PowerPC :: Get Random Lockups - Shimming VREG Chip?
Feb 21, 2009
My iBook G4 randomly locks up. No kernel panic message. It is as if there is a pause button that is getting pushed on the screen and when it locks up if it is playing music it plays about 1 second then repeats.it makes it take longer to lock up but it still locks up. I have tried bigger shims and that does not help. If I try to install Leopard on the iBook it doesn't even make it 25% before locking up.
original 2.66 dual mac pro and for the longest time the mac would randomly lock. It would be on for a couple of days and just lock, sometimes it would be a few weeks. I checked the console and did not see anything as to why, just that the logs stopped.I started by taking out drives (have 3 drives) which did nothing, then i started with the ram. I've got 2gigs of apple ram (4x512s) and 2x2gb of non apple ram. I first removed a gig of the apple ram (2x512) and noticed from multiple weeks it doubled the time i would see lock ups (could be a coincidence). I finally removed the last 2 sticks of apple ram and my machine hasn't locked up since.
I got this computer off my brother who tried to fix the video problem but was unsuccessful. I would like to set this computer up as a storage/media server.
1. How do I change some the preferences with-out the monitor. (I have ARD and I would like to set it up on this computer.)
I tried to install a ARD client package through TDM but it does not seem to work. ARD does not see the computer on my network so I connected the ibook to my Macbook Pro via ethernet cable and ARD saw it but was unable to connect it.
A friend has a G4, can that laptop run OS X 10.whatever? I know nothing about the Apple laptops...does OS X require an Intel based chip? (I assume a g$ is NOT Intel based.)
I have read about this issue before, and I know it is a major problem with this model iBook. When I turn on my iBook nothing shows on the display, just sound, and when it does work, there is just a fuzzy picture. Pressing on the area where the video chip is(left armrest) fixes the issue, but only if I hold it.
Someone said to put something in the case to apply pressure to the video chip, and this worked, but only for a little while before the same thing started happening again. What I need is some repair place that will fix this for cheap, also maybe "clean up" my iBook a bit, it's kind of dirty, missing the bottom bumpers, and missing some screws. What do you think it would cost to get this fixed and cleaned up?
Love my 12" PB 1.5ghz. Running Leopard on it. But the memory cap of 1.25gb with 256gb soldered on to the board (and only one memory slot) bugs me. Especially since this is the same logic board that goes into the 12" iBooks last revision that have 512mb soldered on to their boards. (Their memory cap is 1.5gbs and it does make a difference, especially on the 1.42ghz iBooks).I just asked Gary Dailey of Daystar if they could solder a 1 gig chip on the board.. seems like a better "upgrade" than overclocking with Leopard's memory demands Will let MR know if this can be done. If so, i'm in.
Someone I know wants to buy a used Mac pro G5. It has a speed of 1,8 Ghz. I think he's going to use it for music. (logic pro, adium). But he said he was going to use FCS as well. His question was if he could replace the G5 singlecore chip, with a G5 dualcore chip. And if that's possible, could somebody give me extra info about compatibility and such. For example, will it just boot without problems when you replaced it, or do you need to do extra things (drivers, reinstalling the os and such). The G5 will be used in the near future for HD video editing. Also, I know the new intel mac pro have graphic cards from nvidia and ati. But what graphic cards do the G5 towers have? are they good?
I found one on craigslist for $15 but want to make sure it will work, or if I do get it and try to install it I want to make sure I don't break my computer.
Can anyone confirm the real-life differences in speed between a PC2700 1GB chip and a PC2100 IGB chip in a PowerBook G4 1.33Ghz which normally takes the PC2700? I know the slower chip is compatible so I'm just wondering about the difference in performance. I can get it at half the price of the normal, slightly faster chip.
I just set up an old G4 Mac Mini with a 1.5 GHz PPC chip and 64 MB VRAM as an HTPC with the intent to use it to watch Hulu and ABC.com and other sites where you can stream TV shows online. However, Hulu is very very choppy. The audio's fine but the video is pretty disappointing. In full screen it's really just a series of still pictures. I know Flash on the mini is supposed to not be that great, but is there anything I can do?
Is there any way to change the video settings of the g4 or of the TV to improve the streaming video playback? I'm playing it on a 40" Samsung LCD connected via DVI--> HDMI.
I'm booting off an external firewire drive through Firewire 400 and my concern is that perhaps this is the problem - the slowdown is not coming from the processor or the VRAM but rather from the Firewire. Can anyone with a similar setup let me know if this works for them. Is there anyway to speed up the I/O between the G4 and the Firewire drive? it's a LaCie 250GB D2 Hard Drive Extreme with Triple Interface.
According to the Activity Monitor, Safari's using 72% of the CPU to play from Hulu. According to Hulu's support page, the Mac Mini meets the system requirements. I'm just trying to watch the SD videos, not the HD. I have Flash 10 and Safari 3.1.2.
I recently bought a refurb iMac G5 with Os 10.4.11 - It has worked fine and now all of a sudden it will randomly go black as if hibernating and takes a few moments to come back on. It doesn't do it often, usually when I'm playing a video clip on the web for some reason, but not always.
I've searched, but I haven't found any info on a situation like mine. I have a 2.5ghz Quad Core G5, it is outfitted with 4 gigs of ram and 2 500gb HD's. Everything was purchased in December of 2005. Over the last 8 months or I have been getting random Kernal Panics. Sometimes the machine will be sitting unused for hours and then I'll come back to it and it's locked up. Other times do not seem to have any pattern, it can be with multiple programs open, just safari, or FCP. The machine always starts right back up with no problems and typically continues to operate for hours or days before reoccurring.
I did the hardware check, and everything tested good. I switched to blutooth keyboard and mouse, and have disconnected all USB devices.I don't seen any signs of leakage.I am pretty much to the point that I assume the logicboard is bad. But I don't really know how to confirm this.
Being that the machine always starts back up and never has problems consistently I really don't know what to think. I wish it could be solved with replacing the ram and/or hard drives. But I just don't know how to determine the actual problem. All I have read is a lot of speculation.
My girlfriend has a 17" G4 Powerbook - she recently bought it second hand. It's one of the late models, with a 1.67 GHz processor and 2GB of RAM installed. It runs like a dream, except for one thing - it has a propensity to freeze occasionally. They're not kernel panics - they're hard freezes, where everything locks up completely. Can't move the mouse, can't force quit, nothing - the only thing to do is switch off and on again. I've looked through the logs and can't find any crash reports, so I'm at a loss to what's causing this. The only lead I have is that it only seems to happen when the machine's running on battery - it's never frozen when the power cord's plugged in. I thought it might be overheating, but it froze this morning after only 5 mins of use, so now I'm stumped.
I have a 15" PB Aluminum 1.5ghz with 1GB of ram. Just bought off a friend and when I did a fresh erase and install of OS X 10.4, repaired permissions and rebooted I get the kernel error telling me to hold down the power button and restart. So I did this and when it restarts I get the grey apple background with a load of writing all over it. How do I try and figure out what is causing the problem. I also ran tech tool pro from the DVD and that says everything has passed such as processor, memory etc
I have a 1.8Ghz dual processor G5, 1GB Ram, 80GB HDD, with OS X 10.4.7 installed and all current updates, and today I was working on it and the fans on it slowly started speeding up, and then everything on the screen disappeared and a mesage appeared stating that a restart was required. After restarting everything seems to be working fine, but I'd like to know if this is a fluke or if I have a serious problem.
Recently my job gave me this laptop that I think from what teh net says is a Titanium model. They told me it was dropped and the screen never worked. The thing is the screen kinda works, well the top 1/3 Horizontally of the screen shows the desktop and what not. The 2/3 of the monitor shoes a vertical pinstripe randome colors. The thing is I dont have the charger and I cant take a photo of it. I am wondering if its worth putting money in this laptop. I did while it worked hooked it up on external monitor, overall it works fine. My brother told me to ebay it and use the money for a Mac book. I just want opinions to what to do. I feel since theres still image showing on the screen may be just a broken cable or loose.
my 2.4ghz 3 year old macbook pro is experiencing a lot of graphics errors and lockups recently, where the screen will turn garbled and such and the computer will freeze. Keep in mind this is the 8600m gt. However, I just got the nvidia fix done for free by apple a couple months ago. Is it possible it could be the same problem?
Something has happened/changed on my iMac whereby my system locks up so tight that I cannot force quit anything, or do anything else to the system. My only option is to manually reboot.This started last week and I thought I had removed/uninstalled the offending program (iStat Menu) but tonight my system did it again.Any good place to start to keep/start troubleshooting?
I have a Macbook Pro that's about two years and 4 months old, running the latest version of Leopard. I was problem free for about two years until last October when my MBP suddenly wouldn't boot up (hung at the grey apple screen). I took it to my University's computer repair center, and they said either there was a corrupt OS file, or my HDD was going bad. I went home and booted from my OSX disc and did a full erase and install. My computer worked fine for a few months following the erase and install
I don't mean to start a new Thread but I think this one could really pinpoint the problem if we could get some good feedback on this. What is the Common Denominator (besides having the HD4850 option) that could be causing the lockups that some people are having.
Examples Is everyone who is experiencing lockups : 1.) Installed Boot Camp and using Windows with this HD4850 option? 2.) Do you use Safari exclusively and not FireFox? 3.) Does it happen only when Surfing ? 4.) Does it happen only when playing a certain game like WOW? 5.) Does it happen only after you been using the iMac for a few hours? so on. . .
See my point? Write down or make yourself notes to as what you were doing exactly when it locked up? Reply to this Thread and lets figure this out. It will be must easier if everyone could put their situation in this Thread and maybe we can get to the bottom of this.
I've just installed 10.5 and the .2 update in the past couple of days. Everything was working okay and then it appeared that Spotlight started to hang on something. Once it started hanging, weird things started to happen with my drives. As a professional photographer, my drives are my life and when weird things start to happen, I get a little freaked out.Yesterday, a message popped up saying something like the volume was corrupt and I should backup and reformat. Last night, everything pretty much stopped working. Any access to that volume caused the machine to completely lock up. Spotlight was saying, and still is, that there are a little over 2 million hours left to index.
I'm pretty sure the problems we're having with a white MacBook are due to hard drive problems, but I thought I'd get a second opinion:
- Computer was dropped on a hard floor - Started making whirring noises and would occasionally lock up or suffer long periods of the spinning wheel - Disk Utility check, after booting up from the CD, cam back with no errors - Decided to wipe it and reinstall anyway - Snow Leopard got stuck halfway through installing, so rebooted. Installation then carried on no problems. - Still suffering periods of the spinning wheel - it 'shudders' sometimes, rather than spinning smoothly. There have also been a couple of lockups.
I just bught my mac mini with 1GB RAM. The only RAM I can afford now is a 2GB single chip, I am wondering if I can put this chip in and leave the original one in for a total of 3GB, or if the RAM has always to be pair numbers. (like 2x2GB, or 1x1GB)
I installed windows xp on my leopard mac (although I know not why might I want to use it for) and I wonder whether the processing power/performance is going to be somewhat altered? Any sense talking about process partitioning? PS Hypothesis is that I shall not use programs like Parallels.
Quick question- not sure how these are categorized but here we go: How do I find the name of my Core 2 Duo chip? i.e. Penryn etc. Checked System Profiler and it didn't say.
I have an i7 chip and was wondering if the 13" MBP would support it if I popped it in there. Two other questions:
1) Is this release Apple's final update of the MBPs before September (when I go back to school)? 2) Is there a way to get a double or triple external monitor set up with the new MBPs without dropping $200 on a DualHead2Go?
A tiny piece of the inside border around the screen on my white macbook chipped off. It's on the far right right above the thing I don't know how to describe it but it looks like this: --------. I don't have warranty or apple care or anything like that anymore but i was wondering how much it would cost to repair. Would it be a quick fix that I can just pick up later in the day? I heard that simple repairs like this cost around 40 or 50 dollars but I don't know really.
I bought my Macbook from someone so I don't have the receipt or anything but I do have some papers from when he went to repair cracks before. I don't know I'm really good with my MacBook since I got it used and it was already sort of beat up. I've never slammed it shut so I don't even know how it cracked.
I already HAVE the new dual 1.25 motherboard AND processor to work with, So the question really is If I got the dual 1.42 and it's chips and/or board goes, can I swap the new, working 1.25 motherboard and chip into that machine? If I can't, I'll just keep looking for a more compatible 1.25 dual or a 1.0 or 867mHz machine... I think those 3 models can swap parts.