Applications :: IWork 09 Compared To Microsoft Office Compared To AbiWord
Mar 11, 2009
I'm getting my first Mac tomorrow, an iMac 24" 2.8. After 20 years on PCs, I'm fed up with Windows. I've been fairly methodical in going over the PC, inch by inch and file by file, to make sure everything I need is brought over and can be used on the iMac. One of the biggest problems is 15 years of documents which were prepared in WordPerfect. I understand that neither iWork or MS Office can convert them. I also heard of AbiWord, a freeware program which can view and convert almost anything. So, I have a few choices. Since I'm going through each doc to see if I even need it or want it, I can convert each one in WordPerfect after I make the decision, to an MS Doc file (MS WORD 2003, RTF, ANSI, ASCII, or other files. If I do that, will iWork be able to read the file? What would be the best format to convert it too?
Or, I can decide what to keep and bring it over in WordPerfect format. When and if I need it, I can use AbiWord to convert at that time. Of course, this means adding an application to my computer. Does iWork/Pages emulate MS Word in the ability to read and convert other formats? What is the native format for saving in iWork? Is it a .DOC file? Any suggestions for the best method for me to transfer the files to the new computer and eventually use them? Does any program Batch process the conversions? BTW: I already purchased iWork, because of my belief that its 100% compatible with MS Office, and because it appears that any type of document I want to produce can be accomplished in iWork.
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Dec 6, 2008
Which would you recommend? VMware with Microsoft Office 2007 (Windows), Office 2008 Mac (native), or iWork (Apple's version)? iWork looks beatiful, especially Keynote. What do you think?
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Dec 12, 2010
When I bought my mbp 13" the guy talked me into iWork. To my surprise after a couple days of cursing I found out I really do like iWork a lot. The only problem is my school prefers Microsoft Office programs. I understand you can change the file extensions in iWork and such. But the problem I'm running into is that I need to use certain add-ins for excel (particularly Data Solver) that aren't available for Numbers
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Jun 16, 2009
I'll be buying my first Mac sometime in the next month. I have been wondering about which software program would be iWork or MS Office for Mac.
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Apr 27, 2012
I have not upgraded my Microsoft Office to operate in OS 10.7.2.Thus to open a word or excel document I must first open Pages or Numbers then find the document and it will open.To move to another document I must start over.How can I set a default that always opens the Word or Excel document directly with Pages or Numbers?
Info:iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 11, 2009
Can you save numbers workbooks as xlsx (the 2007 format)? Same question for pages and docx.
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Jan 6, 2007
I work on an emac and I really like the display for the sort of work I do which is hack work making leaflets and pamphlets that get digitally printed or offset. The colour is accurate and the screen is not tiring. Generally I've been a bit wary of lcd. But I'm seriously thinking of replacing my 1.42Ghz emac with a late model 17" powerbook with a 128mb 9700 card. I'm wondering how this screen will compare with the emac. I'm not up to speed on the various types of lcds. I know for example that the early imac displays will be inferior to studio monitors. I'm expecting that the lcd's used on the late model powerbooks to be top range as it was a pro machine. In the end I don't know if it would favorably compare with an emac crt. The second question is, is it OK to use a powerbook all day as a desk machine, I'd use a big wacom and separate keyboard obviously. Would this sort of use be too much for a laptop? Am I likely to run into problems with overheating or other damage?
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Jun 2, 2009
What are the advantages of using VLC compared to Flip4Mac? Is one able to play more formats than the other?
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Jan 13, 2009
I have iWork 08 and it is HARD to use because of not being able to send my documents or open up others - originally made on a PC. I just got an email about iWork 09 and while looking noticed it says we can now open up windows docs AND save our work as documents!? So does this kill the essentialness of anything windows for students?
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Aug 23, 2008
I have a g4 iMac that is about 5 years old. I am looking at getting a mac mini as a replacement. My question is: how much performance boost will I see. I do like to occasionally play games but it is really secondary to Internet, email and music. It would be nice to play star craft 2 I guess but again, not necessary.
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Apr 27, 2009
Has anyone done some sort of a comparison?
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Jul 17, 2009
How fast is it comared to the intel ones, what brand is it. Summurizing is it any good and how does it compare to the 500 GB/7200 rpm HDD?
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Nov 15, 2009
So, some people at our office got issued 15" MBPs the last month or so, and I was one of the lucky ones to qualify. As background, I have been using a Rev A MBA for the last 20 months. I can tell you one thing. I hate lugging that MBP so much I actually leave it at the office most of the time. I remember when the MBA first came out people were saying 2.5 pounds extra would not make much difference so just go with the equally priced MBP, but does make a big difference � not just mobility wise, but in over all convenience and ease of use. Now that i have all those ports I don't know what to do with them because I have already trimmed my dependence wired peripherals. I don't know what to do with the built in Optical Drive, too. Frankly, I don't know what to do with the thing, except leave it on my desk drawer at night.
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Dec 6, 2009
I just purchased a macbook pro 2.53 Ghz 13.3 inch laptop. I got it today and so far I'm loving it except for the fact that compared to my rev A macbook air, the screen looks a bit washed out? Like the screen and brightness on my MBA is still better?
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Jan 21, 2010
I still have not purchased an imac because of the problems I read. I am trying to decide on the imac 27" i7 or a pc from Best buy. Asus - Essentio Desktop with Intel� Core� i7 Processor [URL] How would the imac ATI Card compare to the nvidia 260
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Mar 27, 2012
I have attached my computer details below. Compared to the new probook my imac is quite slow. I do professional photography and I have two issues. One is probably ISP related. Uplloading a folder of high res. jpegs from the D7000 takes for ever. Am I right in presuming this to be an ISP problem? Is there a solution? The other issue is the slow response when using A3 - even a 100% zoom takes several second to focus.
Is this a processor speed issue? If so, can I increase the speed?
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Oct 20, 2010
I'm trying to make an educated guess regarding the usage experience of the base 11.6" Air by using my 2006 17" iMac for reference. Basically, it boils down to processor generation and speed, which I need help understanding.
iMac = Intel Core Duo T2400 "Yonah" 1.83GHz
11.6" Air = Intel Core 2 Duo 1.4GHz
Other specs I believe are either same or better in the Air:
2mb L2 cache, 667 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
3mb L2 cache, 800 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
how these two computers compare in terms of usage? My current iMac runs Photoshop CS5 tolerably fast and plays 1080p video just fine.
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Aug 12, 2007
I have waited along time to upgrade my trusty imac g4. I know there is allot of negative remarks, about the new imac's. gfx card, glossy screen, and now there is some negative posts about the 20'' models using a low quality "tn" type lcd screen. which is lower quality than what was used in the last imac model line. Does any body know what was used in the last line of imac g4's late 2004. will this screen be comparable or worse than my g4?
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Feb 14, 2009
I LOVE the look of the ACD but does it have enough positives over the Ultrasharp? From what I remember from a couple years ago, the Dell's and ACD's were the same quality but the Dell's were hundreds of dollars cheaper. Is this still the case?
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Nov 25, 2009
I know this have been discussed like many times but I've still some queries. Currently I'm using a Early 08 iMac with a 2.8GHz processor with 8800GS graphics for stuff like handbrake, aperture, CS3 & some Final cut express. I'm experiencing some lag in aperture when working with raw from my 500D (ard 2 - 3secs). My parents are also looking for a new computer as their 7 year old Celeron has just called it a day. They're looking to take over my current iMac. Hence looking at the new iMacs which I ordered earlier this week an i7 (not even shipped yet).
Just like to ask if the i7 will be substantially faster for my day to day usages or it it just ok get the base 27" with an upgraded graphics processor? BTW, how much faster is 4850 compared to my 8800GS?
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Jun 18, 2012
I'm more than likely going to get a MacBook: MD10LLA ? It has a 13" screen size. Mi have an IPad 2 that has a 9.5" screen. First off, are both measured corner of screen to corner of screen and does the MacBook have that black border surrounding the screen like the iPad 2 does? I'm tired of Windows, pc computers constantly slowing down every year (even though I have anti virus, anti spyware, and defrag my hard drive every few months). I can't afford a 15" MacBook,pro,like I'd like so I'm stuck with a 13". Is that too small? How would you compare it to an iPad screen? I'm happy using my iPad for Internet browsing,emails, and apps, but don't think I would like a screen this small for intensive projects like typing long papers or things of that nature. I initially got an iPad bevause I thought it be cheaper for college but I found I need certain programs that you can't get for the iPad in some of y classes. I hope the 13" screen isn't too small.
iPad 2
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Jul 17, 2009
I have a 13" MBP. I just realised that when I use my macbook in the dark the keyboard light is brighter on the left side compared to the right side. When I look at my keyboard any key on the left side of the 5, T, G and B keys are brighter than those on the left. It is more evident when I have my moshi clearguard on.
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Jul 7, 2010
Is it a substantial amount? Considering going magic mouse.
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Mar 8, 2009
Am seriously considering the new AEBS but seems some confusion over whether the ports offer gigabit Ethernet, can someone with the router confirm or deny this? Also how is the range compared with similar N routers?
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Oct 2, 2009
Does anybody know when Microsoft plans on releasing a newer version of Microsoft Office for Mac? One of my co-workers currently own the 2008 version and he's really unhappy with it. He has an excel file that's around 4MB in filesize, containing some 11,000 rows and a bunch of columns too and it's really slow to work with (he has a 1 year old MacBook Pro) and some times excel also "runs out of memory" it says and the application just freezes. It should be updated properly etc, but I wonder if maybe a newer version more suited for Snow Leopard, might be released soon?
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Feb 27, 2010
Whilst still waiting for the MBP refresh, I would like some advice on which office software you would recommend.
I have decided to convert from being a pc user to have a go with a mac as i have heard so much positive info about its OSX operating system.
I have many word files etc (obviosuly coming from a pc).
What would you recommend,
iwork (�55 pre installed)
office for mac (�?)
open office (free)
Which one if all of these will enable me to just plug in my usb stick and download all my word/ excel files and pictures without any issues and edit/ change/send again without any issues.
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Jan 18, 2009
How do Universal apps, actually compare in performance as compared to Intel binary apps? Yeah, sure, they're "native" speeds, but surely there must be some erformance hit? I mean, it DOES contain two binaries.
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Mar 28, 2012
Fonts on screen are much smaller than printed versions. Can't hardly see onscreen & I'm sending resumes!!
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 20, 2010
I am sitting here at tullys coffee in seattle (suprise) with my 13" air for the first time and realizing it's a bit big for the table! I also got the 11" which I must say is the perfect size hands down for this situation. Im sure I am not alone in this.....of course the large screen is nice but the 11" is really not that much smaller. It just prooves just HOW portable the 11" is.
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May 28, 2012
I'm buying a new MacBookPro but can't decide, due to lack of knowledge, wich one to choose and if there's a noticeble difference between, 15.4" MacBook Pro Notebook Computer 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 Quad-Core4GB of DDR3 RAM500GB 5400rpm Hard DriveAMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB Graphics15.4" LED-Backlit Glossy Display1400 x 900 Native ResolutionSlot-Loading SuperDrive802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDRFaceTime HD Camera, Built-in MicrophoneMac OS X 10.7 Lion (64-bit)
and the 13.3" MacBook Pro Notebook Computer 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 Dual-Core8GB of DDR3 RAM (2x4GB)750GB 5400rpm Hard DriveIntel HD 3000 Graphics13.3" Glossy Widescreen Display1280 x 800 Native ResolutionSuperDrive, Secure Digital Card SlotFaceTime HD Camera, Omnidirectional Mic802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDRMac OS X 10.7 Lion
Besides the screen size, one would be considerable faster?
I use Photoshop and beeing a photographer I deal with large files.
MacBookPro 2.66GHz 4GB 1067MHz DDR3, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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