PowerPC :: IMac G3 Crt Screen - Rainbow - Dimmed Out
Apr 11, 2010
I have an iMac G3. The specs are: 600 MHz G3 /Graphite 1 GB RAM 40 GB HDD CD-RW Mac os x tiger 10.4 Here are the 2 problems with the screen/ crt: The problem with the screen is that it's not as good, as it used to be. I have another g3 imac (450 MHz Sage) and my dad pointed out that the sage imac's display is much more sharper then my 600 mhz graphite. And i had a look at at it and my dad was right. Also their are lines going down the sides of my screen (which you can barely notice on the sage imac) is their a way to fix this? Also another problem i have with the screen is that I am seeing rainbow affects on the screen. I read online that the anti-glare film/coating is scratched (but thats with different crt monitors eg sony 21" etc) Is their a way to fix that as well?
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Jun 5, 2014
The bottom left hand quadrant of my screen has dimmed. Apple repaired this a year ago and the problem is back. My Applecare is expiring soon. What are my options?
MacBook, Was working
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Feb 23, 2009
I had been moving files back and forth between my WD mybook USB External HD when I pulled it from the imac without ejecting and plugged it into my air. The Air's screen dimmed and this popup came up. Now everytime I plug something in to my USB port, i.e. USB jump drive, External HD, even my External Air DVD drive, the same thing happens, screen dims and this message pops up. THe only item that it has not frozen up on is my Iphone, that connected fine without crashing.
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Mar 16, 2009
I unplugged my PowerBook and the screen and backlit keyboard dimmed and then brightened back up. Was there a power surge inside my PowerBook?
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Jun 3, 2012
When I open MacBook Pro (in sleep mode) I see rainbow on black screen. I have to keep the power button. I have this problem only when I open (after closing) my MBP. It started after an upgrade HHD to SSD (OCZ Agility 4). SMC reset did not help. I have MBP 13 late 2011 i5 2,4. Mac OS X 10.7.4.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 11, 2014
I have tried to login but it is stuck loading and shows the spinning rainbow wheel and hasnt moved changed in a while what do I do??
MacBook Air
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Sep 6, 2014
I Was having some trouble a few days ago with my computer running slow with basic tasks, would give me the rainbow spinner frequently. I have a feeling it might be because of some music I downloaded from a torrent website (?) so i decided to do a hard shut down a few days ago by holding the power button down and left it alone until today, where it asked me to log in and then had the pop up that said something like "your computer was shut down unexpectedly, would you like to open all the apps you had running" or something along those lines and I hit cancel instead of yes because i wanted the computer to start new with nothing open. Well after I hit cancel and logged in with my administrator password, it will not load my computer past the log in screen and just has me stuck on that screen with the rainbow spinner. Not sure what to do, I'm afraid of repeatedly doing hard shut downs. Not sure if I have a virus from the songs I downloaded but I don't think I'll be downloading anymore.
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Jan 30, 2010
I bought a used iMac G3 last week and everything is in working order, save for one thing. The right side of the display has a sort of faint yellow tint to it. The tint goes away on the right side of any window, menu, picture, text when in the area. It was doing this with OS 9.1 when I got it. I've since upgraded to Tiger (with proper firmware), and the problem persists. I don't think it's a magnetic issue, since it happens regardless of where the iMac is in the room. I've also played with the display options. It's still very much usable, just slightly annoying. A screenshot wouldn't show the tint, and my camera had it kind of blurry, so here's a crude mockup of what I'm experiencing: I don't know if I should toggle or tweak one of the ray guns inside, or what.
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Oct 2, 2007
I was just wondering if the iMac G5's (the late 2005 models, last ones without isight i think) can support using a VGA/DVI monitor as a proper spanned second display with something like screen spanning doctor that works on the old iBooks, rather than just mirroring whatever is on the iMac display.
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Mar 26, 2008
Can someone confirm if an Imac G5 will display on a second screen from startup or does the OSX have to complete the boot process before the second display will work.
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Feb 1, 2009
I was wondering about touch screens for older iMac G4s. I don't know if anyone has ever done this but I'd like to put one of the older iMac G4s in the kitchen and would love for it to have a touchscreen. I've heard of people using the Wacom tablets behind the LCD screens in iBooks/Macbooks to make them tablet PCs. Would this idea work in the iMac?
I can't find anything on google, at least on the first 4 pages .
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Oct 3, 2006
what i intend to do is have my imac g5 and my peecee (pc ) on the same desk, but of course i cannot use the imac display, so i will use an extra display and use a KVM switch, my question is; Will the extra screen need to be the same resolution as the imac using ssd?
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Aug 11, 2007
Does anyone know if using Screen Spanning Doctor will void my AppleCare?
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Aug 12, 2007
I have waited along time to upgrade my trusty imac g4. I know there is allot of negative remarks, about the new imac's. gfx card, glossy screen, and now there is some negative posts about the 20'' models using a low quality "tn" type lcd screen. which is lower quality than what was used in the last imac model line. Does any body know what was used in the last line of imac g4's late 2004. will this screen be comparable or worse than my g4?
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Apr 6, 2009
I recently found in a dumpster a 17' inch iMac G4 (1Ghz, 80 HD, superdriver, 512MB). All components seem to be ok. When I power up the PC, you can hear the chime, but no image comes up. You can see there is backlight but the screen is as dark as night. I really do not care about the lamp case. I was hoping to move all the components to a spare PC case that I have in my basement. Can I use a regular ATX power supply? If I can use a regular PC case with a external LCD monitor (attach to the MB's external LCD port), that would be awesome.
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Apr 23, 2009
This morning I found my iMac G5 was accidentally left on all night. The screen saver was running so I didn't think there was a problem. However, my screen is now noticeably darker than it was yesterday. I've checked all the settings and they all appear fine. The brightness is set to 100%. My co-worker has the same iMac as me and her screen in set at 50% brightness and still looks brighter and crisper than mine. I've restarted, shut down, left off for about 10 minutes, no change.
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May 21, 2009
My lovely cat recently decided to walk around my desk while I was at work and knocked over my Imac, causing a large crack in the glass and the screen. I'm not technically capable enough to do the install of the screen/glass myself, but I was wondering what I should expect a repair from an Apple certified technician to run.
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Nov 9, 2009
About a month ago, I started having trouble with my iMac G5: there seemed to be a pink grid all over the screen and the computer had trouble booting past the user login screen. When it did, the pink grid would be all over the place and a lot of the visuals would be screwy (transparency, etc.). However, when moving from "millions" of colors to thousands, the effect was not all over the screen, confined to the taskbar and icons. Pink grid: Transparency problem: If I started it safe mode and turned the display to thousands of colors, the problem pretty much went away (all the visual effects were there) except for one specific thing with the pointer in MS Office. I was wondering if anyone knew what the heck was going on, what I could do? I figured that if the problem shows up on a screenshot it's probably software-related, no?
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Dec 6, 2009
My mother's iMac G5 began this just two days ago. It turns on fine, but once is reaches the apple logo with the spinning wheel, the screen begins to exhibit what is shown in the pictures below. It first started when I opened an .AVI I received in an email from my uncle. When the file opened, the whole screen(within about 2 seconds) had discoloration and macro blocking spread from the center of the screen outward. After this I rebooted, tried again, and when I opened the file, it did the same thing. Now I can not even reach the log in screen. And after the screen has been in this state for a while, it may go blank and the fans run at full blast. I've opened the same file on a PowerMac G5 and a MacBook Pro with no problems.
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May 24, 2010
Can I use an old iMac G5's 20' screen to play xbox 360 games?
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Jan 3, 2009
I have an rev. A iMac G5 that was purchased in January of 2005. The applecare has long expired. However, in May of 2008 due to factory defect Apple replaced the logic board, power supply and super drive [URL]. In December 2008 after experiencing problems with my hard drive I took my computer to the apple store. There they said it was dying and it would be cheaper to replace it myself. After purchasing a seagate hdd [URL] my computer won't recognize it. It stays at the black screen while the power light glows. After a few minutes the fans kick in at full force. I tested the hdd in another iMac G5 rev. B and it works fine. Any ideas on what the problem is or how to resolve it?
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Mar 30, 2009
I'm looking for some information and possible repair tips for my cousins iMac G5 (First Gen) 1989. I don't know anything about mac's, I've always been a PC user. But, I recently fixed both my aunt's laptop and desktop (both pc), so my cousin asked if I would take a look at her mac, as well. Basically, when the iMac is turned on, the screen goes weird. It fills with a bunch of lines (both horizontal and vertical), some spanning the entire length of the screen, and some being only about half an inch long. The lines don't stay stable, they flicker and change positions every few seconds. Behind the lines, you can see the black screen with the apple on it.
It doesn't seem to get past this point though, it seems to freeze and never leave the apple screen, although the flickering lines continue to change. I tried jiggling and moving the power cord around, and whenever I moved it the lines on the screen seemed to change positions. I also tried taking hold of the sides of the monitor (machine? I have no idea what mac-speak for anything is) and very gently pressing and "twisting", and this changed the lines as well, at one point it turned to all vertical lines spanning the entire length of the screen. We opened it up to see if any wires were loose inside or anything, but there really weren't any exposed wires that I could see that I could even try to tighten/adjust. Right now it's not even usable.
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May 11, 2009
I have an iMac G5 (rev. B with ambient light sensor) which has suddenly started having a problem where the entire screen is covered with pink artifacts. The iMac had been left on overnight and when waking up in the morning I found the screen looking like this and now it continues to stay like this no matter what I do. I have attached a screenshot and was wondering if anyone might have a clue what has caused this to happen
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a 15'' iMac G4 with 800 MHZ processor and 768 mb ram. I woke it from sleep one day when suddenly everything had a violent pink tint to it. I had no idea what to do. I've replugged-in the video cable, messed with Colorsync, blew dust from the internal monitor port. I don't know what to do!!
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Aug 30, 2006
At work, we have a 17" G5 iMac from back before the iSight was put in. We're an Apple shop, so we have the new iMac actually on the floor for people to try out. The old G5 this thread is addressing is up on a shelf, but we want to turn it on as a display model. We plug a temporary mouse and keyboard into it, but the machine never gets past the white Apple screen with the "I'm thinking" animation. After a minute or two, the fan turns on full blast, but the white screen remains without any signs of moving on. What is our problem?
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Sep 6, 2007
After having inserted a dvd borrowed from the library which my Imac had a really tough time reading, I turned off my Imac as usual. Since then when I turn my mac on the fan starts roaring and i don't get beyond the first white screen with the sort of clocked wheel just going round and round. I don't have a clue to what to do.
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Mar 10, 2009
So I've had this computer for a while and about a year or two ago, it started giving me problems. I would hear a loud short come from the screen and then I would see a quick line appear. It started getting worse as the month went on til the whole thing shorted out on me. Now all it does is turn on and shut right off with a loud and pretty frightful shorting sound and won't try to kick back on til an hour or two later (manually anyways). I did some research online and found out that my flyback transformer on my analog board shorted out due to heat constrictions inside the machine. And when that part shortes out, it take sthe video board along with it, since those two board are conjoined together, and in turn takes the whole system out. The wierd part is when I unplug the video cord and turn it on, their are no problems, only that My screen is still off, so it's like flying a plane with no instruments. I heard there is a way to replace the inside parts of the iMac and place a LCD screen in there but I'm not sure how that works out and if it will work anyways. Plus I just read that removing the CRT can be very dangerous. Grrr. I Need some advice. I'm a college student and don't have much $$$. If I did, I would have gotten a new MacBook. I wanna bring this mac back to life cause i miss it. Is there anyway I can do that? What would I need to do?
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Oct 27, 2009
I am currently experiencing problems booting up my imac 17-inch, 1.6GHz (2004 model I think). When I hit the power button the machine starts but the screen rmains black and after about 3 mins of this, the fan goes into overdrive! The only way I can turn the computer on at the moment is to remove the casing and use the on switch located inside the the machine, although this is no guarantee it will work, sometimes it does but the majority of times it will be the same black screen as before. All I am waiting to hear is the part in the top corner (hard drive~?) to click into gear and then it's fine, and the machine seems to work perfectly. But this is not a solution and I fear it is only a matter of time before the machine just explodes altogether
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Jan 6, 2010
Recently, my laptop was stolen and I just received my new one today. On my old one, I had an program installed, I think it was in the preferences actually, that made it so when I "hide" an application, the corresponding application icon in the Dock would dim; its opacity would lower. This way, you knew that application was currently hiding. I can't remember the name of the program that I used to get this desired effect. Anyone else know of the program I am talking about or of another program that can achieve the same effect?
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Jul 3, 2009
My Mum has just turned on our family computer- an iMac G5, 1.9ghz 17" (first model with built in iSight).
It gets to the grey screen with the apple, with the loading icon below it, then after about a minute the fans turn out pretty loudly, and it goes no further, just stays on the grey screen.
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