PowerPC :: IMac G5 (First Gen) Screen Fills With Bunch Of Lines
Mar 30, 2009
I'm looking for some information and possible repair tips for my cousins iMac G5 (First Gen) 1989. I don't know anything about mac's, I've always been a PC user. But, I recently fixed both my aunt's laptop and desktop (both pc), so my cousin asked if I would take a look at her mac, as well. Basically, when the iMac is turned on, the screen goes weird. It fills with a bunch of lines (both horizontal and vertical), some spanning the entire length of the screen, and some being only about half an inch long. The lines don't stay stable, they flicker and change positions every few seconds. Behind the lines, you can see the black screen with the apple on it.
It doesn't seem to get past this point though, it seems to freeze and never leave the apple screen, although the flickering lines continue to change. I tried jiggling and moving the power cord around, and whenever I moved it the lines on the screen seemed to change positions. I also tried taking hold of the sides of the monitor (machine? I have no idea what mac-speak for anything is) and very gently pressing and "twisting", and this changed the lines as well, at one point it turned to all vertical lines spanning the entire length of the screen. We opened it up to see if any wires were loose inside or anything, but there really weren't any exposed wires that I could see that I could even try to tighten/adjust. Right now it's not even usable.
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Aug 27, 2010
Since yesterday, my screen has been acting really wierd. Every few hours, the screen goes all fuzzy with a bunch of white lines on it, and it becomes completely unusable. It only happens for a few seconds each time (fortunately, it's fine right now), but it's kinda got me worried because I need to keep this computer for 2 more years before getting a new one, and I can't afford to fix it. I can't stop using it because I need it for school, so if it breaks, I'm completely screwed.
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Sep 7, 2010
In the past month, my Macbook pro, which I have had since May 2009, has started to act very strange.
Sometimes when I watch videos online (collegehumor, youtube, etc.), or am just working on my laptop, the screen stops working. It goes mostly black, and a bunch of weird lines appear on the screen.
The system hasn't crashed or froze, since I can still see my mouse because one little line follows its movement, and the audio still works, and I can still Command + Q and exit out of programs.
I think the problem may have been that I slipped on the stairs one day holding my Macbook Pro and may have damaged the screen somehow, but I just want to know if this has happened to somebody else with their MBP, and what caused it?
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Oct 8, 2008
So tomorrow I'm going to be getting a Powerbook G4 from a friend. He says there are two problems with it.
1. The Graphics. I haven't seen it personally, but he says every time the laptop starts up, the display has a bunch of parallel vertical lines running down it. Is this a hardware issue, and is it easy to replace? Or can an update fix it? I wonder because isn't the integrated graphics mounted on the logic board?
2. The WiFi Card. I remember the day he got it, we both say the WiFi worked like a charm. One day, it pooped out on us. Now, the only way for internet is by ethernet. Did something possibly unhook from it, or is it a bad card? Once again, a possible update for it?
I won't know for certain until I get this laptop tomorrow. I will post updates when I can physically check it out.Also, this laptop is an older one, so no warranty or AppleCare on it. It is also running Leopard, but I doubt it is updated to the latest.
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Apr 5, 2012
My MacPro (early 2008, Lion, software up to date, Disk Utilities) freezes suddenly, colours become distorted and the screen fills with little wavy lines, a bit like horizontal curly brackets. The Magic Trackpad and Bluetooth Keyboard are unable to control anything. Working in Safe Mode is possible, but the problem sometimes appears even then.
Thu Apr 5 11:27:51 2012
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7f808f8907): NVRM[0/2:0:0]: Read Error 0x00003250: CFG 0x00000010 0x00000000 0x092880a2, BAR0 0x92000000 0xffffff812b8dd000 0x092880a2, D0, P1/2
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff812b0bb2a0 : 0xffffff8000220702
0xffffff812b0bb320 : 0xffffff7f808f8907
0xffffff812b0bb3b0 : 0xffffff7f80c64c76 .....
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 22, 2006
For the first time ever, my Titanium Powerbook won't load OSX. I was using Excel when the beach ball started spinning. I've had that happen, so I just went to force quit. It wouldn't force quit for me. So I let it sit a while and tried again. Again, it wouldn't force quit. So I tried to Restart the Mac. It restarted, but when it did, I don't see the OSX load screen. I get a blue screen with the spinning lines, but that's it.
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Nov 28, 2006
My brother's ibook (14", 1.33 Ghz, 1.25 GB RAM, 10.3.9) recently developed a problem: when he would open it, the screen would show fuzzy lines for a few seconds before "stabilizing." He tried to live with it, but it got progressively worse. Now, the lines never disappear, and the screen flickers as well.
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Nov 26, 2007
My problem is a screen that is lit but grey, with vertical lines very faint in the background. when connected to a monitor all is well. I have replaced the screen with a second hand one from ebay and it is exactly the same. what is more likely- both screens are duff or is there something obvious i'm missing. i was given the ibook by a friend replaced the harddrive and gave it to my son and it worked for six weeks perfectly until the display suddenly went never to return.
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Mar 18, 2009
First Mac Attack, must say I like working on these things, I'm working on a friends late 2004 ibook g4 that seems to boot up fine, but with lines across screen exactly like this one found in google images. Most of the info I've come across seems to point to a logic board failure, but also have seen posts relating to LCD failure. wondering if any here have encountered this and what eventually found was problem. This ibook is litterally on the verge of just being replaced anyway. I'm only working on it because It's a first, and believe the education is valuable.
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May 24, 2009
First of all I'm new here so just wanted to say 'Hi', its been great to see all the discussions on these forums and they help a lot with buying tips and troubleshooting so thanks.
Problem #1 I purchased a refurb 24" 2.8GHz imac early May and have been using it since then and so far other than the "normal" gradient issue and a brownish tinge around the edges of the screen it has been good.
Lately I've been using Aperture a lot and first started to notice that in some pictures especially ones with quite a bit of highlights like clouds that there are small hatch like patches in all the pics. I know it isn't the pictures but the imac screen itself as you can see it on the desktop as well. It only seems to be centralized in the upper left hand section of the screen and they seem to be lite purple/blue in color. And like I said its only in patches in certain spots on the screen. Don't know if I'm being over anal about this or is this a problem?
Problem #2 I switched to a solid blue background to check the above problem and notice that there is screen burn in of the top and bottom header in the outline of my firefox window on the blue screen. Between switching windows often and applications very frequently and not leaving the computer at all... what the heck? Not normal for imac screens is it? Heat issue causing burn in? Hasn't been an issue with any other LCD I've ever used.
By the way the imac came in a new white box and was wrapped like new in perfect condition but I popped it open without ever starting it once to make a hard drive swap and the thing was definitely a bit dusty inside so in now way was it just used for a couple weeks before being given back to apple.
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Sep 20, 2006
I just bought an eMac from an appliance recycing center. It works great except for the lines running down the screen well it's kind of more like shaky. It's a G4 800 mhz I took it through the rain to my truck to get it home. But even then it didn't get too wet.
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Jul 13, 2007
I put my PowerBook to sleep and left home with it about an hour ago. I just opened it and it woke up but the screen was black. I turned it off and back on. The white screen with the apple and progress wheel came on for a normal period of time, but then the screen went all white and there were several uneven horizontal lines across the middle and froze there. I forced a restart and the same thing happened but this time I got the semi transparent window that says need to restart. I did that and I got the same screen without the message.
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Mar 25, 2009
The other day the screen started blinking randomly. It'll flicker for a few seconds and then go white with vertical grey lines for a few seconds. Then it will go back to normal. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. Sometimes it will go through that process for five minutes and then stop. Other times I can be working on it for hours and nothing will blink or act screwed up.
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Nov 2, 2008
I have a problem with the display of an iMac G5 20". It shows up as vertical lines of small squares.
If I change screen resolution, the display will look ok for about half a second, and then it comes back again. Anyone had seen this before? (This is does not look like the usual problem with iMac and thin vertical lines.)
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Jan 6, 2011
i have an intel based 17" White imac.
it has over the weeks had and increasing number of vertical white lines appearing on the screen.
does any one have any idea of what is causing the problem, and the solution?
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Nov 26, 2010
I have a 3.5 year old 17" Imac. About a month ago a pink vertical line appeared on the screen. Today its been joined by a blue one and a yellow one. I don't have applecare and I'm out of warranty.
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Jun 4, 2009
I use an Intel white iMac 2.0gHz as my primary computer. So far, it has given me no trouble. However, lately I woke the computer to discover a yellow line of dead pixels all the way to the right of the screen. It was discouraging but since the line was out of the way, it wasn't a great deal. However again, later today, I woke the display to find another line running down the middle of the computer. Oh gosh! Anyone know what is going on? Is it the display or the graphics card?
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Apr 18, 2010
See the pictures. They look almost like ink but no ink has been near the screen.Tried cleaning the screen but with no luck. It lies on top of any open window.
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Dec 6, 2014
when I start up in Safe Mode and only in Safe Mode in my iMac (mid 2011- HD 6970M 2048 MB) appears white horizontal lines. I changed already the graphic card almost before a year.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jul 24, 2009
My iMac (which was bought in september of 2006) fell around 2 months ago and cracked on the left side of the screen. It wasn't such a big problem until blue vertical lines began forming around the crack and now spreading. Now I don't know what to do, would it be cheaper to get it fixed at an Apple store or can I replace the screen, and if so where would I be able to buy an LCD 15" screen?
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Jul 22, 2008
So for the first time in over a year since I purchased it, my iMac crashed twice.The first time was this morning, i went to do something and the screen went black, and my secondary display got black and white lines. I had to restart. And the boot screen with the apple logo hung around for a while.
Then, later on the screen went whacky after trying to wake it from sleep (not full sleep just display sleep) and had a bunch of moving lines and then I couldn't see anything. So luckily I got a picture. After restart, it seems fine.I'll call apple care in the morning, but thought i'd try my luck here.
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Jun 18, 2009
Alright, I FINALLY got windows on my mac and am very proud of myself. However, I am encountering what I hope is a final problem.
I want to log into Windows as an admin, so when it starts up I hit F8. The screen goes black and gives me a bunch of options, I choose "Safe Mode". Everything so far works like it should. But then the log screen appears with two options: Admin and my regular user. Obviously I want admin, but my keyboard and mouse are utterly nonresponsive , even the little caps light won't turn on. This means I'm stuck there, staring at what I want to click but unable to do so. The only button that works is the power button.
Anyone else run into this? More importantly, anyone know how to fix it?
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Apr 29, 2012
My iMac screen has developed multicoloured horizontal lines in random spots across the screen..Is there a fix for this?
Imac intel, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Nov 30, 2014
grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it.Â
MacBook Pro, OS Lion
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May 9, 2012
My mac screen is frozen with white fuzzy lines going across the screen. I shut it off and turn it back on but it still remains white fish lines on the start up screen. I've tried revolting it, it works sometimes but now its stuck at the starting screen. I have been at this for 2 hours to try and fix it but nothing has changed about the screen.
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Dec 30, 2007
Lines on calendars are not showing. Nor are the input box outlines on websites.
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Jun 14, 2007
On my screen when looking at whites or light blues, I seem to notice these faint horizontal lines only on certain places on my screen. For example, on the posting page, the light blue has very lite horizontal white marks on it, only in certain places. (I tried smacking it...(not to hard...I couldn't have damaged it right
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Oct 31, 2005
I received my new 15" PB a few days ago and I can notice faint horizontal lines on every other row of pixels. I didn't notice this on the model before this or even the new iBooks, but working with photos, graphics, and video is aggravating with these lines.I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired"
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Jun 4, 2007
I have had my iMac for two years now and when I first got it not a week later the video went out, well at that time it was still under warranty so I figured, what the heck I'll go get it fixed. Waited a month got it fixed got it back, works perfectly. It's now 2 years later and everytime I try to run anything intense, i.e. World of Warcraft, or any game for that matter (also happens when the majority of the screen is dark) these horizontal lines appear, the darker the screen is the more intense the lines but once I open a lighter/white document the lines disappear.
If I use the screen saver (flurry) is starts to do it also and you can clearly see RGB pixels all across the screen. I have been searching the internet for a good six months hoping someone will have the same problem, but that does not seem to be the case. If anyone has any idea what is going on, I have tried to reset the SMU and the PRAM but to no avail, I have also heard the swollen capacitors issue and have checked the board for swollen caps but all are flat. As far as specs go it is an iMac G5 2Ghz (Summer 2005).
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Mar 2, 2010
I've got a friend with a 17" PowerBook G4 that's suddenly started displaying a vertical strip of black lines about 2" wide. Any idea what's causing the problem? I've seen plenty of pictures of PowerBooks with pixel-wide strips of a single color, but none that show black lines. Something else to note is that the problem area is displaying a shadow of the previous window that was there (ghosting).
He's tried all the usual, from rebooting to rubbing the problem area to pressing the metal strip above the keyboard to try and reseat the ribbon cable.
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