PowerPC :: IBook Dual Screen Capabilities / Cable?
Feb 21, 2009
I am purchasing an iBook G3 in the next week as a notebook for school. I have a new iMac(intel) at home and I was wondering if I could use my iMac as a second monitor for my iBook and if so, how. I'm not sure what kind of cable to get or if it would work.
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Dec 19, 2006
I have found a ibook g4 I am considering buying. It is a 1.07 mhz 768mb 80gb superdrive. I am getting it for a good deal and it has all the software I will need for school Microsoft office photoshop. I was just wondering what are the capabilities of this machine. Could I play warcraft 3 and starcraft on this and do normal everyday tasks with ease. Or are the stats not good enough to do much of anything
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May 22, 2008
I have an old 14 inch ibook i use internet/mail my girlfriend recently damaged the power cable so cant get it to charge. Any suggestions as to where I might get a new one?
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Nov 18, 2010
Computer has 2x512 memory sticks. Can I add one 2gb stick since the CPU sees only 3.3gb total? I realize I'm losing dual channel capabilities.
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Jun 25, 2007
I'm finally upgrading my iBook, but I'm slightly confused on which type of RAM to buy. According to my System profiler, I would need SO-DIMM SDRAM type with PC133 speed. I can find the SO-DIMM SDRAM, but the speeds are not matching (PC2700 and PC5300).
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Jan 4, 2008
This is quite an interesting situation I'm in.
Today during High School, my first period, I noticed a Mac iBook G4 in the recycle pile used by my schools Tech department. I decided to swoop it up and give it a whirl, and see for myself what the problem with it was.
When I first powered it on, I was receiving a scrambled signal on my display. It was merely a white screen with lines in it, after a while of tinkering, even grabbing a few mac knowledgeable buddies of mine to see if they could do anything. It seemed like this would drag on, and I would not fix it.
In the end, we ended up tapping the screen and seeing a faint hope of light, that light was the appearance of the desktop! Unfortunately, the screen soon vanished back into it's scrambled state. Upon further tapping, we could only figure it was a problem with the connection of the display to the logic board.
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Jan 21, 2009
My old 1.33 12" iBook needs a new drive. I need some advice regarding the power switch cord. This says the power cord is soldered to the board: [URL] I can leave the top case connected by the power switch cord if required. Perhaps I could tape the case down during work on the back side and rotate the connected case left during work on the front side. This is slightly beyond my skill level. Great advice found here during searches. I plan to be very slow, methodical, and conscious of screws/step.
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Nov 11, 2006
I did a thread search and could find lots of instances of an ibook not seeing or using the battery, but I seem to have the opposite problem. I have an ibook g3 700mhz (dual usb). It will only boot and run off the battery. It will not boot or run if it is only plugged in (dead battery or no battery = no running or booting). When plugged into a 45W white charger (that works on other ibooks of the same ilk), it will be green without battery and orange when the battery is in. It will not charge a battery. I've tried:
two other dc-in boards and cables known to work in other ibooks
two different batteries (that charge in another machine)
PMU reset (the light on the charger changes to green for 3 seconds, seemingly indicating the reset was done correctly)
for fun I put in a hard drive that worked in another machine and added ram that works in another machine all to no avail. What the heck is going on?
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Mar 13, 2007
I bought an iBook G3 (all white_ from someone and the charger if messed up and will not work. It will work once in a blue moon and turn orange for half an hour. As such, no iBook usage except for ten minutes X_X. I would really like to get a new charger so I can give to my mum. if those new things they sell in CompUSA for mac laptops will work?
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Feb 27, 2009
I installed more ram in my ibook g3 dual usb today and when i put the keyboard back in the middle of the keyboard between f5 and f6 the numlock light is poking up in the air. It buckling right their , is that normal?
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Jul 19, 2010
I have an iBook G3 Dual USB with 256MB of RAM currently (128 on LB, and 128 in the user accessible slot under the keyboard). I bought a 512MB chip on eBay that meets the exact specs of the required RAM (512MB PC133 SDRAM SODIMM 3.3V) but when I insert it into the RAM slot and turn on the iBook, it says in About This Mac that I only have 128MB of RAM. what I can do, or is the chip possibly not compatible with Apple?
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Dec 6, 2006
I've got a friend that was using her Mac SE original from 1990 or so up until year 2004, at which time I insisted she get hooked up on an iMac g3 333mhz -- and I tried to get her an Apple Tech out to NC where she is to put a new hd in that old machine and some memory.
Well she's been running 9.2.2 and now it's time to go to Panther on an iBook 500mhz that I've upgraded with new hd and memory etc.
But I don't have the original set up guide. Yes, I downloaded a "users manual" off Apple but I need the basic booklet that came with the original machine -- or a download of it.
Anyone got one? Also anyone got a good Panther tutorial for someone who barely knows how to use OS9?
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Jun 25, 2007
I have been viewing the forums for the past few months and have finally joined MacRumors as I have purchased an ibook G3 (first mac). I love it to death, it is so portable and even runs like a champ considering it is almost 4 years old. The ibook has a 800MHZ G3 processor along with maxed out ram at 640MB. Anyway I am planing on buying an TV before school starts up again and would like to encode my dvds to h.264. I was wondering if my computer can handle this task. BTW I would need to buy a dvd drive for my computer along with an external HDD. My other option is to buy a friends Powermac G4 with dual 1GHZ processors(he is selling it at $250) it already has a dvd drive and two 200GB HDD so that will save me ~ 150. As I am new to macs and would like to know if the Powermac will significantly make a difference in encoding times or should I just stick with my ibook and save the $100?
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Apr 7, 2009
What would cause a Ibook to just randomly make the fans run so high that it sounds like a vacuum or an xbox 360. All the sound is comming from the back port by the lcd screen.
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Apr 16, 2009
Does the Macbook Unibody have a better screen then the old Ibook g3 dual usb
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Mar 3, 2009
i made my own power supply wall plugin cable for my ibook g3 power adapter. Its from a printer, computer boots fine, but with only one problem it wont charge the battery is this because i only have the two prongs connected to power while the weird silver circle doesnt have any power"
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Dec 8, 2009
I had the brilliant idea of trying a clean install of OS X on my circa 2002 iBook. I had Tiger on there, but the iBook was quite sluggish and I was getting frustrated with the performance of the iBook on the only thing that I wanted it to use it for: the internet. So I thought that if I wiped the hard drive and installed OS X again, I could benefit from erasing an accumulation of junk on the iBook. (One thing to note is that the hard drive is actually from a clamshell iBook. The hard drive stopped working a few years ago, and I spent a weekend replacing the drive)
The combo drive has long since stopped working on the iBook, so I hooked up the iBook to my MacBook via firewire and erased the hard drive. But like an idiot I installed 10.5 instead of 10.4 and now the iBook only returns the folder with the question mark. I have not had any luck (either before the ill advised OS X install or before) with doing a remote install. I have the original disks that came with the iBook (10.1), but when I try to install them using the MacBook's drive it just tells me that I can't install it on my MacBook, which is not what I want to do.
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Dec 17, 2006
are these two LCDs swappable? Can I stick a G3 iBook Screen into a G4? I have no idea and I'd like to have some idea.
does the hinge and everything line up, too?
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Dec 26, 2008
just installed 10.5.6 on their last gen. iBook.She left the iBook plugged in to the mains and came back to find that the iBook was alternating between the grey Apple screen and a light blue desktop screen where she could see the cursor. Sometimes it would also switch to a blue screen without a cursor.
I've tried holding shift during startup - no effect.
I've tried rebooting NVRAM - no effect.
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Apr 30, 2007
My iBook will not display anything on its screen. Rather, it just remains black. One time, the screen did come on, but then shortly after booting, it flickered a lot and then went black again. A year ago, something similiar happened and when I took it to be serviced (when I had AppleCare), they had to send it away and have a new logic board installed. Now this machine is out of warrenty and and I am not sure what to do, or even if it is the same problem. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
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Sep 23, 2006
Ever since I sold it here on MR and got it back, there has been a problem with my 12" Dual USB iBook G3 500MHz's screen (lord, that's a long name). Whenever the screen is tilted back farther than 45 degrees or so, the backlight shuts off. I can open the casing and fix it if it's possible. Does anyone know what the problem with it is? I'm trying to get it fixed up and ready to sell back to my friend as his first Mac, and I'm trying to get every problem resolved
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Oct 12, 2010
I was wondering how I could file share, or make the whole Hard Drive (HDD) accessible to another computer. The two other computers I have are a Toshiba Laptop with Ethernet and USB, and a iMac Intel with Firewire, USB, and Ethernet. Putting these to use along with:Three Ethernet Cables Now how do I get the whole HDD visible to the others computers (either/both) and be able to write to it? Also, I do not want to use CDs and have no CDs that came with the computers. I want to put Xubuntu on the eMac and Debian on the iMacs and erase the rest of the Hard Drives. The computers getting this are the iMac G3s and the eMac G4 in my Signature.
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Oct 25, 2009
I've had my Dual 2.7 G5 since early 2005. It has been a great computer for me over the years. Noisy as hell, but great. A month ago my screen started to distort every now and then (see pics below). The computer would freeze when the screen distorted. Then when I would reboot, the distortion and artifacting would occur even at the grey boot up screen and lock up. With enough reboots it would finally get back to the desktop and be fine for a few days. This no longer works anymore. I haven't successfully booted the computer in over 2 weeks. After the distorted grey boot screen it will go black and all you see is the artifacts, never getting to the desktop. Is this a dead video card? I'm running the stock AGP Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT. If this is a dead video card, do you have any suggestions for the best AGP replacement. I'm looking for something powerful. All I'm finding are very pricey 256mb cards. I'm willing to pay for a powerful card.
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Jul 19, 2008
I have an iBook with a cracked screen and a new Mbp. Is there a way to plug the iBook in so it's display will be shown ok the mbp?
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Mar 15, 2007
...as the color green becomes dominant. The background on the browser is a faded greenish color, and the desktop image is degraded. Got some dandy streaks too! Searches say maybe logic board, but the guy I bought it from said it had a new logic board installed. Cables was a thought, but rotating iBook does not effect changes. I've shut it down for the moment, but am anxious to pinpoint the problem?
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Jul 15, 2007
Some guy is selling a 500mhz G3 ibook for 200, the only problem is it has a broken screen. How much would it cost to replace, and is this a good price?
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Aug 25, 2007
i had my laptop on the floor in front of the recliner i was sitting it, i took the remote that i had put on the chair and fumbled it as i took it off of the chair. It fell about 2.5 feet straight onto my laptop and hit the screen. It bounced off of the the case in-between the hinge and the screen and then hit the screen about 2.5 inches up from the bottom. It made a crack from where it hit all the way to the top corner going at about a 45 degree angle to the left. Then the cat ran out of the room when i started cursing about my fumbling. There aren't any dead pixels some how, but it does have several cracks. Is there a plastic shield before the LCD layer? if anybody has a spare 14" ibook LCD screen from a 1.42GHz i book, i have money if you don't need it. Its not under warranty by the way.
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May 26, 2008
could some one tell me where I would find info on instaling a new screen maybe a website.
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Dec 12, 2008
so i accidentally cracked my ibook g4 screen i went to an applestore and they gave me a site where i could find replacements a new screen costs $380! ide rather use that to buy a new laptop but anyways, does anyone know any sites that would have replacements screens for about $100 to $200? or somewhere i can buy a broken ibook g4 with a good screen
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Sep 15, 2006
I have seen this talked about a fair bit, but i thought i'd start my own thread because it seems slightly different.
To start, when the computer was last running, the (what sounded like fan) started making a terrible noise, then stopped, and the computer turned off.
After that, when booting, it just goes to a grey/blue screen and sits there.
I have an iBook G4, 1064mhz, 256/30.
I dont know what model that makes it, but from the Mac website, I have tried to reset the PRAM to no avail. All of the methods listed do not seem to do anything on my ibook.
I tried using this link to reset the [URL]
I dont know which one is for my model, but i see no reset button under the keyboard, or on the case. There is a little tiny hole on the case beside the LCD???
I have tried the shift-ctrl-opt-power but it doesnt do anything.
As well, i did hold down the "option" button when booting, and it brings me to a screen which shows an image of a hard drive with a green "x"
I dont know if the green means good or the X means bad..
I have read that resetting PRAM and/or changing the resolution seem to help the problem, but I do not know how to do either.
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