PowerPC :: Hard Drive Transfer From MacPro To G5
Oct 21, 2009
I recently had to upgrade the graphics card in my Mac Pro, however it won't boot up because the OS isn't update which is what is required. I have a G5 which I have put the MacPro hard drive into so that I could boot it up, update the software and put it back in the MacPro. The G5 recognises the hard drive when it is acting as a 2nd Hard drive to the G5's original but it doesn't show it as a startup option. I have tried having just the MacPro drive in the G5 without the original hardrive but then it doesn't boot at all. Both are running 10.5 and I can't understand it won't find it.
I have tried it the other way around, the G5 hard drive in the MacPro and it works fine and when I put the MacPro hard drive in as second Hard Drive it shows up as an option for startup but doesn't work as it isn't uptodate.
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Jul 16, 2009
Hoping someone can help me figure this out. I swapped HDDs between a G5 and MacPro this morning. The MacPro was connected to a large LCD TV via HDMI for it's display (using a DVI to HDMI adapter) and it worked great for just scrolling images of our projects (no audio). When I put it's HDD in the G5 and connected it to the display the same way, I got nothing on the screen. Thinking it was a video card issue on the G5 end, I plugged in a different monitor and rebooted the G5. This time I got the flashing question mark folder meaning it couldn't find an OS to boot. So now I can't tell what the issue is. I thought HDDs between G5s and MacPros were the same? If not does this mean the older G5 drive won't work in the MacPro tower? (I haven't tried yet).
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a G5 PowerMac from 2004 (I can provide more details about the machine if it's necessary), that has essentially broken down and I do not currently have the money to fix it. A friend of mine has a brand new Intel Mac Pro. I want to install my G5's hard drive as a second hard drive on his Mac Pro.
My questions are:
1) Is this even possible?
2) Can I do this without losing the content of my hard disk?
3) Is there an available guide, or could someone run down the detailed steps, of doing this?
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Sep 28, 2006
1) Can I take my secondary drive in my Powermac G5 and install it into my forthcoming Mac Pro ? Or is the SATA interface different on the new machines.
2) Ordering extra memory from Crucial to save $, what's the situation with 'fans' and things on the memory. I'm confused, totally. Does the mac pro's require additional heat cooling on the memory, does the memory from crucial come with this, is it easy to install like the powermac or am I going to be left floundering like a fish out of water....
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Mar 15, 2012
Transfer information from one hard drive to another hard drive
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G5 dual 2.0 processors
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Jan 25, 2009
I have a Imac 20 with a small 3.5 hard drive and I have bought a bigger 360 gig 3.5 hard drive to replace the old one. I have the new one in an external case with USB 2.0 right now. Is there some way I can transfer the entire contents of the old hard drive on to the new one and then swap out the old drive with the new drive and not miss a beat?
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Mar 7, 2012
I have purchase a new mini and want to transfer programs from my older MacPro before recycling it. Problem is, it's 4 yrs old and I have run upgrades via downloads and no longer have discs - but then again the new mini doesn't have an optical drive.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), hoping to upgrade soon
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Sep 9, 2009
My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.
The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?
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Nov 22, 2006
My PM G5's Hard Drive has been making wierd noises lately and I'm really beginning to worry that it's failing. How can I be sure?
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Oct 2, 2009
I bought a new 500GB WD hard drive for my Late 2008 MacBook to upgrade from my 250GB drive. I have a hard drive enclosure, but I was wondering if when I install my 500GB hard drive, would I be able to use the enclosure to transfer files from my 250GB drive? I hope this was specific enough to get a clear response. If not, I'll try re-wording my question.
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Feb 10, 2012
How do I transfer all data from my old internal hard drive to a new internal hard drive? I have an iMac with a 320gb internal HD that is full and I am replacing it with a 2tb internal drive. I have several external drives; 1 tb, 2tb and 3 tb. The 2 tb is being used for Time Machine. Do I have to buy an enclosure? If so, where would I get an inexpensive one? I also want to partition the new internal drive for Windows, and I'm not sure how much space to use for that. I plan to use Windows to check my work in PowerPoint created on my Mac for clients on PCs.
iPod shuffle, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 19, 2010
i just installed a new 2nd, (750 gb) hard drive into my g5 because my first 250gb is nearly full. I'm trying to launch logic but the file is way to big. It wont let me install this program from my new, second hard drive because the message i get is that it supposed to launch from the primary or running hard drive. Can anyone tell me how i can make my second hard drive my new primary hard drive? I got the .dmg for my leapord osx. but not the originals anymore. can anybody help me with this. i'm pretty sure it's simple, i just don't know how to do this.
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Mar 4, 2008
I am a student who is currently starting to work on some at home projects with cartoon animation (Toon Boom) and Video Editing (Final Cut/After Effects). I have a Dual 2.0 G5 with 1G Ram. Would there be a significant advantage in upgrading to a Dual 2.8 Mac Pro? I could probably get 700-800 dollars for the current computer so, would dropping 2000 on a new tower give me a huge boost in performance? (Money is kind of an issue but not if the difference is staggering.) Or should I just upgrade the RAM on my current tower, be happy with what I have and quit jabbering?
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Dec 26, 2009
I hate lugging all my dvds on the road, how do I transfer my dvd collection to my hard drive?
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Feb 7, 2010
I upgraded the hard drive in my 2006 model white MacBook. It now has a Western Digital WD3200BEVT... 320GB 5400rpm. I recently purchased a new 13 inch MacBook Pro, and would like to put the Western Digital hard drive in the new MacBook Pro. Both computers have Mac OS X 10.6.2 installed.My plan is to open the MacBooks and put the WD into the MBP. I'll boot from the reinstall disc that came with the MBP and install without formatting.
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Mar 1, 2012
I own a macbook and i'm planning on buying a new macbook pro, i have all my files in an external hard drive, its not a time capsule, its called 'my passport for mac'.. Could you tell me if i can transfer everything from the macbook to the macbook pro through the hard drive? I don't want to lose anything and if i can't, i wont buy a new notebook.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 13, 2009
Colleague and I at work are swapping desktops as I need ot run VMWare and he no longer does so I will be having his MacPro and he my PowerMac - whats the quickest way to swap? He's suggested swapping the HD's over but I dont think that will work due to the PowerPC and Intel software differences... right? If that wont work then how can we do it as painless as possible?
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Nov 18, 2010
My friend wanted some files to be transferred to his external hard drive from my Mac. As he is a Windows user, I guess his hard drive is formatted for Windows as well. As I plug in the hard disk in my Mac, I can't transfer the files. It says something like "the disk cannot be modified". So, please help me on how can I transfer this files from my Mac and if I do format it to work with the Mac, will it work for Windows later?
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Oct 26, 2010
my few months old 13" macbook pro (4gb ram, 500gb hard drive) was destroyed by liquid damage the other day . i was told the hard drive may be salvageable and that it would be easy enough to install in a new macbook by myself. however, i've been thinking of using the cost of a new macbook to buy a second- hand macbook pro instead. i presume i wouldnt be able to install the old hard drive on a macbook pro would i? if not then how would i transfer the data to it from the old one?
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Mar 21, 2009
so im kinda still new to mac, i bought an Alu. Macbook and im thinking of upgrading the 160 stock harddrive with a 7200.3 seagate soon. I'm just wondering how i can back up everything to the hard drive coz i have no external drive right now. I will buy an enclosure for the 160GB drive if that helps me. Also, i only want to back up the mac portion and i will just do a clean bootcamp setup when i install the new drive.
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Feb 20, 2010
I am looking for an application to help me backup the contents of one smaller external HDD into a folder on another external HDD (both are formatted FAT32, FYI). Why not just drag the contents from one to the other, you ask? Well I tried that. It's a 300 GB transfer, and after about 50 GB's worth it came across a file Finder was having trouble copying for whatever reason. Who knows why - permissions issues is the most likely bet IMO. In any case, hitting that snag caused the entire transfer to abort. In fact, I believe Finder is in the process of deleting the files it transfered already, as the transfer window is hanging and refuses to respond to me clicking the "x" button to cancel it.
So I am basically looking for some software that is more apt at handling large data transfers across drives than Finder. Something that won't abort and freak-out if it hits a snag, but report an error and calmly continue forwards. Freeware preferably, but I'm willing to pay if I have to. I don't think Time Machine is what I'm looking for - I'm not looking to backup my Hard Drive, or even mirror one Hard Drive onto another. I'm just looking to transfer the contents of one Hard Drive to a folder in another. SuperDuper! similar to Time Machine is focused on mirroring the contents of my main Hard Drive over to an external Hard Drive / Disk Image.
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Feb 23, 2010
I erased and reinstalled my entire system but beforehand I backed-up on a hard drive using time machine. I have FCS 2 academic version and no longer have the discs and want to bring it back on.Instead of migrating all the apps from my hard drive, is there a way to transfer just my FCS applications?
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Mar 5, 2010
I'm going to change hard drive on my macbook to an ssd drive. Is it possible to move all programs and setting I have on this hard drive so I don't have to re-install everything? First thought was time machine, but will this work? I mean, if it worked with time machine on a new hard drive it would be very easy to share shareware program with friends. Is it possible somehow? To get all the programs/settings to my new hard drive without having to re-install anything? (except the operating system),without having to re-activate serials etc etc.
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Mar 13, 2012
i have my itunes on a PC and have just bought a macbook. i want to transfer the files etc from one to the other. can i copy them onto a passport hard drive and then download them to the macbook?
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Mar 22, 2012
I can't transfer from my external harddrive on to my mac for some reason it's unable to complete the transfer of 78.6GB of music there is over 400GB of free space on my mac as it's only one day old!
MacBook Pro
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Apr 4, 2012
I have MacBook Pro and just installed snow leopard. What else do I need to do to transfer all of my data off of my hard drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), It claims I've used 239 GB!!???
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Apr 20, 2012
Yesterday i spilled water all over my 13' macbook pro (oops!). Tomorrow i am going to the macstore to buy a new 13' macbook pro. My current notebook is almost two years old, runs moutian lion and has my very important paper on it. Will i be able to take the hard drive out of that one and put it in my new laptop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 20, 2012
brought my mbp core 2 duo (2008) to the genius bar today and they said I needed a new logic board... I want to transfer all my data from the hard drive to an imac via a usb 2.0 to ide&sata cable - I took the hard drive out of the mbp, connected it to the cable - the usb side which is plugged into a 2010 imac light is on but no light is on the sata side and the ide/busy light is not on... the drive is not showing up anywhere on the imac.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 9, 2010
My old MBP has a 320gb HD, my new iMac has a 500gb HD. What I am thinking is to create a partition on my new HD for 320gb and leave the remainder 180gb alone. Can I do this and is it possible? My new iMac has snow leopard and my old MBP is running leopard. Will this cause problems?
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Sep 22, 2010
I have plugged in my External drive to my MacBook Pro, and it's all fine when I open the files in it. But as I try to transfer files to my hard drive, it won't transfer. Instead it keeps denied and the same goes when I try to transfer some files to another persons hard drive.
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