PowerPC :: Unable To Install Tiger On G4
Nov 25, 2008
I installed a new 250GB WD ATA hard drive in my 450mhz Sawtooth G4. The computer sees the drive, it works in target disk mode but nothing will install.
When I try to install Tiger from the DVD or the 4xCD set it gives an error after a minute of installing and says to restart. The Tiger disks crash my G5 as soon as I try to boot them. When I try to install Leopard via target disk mode from my G5 it says it cannot be installed on this computer.
This isn't one of the computers that has to have the OS installed in the first 8gb of the drive partition is it? I don't want to install 10.3, too much of my software isn't compatible with it. It was running 10.4 fine on the old 30gb drive.
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Feb 7, 2009
so I have a very unique, bizarre problem. A friend brought her G4 1.67gHz 15" Powerbook to the office to have it looked at as it wasn't working properly. I took a look at it and found that one of the RAM chips was shorted out. I took it out and ordered her a new pair (since it was like $26 for 2gb, and with the one removed she was running on 512). Here's where it gets bizarre: I installed the new RAM and it was freezing regularly. I then took one out and it was still freezing regularly. I booted it from my Utilities partition (I have a bootable firewire drive set up to fix problems and recover data) and ran Disk Warrior, TechTool, and a whole heapin helpin of other fixin and optimization apps. I got it to fix all the reported errors, TechTool reports no hardware errors, everything should work perfectly. So now, the laptop boots to a blue screen. I can't boot it from a retail Tiger install disc, and I can't boot it from the hard drive, it just boots to the Apple logo, the Unix spinner, and then goes blue and freezes. So I set it as a firewire target drive and was able to do an archive/install of Tiger using my G5. It recognized and installed fine and it booted my G5. Ok, so it's not the drive. I restart and nothing, apple/unix logos then blue screen. Same with the Tiger DVD. I replace the original 512MB stick (the working one) and still same result. So finally I go back to my Firewire repairs disc and everything boots fine, all tests come out fine, drive is recognized and works fine, etc. What could cause a computer to boot, a drive to be bootable, but a computer not being able to boot on any installed drive?
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Nov 30, 2006
Anyone knows if the install cds shipped with the macbook pro C2D are able to install OSX on a PPC mac. Macbook pro install CD to install tiger on a G4 Powerbook?
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Mar 10, 2009
I just obtained a PowerPC G4 Tower, but there was no hard drive in it. Because of this, I put in an older 20 gb hard drive I had just laying around. It is from an old Windows PC I had, but I don't know if thats a problem or not. Anyways, when I try to boot from the Tiger disc, nothing happens. I have tried holding down C when I turn the mac on, but that doesn't help at all. I just always get the mac icon with a question mark in the middle of the screen. I am just wondering, is this anything to do with the PC hard drive I put in the mac? Or is there something else that I am doing wrong? I just want Tiger to be installed on the computer.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have an original Tiger 10.4 install disk for a G-5 computer. When I boot up the computer with the install disk everything is fine. However when I run Disk Utility the only option I have for formatting the partitions is MS-DOS or free space. No Mac OS X formats are offered. If I run a 10.5 Install disk I am offered the options in Disk Utility to use Mac OS X HDD formatting. Any one have any idea what I need to do to get DU in Tiger to format the HDD in Mac OS X format? BTW, the HDD's in the unit are pre-formatted in Windows NTFS if that makes a difference. I just want to make sure Tiger supports Mac OS X format before doing anything else.
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Mar 4, 2007
I've got a flat panel G4 iMac, currently running 10.3.9. I'm having ongoing problems: frequent kernel panics, weird things happening to the display (display breaks up into a jumble of lines on occasion). I've done the usual troubleshooting: disk utility, apple hardware test, reboot in Safe. I want to try reinstalling the OS to see if this helps.
Problem: I don't have the install discs for OS 10.3.9 - about a year ago the logic board was replaced and I had the service swap in a new hard drive at that time and they loaded 10.3.9 when they did this. I don't want to buy 10.4 at this point - with Leopard coming out soon from what I understand, also want to make sure I can get the computer running properly again before I throw any more money at it. I've tried using borrowed discs to install 10.4, but I keep getting a message stating: "you cannot install this software on this computer". This has happened with 3 different borrowed install discs. Two of the borrowed discs were for iBooks, one was for a G5 iMac.
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Dec 21, 2007
I have an iMac G3 DV Special edition which I bought off of craigslist with 400MHz, 384MB of Ram and a 13GB hard drive. It came with Mac OS X 10.1.5 and I'd like to upgrade it to Tiger. I have the install DVD and when I insert the disc, the iMac sees it and asks me to restart the machine so it can install but when I click ok and it restarts, nothing happens. It just boots back into Mac OS X. I've tried holding down the C key and setting it to boot the disk in the System Preferences area but nothing.
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Jul 4, 2008
so i want to install tiger on my G3 600 mhz 256 mb RAM imac that has no dvd drive.i looked around the net and found that apple used to accept tiger DVD's and exchange them for CD's for a 10$ fee but thats no longer the case....
i also found that i could install tiger from another mac with a DVD drive using firewire disk mode...so i looked around my things and found an old firewire cable and hooked both machines up (imac and my mbp) and restarted the imac holding down the t key and so then the firewire symbol shows up on the imacs screen...well from what i understand the imac's HD is supposed to show up on my mbp desktop...this never happens.And ive tried it multiple times...so i dont know what the problem is..and ive tried it using OS 9 and 10.0 the OS's the machine came with..
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Nov 7, 2008
my problem is the following, I have an Ibook G3 which Disk Drive is busted. So i'm trying to install Tiger To it (PPC) by using Target Disk or Disk Target (w/e) mode connecting it with my Mac Book Pro. I restored the Ibook with the disk utility on the MBP putting as source the installer for tiger which I ripped off the img file from the the retail version I bought. And so I rstored it to the HD of the Ibook, takes about 15-10min(Maybe less) and done. When I turn on My Ibook it automatically boots into the installing of OS X process. Everything goes smooth until I get to the part that I have to choose the destination but I can't choose anything because the HD for the Ibook won't show, it doesnt show any possible destination for me to save to. I have read the read me files and everything on the software and about the option botton on the "destination" part but the botton cannot be selected. I read something about the formatt of the Ibook for tiger to work and I have it in "Extended (Jornaled)" and i'm upgrading it from Mac 9 classic, but the drivers for mac 9 aren't installed since I accidentally (w/o knowing) erased everything on the hard drive the first time I did this with the Disk utility.
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May 18, 2009
my hard drive freaked out on my g3 ibook so i went to reinstall tiger on it...i can't get it to boot from an external dvd rom and start the instalation process...it gets a kernel panic and the only thing i can do is shut it off...is there anything that i'm not doing or is the hard drive fubar'd?
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Dec 12, 2009
I have a 12 in powerbook with a non working cd drive. The problem is that my osx install died. I' pulled the HD from the machine and wiped the hd, and now is an unformatted hd. I go about installing osx without any mac computers, just my windows machines. Networking is an option.
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May 2, 2010
I've got a Tiger Retail Disc that I've used on 2 previous machines without a hitch.Now, I urgently need to install Tiger on a 12" 800mhz iBook G3, yet after thirty minutes, it tells me to Try Again!Some erros tell me that there are essential files that can't be copied."Unable to copy package source file /System/Installation/Packages/Essentials.pkg/Contents/Resources/BundleVersions.plist"Some files for Essentials may not have been written correctly"
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Jan 28, 2009
I've searched google but cant find an answer to my question.
I have an external HD, partitioned into 2 volumes, where 1 volume is empty and I want to install Tiger onto this volume.
Trouble is when I boot into the install CD and try to install on this volume it says that it 'cannot install on this volume.Mac OS cannot boot into this volume.'
I found on google that when partitioning the whole ext. HD, there is an option about a GUID or something which allows the drive be bootable.
This would be useful but it would wipe my whole drive, including the other volume.
I do not want to do a clone of my int. HD, and SuperDuper! it onto the ext. HD.
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Mar 27, 2007
I got this iBook a few days ago for my son, and it has been working fine until I decided to upgrade to OSX 10.4. For some reason it freezes during the install. I tried using the original Installation discs that came with the iBook and I get the same thing. STRANGE!!! I was told it was a bad RAM chip, but it only has the onbord chip so I had nothing to replace.
Apple Hardware test passes with flying colors, I have reset the PMU to no avail....Kinda at a loss here. Oh, I have tried booting into Single User mode and installing that way as well...no dice.
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Nov 12, 2007
I have an external firewire drive and I made an iso of Tiger (from Original CD). I used Disk Utility to make what I think to be a bootable firewire drive.I selected the ISO as the source and the External as the Destination. When I hook up the external to the ibook and hold down the options key I have a gray screen with a refresh and and right pointing arrow.
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Apr 18, 2009
i got a ibook g3 and i cant install my copy of tiger it is on cd and cant get it to boot it reads it fine if it is on desktop but not if i hold c or key it dose however boot in other macs
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Sep 26, 2010
I have an Imac 17" Intel Core 2 Duo (5,1) 2ghz late 2006 model. Just recently the superdrive has perished for what ever reason & I have read that some times if you reinstall the original operating discs that came with the computer, the superdrive may or may not come back to life.
Leopard 10.5.8 with all the updates is the current set up on the imac & I want to put Tiger 10.4.7 back on it. So I'm connecting the Imac to my Mac pro 15.4" (late 2007 model - 2.2ghz 4gb ram intel core 2 duo) via firewire & use the Imac as a target disk. I put the install disc into my mac pro with the imac connected, power down - reboot holding 'C' to boot up the Tiger install disc. The apple logo & spinning wheel appear, but then the screen darkens & a 'You must turn off your computer or hold the power switch for a few seconds appears'
Now I've tried resetting the PRAM,NVRAM & SMC also decreasing the amount of RAM there is in the laptop.But the error is always the same? However if I put leopard 10.5.6 disc in that starts ok, snow leopard 10.6 that starts ok too. But tiger 10.4.7 & leopard 10.5.1 won't start at all? How can I get Tiger 10.4.7 back onto the imac using my mac pro?
Yes the only other way is to replace the superdrive, but I'm not in a position to get it replaced at the minute & if reinstalling the original operating discs rejuvenates the old superdrive, then there's no point.
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Apr 17, 2007
I would like to upgrade to Tiger, the system is 900Mhz,has 256mb of ram, 40gb HDD and is currently running 10.2.8 (jaguar??) I was wondering if I could upgrade to Tiger using the Tiger install disks that I got with the imac c2d or is there an issue with this being a laptop and ppc ? I really dont have much of a clue about this kind of stuff with a mac, when I upgrade to Tiger I would also like a fresh install, there are no files I wish to keep, this presented a problem with my old xp laptop for drivers. Will the same happen when I upgrade the ibook? Should I format the HDD before attempting to upgrade to Tiger? If so how do I do this?
2/ I would like to install an airport card. Would I be able to install an Airport extreme card so that I can use 802.11g? Is the airport card even user installable?
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Mar 30, 2008
I've tried the 4 CD and single DVD retail versions of 10.4 on my G5 and all crash at the apple logo screen.
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Sep 3, 2009
A friend of mine got an iBook G4 14" with a 60GB HD that wasn't working, so he exchanged the HD, but now he is not able to get the iBook up and running because he doesn't have the installation DVDs for Tiger or any other OSX
My question is, could I use my OSX installation DVD (Tiger) in order to install Tiger to his iBook and get it up and running? I have my original installation DVDs and everything that came with my iBook, but I don't know if those will only work with my computer, or if they're limited to be installed in one computer at a time.
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Jun 8, 2010
I recently purchased a MacBook 2.1 running 10.4.11, however the seller of the item sent the computer to me with a lot of his own data on so I decided to delete this and start fresh.Whenever I insterted the Tiger disc it would tell me that it was unable to install Mac OS X on my computer so I decided that the best thing to do would be to erase the hard drive, however in doing so I erased the operating system and now whenever I try to boot the computer from the disc I am faced with a folder with a question mark flashing at me.
It appears to do something when I insert the disc that my housemate got with his MacBook Pro which runs Snow Leopard but still tells me that it is unable to install OS X.
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Jun 30, 2010
I have accidentally deleted my system preferences which caused my computer to run into many different problems. I tried pacifist to get system preferences from the install dvd, but instead system preferences being a regular app, it just shows up in my applications with the "a" and a "pencil" icon.
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Oct 24, 2006
Ok now I have a problem now with my PB. I upgraded to Tiger (bought from Apple.) I now can't play DVDs! When I was running Panther I could pop in a DVD and the DVD Player started up. Now with Tiger, I put in a DVD It mounts on the desktop (like any other cd.) I can still burn and read cds, but can't play dvds.
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Jul 26, 2008
I bought an airport extreme card in 2006, and haven't tried installing it until this morning (always been hardwired!) Can't seem to figure it out now, as the card seems too small for the slot on my Powerbook G4.
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Sep 22, 2007
I just got a Power Mac g4 from my school and i dont know much about it but it didn't come with an operating system. I bought a full retail version of mac os x and pop the disk in and it will only eject the disk. I tried holding option when its installing but the computer wont recoginize the disk it will only eject it.
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Oct 27, 2010
I have a dual 2ghz G5 that i wanted to clean off and start fresh. I wiped the drive with disk utility and tried to install os from tiger install dvd. G5 keeps hanging at install and also at disk utility. I've swapped both the osX install dvd disk and the entire dvd drive, but still hangs at os load or utility.
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Jun 12, 2009
I installed leopard on it while back but it originally came with tiger. lost the recovery cds. I want it back to tiger. When i put the original tiger dvd in it will say in cannot install the software. so i figured i use TDM to connect it to my imac(running leopard) I used disk utility to erase the HD and did repair disk afterwords. I tried to boot the dvd using the c button on the MB but i would respond and went to the question mark folder.
How can i get tiger back on my MB
please don't ask me why i want tiger back and what leopard off its not really relevant.
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Oct 19, 2009
when i insert the SL upgrade dvd (9.99 version), and i boot up from the dvd, i get this:
and i cannot select disk utility to wipe my drive. not sure what else to do.
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May 2, 2009
Recently my parents just bought a Macbook with Leopard on it. I own a three year old Macbook that runs Tiger. I saw this as a chance to upgrade to Leopard. I tried to install Leopard on my Macbook but it says that it can't install on my machine. I've searched various places but I've gotten vague answers. Is it because the disk is hardware specific (From what I've heard) or is it something else and I'm not getting it?
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a late 2007 MBP running Tiger (10.4.11). I recently purchased a new iMAC that came with SL (10.6.1). I have tried twice to use this DVD to upgrade my MBP from Tiger to SL, but it keeps telling me that OS X can't be installed on this machine. Do I need to use an UPGRADE DVD to actually do the Upgrade?
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