PowerPC :: Where To Find Replacement Key For Powerbook?
Oct 28, 2009
I just inherited a Powerbook G4 17" as my work computer. Model number is A1085. It's the 1.5 ghz I believe. Anyway, it has one problem ? the delete key is broken off. Not only that, but the little rubber spring under the key is also gone. Is it possible for me to replace the key, and the rubber nub, without having to buy an entire new keyboard? Any suggestions on where to get a new keyboard if that is not possible? Best price I can find is $85. I'd hate to have to spend that much (or have work spend that much), for a single key.
I work at a newspaper, and I write stories. No delete key is a big problem.
My girlfriend has a 12" G4 Powerbook that she claimed was getting really hot. I noticed it was as well, so I installed iStat Pro and saw that the fan was spinning at 0 RPM. So obviously something is wrong. I read a few posts on people having problems with the logic board, which would also cause the fan not to work. However, the computer runs fine, the fan just doesn't turn on when it gets hot. I haven't (and don't plan to) let it get so hot that it would shut itself off or burst in to flame or whatever happens. I understand it's out of Applecare, but I would prefer to fix it myself on the cheap. I'm perfectly capable and willing to replace the fan, but before I crack it open I would like to know if there is a simple way to see if my problem is simply a dead $30 fan, or a $500 logic board.
I just bought a Powerbook G4 off of Clist. The previous owner replaced the screen with a higher resolution screen from a newer Powerbook. The display looks great, except that it doesn't fill the whole screen. There is a long group of colored lines on the right side, and the bottom starts to show the top of the display (it looks almost tiled and shows the screen again on the bottom). I'm guessing that this is just a formatting issue, but I'm not sure how to correct it.
The 60GB HD on my 12" Powerbook is threatening to die on me so I'm thinking now would be a good time to do the harddrive upgrade that I've been putting off for a while. Can anyone offer any advice as to where/how to find a compatible HD for my machine? Will any 2.5" drive work, or does it have to be made specifically for Mac? I found this one, for example, that looked good:[URL]
If anyone can offer suggestions on this drive or on something better it would be much appreciated.
Im working on a mod, and want to kno some more info about the powerbook trackpad (or track pads in general). how it works, its physical peices, etc.If anyone knows any good sites, lemme kno.
I just wanted to know where to find my powerbooks model number? The bottom of it says Model Number:A... But everyone always uses a number that starts with M. I am selling my powerbook and people want to know what the model number is so I need to find it.
Ive already googled this subject and i seem to always end up with ridiculous sites trying to sell G4s for like 900 or 1000 bucks. Im looking for a PB G4 for my mom, i just need one that works and is super cheap. She has a sad lil dell that has win98 still and its borderline useless. All she needs it for is internet, typing, and various low key things. My friend has a G4 and it still works great, and i thought it would be nice not having to fix her dell when she gets yet another virus.
Hi guys. I need some help with my Airport. I currently have a D-Link DIR-655 router. The wireless is wonderful when it works but lately the problem is the network has disappeared from my Airport list. I've tried reinstalling the software and it has temporarily fixed the problem but after a minute or so the network vanishes (but I'm still able to connect to it via iPhone). Anyone know what the problem is? I'm currently running 10.5.7 on a 15" Pbook G4.
to make a long story short, my first gen 17" G4 PB had its trackpad/power button cable severed a year ago, forcing me to remove the battery and memory door each time I need to start up. It's been kernel panicking a lot in the last few months, but always restarts fine. Tonight, on startup, it could not find the HD, and the logo shifted from happy mac to question mark and back. Is my HD toast? I know the comp is totally doomed and will be getting a new MBP when they come out (if they come out...), but I had wanted to keep the Powerbook in order to do a firewire transfer of files to the new MBP I get. Can this be fixed? Can the HD be mounted in an enclosure?
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
I just had a second hard drive replaced on my Macbook pro which I have had a little over a year. After the first HD replacement I purchased a WD external drive to back time machine to. Time machine was set up to back up VM to Mac HD and then back Mac HD up to time machine. I am pretty much tech illiterate when it comes to restoring. I have managed to restore the Mac side of the computer, get the VM(Fusion) installed and also installed Windows. For the life of me I cannot find my Windows files. From all I have read there is a chance there may not be any files but I would like to make sure before I begin the long process of rebuilding.
I need to find a new cable for my 20" Cinema Wide screen Display (model # A1081). The part I am looking for is the cable that attaches from the monitor itself to 4 parts- display, power, usb, fire. My stupid cat chewed the wire and it stopped working. I took it to the apple store but they wanted 300 bucks to take it and fix it. My question(s):
1- Can anyone tell me the part I am looking for and possible a link to where I can find it? 2- The white plug that connects to the monitor, does that come off or do I need to remove it from the inside (it seems really stuck on there).
My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?
I have a great G4 MMD machine that I love. I've rebuilt it, and it does everything I want it to do with OSX.
The problem is the noise from the two fans. Its REALLY loud.
Is there a drop in replacement for the big fan that will be less loud, BUT will still move the same amount of air. The last thing I want to do is overheat the machine because I put in a substandard fan.
I currently have a 40gb HD on my iBook G4 and was wondering if there is a way to install a new harddrive without voiding my warranty (I have over 1.5 years left on it). Also, where is the best place to buy new HDs?
We are now trying to replace the hard drive with an 80 Gb one. The problem is that when I try to clone the existing HD over to the new one, CCC gets to the point of copying the applications folder and can't go any farther. I assume this means the HD in the iBook is well and truly dead, Worst case I'll have to install everything from the restore discs, although that will set her machine back some--I think she has OS 10.2 discs and the machine is actually on 10.3.9.
My PowerBook G4 (specs in the bottom, except 250 GB drive) HDD is failing. It is the standard 80 GB one that came with the notebook. I have a 250 GB WD scorpio ready to go in, but I have a couple of questions. First of all, if I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my existing disc to the new WD scorpio by using a PATA drive enclosure (USB 2.0), will it boot once put in the notebook? Does it need to be a firewire enclosure to be able to boot? Second, what is the average life of the original Hitachi drives (80 GB) that were put in this model of PowerBook. This is the 1.33 GHz model with the superdrive 4x. I just want to know what to do before I disassemble it.
Its been going for a while now and finally the right channel of audio has fully cut out from the headphone jack. This is a huge bummer. I mean the laptops 3 years old so its not to bad. I mean its taken a beating over the years. Its just that I use it to listen to music and audio out for watching dvds, so its no good for that anymore. I have an external audio card but thats no good for when I am mobile and I use the laptop all over the place. Is there a way to fix this or would it need a whole logic board replacement? Can I use a audio card that fits into those card slots on the left hand side of the Powerbook. What are those cards called again?
Some guy is selling a 500mhz G3 ibook for 200, the only problem is it has a broken screen. How much would it cost to replace, and is this a good price?
I'm looking into replacing a motherboard on my newphews iBook G4. It's an early 2004 Series. I'm wondering if these Ibooks have interchangable motherboards, i.e. 1.0ghz vs 1.2ghz, 12inch screen vs the 14inch screen. I've done much work on IBM compatible laptops and these interchange pretty easily...but these MAC's are all new to me. I'm looking to get a busted up one off ebay and replace it for him for pretty cheap...
I have a chip on the side of my g4 ibook and would like to change the whole case to something other than the standard glossy white. I recall there was a company that made really colorful (red, blue, pink) Macs, but can't find anything online. Well, I found one company [URL] but they sell the machine not just a case. Anyway, I think they were painted, but by now I figure there has to be a company offering a way to customize Macs. does anyone know of one?
My K key on my labtop popped off last night and I can't get it back on. Does anyone know how to pop it back on or if it's broken where I can buy a replacement key?
so i accidentally cracked my ibook g4 screen i went to an applestore and they gave me a site where i could find replacements a new screen costs $380! ide rather use that to buy a new laptop but anyways, does anyone know any sites that would have replacements screens for about $100 to $200? or somewhere i can buy a broken ibook g4 with a good screen
I got an old G4 Digital Audio as home server / seedbox, and recently i got fed up with the horrible noise and as a first step i replaced the 120 mm fan with a new and quiet one, and it is working perfectly. However, when i replaced it i noticed that the CPU fan is now the loudest, and a computer that is on 24/7 can never be too quiet.
Can i replace the CPU fan with any fan of the right size?
Are there any requirements regarding fan speed/air throughput?
Do i have to connect the fan to the non-standard two pin connection where the original fan was connected or can i just use a normal 3 to 4 converter and connect it to the spare 4 pin power outlet?
Can any one tell me what combo and superdrive can be used to replace a broken one in a 12" powerbook g4 1ghz? Does any combo or superdrive work that are the original specs (like the combo drive being 24/12/8)? I tried looking online for one, but with no luck. Does any one know a good place to buy one from for pretty cheap?
My iBook is almost 3 years old and I think the battery is just dead. It holds a charge of maybe 20 minutes max and it's gotten to the point where I'm just gonna give in a buy a new batterry. Can I just buy any "14" iBook G4" batterry off of eBay or any site other than from Apple direct(retails $129)? Should I be looking a particular model number for the battery (A1080) or the laptop? I see batterries selling for $80 on eBay.... have u guys done this? I dont want to end up with something that won't work just because I bought it at a non-Apple site...
Fixing up my old TiBook to sell and discovered the CDRW is playing up reads some dics OK but makes a horrible crunching noise when ejecting, not good. The original drive is a Matshita CW-8121 but I can't find any for sale, what can I replace it with that's current and supported? And pref cheap on Ebay.