PowerPC :: IMac G5 LCD Drawing Without The Inverter Hooked?
Apr 27, 2010
I have a tough one regarding an iMac G5 ALS 17" 2Mhz I am fixing. First I want to point out that I am familiar with the innards of these ancient beasts as I have fixed a couple 1st gen iMac G5 as well as iSights and Duos.
When I plug in the cord in the PSU, the 1st diagnostic LED comes on but when trying to start the computer the second diagnostic LED comes briefly on and then goes off. Nothing else happens, no chimes, nothing. According to Apple KB this is the sign of a faulty PSU. Yet, I have tried replacing the PSU and I get the same result.
Now the weird part is that if I unhook the LCD cable the computer starts normally (it chimes) with the display off. What is most puzzling is that it will start with the inverter hooked up but the LCD display cable off but will not start with the inverter entirely taken off but with the LCD cable on. It seems that it is the LCD itself that prevent the computer from starting. I thought the inverter would draw current but not the LCD itself so it's probably something else.
Anybody had anything similar happen to them? Could it be that the inverter is faly but it only draws when the LCD is hooked? Could it be some kind of short in the LCD or something that make it draw even with the inverter unhooked?
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Aug 14, 2010
Just recently, I keep receiving an error, every couple of minutes or so, thats states: "A USB device is currently drawing too much power. The hub to which it is attached to will be deactivated." Now I have seen this same problem posted, but I have No Device hooked up at all. I have a 2 year old macbook pro 2.4 GHz, running 10.5 I've tried rebooting but it continues to occur.
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Jul 25, 2007
i was wondering if anyone would know of a place to find an inverter board for an imac g4 as the screen blew out. ive been searching around ebay with no luck really. If anyone knows of an alternative to ebay or anything
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May 1, 2008
Does Applecare cover the replacement of the backlight bulb and inverter board? Looking at a PowerBook that has Applecare - The screen in the listing picture is not too bright. The seller has stated that all is well with the screen, but you never know. I am prepared to go for it if the Applecare covers the screen lighting. Applecare cover on notebooks appears to be worldwide - If the screen lighting conks out overseas, I can get it fixed at the local Apple Store?
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Dec 26, 2008
Have a Mac mini G4 - 1.42GHz model with 1GB RAM, which I have hooked up to an HDTV via a VGA connection. Plays almost anything I can throw at it with no problem, but I subscribe to a few video podcasts in 720p HD format, and playing them back tends to suffer from skipping on the video.playing back HD video on this model of Mac, or is the G4 simply not up to it?
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Jan 20, 2010
I read the thread about how to pivot your screen over in another section but it didn't address what to do when it goes wrong. And it did...very wrong. I'm running a Powerbook G4 Titanium 15" laptop with Tiger OsX 10.4.11 and I hooked an external monitor to it. I was playing around with the settings and saw the rotation feature, which wasn't available until I attached the external monitor. As soon as I clicked on 90 degrees, both the main screen and the external fritzed out. I could vaguely see things through the haze on the main screen but the whole thing had stopped responding to all mouse and keypad commands. Eventually the only thing I could do to regain control was a hard shut off with the power button and unplug the external. After that the main screen booted up just fine but the moment I hook up the external again they go blue screen of death on me and I can't see what I'm doing to undo what I did!! I tried hitting the manual reset on the screen itself, which I didn't really think would work but hey, desperate times...
After some research on the internet I found out that, contrary to what the other thread says, not all Tiger enabled computers can run the rotation function, apparently because the scan rate, or something like that is too low. Which is why the option was disabled when only the main screen was running. Nice to know and would have been good to know sooner but what I need help with now is HOW DO I FIX THIS MESS?!!!! Some sites mentioned archiving (I'm moderately computer savvy but I'm not totally sure I know how to do that) and some have mentioned the boot disk, which I have but I want to make sure I know what will happen if I do that. I've backed up my files just in case. Will it erase the programs I've installed or just my settings? Or is it much simpler and is there something in the utilities I can mess with that will reset stuff?
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Jan 8, 2008
I have satellite TV.. Sky. We are upgrading our package and having Multiroom now which means we will have a box downstairs for our regular satellite and box upstairs which will be able to change channels etc.
Now, I plan on buying an iMac for my bedroom. But I have a decision of buying a LCD TV or using the iMac as a TV as well as a computer. Now it would save me money (as I'm definitely getting an iMac) and I would certainly be happy if it was possible to use the iMac as a TV and hook up the satellite to the TV. Is this possible? If so, please could you direct me to anything I would need to do this?
I was looking into Apple TV, but it just seems to be a Wifi gadget that allows me to watch iTunes movies/music etc on a TV. What I want is clearly different.
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Feb 2, 2009
my brother connected my cable box to my computer yesterday to record the superbowl. Anyways, I need to disconnect it and put it where it belongs.
The only problem is that he says it will kernelpanick if I try.
So what do I do? It's just a comcast dvr cable box connected to my iMac with through firewire.
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Apr 16, 2009
I'm planning on having my imac just sitting on a table with visualizer running full screen and itunes in dj mode while the imac is hooked up to sound system, then I can moniter and control everything from my iphone anywhere in the building but I also want to have it so people can request songs and have them added to the list like remote and dj allows but I think it would be too complicated to have a actual itouch sitting there on the dj screen it'd be much better if I could have another computer sitting next to it in a request mode so people can browse the library and all and request songs like they could on the itouch but do it on a computer instead. I hope I made that understandable.
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Jun 28, 2009
I currently use the apple bluetooth keyboard with my mac mini setup. It is not on a desk but I use they keyboard in my lap because the mini is hooked to the tv. All I can hear when using it is the battery's rattling around inside the holding tube. Is this normal? If not Im definetly going to the store and have it replaced.
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Aug 7, 2010
I just hooked up my logitech speakers to my IMac and they don't sound as good as they did on my pc. On my pc there was some settings that were the Realtek that had a bunch of audio options that made it sound much better. Is there anything like that for a mac? I can't find anything like that in the apple menu settings.
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Oct 2, 2006
This is my first post on the forums, although I'm planning on looking around in here once in a while, to see what people are posting.
For starters, I just wanted to tell you about this little problem I've been having with my MacBook 1,83GHz.
Sitting at my desk at work one morning, peacefully drinking my coffee, I suddenly received a rather discomforting error-message from my shiny new (about 1 month old) MacBook;
"A USB devise is currently drawing too much power and the port will be deactivated.".
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Jul 16, 2009
I recently took apart my macbook to see if I could get my wifi antenna nudged to work better. It does seem to be fixed, but when I put the laptop back together the inverter cable shorted to the frame, smelled like burning electronics and stopped working. However, I put a new inverter in and it is not fixed. I was careful to note that the second inverter did not create any smell, but the screen did not even light up for a second. The LCD IS still working, as I can see everything on the screen if I shine a light on it. Except for no backlight, the computer works fine. What could possibly be wrong, and what are my options?
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Apr 2, 2012
how can i get my macbook pro to charge using a inverter sometimes it will charge and sometimes it wont works fine when plugged into a ac outlet in my home
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 14, 2010
Searched the forum, some useful information. Found the following : On amazon Hypershop's car charger I'd like some flexibility, so the Hypershop one is out of the question (being able to charge my android phone separately from laptop, my backup pc laptop, etc). So my question is, what inverter are you using? I found some on best buy (Cyberpower), but there's no wattage listed in their specs.
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Sep 19, 2010
If I wanted a portable charging solution for my 13" 2010 MBP. [URL:...] I'm not sure about the amount of power this product supplies, etc and whether or not those types of specs will be compatible with my MBP. if someone could advise as to what would be best.
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May 29, 2010
i just installed my new inverter and put evertyhing back into place. tried turning it on and no reaction. There is no sign of turning on, no sounds or light to show. I thought i may have damaged the keyboard ribbon but there is no physical harm that i could see.
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Jun 14, 2007
I got a cheap 1.42ghz 512mb RAM, 14" screen G4 ibook because it had a broken hinge. I tore apart the laptop and replaced the hinge (screen frame) and put it back together. The screen wouldn't work. I opened it back up and found that the video connector was lose, so I connected it and put it back together. BAM!! Everything worked... everything except the sleep feature when the lid is closed. So I opened it back up, took the magnet from the old frame and put it on the new frame (which was missing its magnet).
When I turned it back on the screen was blank/dark. It showed all the signs of classic inverter board burnout (dark screen, can be seen with flashlight from behind, can be seen on external monitor), so I ordered an inverter board and when it arrived, I swapped it out. Still nothing. The next idea would be the backlight, but that doesn't make sense... I'm trying to figure out what might have happened to make the inverter/backlight go from working fine to not working when all I did was removed the screen back case, screw on the magnet and close it up. I have done a bunch of digging around under the hood and am wondering if anyone knows of a possible ground wire, other connection, easily broken wire, or other issue that might have happened. I'm thinking that it might be one of the power wires that goes into the inverter. It might have broken inside the shield, or maybe I was sold another bad inverter board.
Assumption 1: one or both inverter boards are good.
Are there any connections other than the inverter data/power cable from the mobo and the cable from the inverter to the backlight?
Does anything else (backlight, etc) have to be grounded? Where are these groundings?
Would anything else give the same symptoms except the inverter?
How can I test the backlight? I heard that there are two lights in these machines, so if it was one of the florescent lights, only 1/2 the screen would be dark.
Assumption 2: Neither board is good and that is the problem.
How can I test the inverter board (short of an osilascope) to see if it's working?
Is this a good assumption?
I'm about stumped right now and haven't found any direct help on forums. I'm hoping someone in the Mac community has run into this or has an idea about what could be going on. I'm really hoping that I missed something like replacing a screw that is also a ground or something along those lines.
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May 23, 2010
I've got a MBP and will be charging two iPhones off of it most of the trip. How big of power inverter will I need? [URL:..] will this provide enough juice?
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Sep 1, 2009
Found a macbook on the cheap. It boots and works via external monitor but the screen has no backlight. I've tried a couple inverters that I know to be good. When I first tried to change out the inverter it showed light for about a second then went blank. Now nothing at all. What should I look into yet?
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Dec 3, 2007
To begin with, I own a MBP Intel Core Duo 2.0/2 Gigs of ram. I've had this laptop for roughly 18 months and do not have Applecare. I take extreme good care of all my stuff and still baby it till this day. I have NEVER bumped the laptop against anything, accidently dropped it too hard on the desk or anything similar along the lines. Essentially, looking new. About 2 days ago, I was working with my laptop and I closed the lid which made the computer go to sleep. Everything all normal & no appearance of anything! Around mid-night, I opened the MBP's lid to check my email. (Computer awakes, I can hear the Superdrive awake) then boom, a blank screen. The monitor did not turn on then burn out, it was always off. Similar to if you dim your monitor all the way. I can still see the desktop however, there is no light. If I take my flashlight and point it to the desktop, I can see everything. I called a few places, and they described it is the Inverter board or could be the fluorescent bulb that is damaged. My reasoning for the inverter board is faulty is because when a fluorescent bulb goes out it, it tends to flicker at first. Researching this forum, I noticed most MBP users LCD's that go out, they flicker but, mine just went out and I can still see the desktop. Where can I order the inverter board? I tried [URL] but they're out of stock. I will change the inverter board myself because it will be quicker and I need to use my laptop. It is currently hooked up to an external monitor until I can get this fixed.
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May 10, 2012
My iMac says my wacom tablet is drawing too much power and won't allow it to run. This has never happened before. I've owned them both together for about a year.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 17, 2012
an error message comes up when i try to plug in my iphone. it says usb drawing to much power.....?
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May 14, 2010
I'm looking for some drawing software specialized in scientific and physics diagrams. I need to draw forces, vectors, tilted planes with sliding blocks and other schematics. I don't need the tool to do maths calculations or to plot functions, data manipulations, etc. Just a drawing tool for diagrams, schematics, with the usual arrows, vectorial symbols etc.
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Feb 28, 2008
Is it possible to use trackpad as a drawing palette? Like instead of buying a WACOM drawing tablet, can you use the trackpad instead?
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Nov 27, 2009
How do I draw a nice, rounded arrow like the ones in SmartArt "process" graphics? I see how to draw a curved line , but not able to draw that as evenly circular. Can it be done?
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May 18, 2012
I keep receiving this message, over and over, sometimes stacked 6 times or so, but the only issue is that I have nothing plugged into my USB at all. I tried restarting, but it didn't work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 24, 2012
In the last two weeks, every time I plug my Apple 27" display cables into my macbook (power, display and USB connections), I get the following error message on my screen about USB ports are drawing too much power. I don't have anything plugged into the USB ports on the back of my display.
MacBook Pro, IMac, Mac Mini, etc., Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Jun 13, 2012
I need to do work in a program then copy individual drawings to a word document. Inspiration has been recommended, though it is a lot for just what I need, which is basic shapes and lines. I'm a football coach drawing up plays,then I output to a word document, which becomes the playbook.
Info:MacBooPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 22, 2012
I keep getting a pop up that says USB is drawing too much power and will be disabled, I do not have any USB plugged into computer
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