Applications :: Imac Hooked Up To Sound System?
Apr 16, 2009
I'm planning on having my imac just sitting on a table with visualizer running full screen and itunes in dj mode while the imac is hooked up to sound system, then I can moniter and control everything from my iphone anywhere in the building but I also want to have it so people can request songs and have them added to the list like remote and dj allows but I think it would be too complicated to have a actual itouch sitting there on the dj screen it'd be much better if I could have another computer sitting next to it in a request mode so people can browse the library and all and request songs like they could on the itouch but do it on a computer instead. I hope I made that understandable.
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Aug 7, 2010
I just hooked up my logitech speakers to my IMac and they don't sound as good as they did on my pc. On my pc there was some settings that were the Realtek that had a bunch of audio options that made it sound much better. Is there anything like that for a mac? I can't find anything like that in the apple menu settings.
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Aug 20, 2014
Just purchased an Asus MX279H monitor to connect to my 2012 MacBook Pro (OS 10.9.4). I'm using a 10ft DisplayPort to HDMI cable from CableMatters. Picture display is working great, but I cannot get the sound from the monitor speakers to function. The audio output cable to headphone jack doesn't work either. I've even tried to configure the audio device via the Audio MIDI utility on the MacbookPro. I can test the monitor speakers via this utility on the computer, but still cannot get the computer output to communicate with the speakers.I thought a cable would be a better option than using the VGA to DisplayPort Adapter.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), iTunes 11.1.3
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Jan 8, 2008
I have satellite TV.. Sky. We are upgrading our package and having Multiroom now which means we will have a box downstairs for our regular satellite and box upstairs which will be able to change channels etc.
Now, I plan on buying an iMac for my bedroom. But I have a decision of buying a LCD TV or using the iMac as a TV as well as a computer. Now it would save me money (as I'm definitely getting an iMac) and I would certainly be happy if it was possible to use the iMac as a TV and hook up the satellite to the TV. Is this possible? If so, please could you direct me to anything I would need to do this?
I was looking into Apple TV, but it just seems to be a Wifi gadget that allows me to watch iTunes movies/music etc on a TV. What I want is clearly different.
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Nov 2, 2010
This is a bit of an old one I know. When I turn my Mac on it goes through the boot up process and as it about to come to the desktop image it selects the HD Mac as if I had pressed it with the mouse and then starts the cancel sound bonging away until I press the escape button on the keyboard.This normally keeps it at bay. Although on occasion it suddenly selects it again and starts playing the cancel sound again. When I unplug the keyboard it doesn't make that sound at all. I hate the wireless keyboard but wonder if I buy another wired one will it start making the same noise again?
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Feb 2, 2009
my brother connected my cable box to my computer yesterday to record the superbowl. Anyways, I need to disconnect it and put it where it belongs.
The only problem is that he says it will kernelpanick if I try.
So what do I do? It's just a comcast dvr cable box connected to my iMac with through firewire.
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Mar 12, 2009
So I have an old imac running OSX 10.3.9 and recently it started making a whoosh sound randomly at will. It sounds like a whiffle ball bat missing the ball. Also for no apparent reason it started saying "you have logged in" every time I wake it up. Any clue how to make these annoying sounds go away and or what may have started them?
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Jun 28, 2009
I currently use the apple bluetooth keyboard with my mac mini setup. It is not on a desk but I use they keyboard in my lap because the mini is hooked to the tv. All I can hear when using it is the battery's rattling around inside the holding tube. Is this normal? If not Im definetly going to the store and have it replaced.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a tough one regarding an iMac G5 ALS 17" 2Mhz I am fixing. First I want to point out that I am familiar with the innards of these ancient beasts as I have fixed a couple 1st gen iMac G5 as well as iSights and Duos.
When I plug in the cord in the PSU, the 1st diagnostic LED comes on but when trying to start the computer the second diagnostic LED comes briefly on and then goes off. Nothing else happens, no chimes, nothing. According to Apple KB this is the sign of a faulty PSU. Yet, I have tried replacing the PSU and I get the same result.
Now the weird part is that if I unhook the LCD cable the computer starts normally (it chimes) with the display off. What is most puzzling is that it will start with the inverter hooked up but the LCD display cable off but will not start with the inverter entirely taken off but with the LCD cable on. It seems that it is the LCD itself that prevent the computer from starting. I thought the inverter would draw current but not the LCD itself so it's probably something else.
Anybody had anything similar happen to them? Could it be that the inverter is faly but it only draws when the LCD is hooked? Could it be some kind of short in the LCD or something that make it draw even with the inverter unhooked?
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Dec 12, 2009
Every once in a while my Mac Mini will start to chirp/squeak. It almost sounds like crickets. It started doing it again about 5-10 minutes ago and just stopped as I began typing this post. Does that sound like it could be the fan making the noise or the hard drive? I would think that if it were the drive I would here it MUCH more often.
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Jun 30, 2012
I was using Audacity with the lame extension to chop a sound file to make a ringtone.Â
Now I can't get my sound to work. I unistalled Audacity and ran the Lame remover but I still don't have sound.Â
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 17, 2010
Anyone know of a sound converter for OSX that can convert old sound files from OS 9?
These are old-school ones that you double-click and they play. The file extension is missing on them, so I'm not sure exactly what they are, but I've had them for ages!
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Nov 24, 2009
I have a MBP 13". I updated it to 10.6.2 a while back and ever there was some kind of auto-detection going on where when I plugged in my MBP's headphone jack to external speakers I could adjust the volume all the way up to max. If I unplugged the speakers and play from the internal speakers I would turn it down to about 1/4 volume. The computer seemed to remember the volume settings for both scenarios and applied them appropriately when I plugged in/unplugged the speakers.
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Feb 4, 2009
I just purchased a new Mac Pro (); however, I was a little disappointed with the sound card for a $3000 machine. I was previously using an older home-built PC with a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 PCI sound card. Would I be able to swap this sound card into my Mac Pro? I'm not looking to improve the sound quality so much; rather I'd just like to use all of my 5.1 speakers. I figure I've paid for 5.1 speakers, so I may as well use all of them instead of the 2.1 I'm limited to with the ports built in on the Mac Pro.
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Mar 25, 2009
I'm trying to find the file for a sound effect in OS X. Under System Preferences, Date & Time, Announce the time, Customize Voice, there are voice samples.
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Jul 25, 2009
just got my MBP 2.8 and its fantastic..BUT it sounds like there are more sound in the right speakers than in the left speakers. also it sounds like the left speakers is more discant. how can that be? i'v checked the systemsettings
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Jul 27, 2009
I just ordered these:[URL].82E16836121120 What kind of cable do I need to get the full 5.1 surround sound?
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Dec 2, 2009
I just installed Windows XP (SP2) on a brand new 27 inch iMac (OS-X 10.6.2) with bootcamp and also installed the bootcamp drivers from the included Mac OS-X installation disc (resulting in bootcamp 3.0 installed). Everything works fine, but... there's is NO SOUND under Windows. When I look in device manager all seems fine but again, I have no sound under Windows.
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Aug 1, 2010
Sound Keeps Beeping On My MacBook Pro. This is The First Time I Have Had This Came Home Turned On My Mac Then I Heard This Beep Sound (Beeping in a Nicer Way?) Anyway One Know Why Its Going Off And How To Remove It DAM It It Just Went OFF.
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Mar 23, 2008
I'm just wondering what the cheapest way to go about this is. Currently my graphics card is the 8800, but I think I've read that you don't have to have the same graphics card to add more monitors (the ATI base graphics card will do just fine). So do I just need to purchase one from apple or am I able to get one cheaper from anywhere else? Also all of the supported graphics cards output 1920X1080 right? And on a side not - this output will be going to my television - is there any way to make front row default to the television output?
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Jul 5, 2009
Since there is no HDMI port what's the next best option to connect with, my TV is newer Panasonic big screen with all the ports. Is there a way to use only one cable to get both audio and video?
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May 25, 2009
I recently bought a 2009 Mac Pro. Now, I'm trying to setup a small bedroom home theater. And sound is still my main problem here. I used my Mac Pro mainly for doing graphic works, listening to music, watching movie, and gaming sometimes.
Here is what I currently have.
8-Core Mac Pro
40" 1080p LCD TV for Movie
24" LCD for doing graphic work
Harman Kardon Sound sticks (trying to get rid of this and replace it with a 5.1 or 7.1 system)
And here is what I'm buying
5.1 or 7.1 Receiver
My plan is to get audio out through the optical output. But according to several articles I read online, optical output does not transmit audio when I play music on iTunes or play games (in BootCamp), is it true? So far, I couldn't find any sound card (internal or external) which work for mac pro that has 3 analog 5.1 signal output which I can use with standard 5.1 speakers. The only things I found is the Creative DDTS-100 and the FireWire which were all discontinued. What other options do I have?
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Mar 25, 2012
The sound system on my iMac keeps chirping like a cricket. This happens every few minutes and occurs both on internal and external speakers. It started a few weeks ago and I have made no major changes in the meantime. What is this and how do I make it stop?
imac, macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Mar 26, 2012
Friends were having major problems with Mac OS 10.5.8. I tried to install 10.6 but the installation stalled several times. Through it all, I got OS 10.5.8 running for them again but the sound application is now missing, so I can't get the iMac to play sounds effects nor will it show the Harmann Kardon sound sticks as a sound output. They can't find their original install discs and I do not have that version. Will the sound application for system 10.6 work if I drag that file into their 10.5.8 system?
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Aug 26, 2014
I have a really weird problem with my sound on my Late 2011 Macbook Pro. The only sounds I can hear from the internal speakers are system sounds. No other audio can be heard from iTunes, VLC, browsers, etc. The only sounds I can hear are the ones found in "System Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Effects" and iMessage notifications. For a while, I could hear the volume up/down chirp, but even that's gone now.
Everything is fine when I plug in headphones. I thought it was the microswitch in the headphone port, but the Macbook Pro defaults back to "Internal Speakers" when the headphones are removed. Resetting the SMC and running the normal Disk Utility routine doesn't work either. It doesn't seem to be a hardware issue with the speakers, either, or I probably wouldn't be able to hear only these specific sounds.Â
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB, 2.2GHz i7, 500GB HD, 1GB GPU
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Jul 20, 2010
Ive been using Mac for almost a month now from purchasing my first Mac on my birthday. Ive got to say its an entire new experience and i love it something that is surely credited in my IT course i am currently studying as a student.Now i love the Mac Pro however being a perfectionist i do have a couple of issues.
One of them being with the system sounds when you receive an email or your battery is dying or your dragging something off the dock and you receive the puff sound.Now something i seem to be experiencing is quite a delay between these actions or sounds or at times no sound at all. Im guessing this is a software issue as i cant see any reasonable hardware explanation.
My second issue is the battery over just a months of use (taking care of battery letting it have normal cycles) it seems to have dropped form an estimated usage of about 5 hours to 3 fully charged basically pretty much idle other than safari open on a basic webpage.The next and final issue is the click when moving the mac i believe its the SMS motion thing, ive heard its possible to turn this off but how?
Last but not least :P im thinking of upgrading the hardrive at some point either to a faster 7200rmp or a Solid state, what would you recommend specifically for the mac? rather than in general also would this void my warranty or would apple do it based on my extended Apple Care package?
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm running OS X 10.6.8 on a 2.7 GHz i7 Macbook Pro with a 250Gb Apple SSD TS256C. Since last Autumn, after a problem that saw the SSD replaced by Apple and me needing to migrate my profile across from an older Macbook, every time the system shuts down it forgets my sound settings. So no matter how I set the sound before powering down it always chimes on start up. It's entirely possible that this may be a problem from the migration, but I don't know how to rectify the issue.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.7 GHz Intel i7
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Sep 5, 2014
My 2008 Mac Pro recently stopped producing any sound.
The startup chime is silent. No sound comes from the speakers at all and the line out/in options in system sound preferences are missing, although it still lists my Logitech webcam microphone and the volume meter for it responds to sound changes.
Could the sound chip on the logic board have stopped working?
Could it be a virus or a software conflict? I haven't updated the system recently or installed new software, but Skype has been acting erratically and has crashed a few times.
The missing line in/out devices in the sound preferences seems like it might be a hardware problem.
I have tried all of the normal things like checking cables and resetting pram but no change.
I have the same condition whether I boot into my primary drive or into the clone (made before the sound stopped working) on a separate drive or into Windows through Bootcamp.
If the logic board integrated sound is broken, can I add a sound card to take over the audio for everything (startup chime, audio from software and audiovisual sources, Skype, etc.)?
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Dec 2, 2009
Had a quick question. I'm on my third 27" stock 3.06Ghz imac that was replaced yesterday. The good news is that so far it doesn't seem to have any of the problems of my previous two 27" imac's. There is one thing though. A couple of seconds after pressing the power button to bootup there is a brief mechanical sound from the dvd drive like a quick ejecting sound even though there is no cd in the drive. My first 27" imac dvd drive made the sound but the second imac 27" Imac I had didn't. Is this sound normal? Would be curious to know why two out of the three 27" Imac's I had make that noise.
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Dec 26, 2008
Have a Mac mini G4 - 1.42GHz model with 1GB RAM, which I have hooked up to an HDTV via a VGA connection. Plays almost anything I can throw at it with no problem, but I subscribe to a few video podcasts in 720p HD format, and playing them back tends to suffer from skipping on the video.playing back HD video on this model of Mac, or is the G4 simply not up to it?
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