PowerPC :: Install OS On New HD With Upgraded Graphics Card On G3?
Feb 24, 2007
My hard drive on my old B&W finally crashed the other day. I got a new hard drive for it a few days ago. I upgraded the graphics card from a rage 128 to a radeon 7000 sometime ago. Do I need to put the old rage 128 in when I reinstall OS 10.3? Or is it ok to install it with the Radeon 7000 in it?
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Feb 6, 2009
pretty set on getting a single processor Mac Pro, 2.8 in the standard configuration.my dual 1.8G5 died a few weeks back, and as patient as i'd like to be about waiting for a new Mac Pro, i don't think i can wait until June...of course, if i *knew* it were march, i might be able to, but who knows...it's all a matter of rolling the dice.my question is this: is it worth spending the extra $150 (or slightly discounted) on the 8880GT video card in terms of "future usage"?i am not a gamer nor need great video power for my things (i do photoshop but no video editing, etc.)
However, i note that a new 8800GT costs in the 230+ range and i wonder aloud if i'm better off buying it now and being set for the life of the machine.my plan/hope: i will keep this machine, just like i did my old Powermac, for hopefully 4-6 years (assuming it doesn't die...if my G5 hadn't died, i'd still be happily using it for another year or two).or should i wait...and maybe a couple of years down the road, buy a faster video card for about the same $150 (or will such a thing be available once new Mac Pros come out)?
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Dec 30, 2009
How hard is it to fit a new graphics card into my Mac Pro? I have ordered an ATI Radeon HD 4870.
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Apr 21, 2009
I am not that good with computers. Ok, so my question is: how do I install a new graphics card into my macbook, without buying a new computer? I have the older white macbook. I was thinking of putting in the new NIVIDA GeForce 9400.
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Nov 30, 2007
I posted this on the buyers guide forum but got no response. Maybe you guys can help.
I have a G5 dual 2.0 with 5.5 GB ram and an ATI Radeon 9600 pro graphics card.
I have been running Final Cut Studio with no problems. Once I upgraded to FCS 2, it seems to drag with some of the new fetures. Motion 3 seems really slow! So I added 2 more gigs of ram to bring it up to the 5.5.
I am waiting for the new MP like so many of you, but I will keep this computer for off line editing and compressor and for a part time assistant editor to use.
Would it be worth it for me to upgrade the graphics card?
If so what would be a good choice of card for this type of work.
FYI the last computer game I played was Zork, so I don't care about gaming.
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Apr 29, 2008
I had recently purchased a 2nd hand G5 PowerMac with dual 1.8GHz processors and PCI-X slots. I think it was released in November 2003. It's a great machine, but suffers from its lacklustre 64MB graphics card. My Mac man told me not to bother, but I would like to investigate the option further. What do you think is available and where would I obtain one of these things? Oh, I should also ask the most important question...is it worth it?
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Apr 2, 2012
i want to install a new graphics card on my 2011 macbook pro 13"
if not is there any way in which i can exchange my mac with a new one which has a better graphics card
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 15, 2007
Really wanted to update my Powermac this year to a MacPro but as I'm getting married it's going to be an expensive year so I've decided to upgrade the G5 2.0 DP I already have.At the moment the kit I have is pretty good in that I have 1.5 gig of memory and 250gig of hard drive space but I'm open to suggestions.The G5 I have is the PCI version so I'm a bit limited as to what I can upgrade but the main area I'm looking at is with the graphics card. I had BTO the ATI 9650 256meg card but I'm looking for something better. I've just started to get into "World Of Warcraft" and would like the best graphics card that is value for money.
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Nov 3, 2006
Why is it that an Imac G5 doesn't perform nearly as well as even the Core duos in terms of FPS?Why is it that the PPC artictechture seems to not be able to run games as well, even with a comparably speced graphics card?I can't really seem to formulate my question:Let's pretend we have two computers that are exactly the same speed. (Yes I know Intel macs are way faster than PPC)WHY oh why would the PPC computer do terribly compared to the Intel?
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Mar 28, 2008
I'm looking on cragslist right now for an older powermac to use as a media hub and I think I found one. It appears to be an AGP G4 PowerMac (500Mhz-ish). I have a 256MB graphics card I was using with my PC, I was wondering if I could plop it in and it would work? I know it's probably a pipe dream, but it doesn't hurt to ask
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Apr 16, 2008
All this talk of 8800GT's on the Mac Pros is putting me in the mood for upgrading the 64mb ATI 9600 in my stock PM g5 dual 2 GHz.I have an old Formac Oxygen ADC monitor (used as one screen of my dual head system) but the ADC connector on the graphics card seems to be dead, and everytime I plug the monitor in to the port, the Mac just keeps 'tripping' out and won't power up - almost like something is shorting out.As a result, I'm stuck to using just the DVI port (1 screen is so limiting after being used to 2!!), connected to an ancient VGA monitor. I really miss having a dual screen set-up, and this is another reason why I would like to upgrade the card. would be good to still be able to use my ADC monitor, but I guess only the older, low spec cards had these, and I'm probably gonna have to ditch the monitor and get a couple of DVI screens.
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Jun 12, 2009
My 3 yr old IMac G5 (no isight) seems to be real sluggish in graphics dept. I never used to have problems watching hulu videos, now they stutter. When I play warcraft, the game struggles to keep up if I'm in an area where there is lots of players. Would a new graphics card help? Is it replaceable on my IMac model?
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Aug 9, 2010
I have a 1.33ghz 1.28gb ram 14" ibook. I have leopard on it and have optimized it as much as possible. Ive got youtube videos running pretty smoothly but there in an online TV service I use that drops a frame every couple of seconds. I was wondering if i overclocked the graphics card by 10% will in slightly improve the playback of flash?
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Apr 22, 2007
Can someone tell me if I could put a ATI Radeon X1650 Pro graphics card in a 800 MHz PowerMac? I know that the PowerMac uses AGP, and that card is agp, so will it work? If it doesent, could you point me out to some cards that will?
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Sep 2, 2009
I need a new/best card for a G5 quad 2.5. I know it's old (4 years) but it's still used quite a bit - mainly for Photoshop work. The card needs to run 2 x 23" Cinema Displays. I'm not sure if it makes any difference but it has 16GB memory (twice as much as our new 2.93 Quad can take - there's something not quite right there...)
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Jul 9, 2008
So my mom's G5 (single 1.8) graphics card just pooped out on us.
Lot's of multi-colored lines show up on the screen at the same time and it never boots into OS X. Ran the CD Apple hardware test and the only error i got back was the video memory. So we're thinking about getting a new video card.
It has the factory card still in it and I can't really decide what kind of card needs to be purchased. I've been hunting around the internet and have found numerous conclusions that all seem to differ.
It's basically an AGP 8x slot. We don't need anything fancy just a replacement. There's an auction on ebay right now for the current card (nVidia GeForce FX 5200) but the auction has two in it and we only need one.
but anyway, if anyone could lead me in the right direction i'd really love to get my mom's mac up and running again.
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Jan 28, 2010
1) I am in the possession of a June 2004 PowerMac G5 DP 1.8.
2) It's the AGP+PCI variety (not PCI-X, not PCIe).
3) It's running Leopard 10.5.8
4) I've got an Ultra 6800 DDL installed.
Main Question:
What is the best way to add another (3rd) monitor?
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Oct 1, 2010
So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo
now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?
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Sep 1, 2010
Does anyone know if its possible to install a video card with more than 256mb of RAM in a 2.7 dual G5? (8xAGP and PCI-e) Iv'e read lots about flashing ROM on cards but they all seem to be 256 - is there some limitation on flashing bigger/newer cards?
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Oct 31, 2010
which AirPort card would i install to my eMac?
This one:
Or, This one:
My eMac is the 1ghz model and is running OS 10.4
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Oct 26, 2009
i bought a lot of 5 eMacs at my local auction. i got 4 700mhz and one 1.0ghz. when i turned on the 700mhz i noticed that it had a card installed. now my question is how do i take it out? I ask b/c i wanna put it in my clamshells instead.
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Apr 17, 2007
I would like to upgrade to Tiger, the system is 900Mhz,has 256mb of ram, 40gb HDD and is currently running 10.2.8 (jaguar??) I was wondering if I could upgrade to Tiger using the Tiger install disks that I got with the imac c2d or is there an issue with this being a laptop and ppc ? I really dont have much of a clue about this kind of stuff with a mac, when I upgrade to Tiger I would also like a fresh install, there are no files I wish to keep, this presented a problem with my old xp laptop for drivers. Will the same happen when I upgrade the ibook? Should I format the HDD before attempting to upgrade to Tiger? If so how do I do this?
2/ I would like to install an airport card. Would I be able to install an Airport extreme card so that I can use 802.11g? Is the airport card even user installable?
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Jul 26, 2008
I bought an airport extreme card in 2006, and haven't tried installing it until this morning (always been hardwired!) Can't seem to figure it out now, as the card seems too small for the slot on my Powerbook G4.
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Nov 22, 2009
Following the death of my dual G4 867mhz system, I have been left with an IBM T42 laptop for the last few months on which to work (feel free to Google if you're curious about the stats).
I can't honestly say that I care much for the iMacs and the Mac Pros are beyond my budget so it looks like I'll be going with the next revision of the Macbook Pro.
I've reviewed the Apple website and I'm interested in the high-end 15 inch with the dual video card setup with 512MB of VRAM. What I am not pleased with, however, is that it is also configured with additional RAM and HDD space; both of which Apple charges a premium for.
My line of thinking is that I'll purchase the other two components from third party vendors as add-ons for the base configuration and upgrade the video card either at the Apple store or elsewhere - assuming it's practical.
My question then, can the video card in the Macbook Pro be upgraded?
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May 29, 2010
I have an '06 Mac Pro and my Nvidia 7300 just sucks, so I'm looking to buy a new card. I saw this, which uses ATI Radeon 4870. How safe is this, and where can I use any Radeon card for this?
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Aug 21, 2008
I upgraded my internal airport card for wireless N. What's the screen on my mac to check if i'm using 802.11n?
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Aug 7, 2010
Since I use my machine a lot for photo work, this new feature on the refresh was nice. Question is does anyone know if it's easy to swap the card reader out of the 2009's for the new SDHC reader?
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Apr 23, 2009
I bought an early 2008 Mac Pro, and I am wondering if it will have the 802.11G or 802.11N graphics card, is there a way to tell?
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May 1, 2009
I replaced my macbook pro last week with a MacPro 8 core.
For the last few days the GT120 graphics card was connected to two 24" dell monitors (2407 and 2408).
The 2407 is my main display and was connected via the display port to a display port to DVI-D adaptor and then to the DVI-D port on the screen. The 2408 was connected using the DVI-D on the graphics card straight to the monitor. This setup was great as I couldn't even tell if my mac was on or off because I couldn't hear any off the fans.
The only problem was that when running full screen video (EyeTV/Quicktime), the picture would sometimes stutter. After looking at the apple store website, a new GT120 was �99 for students so I picked one up yesterday.
The original GT120 is in slot 1 and is connected to my 2407 (main display) via DVI-D, the second GT120 is in slot 2 and connect to my 2408 via DVI -D. Now the problem is noise! I can now hear my mac whirring away all night (MacPro in my bedroom).
Any idea what the problem could be? When i run iTunes visualizer, both displays average at about 63fps and there is no stuttering of the picture. One thing I have noticed (using hardware monitor) is that when play itunes visualizer on full screen the GT120 in slot one uses 22% and the GT120 in slot two uses 99%.
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May 3, 2009
Like is having a higher end GPU only good if you play games? Will it still boost the computers performance even if I do stuff that doesn't involve videogames?
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