Updated Computer And Now Safari Won't Play Any Video
Jun 12, 2012I just recently updated my Safari, to have it up to date.Now all of a sudden it will not play any video in Safari.How can I get my videos to play again?
Mac mini
I just recently updated my Safari, to have it up to date.Now all of a sudden it will not play any video in Safari.How can I get my videos to play again?
Mac mini
I have an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz Imac and I am running Snow Leoprad 10.6.8. The problem I am having is that since I recently updated Safari, I cannot run Youtube videos. Every time I try watching one, the page crashes. I know I am not alone here and I am surprised Apple has not approached this situation yet. I have tried running youtube videos on Firefox and have had no problems doing so, thus I figure it must be Safari. I've tried running safari in 32 bit mode and that is also not fine. I have emptied the cache and reset Safari as well but still no go.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Safari on my wife's iMac does not display video. Our home page has a video imbeded that plays just fine on my Mac Pro and we are both using the latest OS, 10.7.3, and the latest version of Safari, 5.1.3. She also has Firefox installed and it plays the video just fine. When I check her installed plug-ins, she has the QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.1, just as I do. Why does video show up in my setup, but not on my wife's iMac when we are using the same software. Do I need to re-install Safari?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
since updating Safari 5.1.5 Youtube Video won't play
MacBook Pro HD 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 8 gig of ram, Sandy Bridge Processor
YouTube video does not play in Safari?All I get in a black box?
Intel iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Aperture 3.2.2, Adobe CS 4
Safari 5.1 does not display video
iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
For some reason when I am using Safari, I am no longer able to play streaming video. Even the videos on YouTube aren't working.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I cannot get youtube to play on my iMac with OS 10.7.4 on safari or chrome additionally it will not play on any of my notebooks(MBP 15 2008w/ SL and a MBP 13 with Lion 10.7.4)removing and reinstalling chrome, flash. I've tried the switch from 32 to 64 to 32 bit and back.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Do I need to download any other software to play video-files from you tube and from which web site.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How to setup the Safari (browser) to able play all the video on youtube? On Screen: Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
We are using quick time player plugin and embedded it in the html. We are trying the play the streaming video URL in the quick time player plugin using Safari 5.1 It is working fine with Firefox, IE and even safari 5.0. Able to play the stand alone video but not the streaming video URL.
Safari 5.1, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
While I'm in safari and I try to watch certain videos or play online games it says missing plug-in
I updated to mac os x lion and can no longer play older blizzard games such as starcraft, warcraft 3, and diablo 2. For some reason it is no longer supported is there an update I need to get to play this software?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI want clean computer and reinstall.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have just updated my iMac G5 to 10.5.6. When I restart, it hangs on the blue screen before log in. I have restarted in Safe Mode (no problem there) and removed the APE files in the library folder, as suggested on support.apple.com. I have also repaired permissions and verified the drive. Still no luck.
Is it really possible that the computer needs hours to restart after the update? And would it be better for me to restore using Time Machine or do an Archive & Install with the Leopard discs? The computer was acting a little funky before I updated to 10.5.6 (iTunes was sluggish), but I never had a problem rebooting.
So whats the deal with the 5870, still listed as unavailable on Apple and barely anyones selling it. I'm trying to get an updated Mac video card to replace an aging 8800GT and one before Cataclysm comes out.
Any ideas on getting a 5870, not against buying a PC version and flashing a Mac rom to it if it gets me a working card.
I listen to and watch a lot of podcasts. Quite often, after I am done listening to a Audio Podcast I will watch a video podcast. Some times it gets stuck and won't play the video but plays audio fine. Anyone else have this problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedYou can get updated Nvidia Drivers for you Macbook here:
For XP:[URL]
For Vista:[URL]
It has updated 'forceware' and installs without problems. I noticed better performance in games than i was getting with the stock apple drivers. These are for the new late 2008 aluminum Macbooks with the geforce 9400m chipset.
im new to mac. I am looking for a video program that will play video ts files that I played on my old vista laptop/
View 2 Replies View RelatedUpgraded the software on my MacBook Mid 2009 to OS X Lion 10.7.2 and since then experiencing problems with the computer hanging whilst in the middle of something, generally Mail. Can this MacBook support this upgraded software? This problem didn't happen before the upgrade.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
apple support forums [URL]
I have two new iMac 20", did the update 10.5.3 for both units unit A now won't load safari, when i downloaded safari 3.1.1 it won't install "this needs 10.5.2" but "about this mac" says 10.5.3 tried software update again, and nothing to update. Unit B--same update, but safari runs fine.
some suggested that we reinstall safari from the install discs that came with the computer
So I recently updated to Safari 4 and it crashes every time I load it. I send the report to Apple but it doesn't do anything.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWas autonotified that 2 updates were available: Safari 1.5.1 and iTunes. After the installation, all my Safari bookmarks, bookmark menu, bookmark bar are gone and reset to what looks like a default list. I am running the latest LION release/version...
I know I can back up from my Time Machine by going to ~/Library/Safari/bookmarks.plist and restore.. however I can not locate the file?
I know that ~/Libray is hidden so I went to Finder and pressed option GO and library displayed... I then opened TIme Machine and attempted to find the bookmarks.plist under Safari on an older backed up copy and the file was not there..
It seems that the Top Sites thumbnails almost never get updated. I have sites that are updated multiple times daily, and their thumbnail on the Top Sites page still show what they looked like days ago. Even when I click on one to read it and then return Top Sites, the thumbnail doesn't get updated.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Updated to OSX 10.7.3 and Safari now quits unexpectedly
I have copied the error message - im not particulary computer savvy
Process: Safari [663]
Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier: com.apple.Safari
Stuck on screen with apple logo. No curser, nothing.
Last try got stuck on a blue screen that alternated tones of blue every few seconds. Was able to start up in safe mode ( held shift). Finder loaded after a loooong wait. Once there I used Disc Diet to empty caches- this usually help to get rid of the rolling beach ball. Wasn't able to do much at all- all with rolling beach ball. Restarted without shift key- stuck on apple.
Should I uninstall Safari?
It doesn't work for me. I wonder if Glims is conflicting somehow. A reboot got it working, but it's a bit buggy. Sidebar won't turn off. Contextual searches aren't loading.
View 5 Replies View RelatedGood morning, I recently updated my software via Software Update yesterday, and I noticed that I can no longer play Flash videos in Safari. I just get the generic lego block and it says that Flash unexpectedly quit. I'm running the most recent Safai and Snow Leopard, and have included a screenshot of the updates that I ran yesterday. I also tried to run Camino and FireFox, but they just quit when I get to a Flash video. I also tried to install the most recent Flash player, and also the newer beta Flash player, but none seem to work. Anybody know of any fixes? Do I have to reinstall Snow Leopard?
View 8 Replies View RelatedEver since updating to Safari 5 (33h and 19m ago on an Aluminium 20" iMac with 2.0GHz and Mac OS X 10.6.3), SHIFT+TAB closes application windows for me, instead of going in reverse (like with buttons and text fields in Safari).I've checked System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts and couldn't find anything. it seems, to only close windows instead of quitting applications
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