I have waited along time to upgrade my trusty imac g4. I know there is allot of negative remarks, about the new imac's. gfx card, glossy screen, and now there is some negative posts about the 20'' models using a low quality "tn" type lcd screen. which is lower quality than what was used in the last imac model line. Does any body know what was used in the last line of imac g4's late 2004. will this screen be comparable or worse than my g4?
This is a odd question, but are Intel macs louder than previous macs? I just recieved an Intel iMac as a replacement for my dead iMac G5 and both myself and my family has noticed a loud sound (Sounds like a needle playing on an old record player) which is coming from the iMac. My first iMac was very quiet, however when I start using the new iMac this odd sound keeps happening. Is this normal? I am just worried that this scratching sound might by evidence of something breaking down. Also the sound is a lot louder when under Windows XP.
PS: the sound is loud enough to be picked up on the internal microphone, however I don't know how to link the file to Macrumors.
I work on an emac and I really like the display for the sort of work I do which is hack work making leaflets and pamphlets that get digitally printed or offset. The colour is accurate and the screen is not tiring. Generally I've been a bit wary of lcd. But I'm seriously thinking of replacing my 1.42Ghz emac with a late model 17" powerbook with a 128mb 9700 card. I'm wondering how this screen will compare with the emac. I'm not up to speed on the various types of lcds. I know for example that the early imac displays will be inferior to studio monitors. I'm expecting that the lcd's used on the late model powerbooks to be top range as it was a pro machine. In the end I don't know if it would favorably compare with an emac crt. The second question is, is it OK to use a powerbook all day as a desk machine, I'd use a big wacom and separate keyboard obviously. Would this sort of use be too much for a laptop? Am I likely to run into problems with overheating or other damage?
I have a g4 iMac that is about 5 years old. I am looking at getting a mac mini as a replacement. My question is: how much performance boost will I see. I do like to occasionally play games but it is really secondary to Internet, email and music. It would be nice to play star craft 2 I guess but again, not necessary.
I'm getting my first Mac tomorrow, an iMac 24" 2.8. After 20 years on PCs, I'm fed up with Windows. I've been fairly methodical in going over the PC, inch by inch and file by file, to make sure everything I need is brought over and can be used on the iMac. One of the biggest problems is 15 years of documents which were prepared in WordPerfect. I understand that neither iWork or MS Office can convert them. I also heard of AbiWord, a freeware program which can view and convert almost anything. So, I have a few choices. Since I'm going through each doc to see if I even need it or want it, I can convert each one in WordPerfect after I make the decision, to an MS Doc file (MS WORD 2003, RTF, ANSI, ASCII, or other files. If I do that, will iWork be able to read the file? What would be the best format to convert it too?
Or, I can decide what to keep and bring it over in WordPerfect format. When and if I need it, I can use AbiWord to convert at that time. Of course, this means adding an application to my computer. Does iWork/Pages emulate MS Word in the ability to read and convert other formats? What is the native format for saving in iWork? Is it a .DOC file? Any suggestions for the best method for me to transfer the files to the new computer and eventually use them? Does any program Batch process the conversions? BTW: I already purchased iWork, because of my belief that its 100% compatible with MS Office, and because it appears that any type of document I want to produce can be accomplished in iWork.
Im having problems executing a successful screen grab on my iMac.Ive always used Shift+Cloverleaf+4 to select a portion of the screen and then get a snapshot, and that still seems to work because im hearing the photosnap sound.The problem occurs when i go to paste this captured selection, nothing happens. I cant paste it in photoshop, email, or anywhere for that matter.
I just purchased a macbook pro 2.53 Ghz 13.3 inch laptop. I got it today and so far I'm loving it except for the fact that compared to my rev A macbook air, the screen looks a bit washed out? Like the screen and brightness on my MBA is still better?
I looked through a few pages of threads and did not see this so here I go.Is there a problem with the new iMac and their airport card? I bought a new iMac 21.5" to replace my 20" early 2007 model and the internet stayed connected to my router for maybe the first few days but now it keeps disconnecting. It sometimes will reconnect once I turn the card off and then on again other time I need to restart the computer to get it to connect. There have even been a few times when a restart does nothing for the problem. This problem is not just a once in awhile thing. Just this morning, I worked on my computer for like 20 minutes and it disconnected itself about 5-6 times while just downloading some music in iTunes and surfing this forum.
Is this just me? or is this a wide spread problem? I want to know so I can take it to the Genius Bar if this is just me to have them fix it.
I'm more than likely going to get a MacBook: MD10LLA ? It has a 13" screen size. Mi have an IPad 2 that has a 9.5" screen. First off, are both measured corner of screen to corner of screen and does the MacBook have that black border surrounding the screen like the iPad 2 does? I'm tired of Windows, pc computers constantly slowing down every year (even though I have anti virus, anti spyware, and defrag my hard drive every few months). I can't afford a 15" MacBook,pro,like I'd like so I'm stuck with a 13". Is that too small? How would you compare it to an iPad screen? I'm happy using my iPad for Internet browsing,emails, and apps, but don't think I would like a screen this small for intensive projects like typing long papers or things of that nature. I initially got an iPad bevause I thought it be cheaper for college but I found I need certain programs that you can't get for the iPad in some of y classes. I hope the 13" screen isn't too small.
I still have not purchased an imac because of the problems I read. I am trying to decide on the imac 27" i7 or a pc from Best buy. Asus - Essentio Desktop with Intel� Core� i7 Processor [URL] How would the imac ATI Card compare to the nvidia 260
I'm trying to make an educated guess regarding the usage experience of the base 11.6" Air by using my 2006 17" iMac for reference. Basically, it boils down to processor generation and speed, which I need help understanding.
iMac = Intel Core Duo T2400 "Yonah" 1.83GHz 11.6" Air = Intel Core 2 Duo 1.4GHz
Other specs I believe are either same or better in the Air: iMac 2mb L2 cache, 667 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
Air 3mb L2 cache, 800 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
how these two computers compare in terms of usage? My current iMac runs Photoshop CS5 tolerably fast and plays 1080p video just fine.
I know this have been discussed like many times but I've still some queries. Currently I'm using a Early 08 iMac with a 2.8GHz processor with 8800GS graphics for stuff like handbrake, aperture, CS3 & some Final cut express. I'm experiencing some lag in aperture when working with raw from my 500D (ard 2 - 3secs). My parents are also looking for a new computer as their 7 year old Celeron has just called it a day. They're looking to take over my current iMac. Hence looking at the new iMacs which I ordered earlier this week an i7 (not even shipped yet).
Just like to ask if the i7 will be substantially faster for my day to day usages or it it just ok get the base 27" with an upgraded graphics processor? BTW, how much faster is 4850 compared to my 8800GS?
I found this article below when searching on iMac i7 info.We took delivery of the brand spankin' new 27" i7 iMac last week and connected it immediately to our Final Share SAN in about 5 minutes for video editing. Quick tests showed the SAN was connected and working fine.Then today I started really editing on it and I'm dropping frames every 10 to 30 seconds. Now it appears the ethernet controller that is in the new Mac cannot support the speeds necessary to edit video via the SAN. Our 2 year old iMacs can, but the brand spanking new, most powerful iMac cannot.I'm at a loss as to how Apple can improve every aspect of this machine, including the absolutely stunning 27" LED backlit display, but then cut back on something as simple as an Ethernet Controller that should be designed to work with today's equipment running high speed internet instead of stepping backwards to the speed of older model PowerMac machines.
I'm asking myself if it's possible to connect two 27" iMacs with the "Mini-Display-Port to Mini-Display-Port" Cable. I wonna use oneof the iMacs as the primary computer and on the second one just the display to extend my screen.
Right now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
I bought a used iMac G3 last week and everything is in working order, save for one thing. The right side of the display has a sort of faint yellow tint to it. The tint goes away on the right side of any window, menu, picture, text when in the area. It was doing this with OS 9.1 when I got it. I've since upgraded to Tiger (with proper firmware), and the problem persists. I don't think it's a magnetic issue, since it happens regardless of where the iMac is in the room. I've also played with the display options. It's still very much usable, just slightly annoying. A screenshot wouldn't show the tint, and my camera had it kind of blurry, so here's a crude mockup of what I'm experiencing: I don't know if I should toggle or tweak one of the ray guns inside, or what.
I was just wondering if the iMac G5's (the late 2005 models, last ones without isight i think) can support using a VGA/DVI monitor as a proper spanned second display with something like screen spanning doctor that works on the old iBooks, rather than just mirroring whatever is on the iMac display.
Can someone confirm if an Imac G5 will display on a second screen from startup or does the OSX have to complete the boot process before the second display will work.
I was wondering about touch screens for older iMac G4s. I don't know if anyone has ever done this but I'd like to put one of the older iMac G4s in the kitchen and would love for it to have a touchscreen. I've heard of people using the Wacom tablets behind the LCD screens in iBooks/Macbooks to make them tablet PCs. Would this idea work in the iMac?
I can't find anything on google, at least on the first 4 pages .
what i intend to do is have my imac g5 and my peecee (pc ) on the same desk, but of course i cannot use the imac display, so i will use an extra display and use a KVM switch, my question is; Will the extra screen need to be the same resolution as the imac using ssd?
I recently found in a dumpster a 17' inch iMac G4 (1Ghz, 80 HD, superdriver, 512MB). All components seem to be ok. When I power up the PC, you can hear the chime, but no image comes up. You can see there is backlight but the screen is as dark as night. I really do not care about the lamp case. I was hoping to move all the components to a spare PC case that I have in my basement. Can I use a regular ATX power supply? If I can use a regular PC case with a external LCD monitor (attach to the MB's external LCD port), that would be awesome.
This morning I found my iMac G5 was accidentally left on all night. The screen saver was running so I didn't think there was a problem. However, my screen is now noticeably darker than it was yesterday. I've checked all the settings and they all appear fine. The brightness is set to 100%. My co-worker has the same iMac as me and her screen in set at 50% brightness and still looks brighter and crisper than mine. I've restarted, shut down, left off for about 10 minutes, no change.
My lovely cat recently decided to walk around my desk while I was at work and knocked over my Imac, causing a large crack in the glass and the screen. I'm not technically capable enough to do the install of the screen/glass myself, but I was wondering what I should expect a repair from an Apple certified technician to run.
About a month ago, I started having trouble with my iMac G5: there seemed to be a pink grid all over the screen and the computer had trouble booting past the user login screen. When it did, the pink grid would be all over the place and a lot of the visuals would be screwy (transparency, etc.). However, when moving from "millions" of colors to thousands, the effect was not all over the screen, confined to the taskbar and icons. Pink grid: Transparency problem: If I started it safe mode and turned the display to thousands of colors, the problem pretty much went away (all the visual effects were there) except for one specific thing with the pointer in MS Office. I was wondering if anyone knew what the heck was going on, what I could do? I figured that if the problem shows up on a screenshot it's probably software-related, no?
My mother's iMac G5 began this just two days ago. It turns on fine, but once is reaches the apple logo with the spinning wheel, the screen begins to exhibit what is shown in the pictures below. It first started when I opened an .AVI I received in an email from my uncle. When the file opened, the whole screen(within about 2 seconds) had discoloration and macro blocking spread from the center of the screen outward. After this I rebooted, tried again, and when I opened the file, it did the same thing. Now I can not even reach the log in screen. And after the screen has been in this state for a while, it may go blank and the fans run at full blast. I've opened the same file on a PowerMac G5 and a MacBook Pro with no problems.
I have an iMac G3. The specs are: 600 MHz G3 /Graphite 1 GB RAM 40 GB HDD CD-RW Mac os x tiger 10.4 Here are the 2 problems with the screen/ crt: The problem with the screen is that it's not as good, as it used to be. I have another g3 imac (450 MHz Sage) and my dad pointed out that the sage imac's display is much more sharper then my 600 mhz graphite. And i had a look at at it and my dad was right. Also their are lines going down the sides of my screen (which you can barely notice on the sage imac) is their a way to fix this? Also another problem i have with the screen is that I am seeing rainbow affects on the screen. I read online that the anti-glare film/coating is scratched (but thats with different crt monitors eg sony 21" etc) Is their a way to fix that as well?