I have a PowerPC G4 466 Mhz which has three "PC133" thingies in it, one 128 MB and two 256 MB, totalling 640 MB.
I want to change those to one, two or three 512 MB cards instead, but the manual says something about there being certain restrictions for 512 cards. Translated from Swedish:"If you install DIMM-modules of 512 MB they must have 256 Mb-units". What does that mean exactly and how do I check that they in fact have "256 Mb-units"?
Any advice on doubling or tripling my 60GB machine and, possibly, the ram? Vendors? Quality problems, if any? (I only use my PowerBook G4 for photography--storage and editing, some word processing, and spreadsheet work.) My processor is 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4. Memory is 768 MB DDR SARAM. Running OS X 10.4.9.
I have the 12" 1.5ghz model as many of you know. While a great machine, and fast enough for most things, I'd like to get a little more omph out of it. I can't use Tiger by the way. My school's software requires Leopard.
I was thinking of installing a second 500BG hard drive in my powermac G5 and setting it up for raid 0. Will i notice any major increase in performance? (i'm planning on running Windows XP x64 on the system through Parallels Desktop)
Anyone else notice a 1000rpm CPU fan speed increase on their G5 after the last round of system updates? My CPU's used to idle at ~120*f with a fan speed of 500rpm. After the 10.5.2 update they idle at ~89*f and 1500rpm. There is no perceptible noise change and I didn't even notice the change until I saw the cold CPU temperatures. I'm not worried about it, I'm just wondering if I'm alone or this is one of the system level .2 changes not massively publicized.
What is the simplest was to increase the memory on a 10GB Imac G3. 9.7GB are used up and there isn't much I can delete to free up space. It is a friend's computer, she is not mac savvy.
Also, I am considering rebooting the system as there is an account on there with a forgotten password and the original administrator password is long forgotten. What would be the best way to go about doing this? I have 10.4 os discs, with extra memory would this work ok?
I was wondering. A friend of mine has a Emac 700mhz equipped with a 56k modem. She has an "intermediary" speed internet connection. With that, she can't really view a video - let's say from Youtube. It just keeps hanging. She only has 256mg of RAM which can be boosted to 1G, and I was wondering if by doing so, it would have a significant impact on her Emac capacity to view such content.
I have heard that it is possible to increase a mac's or any computers ram by adding a high capacity USB memory drive to a open port. With special software the OS would write large infrequently used files to the stick and keep the most frequently used ones in the systems on board ram for greater speed.
This probably seem like a pretty n00bish question but I'm considering getting some SD ram for my macbook and I'm wondering if it makes a difference what kind you get?
I've had a look around and i'm unsure if it matters what format your computer is? As in can I take a ram chip from a pc and put it in my macbook?
My Apple ADC Studio Display has decided to stop all of it USB ports from working and as anyone who knows about these monitors you need to connect the monitor to a USB port to get the Brightness control to work, are there any apps out there which can control the brightness of the monitor up or down. I have played around with Calibration but I still cannot change the brightness of the screen. I have searched around for some solutions but all I have found is brightness controls which turn down the brightness but do not allow you to adjust the brightness up
I have a 2007 MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB of Ram (1x1) and recently upgraded the operating system to 10.5.8.
The problem is that the computer has slowed down considerably especially since I also installed CS5.
I'm thinkin that it is a ram problem and need to upgrade but through my research it states that my computer won't take anymore ram which is unbelievable. Can I install more ram or do something else to make it faster?
I need to increase my HDD capacity. What is the best option?
Can I install a second internal HDD or will I need to replace my current drive?
I bought my MBP second hand so do not have any of the installation disks - is this going to be a problem? I do have an 1TB external HDD which I use for backing up.
I'm not sure if this is cause for concern but it seems like my "free" memory has been really low as of late.
I use Safari and Mail 90% of the time. The other 10% is occasional iTunes use, MPlayer use, and Preview use. Is it time for me to upgrade to 4 GB of RAM?
Note - I do use the following extensions in Safari: AdBlock and YouTube5.
I have the stock 2x1 and just ordered matched 4x2gb for a total of 10gb.
Now, I probably won't be needing 10gb for my audio work, so my question is, should I leave the stock ram out for the added benefit of the quad channel ram thingie? Because, according to this report, the 10gb config gives 6.8 throughput vs the 6.5 of the 4x2gb! I thought 4 or 8 slots filled should be faster? What gives??
I have just deleted a DVD of 600 MB but the Memory has stayed the same at 512 MB. Can I create more memory by deleting CD's and DVD's (downloaded music and film)? What else can I delete to create more memory and how?
I recently bought a new white Macbook and after 2 years of acclimating to my beautiful 24" iMac's screen, I feel like the Macbook needs more saturation. I've played with the color profile many times and I've compared it to the iMac while doing this and can't match it no matter what I do. Does anyone know how I can increase the saturation on my Macbook to better match my iMac?
Looking to upgrade my ram from a 2 gigs to 4 gigs. Was wondering if it would make a noticeable difference. I dont do anything graphic heavy. I only use the laptop for one or two games (sims 3, roller coaster tycoon) and alot of youtube and web surfing. Would upgrading to two gigs be beneficial for me?
My fan in my 13 MBP will no longer increase. It just stays at 2000rpm and the cpu is at 99c. Tried to reset pmu and pram but still not working. I have smc fan control installed so I can force the fan to speed up but it is no longer doing it automatically.
I am having a problem on how to increase the RAM of my Windows XP inside my Mac. Currently, it has 512 RAM.However, the software I am installing (IDRISI Taiga) needs at least 1GB RAM. By the way, my Mac PC has 4GB RAM.
Im trying to put my itunes playlists into folders but I cant seem to get any more than 1000-1500 songs into a folder. Some of my playlists have over 2000 songs in them and I don't want to split it up into 2 different folders. I've tried putting 500 in at a time instead of 2000 all at once and it still wont let me add all the songs.
I just ordered the 2.4GHz i5 15" (with high-res glossy screen) and was wondering whether it was worth it to spend the $225 and buy an Intel X25-M 80GB SSD.Will the performance be that noticeable (for the money)?
Any other suggestions of SSDs near or under $200 would be nice.
I don't normally have a Mac, but I checked one out from my university library that is configured in a dual boot with Win XP. I did this because I wanted to install iOS 4 GM on my iPhone, which you can only do on a Mac using iTunes 9.2 beta.
I did everything and got it working perfectly, the only problem is that I would like to fill my 32GB iPhone with all my music but the Mac OS partition on the computer is only 30GB with realistically about 9GB of total storage to play with, maybe a few more GB if I started deleting some programs. The Win XP partition is 45GB with about 35GB available.
1: Is there a way that I could get iTunes to recognize and use music from within the Win XP partition?
2: If not, is there a way that I could increase the size of the Mac OS partition without the OS disk?
To preempt any questioning, there are absolutely no restrictions from the University library on what you can do with these laptops (software wise at least). They just reformat them each time you return them. The standard desktop background on the computer gives you the administrator username and password.
I'm about to reformat my HD and do a fresh install of OSX10.6. I read that zeroing out with disk utility can map bad sectors and even increase write speed slightly. Is this legit? Should I take the extra time to do this now to save time later? Here's the link: [URl]
I just bought my mac last month, and was thinking about down the line increasing the memory from 4GB to 8 or 16. But when I looked on Amazon, all I could find was memories and in the reviews everyone was talking about Macbooks, not iMacs. Could I use the same memory?
Here's my system information, if it helps: Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b) and: Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac12,1 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 2.7 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 4 GB