MacBook Pro :: Increase In Ram Difference?

Aug 16, 2009

Looking to upgrade my ram from a 2 gigs to 4 gigs. Was wondering if it would make a noticeable difference. I dont do anything graphic heavy. I only use the laptop for one or two games (sims 3, roller coaster tycoon) and alot of youtube and web surfing. Would upgrading to two gigs be beneficial for me?

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Increase The Ram?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a 2007 MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB of Ram (1x1) and recently upgraded the operating system to 10.5.8.

The problem is that the computer has slowed down considerably especially since I also installed CS5.

I'm thinkin that it is a ram problem and need to upgrade but through my research it states that my computer won't take anymore ram which is unbelievable. Can I install more ram or do something else to make it faster?

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MacBook :: Increase The Ram On It?

May 11, 2012

Trying to upgrade to snow leopard [i know i am way behind!!!!!] but have just been informed that i do not have enough RAM.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Need To Increase My HDD Capacity?

Dec 5, 2010

I need to increase my HDD capacity. What is the best option?

Can I install a second internal HDD or will I need to replace my current drive?

I bought my MBP second hand so do not have any of the installation disks - is this going to be a problem? I do have an 1TB external HDD which I use for backing up.

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MacBook :: How To Increase Saturation

Jun 6, 2009

I recently bought a new white Macbook and after 2 years of acclimating to my beautiful 24" iMac's screen, I feel like the Macbook needs more saturation. I've played with the color profile many times and I've compared it to the iMac while doing this and can't match it no matter what I do. Does anyone know how I can increase the saturation on my Macbook to better match my iMac?

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OS X :: How To Increase Longevity Of My Macbook Pro

Jul 24, 2009

Bought my first mac in the middle of June and am still getting used to it. I got the 2.53 GHz 13" with all standard hardware.

I'm just wondering if there are any general tips (hardware and software) people could give me to increase the lifespan of my laptop?

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Won't Increase 2000rpm At 99c?

Oct 29, 2009

My fan in my 13 MBP will no longer increase. It just stays at 2000rpm and the cpu is at 99c. Tried to reset pmu and pram but still not working. I have smc fan control installed so I can force the fan to speed up but it is no longer doing it automatically.

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MacBook Pro :: Will I See A Serious Performance Increase From SSD?

Apr 15, 2010

I just ordered the 2.4GHz i5 15" (with high-res glossy screen) and was wondering whether it was worth it to spend the $225 and buy an Intel X25-M 80GB SSD.Will the performance be that noticeable (for the money)?

Any other suggestions of SSDs near or under $200 would be nice.

Link to SSD:[URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Increase Memory On It?

Mar 13, 2012

Can I increase the memory on my MB pro? What is involved?

Info:MacBook Pro 2009, Mac OS X (10.4.3), Moved from a PC (dell) 8/09

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MacBook :: Increase The HDD Size In It?

Apr 17, 2012

Is there a way to increase the HD size in a MacBook

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MacBook Air :: How To Increase Font

Aug 23, 2014

how to increase font in a mac air??

MacBook Air, new today

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MacBook Pro :: Can Battery Capacity Increase From What It Was?

Sep 22, 2010

I used an app on my MBP called Coconut battery. it said that my current battery capacity was 94% of what it was since I bought it. I assumed that means those 6% are never coming back and I should start using it more responsibly to make it last longer. I read a lot of forums on how to use your notebook effectively, when to plug it in, how much I should let it discharge etc. After 2 weeks of my new habits, I checked my battery life again and now it says 96%. Is it even possible for it to go back up?

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MacBook Air :: Does Youtube Cause Increase In Fan Speed?

Aug 9, 2008

So I've heard a lot of people get over heating, core shut downs etc on their MacBook Airs when on youtube, well I just watched a 5 min video and my temp never got above 60c at the default fan speed and didn't have a core shut down either. Or are you guys watching youtube for hours on end before you have issues?

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MacBook Air :: Tips On How To Increase MBA Performance

Nov 11, 2009

I just got a MBA and was wondering what I could do to increase its performance? (without changing hardware such as getting a Runcore SSD)

It's a secondary computer and only plan on using it for writing, browsing the web, and itunes music.

Are there any programs I should install/delete?

I just want to get rid of all the excess things I don't really need.

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MacBook :: Pro Slow To Increase Fan Speed / Set It To Do?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a base model June 09 13" Macbook Pro running 10.6.2, during normal use CPU temp. is fine, lower than my previous Macbook 07 edition. However, when I use handbrake, the temp spikes very quickly, I know this is normal as the processsors are being used at 100%. However, unlike my old Macbook, the fan takes a long time to spin up to counter the increase in CPU temp. I see 101 degrees centigrade and the fans are still at 2000rpm. After a few minutes they react and slowly increase to maximum. I am not comfortable with this temp, my old Macbok used to only get to 85 degrees centigrade. I have read about SMC fan control, is there a way to set this so that it increases the fan speed at lower temps without having a detrimental effect on battery life.

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MacBook :: How To Increase Downloading Speed

Feb 18, 2010

i gotta say, i love my mac and all, but it has such a poor download rate- mostly with torrents, though. It will NOT go above 100 kB/s, and i can't figure out how to fix it. i set the download speed to around 80, and it still doesn't work. i've been downloading a game( it's around 1.2GB), and i've been downloading it for two or three hours-it's only at 29%. what the heck?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Increase WIFI Range

Mar 12, 2010

Does any one make a exteneral antenna to extent the wireless range

For a 13in MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: How Do Increase Battery Life

Apr 19, 2010

I have a question with regards to behavior that can either extend or diminish the overall life of a laptop battery. My friend recently purchased a new laptop (sony vaio) at a local Microcenter. The salesman was very insistent upon lecturing my friend as to the proper way to take care of a laptop. One of things he mentioned was to never move the computer while it is on, and to always close the lid before engaging in any sort of extensive moving (due to hard drive? processor? any verification on this?). Another thing that was very insistent upon was to always let the battery deplete from full to near empty on every charging cycle, and only charge the computer when replenishing it back to full. He claimed that this would dramatically increase the overall life of the battery.

My specific question relates to the MBP and this battery concept.

1) In general, can anyone verify this / does anyone believe that it would make a significant difference?

2) I remember watching one of those apple videos on the apple website where they were talking about their new battery technology, and they mentioned something about a chip that regulates the power distribution to the battery cells, thus preventing over charging, or something along those lines. Would this negate the advice given by the friendy salesman at Microcenter?

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MacBook Pro :: 3.06Ghz C2d Will Increase Performance?

Jun 15, 2010

So I got an iPad and have been thinking more and more that I don't need the portability of the MBP anymore. Truth is I have not really used the Macbook as a laptop in months. My usage is primarily Internet, word processing, and photography so I really think I can benefit from the added screen size and potentially power of a 27 inch iMac. So my question is:

1) do you think the latest 3.06GHz C2D will be a performance increase from my current MBP for Aperture 3 or should I just spend the extra for the 2.66 i5?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Increase VRAM In 13 Inch

Apr 18, 2012

I am using 13 inch MacBook Pro with 8GB of RAM and 512mb of VRAM. Is there any way to increase the VRAM? if yes how to change VRAM settings and also this is advicable to change?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Will 16GB Of RAM Really Increase Speed

May 13, 2012

I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro with 8 GB of RAM installed - I bought the Corsair memory from Amazon for under $50 and installed it myself. Amazon now has a 16GB kit fro Corsair for only $100 - the least expensive price I've found. The only RAM intensive app I really run is Photoshop CS6,but I do keep a lot of apps open at one time (Acrobat Pro X, Outlook, InDesign CS6, Illustrator CS6, Word, Parallels running XP, iTunes at the moment) and I was wondering if the extra RAM would actually help me out. I'm looking for some advice from people who have already upgraded to 16 GB... can you actually tell a difference?

Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 GB RAM, 500 GB int, 1 TB ext

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MacBook Air :: Way To Increase Virtual Memory?

Jun 9, 2012

I have a mac book air, is there a way to increase the virtual memory?, I have a mac book air, is there a way to increase the virtual memory?

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MacBook Air :: How To Increase Download Speed

Aug 31, 2014

How do I increase the download on computer. my old pc is heaps faster.

MacBook Air

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MacBook Air :: What Can Delete To Increase Memory Space

Oct 25, 2010

Happy new owner of an 11 inch Air and wondering what I can delete to increase memory space? I remember on my MBP I deleted some languages and other stuff but I also recall it screwed the MBP up and needed a full software restore

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MacBook Air :: Overclocking The 320m - 20% Increase In Performance?

Nov 1, 2010

Wanted to let you know that I had great sucess overclocking the 320m in the Air. I used the same procedure found in this thread.


This might help you starcraft junkies out there as it may give a 20% increase in performance. I played MW2 for two solid hours tonight without lockups at 625 / 1340. (11" 1.6 4GB) Thanks go to all in the refrenced thread that contributed to these findings!

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MacBook Air :: 7-10 Sec Boot Slower After Updating To 10.6.5 / Increase It?

Nov 10, 2010

7-10 sec boot slower after updating to 10.6.5 Anyone having the same issue?

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MacBook :: Solution To Increase Battery Capacity?

Jul 18, 2009

As in thread, I noticed in CoconutBattery and in iStatNano widget that my battery is losing capacity, yesterday I had 96% now I see 94%, I've got my MacBook since May and it has 59 cycles yet.

I think that it shouldn't lose capacity now, ok, later but now is to fast, do you think so? Is there any solution to increase this capacity? I've got MB Unibody 2GHz, Late 2008, but I bought it in May 2009 "as new"..

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Increase Screen Window Size

Aug 1, 2009

On my MBP, when I bring up an application or connect to the internet the window is much smaller than my actual screen size even when I click on the + to make it bigger. How do I increase it's size to fit the screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Unibody Upgrades To Increase Performance

Mar 26, 2010

If I upgraded my HD to A 320GB SSD And my ram to 8GB of DDR3 how that would affect my unibody mac's performance!

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MacBook Pro :: 2010 MPB Battery Life Increase?

Jun 11, 2010

I got my i5 15 incher when they came out and like many people was disappointed by the battery life. It was decent though and I said hey, 6 hours is great! Recently though I've been getting 3 and my usage hasn't changed at all. I mostly use my computer for chrome (rarely flash), mail, and itunes.

I called Apple and the guy I spoke with wasn't the most knowledgeable person but he suggested that I reset the System Management Controller. I did that and now it looks like I'm getting 5-6 hours again! Hooray lol.

Anyway I had to register and tell you guys. I hope this helps people out.

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