PowerPC :: No Sound - Slider Grayed Out

Jan 20, 2008

i reset my powerbook and now i have no sound! when i press F4 of F6 to change the volume the little picture pops up to confirm that you pressed the button and it shows the volume at max but there is a crossed out circle underneath it. and when i check it in the preference pane it shows the volume slider as grayed out and also in the menu bar it is grayed!

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MacBook Pro :: My Sound Bar Is Grayed Out Again

Jun 18, 2012

I have an early MBP 2009. Last week I lost control of my internal speakers and I can't adjust the volume from zero and the bar is grayed out. Last week I fixed it by running the last software update for 10.7. Now my sound bar is grayed out again. I am not sure what to do to fix this. I don't want to keep running the updater since it ttakes so long and I loose productivity. My sound bar is grayed out again


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OS X :: Function Keys Not Working / Sound Sys Pref Are Grayed Out?

Sep 11, 2007

I just bought a 2.4 MBP model a1260. When I got home i noticed the volume keys were not working, and then i noticed none of the function keys were working properly. (example, f12 shows an eject CD symbol). So, the keys are working but not doing the standard functions such as volume and brightness. I have check and unchecked (and restarted) the "use all f1, f2 as standard function keys" to no result.Some other wierd things that seem to be related are:

1. In the SOUND window in SYS PREFS all sound effects are greyed out. Under OUTPUT and INPUT it says no devices found.

2. When i go to the itunes store in itunes and i double click on a song, it wont play. Not only is there no volume, but song wont play. Its the same with my own music from my cds.

3. When i insert a DVD no volume control shows up.

And the last superwierd thing (haha) is that I reloaded leopard and when the computer restarted up after install there was no OSX music that normally plays as the video flys thru the starfield.

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MacBook Pro :: Sound Level Microphone Icon Is Grayed Out

Sep 2, 2014

I have a Bose speaker system connected to my Audio Out port of my mid-'10 Macbook Pro but I can no longer control the volume: System Preferences has the sound controls set to the maximum but the sound output is weak and the microphone icon at the top of the display is grayed out (but shows it at maximum when I click on it). Apparently, then, the sound is only coming out of the laptop. How do I get it to go out of the audio out port through my Bose Companion 2 and be adjustable?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Function Keys Not Working / Sound System Preferences Grayed Out

Apr 14, 2009

I just bought a 2.4 MBP model a1260. When I got home i noticed the volume keys were not working, and then i noticed none of the function keys were working properly. (example, f12 shows an eject CD symbol). So, the keys are working but not doing the standard functions such as volume and brightness.

I have check and unchecked (and restarted) the "use all f1, f2 as standard function keys" to no result.

Some other wierd things that seem to be related are:

1. In the SOUND window in SYS PREFS all sound effects are greyed out. Under OUTPUT and INPUT it says no devices found.

2. When i go to the itunes store in itunes and i double click on a song, it wont play. Not only is there no volume, but song wont play. Its the same with my own music from my cds.

3. When i insert a DVD no volume control shows up.

And the last superwierd thing (haha) is that I reloaded leopard and when the computer restarted up after install there was no OSX music that normally plays as the video flys thru the starfield.

Headphones have no audio either.Sorry so long. The computer has no warranty of course.

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OS X Yosemite :: (10.10.1) Sound From Internal Speakers Stop Working And Icon Grayed Out

Nov 30, 2014

Yesterday I use my headphones to listen music from my mac. Today after I turn on my notebook I saw that my sound icon is grey and when I try to change the level of the sound nothing happens. When I put again my headphones the sound works.

I also saw that I have no option to choose Internal Speakers in Sound menu.

Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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PowerPC :: Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz - Sound Card Needed For 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers?

Jul 24, 2008

I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Slider To Adjust Thumbs?

Feb 1, 2012

The (in Lion) slider at the bottome right of the Finder window used to adjust size of thumbnails. Now it's disconnected. I can only change size via View Options. which switch I turned on…or off? 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Itunes Volume Slider Looks Like Baseball

Sep 15, 2010

Is it me, or does the slider in iTunes 10 look like a baseball? Not complaining; after all it IS America's pastime. Baseball, not iTunes. (oh, wait iTunes is international. Ah well.)

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Hardware :: Brightness Slider Gone In Display Preferences

Jun 19, 2009

I have a 24" LED Cinema Display and can no longer control the brightness settings in OSX I believe when I applied the recent java/bluetooth updates the slider disappeared upon reboot. I did some searching and can't come up with a way to get it back. I'm using a 15" Unibody MBP, and the brightness slider for that screen is available and does work. I also tried setting the keyboard shortcuts on my main keyboard (external) to turn up/down the brightness but they won't function at all.

I have tried zapping the PRAM, repairing permissions, and disconnecting/reconnecting the display, as well as booting with no external display and nothing has made the slider reappear. I also logged-in as a different user and the slider is not there for the Cinema on that profile either. I really, really hope I don't have to reinstall OSX to get rid of this but I'm out of ideas. The worst of it is that I turned down the brightness to less than half (when it worked) becuase I had a headache and now it's stuck there!

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Mac Pro :: Brightness Slider In Display Preferences Missing

Nov 19, 2009

I have just realised that the Brightness slider in Display Prefs on my Mac Pro is missing. Running SL 10.6.2 with an Apple 24inch ACD connected.

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Software :: Brightness Slider And Function Keys Not Working

Apr 30, 2005

The issue is with the brightness keys and the brightness slider controls. It appears that after the 10.4 upgrade the main LCD on some PBs and iBooks stops working. In my case the attached screen lost the ability to adjust brightness, but my external 20" LCD is fine. It looks like two things have happened. The association between the keys (F1 and F2) and the code for controlling brightness somehow got disconnected and/or the "capability" of the mac to adjust the brightness of the attached LCD got lost in the upgrade. We've tried repair permissions, rebooting, new users to no avail.

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PowerPC :: G4 - No Sound From The Movie

Aug 8, 2006

I am experiencing some problem whereby there isn't sound from the movie i play or the flash swf project i did... sometimes this happens. I tried rebooting it at times it's working but most of the time it's not. I can play my iTune and other sound with no problems at all. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

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PowerPC :: No Sound On Powerbook G4?

Oct 21, 2008

A friend of mine is having trouble with her 13" Powerbook G4 running Leopard. When you click the volume and mute buttons the volume overlay appears and all the bars are off and there is a "cancel" (circle with a slash) icon under it. In the sound preferences there doesn't appear to be any options under "output" It's empty. Any takers? I've never seen anything like this before. It's like the computer thinks there's no sound card on it. I haven't tried repairing permissions yet, I'll tell her to try that tomorrow.

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PowerPC :: No Sound On Powerbook 12"

Jan 9, 2008

2 Days ago the sound just stopped working on my 12" 1.5Ghz Powerbook. Has worked fine since the day I got it. No problems when upgrading to Leopard, it just quit out of the blue. When I use the volume keys on the keyboard, I see an icon that looks like the circle with the line through it. I check in sounds in the System Preferences and it states that there is not an output device. The system profiles shows the sound card.

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PowerPC :: Can't Get Back Deactivated Sound

Feb 20, 2008

My powerbook G4 1.6ghz. sound is deactivated. I can't seem to get it back. the sound preference shows the internal speakers but says that "the selected device has no output controls". I can't find how to reactivate.

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PowerPC :: Ticking Sound Coming From Hdd?

Mar 10, 2008

for about 3 secs then start working again however i can use the mouse, i recently brought some ram and figured it could be that, however upon using some files on my HD i heard a ticking noise which i'm pretty sure is coming from my main HD, so is it on it's way out ?

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PowerPC :: 4.1 Surround Sound To PowerBook G4?

Apr 26, 2008

I have an old speaker setup from an old pc...Cambridge Soundworks 4.1 Surround Sound System. I was wondering if it can be used for my laptop. I've heard you cannot plug in 4.1 and hear front and rear..you only recieve 2.1 is this true? theres two audio inputs on the back of this sub..front and rear...and theres another jack..a digital din port...which I dont know much about...does anyone know if both can be used..if which is better..and if I can really have true 4.1?

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PowerPC :: Strange Sound From Powerbook

Jun 2, 2008

my powerbook makes a strange sound every now and then, from the side the super drive is... but not when i have a disk inside. i don't know if it's the drive itself or something higher up under the keyboard... is that where the hard drive is? i've verified permissions and the drive and everything seems ok. should i be worried? (i do have time machine running so i guess i won't lose any data if something does happen, but still it's pretty odd for this to happen...)

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Blacking Out And No Sound?

Jun 5, 2008

For the past... week my powerbook g4 has been: not charging well, and not lasting battery wise as it has been (ive checked all my energy saving settings and cleared off all unused items!); its also been blacking out when the battery reaches around 30 mins left to go. it doesnt always do this just sometimes... without warning?? After the second time today of blacking out ive now realised i have no sound? I am a fairly new mac user (6 months) so please talk in friendly easy to understand mac terms!

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Sound Too Loud

Mar 5, 2009

My Blueberry G3's sound is entirely too loud, even on the lowest volume setting. Any way to get it quieter? I have to turn the sound down on each program, which is annoying, and any OS sounds are freaking overkill.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Able To Do 5.1 Surround Sound?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm thinking of getting some new external speakers to work with my powerbook. I saw this sound card that said 5.1 on the box and then I presumed that you need, like a graphics card you need to have a dedicated sound card to do 5.1. So, do you need a dedicated sound card for 5.1? If so, does a Powerbook g4 have this card?

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PowerPC :: 2 Sound Outputs On Powermac G5

Apr 24, 2010

So quick backstory my father is the owner of a club and i'm the dj and we are trying to replace our ancient and now broken dj computers with a not so ancient (but still old) dual PM G5 that ive had lying around for a couple years not doing much. We have a couple reasons for doing this and sadly most are for aesthetics because i must admit putting this case in the front booth just adds a bit of class to the whole thing.Well now to my problem/question.Is there anyway to make two different channels come out of the outputs, cause right now if i hook it up one digital and one analog it plays the same sound out of both which well, i can't do. So if thats not possible i guess i could use the pci slots to put a sound card in, but i was also was wondering if anyone knew of a good sound card that worked in this computer.

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PowerPC :: G4 Screen Goes Blank And Sound Cease

Aug 23, 2006

I've got an 800Mhz iBook G4 (640MB RAM, latest update for Tiger 10.4) which has worked without a hitch for the last 2 years. Suddenly it has started going dead while in use - the screen goes completely blank (although the backlights are still on) and all sounds cease. It doesn't matter if the machine is idle, or playing World of Warcraft, or encoding a DVD in DVD Studio Pro. It is completely random. The only way to get out of it is to hold down the power button to force it to shut down. Powering up is also becoming difficult - 9 times out of 10 the machine boots but I get no startup sound. Instead the screen stays dark and the fan goes on full throttle, and nothing happens. Sometimes I can force it to shut down by holding down the power button, sometimes I need to take the battery out. When the machine does boot and I get back into OS X, sometimes it displays a message saying my clock and time/date are set before 2001 and I may have problems.

I understand this message comes up if you reset the power management unit, but on checking the time/date it is set correct. I have tried resetting the power management unit, but it doesn't make any difference. I have run the hardware test CD, and all items pass on the extended test. The iBook's battery is almost dead - this I know! But would that make any difference? With the time/date error that sometimes comes up on restart, it's almost like the internal battery that stores data like the time has run flat. Is this charged by the big battery? I haven't booted into open firmware, but I've read I can run the reset -nvram and reset-all commands from there (not sure what they do). It's not hardware, as the hardware test CD works. It doesn't seem to be a software error (although I haven't reinstalled OS X). Has my RAM gone bad or become unseated?

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PowerPC :: Surround Sound When Hook Up Powerbook 5.1

Apr 24, 2007

I did a search and found a lot of threads, but didn't find the answer to my question. If I hook up my powerbook to my receiver via the auxilary input, will I be able to get true surround sound? It'd be hooked up in the headphone jack. If this doesn't work, is the Firewave the best thing to get?

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PowerPC :: Sound In Powerbook Just Stopped Working

Jul 17, 2007

tried vol up and down in preferences..nothing the only output is headphones it says

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PowerPC :: 165 Won't Boot - Bong Start Up Sound

Dec 28, 2007

I'm trying to help a friend get into her old PowerBook 165 but we can't get it to boot up. Whenever it turns on we get the BONG startup sound and then it just flashes a floppy drive with a question mark. We can't get it to go any further and we're at a loss for how to get the files off of it now.

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PowerPC :: Sound Disappeared On PowerBook 12"

Feb 29, 2008

My powerbook 12" sound has suddenly disappeared. this is symbol appeares when i press the F4 or F5 button: So i tried to fix the problem in the system pref. but this is what i get: i never had this problem before...

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PowerPC :: G4 Makes Clanking Sound - Cannot Recognize OS

Dec 23, 2008

My computer is an G4, 533mhz, <1gb of ram, 8-9 years old, OS 9 & 10.3.9. Last night I was on youtube watching videos, not uploading, not downloading, or doing anything else on the computer that would cause any strain on it. It froze (mouse and everything) and started making a *clanka-clanka* noise, not from the speakers, from inside the tower. I tried to restart using the little restart button, but it didn't work. I finally held down the power button for a few seconds, turned it off, and went to bed.

The next morning, when the computer was turned on it's screen went to that purplish-blue-gray OS 9 color, with a picture of a yellow folder with the OS 9 smiley face which blinked into a question mark and back. Holding down X failed to boot it into OS X. Holding down alt brought me to the screen where you should select which OS to boot to, but there were no options. Just the arrow to continue, and the refresh button, which didn't do anything. We don't do anything "risky" with the computer (torrents, cracks, warez, etc.).

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PowerPC :: No Sound On IMac G5 20" 2.1ghz

Aug 13, 2009

I have no sound, and the volume buttons don't work. When I turn the system on I get the "bong" but after that I can't seem to get anything. In system settings, it says there is no audio output device.

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