PowerPC :: Intel IMac Hard Drive And RAM Into G3 IMac?
Jul 14, 2010
My intel 2006 iMac recently died, and I'm wondering if I could one of the 1GB RAM sticks into the a G3 iMac I own. And more importantly: If I could put the hard drive from the intel iMac into the iMac G3.
The intel iMac was made in late 2006 and the iMac G3 was made in 1999, 1998 or 2000.
I have an iMac G4 with a failed HD. I know this because it boots from my external drive. Does anyone know where I can find the Hard drive part # and a take-apart guide?
I want to replace the hard drive of a rev A g5 imac and I see that currently it has a sata 1.5gb/s hard drive. Could I get away with getting a 3.0gb/s or is it incompatible? Specifically this one:[URL]
PS- I'm trying to find an enclosure that is firewire but will allow me to hook up the sata drive i take out. Do they really exist? I'm having the most difficult time.
iMac G3 Power PC 233 160MB RAM OSX 10.3.9 Darwin 7.9.0 4GB HDD
the first two things i want to do are upgrade memory and hard drive. problem is i have none of the media the software came on. is there a way to transfer all apps (no data yet) to another HDD?
I'm looking to upgrade my iMac's hardrive and I found an HDD that I'd like to buy; I just want to make sure its compatible with my computer. I have a 17inch imac, and a 1.8 G5 processor (NO built in iSight). The hardrive I'm looking at is a Seagate Barracuda 500GB internal HDD. Here's a link to detailed specks: [URL]The size is right but I'm not sure the computer will accept SERIAL-ATA. It looks like the drive installed now is only ATA, so I wanted to double check and see if this makes a difference. If it does, could someone please recomend a suitable 500GB internal Hardrive.
I've got a drive in my iMac G5 that I'd like to put into an external enclosure instead. Would I just need a 3.5" SATA enclosure or should I be looking for something more specific?
I have an iMac G5 with a broken graphics card. As a result it won't get past the start up screen when booting. I have a new mac on the way, but I'm wondering what would be the easiest/cheapest way to access my files on the old iMac.
I've read about taking the HD out and using a SATA/USB connector to attach it to the new computer as an external HD. Is that my best option, or is there a way to boot the iMac and just access the HD via the iMac's firewire/usb ports.
I've run the CD diagnostic tests and it says everything is fine, except the graphics card.
I have a 1.25GHz G4 and I'm going to to upgrade to Tiger and install the max RAM. I just thought that I might want to replace the 80g HD that's in there. What is the biggest drive available for that model? From what little I can find on the internet, it sounds like it's a tricky job.
I have a G5 Imac and a G4 ibook. i want to use time machine, and have one external hard drive connect to both. I could get an external with more than one input (ie, usb and firewire)--does that work? Could i use a usb hub to connect the 2 computers to the HD, and set up different partitions?
And what of NAS? i do not want to set up a whole network (we already have one at my office, and i want this to be independent).
I have an iMac G5 (version10.5.8) and I'd like to transfer images and stuff from my laptop powerbook G4 (not sure of the version but it uses Tiger) onto the iMac. I was wondering which would be the best choice. I need a decent size as I'm a photography student and I take tons of large sized images. Would also need to possibly transfer programs also.
i am trying to delete my entire harddrive but i can't do it. the reason for doing this is to install Yosemite version on my imac because right now i am getting a S.M.A.R.T. error and also my optical DVD drive is not working so I can't use my apple cds to restore my computer
i would like to replace my stock 250gb hd with a 750gb drive. i can't seem to find any guides on doing this. ive been working on pc's for years and im sure i can do this if i had a guide. if anyone has one please let me know.
I am unable to move files from a 250 GB backup hard drive to a 1.0 TB b/c I keep getting the warning that isn’t enough space. Get Info says that 999.72 GB on it are in use. But the 1.0 TB was almost empty. If I add up the space of each of the 3 or 4 items on it, I get less than 20GB. What’s taking up the other 979 GB?For background, I now have iMac backed up with LaCie 2Big NAS system. The 250 GB is primarily to hold iPhoto Library and backup copies of original photos. the 250 GB is full. So I am trying to switch over from 250 to the 1.0 TB for photos. Moved a few smaller files over, but then could move no more. Thought of running disk utility to erase the 1.0 TB, but now I can’t move the few files on it back to 250 GB, but of error message that it too is full.I did run Repair Disk on 1.0TB before started trying to move files.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), MBA (10.9.5) iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2
I own a 2011 iMac OSX 10.9.4 that has a 250GB ssd and a 1TB hard drive built into it. I take a lot of photos, so usually I copy all of them into the 1TB hard drive for storage. A few days ago I wanted to look through some old pictures and found that all my files from after mid 2012 have completely vanished. There is no trace of any updates to this hard drive after mid 2012. I know I did not misplace these photos because I frequently place new folders in the hard drive and view old memories. When I went to place more folders in, I noticed the amount of folders decreased drastically.
I've tried searching for the photos in the search bar and scrolling through "All My Files", and they are just not there. I've also tried revealing any hidden folders through Terminal. There are no folders with a modification date past mid 2012. The thing is, everything in the SSD hard drive appears normal and updated, only the 1TB hard drive has reverted back to a 2012 state. Is there any way to retrieve the files? Months of work and photos are gone. How could this have happened? And how can I prevent this from happening in the future?
I'm using an external hard drive for mac backup and also to store photo files. I copied some photo files to the drive about two weeks ago and their icon appears, but when I want to open them, I get an error message: "The alias “...” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found." There is also a small arrow on the icon. My other files can be opened okay.
What's also strange is that I found the icon of the external drive in the folder with the picture files, even though I did not drag it there (the main icon is till on my computer's desktop, where it should be.) That icon also has a small arrow on it. When I click on it, it opens and I can see my folders, but the photo folders with the arrow on it will still not open.
I tried ejecting the drive and reconnecting it, but it didn't work. Is there anything I can do to recover the missing photo files, or are they most likely gone? I have deleted these pictures from my computer hard drive. What should I do about the mysterious second external drive icon? Delete it or keep it? Can I somehow use it to restore the photo files?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 GHZ Intel Core Duo 6GB RAM
When my iMac 27" is in sleep mode I have noticed that the hard drive spins up very regularly every 4 or 5 minutes. Also when placed in sleep, the monitor takes about 30 seconds to go black. It also wakes on its own for no apparent reason. No new software has been added, only normal updates, running Lion. Time machine backup is done every couple weeks.
My 2011 21.5" iMac has a 1TB hard drive. In the Finder, it reports 238GB used, 744GB available. But, in Disk Utility and in DiskWave analyzer, it shows 460GB used. "About this Mac" reports 460GB used with 206GB of "backup" that is not there (not invisible files, not showing up in detail reports). When DiskWave reports 460GB used, the detailed list of files & apps only adds up to 238GB - a mystery in that it cannot show the extra "used" space, but only reports free space as 539GB thus not accounting for the remainder. How can I reconcile these differences?
The iPhoto with not update after doing the Hard Drive Recall. It keeps saying I don't have the right ID. I have tried resetting all my passwords and no change.
I have a 1TB external hard drive , and I would like to know how to move all my photographs to it and use that file when opening my photos . I have conflicting issues ( but I think the process will be the same ) , I use Nikon , my wife prefers Canon , and i try not to use iPhoto (it's the worst piece of software I have had the misfortune to use ) now that my memory is sparse i want to put our photos (raw and jpeg) into the external hard drive and open it from the Mac ...
I was wondering if anyone had successfully installed and 2nd hard drive in their iMac?I have a 2 year old 2.8 24'' iMac and the performance just isn't cutting the mustard, it's all hard drive related and I already have a decent 1TB drive in there.I was thinking of perhaps swapping the optical drive with a second hard drive for RAID0, but not too sure if there will be space and was wondering if the optical drive is a standard SATA connector, or if there is some way I could run a SATA+power cables externally?
So my brother was upgrading to Snow Leopard from Leopard tonight...and during the install, the time remaining went negative, then shortly thereafter everything froze up so he was forced to power down and since then nothing has been right. He can't restore from backup because apparently there isn't enough space on the disk, then we tried to repair persmissions, it says it cannot and to reformat hard drive...so we do that, reboot and then try to re-install leopard only for now, and when it comes up to choose a destination drive he is just a blank box, his hard drive doesn't show up!
On my 27 inch, late 2012 iMac i have one terabyte on my hard drive. I am running out of space because the Other is so big? What does 'Other' contain and how do I reduce the amount of space it takes up
I just purchased a new iMac 21.5 inch desktop and I'd like to take the hard drive out of my old macbook pro and transfer my iPhoto and iTunes library to this new desktop. How would I do that and what would I need? The macbook pro model is a 2010 13.3 2.4 2x2gb 250gb part number MC374LL/A.
Info: Apple MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13" Mid-2010, Mac OS X (10.6.5)