PowerPC :: IMac G5 Buzz - How To Know About It
May 31, 2008
I have owned this iMac G5 2.1 iSight for over two years now. Recently, a high pitch buzz is being admitted from the computer. This is a problem, as I have very sensitive ears, and it takes away the pleasure of listening to music!
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Jul 8, 2008
My mac has worked great for the last 2 years since ive owned it and it just started to act a lil differently about 2 weeks ago. I started to notice that it started to act a lil slower than normal when i was surfing the internet. Then a couple of days ago the computer started making like a buzzing noise , kinda sounds like interference . Like when a cell phone gets close to a stereo system. Sometimes the noise will go away and then when i start opening diff app. that use computer cpu the noise happens again. It was just making the noise and i was dealing with it until the computer started to crash. It would look like the screen was on fire and everything would just freeze. Do you guys think it is the hardrive ?????? and if it was what would be my best option for fixing this. Can i save the stuff that is on my current drive ?? I have a bunch of stuff that is very important on this hardrive.
whats the best place to buy a hardrive if i need one ? and can i buy a hardrive that can hold more than the stock 74.53 toshiba MK8025GAS ?
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Sep 14, 2009
I am getting random (at least it seems random to me) buzz sounds coming from my 2009 2.66 Mac Pro that only lasts for a second. Some suggestions from the other threads recommend that I touch the case when it buzzes but by the time I reach for my MP the buzz stops. I've tighten all the screws in my sleds and pushed them so they are snug in the bay.
Some have thought the buzz comes from the latch but my buzz sounds like it's from the front of the MP. A Mac Genius told me circuit boards can make a buzz sound from electricity going through it?
Others have said the buzz comes from the PSU (power supply unit). Where is the PSU in the MP?
I haven't shaken my MP, which is one of the suggestions I read.I think it might be coming from the Super Drive. I took out the Super Drive for about a week and don't recall hearing any buzz sound.
rgetter recommended re-aligning the ribbon cable (see quote of his post below), but how do you do this? I didn't see a ribbon cable when I took out the Super Drive.
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Jun 14, 2009
today I noticed that my speakers have a buzz/hum sound coming from them. The speakers I have are the Logitech X-240 with a subwoofer. The speakers are hooked up to the subwoofer, which is hooked up to a sound base that is connected to my MacBook.
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May 5, 2012
I videotaped a presentation - the speaker was using PP projector close to him (close to his lapel mike) - sound volume on my camera was quite low. Now I have buzz from the projector equally loud to his voice. Is there away I can remove the projector buzz?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Final Cut Express
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Jul 2, 2012
I have the new MacBook Pro Retina, which I absolutely love. The only issue so far is that the speakers buzz sometimes. I've tried different equalizer settings, which helps somewhat. Has anyone else experienced a buzzing or distortion in their audio output? It almost sounds as though a speaker is blown.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 22, 2009
I have a less than 1 month old White MB. I have become aware of an electronic noise emanating from below the upper left portion of the keyboard, under the q,w,e keys. The noise can be best described as a mechanical mosquito; it is a constant high-pitched buzz that starts once the computer has fully booted up, and doesn't stop until it has been shut down. Although it is quiet, if you get your head anywhere near the keyboard it is readily apparent and obnoxious. It does NOT appear to be fan related, as I can hear those going as well. I have listened to other Mac laptops with equal scrutiny, and this noise is not present.
A simple Google or Apple forum search indicates that people have been noticing this problem for years. Indeed Apple appears to have acknowledged it recently with MB Pros: (URL) I believe it indicates a faulty logic board.
- Have others noticed this with their MBs or MBPs?
- Does anyone know the true source?
- Most importantly can anyone give me some tips with how to deal with Apple on this?
They have suggested I go talk to the store I bought it from. Those guys claim not to hear it (a common theme from what I have read). However, this is highly dependent on the level of ambient noise and hearing ability of the individual. I already had to return one MB that was DOA, and now I have this one. Given the expense of this purchase and the age of the machine I feel that I am entitled to a new one that does not display these issues. How can I effectively communicate this to Apple or my retailer, neither of which will likely want to comply?
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Oct 13, 2009
Okay, So i have my Unibody Macbook Pro (late 2009) hooked up to external speakers (RCA Home Theater system with a standard audio cable). Everything works fine and there is no buzz or sound except for the music of course until I plug my printer in. I know the obvious solution is to unplug the printer when listening to music but the printer is shared and other people print off of it etc. and I was wondering if anyone knew why this happens.
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Jul 1, 2007
I have the Mac Pro and I have an external hard drive that I connect via the front FireWire panel on the Mac Pro. When the drive is off and the FireWire cable is connected to the computer, I get a "buzz" in the speakers. When I turn on the drive or disconnect the cable, the buzzing is gone? Any ideas?
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Mar 2, 2008
I made a thread a couple of weeks ago this kind of a problem. I did no get much feedback but am eagerly looking to hear from people since this problem has been driving me nuts for a couple of weeks now. After audio has been started on my Macbook Pro there is screetch-like noises/alien/spaceship/buzzes. it eventually stops but starts after there is audio again
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Apr 3, 2009
I recent buy a dell sp2309w, when I put the bright on 90% or something I hear some buzzing sound on the back... if I put to 100% the sound dissapear? what happend? is normal??
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Apr 19, 2009
I've noticed a faint buzzing sound through my external speakers when a charger is plugged in to the laptop. Removing the charge kills the noise and makes the sound crystal clear again. Doesn't bother me to much, but as my uni-macbook pro is plugged in most of the time I can see this near constant buzz getting on my nerves a bit in the future. Any ideas, looking back I experienced the same thing with my macbook.
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Jan 22, 2010
I just purchased some logitech 2.1 speakers for my Macbook Pro, and unfortanetly, there is a pretty noticeable hum or buzz coming from the speakers. When I have the volume for the speakers turned all the way up, and the volume on my computer on mute, it's most loud. It's quite annoying.
I feel like I had this problem with my previous speakers (without a subwoofer) but I resolved it somehow...What to do, what to do...
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Sep 30, 2006
currently i have a blackbook and imac core duo, 17 ". My macbook beats the imac in everything except graphics. Before i got my imac i seriously considered a g5 dual 2.0, but the money wasnt there. I see an apple refurb dual 2.0 for 1599, and im sure i cud get one a lot cheaper used here or on another board. How much of a performance increase will i see IN APERTURE going to the PM, if any? i would need a good increase to justify it, and eve then im not sure my parents would be ok with me spending a few hundred bucks to upgrade
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Jan 1, 2010
I am doing a presentation for a class thingy in technology about new media and i'm trying to express how when macintosh youtubers started uploading video blogs when they switched to intel/intel made iMacs and about this media blah blah blah. In the pic attached is that a iMac G5 or intel. I see spot light on the top right so it's either running tiger or leopard. I thought I saw a apple remote magnetic thingy on the side. Did the iMac g5 have one?
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Jul 14, 2010
My intel 2006 iMac recently died, and I'm wondering if I could one of the 1GB RAM sticks into the a G3 iMac I own. And more importantly: If I could put the hard drive from the intel iMac into the iMac G3.
The intel iMac was made in late 2006 and the iMac G3 was made in 1999, 1998 or 2000.
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Sep 25, 2008
i am see if it was a good idea to trade my psp with a bunch of stuff for a g4 imac 700mhz 684 ram (or something close to that). i have a macbook but i want a desktop because i want something to run folding at home on and for a place to dump all my stuff. plus i dont play my psp anymore i did for a little while but now it just sets there. o and i was thinking of letting people use it that like theres computer just died or they want to see what a mac is like. so just wanting to see what people thought.
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Dec 15, 2008
My mother's G5 imac is slowly dying. It will not wake up from sleep at all (even hard reset won't work). Her local tech people say it is a faulty logic board. (and the cost of replacement wouldn't be worth it). She can still use it if it never sleeps, which she will do for a while. Can she buy a mini (or I give her mine) and use the imac monitor? She would rather spend as little as possible.
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Mar 17, 2010
I tried to replace my old fan but had some trubble. I also replaced the original HDD with an 2.5" drive. So, it's really quit for now. In fact, I wonder, if it's possible to leave the iMac G4 (800MHZ) without a fan, unless I figuered out my problem with the fan connectors. Ok, I know, the fan inside the iMac is not for nothing. But, is there anyone outside, who uses his iMac without a fan?
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Apr 18, 2006
Original thread:http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=174605I just wanted to update readers on how it went (so far)So I was finally given the graphite iMac I found in the tech room (for free ).Good news:We booted it up and it ran ok, it even had OS X on it.It turned out to be the 13gig HD version, which I belive to be the first Graphite iMac (well one can?t have all the luck )Bad news:They didn?t have the keyboard and mouse any more (I borrowed someones at the office to check it out).
I only have wireless keyboard and mice, so I was forced to park it in the basement until I can get hold of some USB stuff.
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May 13, 2006
Just wondering if i can use my Imac G5 lcd as monitor for a pc? I want to learn 3Dmax and need to buy a pc,if i could utalise my Imac G5's display as display for a pc aswell would be a big help not only is it an excellent Lcd, but i could save $$.
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Oct 22, 2006
so as you can see from the tittle of this thread i maxed out my g5 on ram, which is only a total of 2.5 gb but i really like the performance, definitly helps alot with alot more demanding programs. =) im so hapy i finally got this done! any body else have there g5 maxed out?
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Dec 14, 2006
Is there any possible way to add usb 2.0 or firewire to my slot loading G3 iMac 350mhz? I would just rather use my iPod with my mac and usb 1 takes forever to put songs on it. I haven't been able to find anything and as far as I know there is no place for expansion cards, so I'm probably just gonna hear a no back on this one.
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Apr 1, 2007
I have a iMac G5 (Pre-iSight). I just got home and my computer was off, I didn't turn it off and I asked my mom, she said she didn't come into my room. I was posting something on here and my computer shut off on its own. What gives?
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Apr 15, 2007
Is it possible to isolate the LCD from an iMac G4 and use it as a monitor hooked to a Mac mini? The iMac's logic board probably needs to be replaced so I was wondering if I could use it as a monitor to the Mac mini, with some sort of hardware adaptation.
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Apr 19, 2007
my friend bought a new C2D iMac cause he thought his G4 was broken. So I took it off his hands and am trying to get it back to a working state. I'd like to try to restore OS X but if I can't then i'm just gonna install Ubuntu Currently when it boots it just goes to a gray screen with a small folder in the middle with a blinking question mark and Mac OS 9 logo. Next to my 20" monitor it looks like the 17" version and as far as I can remember it has a 1.25ghz CPU.
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Apr 23, 2007
I have a iMac given to me that had an 80 gb hardrive put in and OSX 10.4 installed on it. As you will probably know it wont run DVD's on its drive, but i was wonderin if it would accept an external DVD drive. Would it be fine with it and run smoothly or would it be a waste of money?
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Jun 6, 2007
I have an iMac G4 and it keeps crashing. I've zapped PRAM, bought more RAM, re-formated HDD, installed Mac OS X over and over, I don't know what else to do. Even if I boot it up and let it run, it will eventually crash, but at random times. If I re-boot right after it crashes, it crashes again, but if I wait, it doesn't.
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Jun 13, 2007
would it be possible to solder any wires to get power onto the USB ports on a G3 iMac? I have a blue 500Mhz model, if that would make any difference. the reason that I want to do this is because all of the iPods use USB now, and I would like to be able to charge mine while I am syncing it.
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Jun 26, 2007
I sorta have a project in mind I'd like to attempt, but I'd actually like to know if you think it is possible. I have plenty of computer engineers and computer savy folk around here to help me with it, but i'd like to know if it seems possible before i decide to start. I have an old g3 imac... that worked until the harddrive was taken out that is... haha. I got it from some old school equipment the were getting rid of. The harddrive and ram were taken out before it came into my posession.
Anyway what I would love to do... is basically use the casing and the screen , but swap out the processor to ATLEAST a g4 as well as put in a superdrive, more ram and a bigger harddrive... Really i'd like to put new components into a g3 imac casing. It would be really great if I could get g5 parts in there but I know that's a long shot especially keeping cost low (idealy would be intel parts, btu as they are newer I know i won't be finding a good deal on any scrap pieces from those)............
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