PowerPC :: G5 Fan Runs Very Fast / Machine Locked Up
May 23, 2010
Thought the house power had gone off because when I returned home, my Mac was off. Rebooted checked email, and went to get breakfast. Came back fan running very fast, and machine is locked and no video. Turned off by holding in power button. Same thing happens when I left again. I have now been on the machine for over an hour and no problems. What is causing this?
Dual 2.3 PowerPC G5
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Feb 15, 2010
Iv installed a cracked version of FCP7 and once it is up and running it runs very slowly and after closing down FCP7 my mac runs very slow but if i re-start my mac it is as fast as ever untill i start up FCP7 again. i dont think there is anything wrong with the program but more that there is something wrong with my mac (my ignorance).
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Sep 25, 2010
I'm expecting a new mac mini (with super drive) from the FedEx guy any hour now with snow leopard on it. I want it to run time machine backups for my macbook pro that runs leopard. Is that an issue? The two versions of OSX?By the way of more information, I'm also going to use the mini as a centralized music and video source -- it'll hook up to my stereo system and my projector.
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Mar 15, 2012
I just recovered from a hard drive failure via Super Duper. Went to do a post crash Time Machine and it is taking HOURS. What gives.
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Apr 13, 2012
I just upgraded to Lion, and Time Machine seems to contantly backing up. Is there a way to choose to back up only once per day or every few days?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2007
Just got an Intel iMac, with 1.5g ram (one 1g and a 512mb). I've been running CS2, and have been very disappointed. Previously, I was using a G4. I was expecting the program to run faster, even under Rosetta, but not only has it been slower, InDesign is acting buggy, with crashes, and corrupting files.
I'm going to get a second 1G stick of ram to see if it's a matched ram issue, but I'm interested if anyone else has had this problem.
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Mar 29, 2012
an effective software to keep my Macpro clean...I mean to keep the machine running fast and to delete unwanted things which have got stored in the registry or elsewhere,where i may not be able to access and delete?
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Apr 28, 2009
I used Drive Genius 2 (from DVD) to defrag my HDD � and I think it did �but in addition to that it apparently messed everything up so I couldn't boot from it = I had to do a restore from my Time Machine backup � and so I did � but then everything got messed up in terms of permissions, and after a restart - well, it didn't start � so, once again, same restore from Time Machine, and this time everything seems fine, except for the fact that my backup drive tells me that I have no access to it - I have no permission to even open it! And thus I can't use it as a backup or anything else, it's a 1TB useless disk!
Question: Is there any way to "regain" access to my HDD? Any way to have it continue as a backup drive without deleting the "old" backups stored on it now? I also have a small 60GB BootCamp partition with Vista () on the 1TB backup drive.
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Jul 30, 2010
starting with my iMac permanently sending crash reports, unbidden and unstoppable. I started with 10.4, and I'm now on 10.6 in after repeated attempt to get a useable mac. All was well, until I included another external disk to the time machine backups. It took nearly two days, then seemingly with around 5Gb to go, it suddenly stopped and said it had finished. I logged out and went to work, coming back to find it was still locked in a plain blue screen. I left it overnight, still like it this morning, so I did a forced shutdown. It wouldn't restart. I rebooted from the 10.6 disk, but it said the hard disc was irrecoverable and I needed to erase. I erased and reinstalled, but when it came to restoring from Time Machine, it didn't recognise the backups. Checking on the backup disk it has a folder indicated it is still in a backup. If I try to enter a different backup through the Time Machine icon in the backup, it too says I can't because it's in the middle of a backup.
Is there any way I can delete this folder and get it to let me back in? I don't want to just delete it without some guidance as it's taken me weeks of reinstall just to get this far, having persuaded the likes of TurboCad to let me re-install from a download. I feel I'm on the threshold of having to start all over again. I attached a sticky (I have no apps to speak of at the moment) which had an image of the error message, showing two icons within minutes of each other, one showing a completed backup, the other a message icon stating backup in progress. I don't think the image on the sticky can be accessed...
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Jan 26, 2009
My PowerBook G4 15" alu 1.25 ghz locked up out of nowhere the other night (while only running firefox). Couldn't even force quit, so after a long wait I manually shut it down. Then I couldn't get it going again. I pulled the battery, let it sit overnight, and then it started up, only to freeze up again in 30 minutes. Same routine yesterday (though it lasted an hour or so).
I live in Germany and the only Apple store is hours away. And of course my Apple Care is expired. I've zapped the PRAM, reset the PMU, ran first aid on disk utilities (everything came back OK), but I'm freaking out. This thing is seriously important to me, and I can't afford to replace it. I've read plenty of speculation that it could be the logic board, or that it's locking up from overheating, or maybe the hard drive is going bad (though the tests come back OK).
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Mar 20, 2012
I have somehow lost all my iTunes. When I go to play something - I get the grey exclamation mark comes up. In trying to restore from Timw Machine, I find my iTunes is now unlocked. I have gone through the process of unlocking every file I can find and changing all the permissions to read and write. However it is still locked.
a) how to unlock iTunes using a defferent technique to that which I have tried.
b) tell me EXACTLY (step by step - because I am a mac newbie!) how I restore from my Time machine preferably. I do have my full collection (about 15 000 pieces) on my ipod if I need that - but I am terrified of loosing everything?
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Apr 12, 2012
After upgrading to an SSD, i was having problems with restoring files from Timemachine. i fiexed that by naming my ssd drive the same as the drive that was backedup using time machine. now, i can't seem to edite any of the files restored in Documents from the backup. not can i edit or add content inside the folders withing documents. i dont know whats going on. they appear lock and there is no way to unlock them. it says i will need to duplicate the items!
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Aug 9, 2007
I have an iBook G4 (1.25g memory and 1ghz processor) running Tiger. I have never had any problems with my iBook in the past and now it seems the second my warranty expires I do. I was using it earlier today and the entire thing just locked up for the first time ever and little lines started appearing on the screen. I turned it off and rebooted it and it froze on the Grey screen, I repeated and it keeps doing the same things. It actually loaded a few times and then promptly froze. I tried booting from the CD and it freezes right on the screen to select your language (if it gets that far).
I went into applejack/single user (which runs fine) and repaired disk/repaired permissions/cleaned up system files/ and cleaned up virtual memory. I also used the fsck -y check disk which I'm assuming is the same as typing in 'applejack' and then selecting 1 (But I thought I would use it anyway). The first time I ran fsck it said it changed a system file. I then ran it again and it said that the HD seemed okay. Assuming that fixed the problem I restarted my computer and it froze...again. Or is there a way to reformat from single user?
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Nov 22, 2008
I purchased a used ibook from owc in January and have had it back to them twice for repairs. Lately, it stopped booting up again and they told me to use [URL] to take the mobo out and ship it to Arizona to have the solder refloated. I did and got it back, put it together and it would boot up, only to run for 15 minutes and shut down. Thinking I missed something, I dissasembled it today and reassembled it. Now it turns on with a blank screen, the fan runs on high, and it will go no further. I tried to reset the power manager, reset the p-ram, the hard drive is only a few months old and my brain is getting fried with frustration.
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Oct 31, 2009
I am finding time machine too slow and i am looking at super duper or carbon copy cloner has anyone used either of these programs ,are they better than time machine
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Apr 3, 2012
I've restored my Mac OS x (10.6.8) from a time machine backup after reformatting the iMac's hard drive.After restoring all my files the external drive that time machine uses is locked and I cannot seem to get it to unlock itself. I've tried resetting the permissions on the "get info" panel without any success (Did a restart after every change- it just seems to go back to custom priviledges). I've also toggled the "Ignore Ownership" toggle on and off- again followed by a restart each time.
The external drive is connected by Firewire 800 and is a RAID 1 configuration using two 2Tb drives.I don't want to lose my existing time machine files on that external disc- hense formatting it is out of the question..
External drive & Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 13, 2007
I am looking at a Powermac G4 Dual 450 MHz with 1 GB of RAM and gigabit ethernet. I plan on using it for a file sever that 5 computer will use. It will be steaming video to the computers, sharing docs, and most importantly it will be used as the aperture library.It needs to be fast enough to do this or the whole app will run slow. If I finished maxing out the RAM and added a SATA card will it be enough?
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Apr 26, 2009
I just picked up a G4 MDD off ebay. Everything seems to be working fine, and it passed tech tools tests for whatever that is worth. The only thing I noticed is that for about 2 or 3 seconds during boot the fans seem to rev up pretty high, then settle back to normal. Does anyone else with this computer have this issue or has anyone heard of it?
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Jul 28, 2009
The fans on my G5 Pro are running at close to 3000rpm most of the time. I have read other forums and do not think this is normal at all. I started looking into the fans because I am getting frequent kernel panics (black screen crashes) and thought it might be the machine over heating. My CPUs are at about 50C to 52C and the fans are constantly running that fast.
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Jul 20, 2008
I got a white iMac G5 about a year ago. Everything has been working fine until recently when I started to notice that its REALLY SLOW. What I mean by this is that whenever I try to open an application, load my widgets or basically do anything, it is really slow and Im seeing A LOT of beach balls. Just as i started typing in the title for this tread, it gave me a beachball. This computer is not that old so it should still be running smoothly.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
btw: I have 1GB of RAM, but it still operate really slow when I only have a few application open.
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Apr 7, 2009
I have a PowerBook 12" on Tiger, 10.4.11. It is having occurrences of waking despite the closed cover. The cycles of wake/sleep are sometimes quite fast (seconds). I fear thrashing the HD. Here are excerpts from system log, followed by console log. The latter shows repeated instances of: AlsPB12 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AppleFileServer ResetATalkService race detected. Which seems to implicate ATalk - is that AppleTalk? What relevance does AppleTalk have in today's systems?
Description: System events log
Size: 1.04 MB
Last Modified: 4/7/09 8:43 AM
Location: /var/log/system.log
Recent Contents: ...
iMac 2.8GHz 2008
Tiger on G4/1.25DP FW800
Mini-1.66GHz; PB-G4 12
Pismo G3
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jul 13, 2010
Is there anyway to fix this other than buying a new graphics card? I've searched but couldn't find a solution. The 7800GT in my G5 always spins at top speed and is so much louder than the whole system. I've had it disconnected for a while but I don't want it burning up . Thinking I just might wire it to the 5v side of the molex connector on the optical drive?
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Jun 26, 2012
I use an external hard drive for Time Machine backups and to store some larger video files in a folder called Videos. The Videos folder on the external drive is now locked and I can't unlock it. I go to Get Info, hit the lock icon and enter my password, but the "Locked" checkbox is greyed out in the General section. In the Sharing and Permissions section, instead of displaying my name, it says "Fetching . . ." and I can't change the Privilege from "Write Only".
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 26, 2007
I was switching between accounts. When I switched to my admin account, the computer went to the original welcome to your new mac set up video with all the welcome words in different languages, then started with the new mac set up stuff, ie, what's your name, etc. I tried apple Q but that didn't work, so I restarted the computer with control, apple, start. Now my computer just shows the white screen with apple and the round spinning circle.
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Nov 30, 2007
How fast will leopard run on a 1.2Ghz iBook with 768Mb of ram?
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Jul 13, 2010
This problem just started happening on my 2005 Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3Ghz Processors.
I activate sleep, and it refuses to wake up again. Then after a few minutes the fans slowly increase in speed until the computer begins to sound like an aeroplane taking off, at which point I'm forced to perform a forced shutdown.
I've resetted the PMU and it doesn't seem to have worked. It is fully up-to-date in Software Update and is running the latest version of OS X Leopard.
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Jul 1, 2012
I can't seem to edit any pictures with Preview anymore since I upgraded to Lion. Every time I try to save an image after resizing or whatever, it says the file is locked. If I check the info of the file the "locked" checkmark is unchecked. And I have all the permissions to the file. Tried everything, switched the "lock after 2 weeks" thing of in Time Machine (even though tha would probably not help: images I took today are still "locked" in Preview), tried copying them and then saving them, and tried to lock them and then unlock them, but I can't seem to edit and save them.
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Dec 16, 2008
Originally my iMac G5 (1.6 GHz 17 inch) was failing to boot up. It would get to the grey screen and the apple and it would just stay there and pretend to be a rocket ship with it's little fan whirring as fast as it could after five minutes. So I reset the SMU, fan stopped, still wouldn't boot. Booted it off the 10.5 install cd (which it was running fine until it wouldn't start up). It wouldn't see the Macintosh HD for a while unless you went to disc utility > partitions and changed it from current to one and instead of applying just let it sit there before switching it back to current. Took about 10 minutes of sitting there.
I did disk repair said there was no problem. Disk permission repair said there was a few problems and said it repaired them. To be safe I backed everything up using target disk mode (where the fan tried to play rocket again even though I reset the SMU), erased my hard drive and reinstalled. Now it shuts down randomly when it goes idle, and takes 10 minutes to start up past loading the dock to load the apple bar Mac HD icon and whatever is on the desktop (which is a single empty folder).
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May 13, 2009
Getting a message within photoshop that files cannot be saved as they are locked. I check the same files with 'Get Info' and the locked file box is unchecked. I have changed file permissions on the entire disc so that everyone can read/write but still the same message. Tried terminal command to uncheck flags also to no avail. I can do save as but a little frustrating. Is there a workaround to get all my files back onside?
This is a new disc that I may have installed without due care to permissions/ownership when I formatted it.
details: g5 dual 1.8 10.5.6
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Mar 19, 2009
Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?
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