image?

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Applications :: Safari Dead - Beach Ball Keep Spinning

Mar 2, 2010

I was updating my bookmarks in Safari and decided to get rid of the included News RSS-feeds that originally came with the browser because i use my own RSS-feeds. Shortly after our so beloved spinning beach ball of death appeared. I let it spin a bit but then decided to force-quit Safari. I restarted with knowing i could use my most favorite browser on the mac again but not so. Right after starting it the damn beach ball appeared again and didn't stop spinning. I force-quit again, restarted the app, force-quit again, same ****. I then let it do for like 10min's in hope it's doing some unknown calculations for whatever reasons after i deleted those RSS-feeds, it didn't stop. SO I restarted and thought ok this must be it, this must finally work! NO IT DIDN'T. I then did an Onyx maintenance cleaning to get rid of the web cache, etc, didn't work either. I went to download Webkit in hope that would work but no, it doesn't I can't believe this, WTF?!? All I did was getting rid of those RSS-bookmarks. What am I supposed to do now? Will a re-install of Safari work? I'm not even sure if the latest version for Snow Leopard is available for download?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Safari Crashes After Installing It

Apr 20, 2012

Safari crashes after installing it?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.66GHz, Core i7, 4 GB,

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OS X :: Safari Keeps Crashing After Installing Most Recent Update

Dec 27, 2008

I have a MacBook Pro running Tiger. After installing the most recent update, I find that Safari keeps crashing every time I open a new tab. I've tried cleaning out my plug ins and history.plist, but it hasn't helped.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Installing / Downloading New Programs From Safari?

Jan 31, 2012

I've been having trouble downloading programs from safari. And all of this has happened after i installed lion.

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Safari :: Its Quit After Installing Office 2011?

Feb 23, 2012

I just installed Office 2011 on my MacBook Pro (Mac OS X 10.5.8). Now every time I try to open Safari it quits unexpectedly.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Font Options In Safari After Installing Some Downloaded Fonts?

Feb 23, 2009

The other night I pulled some fonts that I downloaded a few years ago off of my external hard drive and installed them one by one into Font Book to the User profile. Right after I finished this, I noticed that now about 80% of the text on pages in Safari now appeared as the Yahoo font, instead of what they used to be (I visit about 10 different sites on a regular basis, so there's probably a variety of fonts that normally appear, but now most things appear as the Yahoo font). I don't have any style sheet selected in the Safari preferences, and the font preferences are untouched from what they are when Safari is installed. Not only are a lot of sites now hard to read because of the mess that the Yahoo font around size 10 is, but its just flat out annoying to read that crazy font.

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Applications :: Crashes After Installing Safari 4 Beta?

Feb 24, 2009

after having just installed Safari 4 beta, is always crashing when downloading an incoming mail.

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IMac :: Incorrect Email Password After Installing Safari 4

Apr 28, 2009

I realize this is probably not related to a iMAC alone but that is what I have and am experiencing problems using my email. After installing Safari 4 I began to have problems. I attempted to use my email and was prompted to provide my password. This is very unusual because I have not had to do that since I got the machine going about 5 months ago. So I type in my password or what I thought it should be and it comes back with incorrect password. I have made a half dozen attempts to locate the correct pop-up or panel that will allow me to change my password to see if this will work. No luck, arm's up in the air until I contact Apple on Thursday unless someone points this Old Man in the correct direction and I get things working tonight or when I return from work tomorrow.:

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Safari :: Can't Watch Video On Youtube After Installing Firefox

Mar 21, 2012

One day I had to look for a web page that only supporst firefox or explorer, I do not like other browser but safari, so I had to install that **** firefox, once I checcked that page, (an official page for governement) I uninstalled firefox, I do not like it and I rather my safari, suddenly I cannot watch video on youtube using my safari browser, some videos I can watch and a lot of them I cannot, videos that I have watched before, I checked my other mac wich is like a twin of mine only less ram and It works perfect on youtube.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Running Very Slow Since Installing Lion

Mar 24, 2012

Since installing Lion on my Macbook pro, my safari is running very slow.

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MacBook Pro :: Hang Up While Installing Safari Update - Now Not Turn On

May 29, 2012

I had to force it down during the installation cause in hang up. When I tried a restart the grey screen comes up as usually and the small wheel spins underneath. It spins for hrs. I tried the safe mode but it shows that all is good with the HD. Bootcamp works normally as I am writing from that part right now.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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Safari :: Gets Stuck On Opening Websites After Installing Lion?

Jun 7, 2012

Just downloaded Lion. Safari is sluggish or gets stuck on opening most sites. Many do not open. Never had this problem before installing Lion.

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OS X :: Safari Doesn't Work Properly After Installing Office For Mac 2011?

Oct 11, 2010

i m not sure if it has something to do with office 2011. coz i did not change any system configurations, only installed office for mac today.

airport also seems broken. can not sharing my internet for iphone.

internet sharing is on, firewall is off. iphone can connect to the wireless, but wont DHCP the right ip address. before it was something like 10.0.0.x when its working. now the ip adress i got on the iphone its

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IMac (Intel) :: Since Installing Yosemite Get Notice On Screen Safari Closed Unexpectedly

Dec 2, 2014

I get a notice on screen after finishing and closing Safari to tell me that Safari Closed unexpectedly - how can I stop this?

Example here :

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), Projector is a Panasonic PT-LC50E

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OS X :: Safari Font Optios After Installing Fonts In Font Book?

Sep 6, 2009

I installed some fonts in font book yesterday, and right after i did, the text in safari is messed up (see photo below) I already reset safari, and that didn't work.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Boot Camp Drivers Without Installing NVidia Driver?

Jul 28, 2009

I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.

But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.

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MacBook :: Fan Dead

Oct 31, 2010

The cooling fan, that is. It had been making a noise for a few months. Today I suddenly noticed a big drop in speed even for basic tasks such as scrolling down browser window. I realised the fan was silent, so I checked with Istat, and the fan was at 0 rpm. I immediately switched off the machine. A very faint smell of burn plastic is perceptible if one sniffs my MacBook. My questions:

- The MB was active without a working fan for 5-10 mins at the most. What are the odds that I cooked some crucial part?

- If I did cook some crucial part, could a technician tell when s/he opens the MB to change the fan?

- How much should I expect to pay (in the UK) for replacing the fan?

I'm trying to figure out whether I should get a new MBP 13''. I was hoping to hold back until the next refresh, as the hardware on the current version isn't that different from what I have in my 2007 MB. Thanks in advance for your help.

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OS X :: Quicksilver Might Be Dead In 10.6?

Aug 28, 2009

I haven't confirmed this yet, but nothing is working with Quicksilver.

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Power Mac :: G5 Just Went Dead

May 8, 2012

It was alive until the moment i tried to read my external drive via firewire. Then it hangs so i detached the external and reboot. 

Since then it refused to boot. 

I've tried : 

1. cmd+option+p+r

2. fsck -dy(it gives out a disk0s errors and other errors).


Everything fails. Now when it starts up i'll see the apple grey screen then it goes off. 

PowerMac G5 Dual cpu 1.8Ghz, iPod 4Gb,Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz, Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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OS X :: How To Recover Data From Dead HD?

Nov 24, 2010

my HD stopped working for whatever reason. i got the folder icon when i started my Mac mini that day and did lots of troubleshooting with no luck.

i ended up putting a new one in and all is fine now. EXCEPT all my pics and whatnot is on my old HD. is there any way possible to recover the data? what are the possibilities of getting the data over since the old HD stopped working? ive seen alot of those HD to USB data recovery connections to transfer info but dont know if it will work?

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Mac Pro :: Dead Pixels Usually Occur?

Mar 13, 2006

When do dead pixels show themselves? If I have a new PowerBook and it has no dead pixels, is there a possibility it will in the future?

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PowerPC :: Possible To Use Dead G3 As 2nd Display With G5?

Nov 7, 2006

I have a dead iBook G3 that I would like to use as a 2nd display for my iMac G5. What are the connections I would need to do this? Is it even possible?

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PowerPC :: Can't Get DVD Out Of Dead G4 IBook

Nov 19, 2006

My iBook G4 is dead (can't turn it on, get power, anything - RIP, iBook) and I've already ordered a new MacBook. However, a CD is stuck in the disk drive and I can't get it out...Any ideas on how to manually do this?

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OS X :: New IMac With Dead Pixels?

Mar 19, 2009

When I took my new Imac 24 out of the box last week, instantly i noticed about 3 or 4 dead pixels, they aren't too bad but it's only of those things you don't expect with a new computer and it can be quite distracting once you know they are there.... if i were to contact the place of purchase in regards to this do you feel i would be over-reacting to have it replaced or repaired or should i just suck it up?

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OS X :: Second Display Dead After 10.5.7 Update

May 13, 2009

After what was a slow and eventually stalled update I finally got the system running again. But I booted up today and ten minutes into work my second monitor cut out. I am afraid to reboot because others have had their displays disappear. I have major thunderstorms headed my way in the next 3 hours and I need to find out how to uninstall the update before they get here. I am somewhat new to Mac and this is the first update for me so how do I do this?

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MacBook :: 13 Dead Pixels

Jun 17, 2009

Tomorrow morning the brand new MBP 13 2.53 goes back to Apple for yet another dead pixel issue! The Staff in my local store are so, so helpful and are always there to help, but this will be my 4th pixel related return. It's a mighty fine machine but I'm beginning to feel like "that guy" who always takes his macs back!

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MacBook Pro :: What To Do About Dead Pixels?

Aug 24, 2009

I recently noticed 4-5 dead pixels (gray, not fixable with software) on my 1.5 year old MBP (see sig below). Definitely a bummer as I had to go through 2 MBPs when buying this computer just to get one without any dead pixels. I don't know why or when these pixels died. I have AppleCare and I am wondering if Apple will do anything about this. Is there a threshold for repairs (e.g., only 10+ pixels is repairable)? Has anyone ever got a repair/replacement for dead pixels? Is there anything I can myself to fix this problem?

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