Hardware :: How To Connect Airport Express To Time Capsule To Create Another Network
Jul 3, 2010
I have a Time Capsule providing a wireless network in my home. I would like use my Airport Express to create an additional network, and have it get its internet from one of the wired ethernet ports on the TC. Can you daisy chain them like that? I tried it and so far I haven't been able to get it to work.
Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not trying to set up a WDS with the TC and the Express, I'm trying to plug the Express into one of the ethernet connections on the TC so the Express can share that internet connection as a new, separate network (like what you would do if you had the Express in a hotel room, etc).
I have the Express set up to create a network, and my computer can connect to it, but the internet's not available for some reason. Should I expect this to be able to work?
I've encountered the situation a few times while traveling where you have cable connection but no WiFi. Since I now travel only with iPhone and iPad (no laptop), can I just connect an old AirPort Express A1084 to the router and expect WiFi? If so does the now unused AirPort Express kept the configuration of my home network e.g. name and password?
I have just recieved a Macbook Pro as a birthday gift! Along with it came Airport Express. We already have an imac that is connected to the internet via an ethernet cable using the broadband provider Virgin Media. Can I create a wireless network with airport express and my broadband or do I need some sort of upgrade or additional hardware?
After trying again and again and failing to connect to my home wireless network which has a password, I tried again after disabling the password, and it worked fine, I'm playing music via iTunes through it right now.
Problem is, I'd obviously prefer a secured network, why can't I connect to a secured network? I'm using a Linkseys WRT160N Router as a base.
I begin uni next month and have been offered accommodation. My room won't have WiFi but will have a wired connection. I'm wondering, is it possible to - rather than connect my MacBook - connect the Time Capsule to this connection and create a wireless network? Also, is it simple to switch from one connection (my current WiFi at home) to another (the uni connection)? Finally, is it easy to switch from being connected via Ethernet to using WiFi (after initial backup for example)? The lack of WiFi would really be rubbish when I have an iPhone and Time Capsule.
I currently use my Airport Express as my wireless router. It's also plugged directly into my stereo so I can take advantage of AirTunes, which I love to do.
I was thinking of purchasing Time Capsule, but I suppose there's no way I can take advantage of it's 802.11n capabilities and continue to use AirTunes on my network?
The Apple site is quite vague on this point but I thought I'd clarify before buying one. I have a Time Capsule as my main router, but I want to move it, but when I do it's out of range of one of my computers. Can I plug the Express in near the computer, and then Ethernet it up to the computer, or is that Ethernet port meant to go into the TC?
So here's how it is set up at home: my parents have an AirPort Extreme Base Station by our upstairs computers, which is connected to a modem and we use that to get our wi-fi throughout the house. I want to buy an AirPort Express to use to stream music in my room. But I also have a Time Capsule, which I need so I can back up my Macbook. I know that an AirPort Express can be used to extend an existing network. So would it be possible to plug in the Express in my room, use it to extend our upstairs network, and then hard-wire the Time Capsule to the Express through the ethernet port and use that to connect the Time Capsule? On paper that seems like it would work, because the Express would be receiving a signal from the base station upstairs, and then sending it to the Time Capsule, giving them both access to the network. But I just want to make sure it would work before I drop $99 on an Express.
I have a Time capsule (1Tb) and wanted to extend the network in the house. i bought an Airport Express and configured it to join the existing network. It works and I see a green light. However, I do not see any increase in the signal (of a PC) whether or not the Express is in.
I have an extra wireless router, the original airport express, and I'd like to use it by putting it in another room and connecting speakers to it. I did this before, with the airport express connected to the network over its ethernet port, and that worked great. How do you do it wirelessly? It's basically putting it on the network in reverse - instead of clients connecting to it over wireless, it's a client connecting to the network wirelessly. How do you do that?
Sorry if this question has been asked many times before - I tried running numerous searches, but it's been difficult to find a straightforward answer to my predicament.
I have a time capsule and an airport express. I would like to extend the range of my wifi network as my modem (attached to the time capsule) is on the third floor of my home and I'd like to improve the strength of my internet connection to the lower floors. I've tried to set-up airport express (located on the 2nd floor, but initially set-up near my time capsule) and the time capsule with the extend range options, but my airport express doesn't seem to improve the range of the wifi. I tested my internet speed by running the test away from airport express, near airport express and with my laptop connected to airport express via ethernet. In fact, connecting the laptop to airport express seems to produce the slowest download speed and being near airport express does not seem to provide faster download speeds.
Can someone point me to straightforward instructions where I can setup airport express to extend the range of my wifi network that uses time capsule? Also, how will I know that airport express is extending my range? When I view my wireless networks, should I see my airport express as one of the wireless networks that I can connect to?
Is it possible to use an Time Capsule to connect to an airport express with a router plugged into it?
I have a small network at home, and would like to have another computer (old PowerMac g4, no wireless card) and my xbox 360 in my basement. I don't want to run cables. Is it possible to connect a router to my airport express and use it to bridge the wired computers wirelessly to the time capsule upstairs? I know it's possible to use the airport express as an extension to the wireless as a WDS but I haven't found anything online about using it as a bridge.
I've just bought an airport express so I can play music from my mbp wirelessly on my speakers and just realised that I have an old usb external hard drive that I never use so was just wondering if I could plug the hard drive into the airport express so I can use time machine wirelessly and make what is effectively a time capsule?
i recently bought an Airport Express, and i finally took it out of its box after i purchased my new stereo. I connected the audio cable to the stereo and the airport unit and plugged it into an outlet. I opened up airport utility on my mac, AX appeared and i configured it to "join a wireless network". After completing the remaining steps, i updated it.. and waited for it to restart. Now here's my problem. It comes up with an error telling me it couldn't find the device after restarting. I have Verizon FiOS as my provider.. and I know that airport express has a history of trouble with the Actiontec router. Is there anything i can do with my current equipment to get this thing to work? I do not need to extend the network.. only join to use airtunes and print wirelessly... Also, my Actiontec router and FiOS connection are through my crappy dell pc downstairs, while i am using my 24" iMac upstairs in my bedroom trying to connect this. Should i change my router's settings?
I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.
I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.
I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.
I picked up a Time Capsule 500GB and an AirPort Express 802.11n today. I am trying to setup my network as follows. Time Capsule as base station AirPort Express as as range extender
I would also like to set up the AirPort Express to use it's ethernet port to provide internet for my DirecTV HR20 HD DVR. I've currently got everything connected and running, and the HR20 gets an IP address, however, it says that there is no internet connection.
Our company is currently running an Apple Time Capsule that has ~40 users wirelessly connecting to it. Now we recently opened up a new office space that will potentially have more than 50 users that need to connect to our network.
Seeing this we then purchased a Linksys WRT610N wireless router so that we can facilitate more than 50 wireless users. My question therefore is: how do we set this up so that the Linksys router connects to the TC so that we will subsequently be connected to the Internet as well as our network - no matter what SSID (TC or Linksys) we're on. I've been bearing about bridge modes and WAN ports but this is new to us so a brief explanation/procedure would be appreciated.
Keep in mind that we would like to keep the TC as our main router with the Linksys connected to that as well as increase the TC limit of the 50-user connectivity limit.
is it possible to run both a wireless connection with airport express, as well as have a direct ethernet connection to the computer? i have a simple, two-way ethernet splitter than comes from the port in the wall that should technically be able to do this, but i have tried this without success and i am guessing there is a little more to this problem than just having both connections hooked up at the same time.
anyways right now i am running on an airport express wireless connection. at my school there is a campus-based p2p program that can only be accessed through direct ethernet connection, leaving me inaccessible to it when i am on my wireless connection. there is a bunch of registration junk that has to be done when i switch from ethernet to wireless, which is why i would prefer to have both set up at once.
To date I've used an airport express as a wireless router for my macbook and macbook pro. Both have been manually backed up routinely on external hard drives. I use the macbook as my main media center/media storage and the hard drive is starting is nearly full. I'd like to set up a system where I move my media to an external hard drive and also automate the backup of the mb, mbp, and external hard drive. Would time capsule be the best approach for this and will it backup an external hard drive tied to its usb port. Alternatively, could I tie 2 external hard drives through a usb hub into airport extreme, using one for backing up the laptops and the other external drive?
Just replaced a 500 gb time capsule with a new dual band 1 tb time capsule (first one died). My iMac, ipods, ps3 and wii all can connect to the network and work great. My wife's HP laptop, which worked fine 3 days ago, isn't connecting well. It picks up the "excellent" signal to connect to the local network made by the time capsule, but can not connect to the bigger internet. In other words, no browsing, email...etc. the signal is "excellent, and all other devices in the house can "see" and use the internet
I have a dual-band airport extreme router setup in a closet on the bottom floor of my 3-floor apartment, and I'm in need of some help figuring out how to go about adding some additional networking gear to my existing system
I have a 1TB Time Capsule which I'd like incorporate into my existing network. I have an available ethernet cable on the top floor of my apartment which I would like to connect the Time Capsule to so that I can quickly backup my MacPro (connected to network directly via ethernet), and so if possible I can extend the range of the Wireless-N network that my dual-band router is currently providing (because the signal on the top floor of my apartment isn't as great as I'd like it to be). I'd like to have the Time Capsule configured to only use the Wireless-N network so that my Macbook pro and my wife's Macbook Air will be backup to it via wireless-n speeds at all times.
I've just joined a Time Capsule to my existing wifi network and it's working fine. However, if I try to connect a computer to the LAN port, I can't ping the TC. Is this by design?
I have a network that is made of up a Time capsule as a base station and 3 airport express's used to extend my wifi coverage. It is setup as a roaming network with each express hardwired to the base time capsule. I have a iMac that will not connect to the base station, it will only connect to one of the remote express's. The iMac is next to the base satation. Other mac notebooks, iPhone or iPads all connect to the base station when they are near it. Only my iMac will not connect to it.
I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.
Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.
My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.
For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.
The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.
I have a slow network issue. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.
1 MacBook Pro 1 Airport Extreme 1 Airport Express to Extend the Network
The network to my living room was slow, so I added the Express to extend the network. When connected through the Express, with a Time Machine backup, I'm getting about 500K/sec transfer speeds. When I move the laptop away from the Express and close to the Extreme, the network works much faster, about 5MB/sec. I don't understand why the network is so much slower when using the Airport Express as a network extender. Is the speed difference normally that much? If it's not supposed to be, is there anything I can do?
Back when I did this last time I found some detailed instructions, but of course I didn't bookmark them. I now changed the channel and now I lost the connection to the second one, which is only used for music.
I have a WPA/WPA2 password and an restricted access list.
I just got a time capsule and replaced my extreme with it then added my 2 expresses to the network. Was getting 28-33mbps download speeds using speedtest.net to test now i'm getting only 4-6mbps. WTH!!! Also the transfer rate for backing up my macbook to the tc drive is ridiculous!!!
This is driving me crazy. I bought a Belkin F5D9050 802.11g compatible usb wireless card, and it will not recognize my airport express!
I have changed the settings in windows, and know the drivers are correct, it just won't find it as a online router/hub.
It says the network is unavailable, and there was an issue setting up wireless, it is like the windows wireless setup and the card are competing, so I cancelled the windows g setup and still nothing.
I am running SP 3 for XP, and tried chatting Belkin support and no one knows.
I installed Airport Utility, and etc and still doesn't connect.
The only flicker I had was when I went into my mac and tried creating another network, and then it signaled a device, but would not connect.