MacBook Pro :: Keep The Machine Running Fast?

Mar 29, 2012

an effective software to keep my Macpro clean...I mean to keep the machine running fast and to delete unwanted things which have got stored in the registry or elsewhere,where i may not be able to access and delete?

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MacBook :: Pro Not Running As Fast As It Used To?

Feb 23, 2012

So I just bought a new Macbook Pro in September (MPB 15.4" CTO: 2.2Ghz Qaud-core i7 processor, 8gb 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM, 128GB SSD). This was my first apple laptop, and I was just amazed at how quick, smooth, and fluid everything was running (internet, apps, etc.). I ended up installing a few applications from the apple store, installing microsoft office, and partitioning my computer to use Windows 7 through bootcamp (for those windows-specific applications). I'm a student, but take all of my notes by hand; I bring my computer to class with me anyway. When I get home, I plug it in right away. It usually goes from full charge to 80% - 90% and then back to full charge everyday. Whenever I'm not using it I just shut the case and put it to sleep (never turn it off, always plugged in). Recently (In the past month or so), I've been noticing that if I leave Safari open for a few days and then keep using that same, open Safari application to browse the web, open new tabs, etc. it becomes slower to load pages (pretty much noticibly slower). Also, when I have a bunch of tabs, it tells me that I need to reload all of them because something went wrong with the one I was just loading. Also, when I'm multi-tasking; using Safari, and then working in Word, Word will not respond as quickly as it used to. So when I get annoyed that everything usually takes a few more seconds to load/respond, I restart the laptop (allowing all windows/apps to reopen upon restart), and then everything is smooth and fluid as the first day I bought it. I would like to know why this is? It kind of feels like I need to restart every 3-4 days to get everything going back to it's original fluidity. Is this normal behavior? Is it a rogue process slowing everything down? Now, when I say slowing down... by all means this doesn't mean unresponsive, just takes 3-5 more seconds to do things it normally would as if it were new. Is this just the way Macbook Pros work, and they clear some sort of "memory" file or "cached" process upon restart? Thanks for the input, I just want to be reassured it's not some sort of virus per se or some rogue app taking up memory. For the most part, my cup is broken up to: User 5%, System 5%, Idle 90% (although it could be more/less since I'm not constantly looking at it).


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MacBook Pro :: Battery Running Down Incredibly Fast

Jul 29, 2010

My last battery popped, and on Monday, Apple store gave me a new one. The lady told me that it was best not to keep the power connected all the time. So I charged it to 100% and pulled the plug. It runs down incredibly fast. This morning it's been unplugged for almost an hour, doing just a bunch of web searches, and it's already down to 37%. This isn't normal, is it? I was able to watch a 2 hour movie on a full charge for my old battery. Does the charge get better over time?

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PowerPC :: G5 Pro Fans Running Too Fast

Jul 28, 2009

The fans on my G5 Pro are running at close to 3000rpm most of the time. I have read other forums and do not think this is normal at all. I started looking into the fans because I am getting frequent kernel panics (black screen crashes) and thought it might be the machine over heating. My CPUs are at about 50C to 52C and the fans are constantly running that fast.

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Software :: Safari Running Slowly - How To Make Fast

Feb 27, 2010

Is it my Mac or Safari that is the problem? Every website comes up so slowly now on Safari. I have emptied the cache. My husband is working next to me on his PC and his sites come up instantly, so its not our internet connection.

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Desktops :: Graphics Card Heating Up / Fans Running Very Fast

Sep 7, 2010

I'm worried about too much heat and wearing out fans in both the card and my Mac.Below are the conditions, but first:

-Is it normal for this kind of card to run ALL the time? How do I know if it's acting correctly?
-Given the heat and fan speed info below, are my Mac and internal drives OK?
-Am I risking any breakdowns? Due to heat or fans running too much... or?
-Do all graphics cards cause the fans to run like this? Is there a cooler card out there?
-Suggestions to lessen the heat effects... or for another alternative?

MacPro Xeon / Dual 2.66 processor / 4 GB RAM
Radeon HD3870 Card in Bottom slot
E-Sata card in top slot.
No other cards installed
4 Terabyte Internal Drives

Temperatures (in fahrenheit): (via iStat widget)
HardDrives: 110 / 104 / 108 / 97
CPU A: 95
CPU B: 92
Expansion Slots: 95
Ambient: 76

Fan Speeds:
Exhaust: 599
CPU Fan: 499
Power Supply: 599
HD/Expansion: 501

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Mac Pro :: Fans Running Fast At Idle / Little Gap Between Closed Door And Outer Case

May 7, 2008

just received my new MP and noticed the same thing with the 08 Modell which is that the door sits slightly offset on the case meaning theres a little gap about 0,5mm between the closed door and the outer case.

Second my fans "boostA & boostB" are spinning at 1100rpm at idle I thought they should normally idle at around 800rpm? (I read at least)

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PowerPC :: G5 Fan Runs Very Fast / Machine Locked Up

May 23, 2010

Thought the house power had gone off because when I returned home, my Mac was off. Rebooted checked email, and went to get breakfast. Came back fan running very fast, and machine is locked and no video. Turned off by holding in power button. Same thing happens when I left again. I have now been on the machine for over an hour and no problems. What is causing this?

Dual 2.3 PowerPC G5

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Mac Pro :: Backups...time Machine Slow - How To Make Fast

Oct 31, 2009

I am finding time machine too slow and i am looking at super duper or carbon copy cloner has anyone used either of these programs ,are they better than time machine

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MacBook Pro :: Machine Running Slow Just Like Freezing

Nov 11, 2010

I bought my MBP two years ago (late 08 version) and its been really slow to the point where I just got so frustrated I bought an IMac. But now I'm going to be traveling for a couple of weeks and I need my MBP with me. Is there a way to stop this slowness? It like freezes sometimes when I open a file and safari is just unbearable! Should I reinstall OS?

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Keeps Running Endlessly

Jun 29, 2012

Have installed all possible updates and run such Drobo utilities as Time Tamer.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Mini :: Is 2.0GHz Fast Enough, Or Even 2.26GHz Fast Enough For VMFusion

Mar 19, 2009

Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?

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MacBook :: Machine Fans Running At (6200RPM) Max Speed

Jan 5, 2009

I was just wondering if it's okay to run the MacBook with the max fan speed (6200RPM) at all times? It's really hot nowadays and my MacBook runs at about 60 degrees Celsius idle. If I run a few CPU intensive apps, the temperature usually rises to 70-80 degrees. This is with the fan running at max speed. So what I want to ask is, will it be okay to keep the fans running at max speed at all times? I'm going to get a notebook cooler soon so that should help with lowering the temperatures a little lower.

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Running While On Battery Power

May 4, 2010

2010 MBP 15" i5 running 10.6.3. Time machine doesn't seem to care about the fact that the notebook is running on battery power. I keeps on performing backups. I've tried restarting, enabling and disabling Time Machine....nothing seems to work... Isn't time machine supposed to delay backups when the laptop is on battery power..?

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MacBook :: Machine Froze While Running / Disconnected All Devices

Mar 1, 2012

Machine froze while running. Disconnected all devices. Turned power on and off. No change.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Machine froze while running.

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MacBook Pro :: Create A Virtual Machine Of Lion OSx 10.7 Server On It Running 10.7?

Jun 27, 2012

I'd like to create a better disaster recovery plan. My thought was to create a virtual machine of Lion OSx 10.7 server on my MacBook Pro running 10.7. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: 13" 256GB Built To Order - 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D Capable Of Running Virtual Machine?

Nov 17, 2010

I am an IT student who is studying Vmware, Oracle11g, MCITP, Linux ,CCNA, and etc.. Is it good to have a "Built To Order MacBook Air 13"" (256GB SSD 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D ) to run a windows server 2008 virtual machine with oracle 11gR1 installed on it? Or is it better to run that VM on a mac book pro 17" (Core i7 2.66CPU, 4GB ram ,500GB 5400rpm harddrive)? or 7200rpm HD? Air got a faster Storage drive (SSD) but slower CPU. Pro got a faster Cpu but slower storage drive (HD drive). I am so confused>< Pro or air which one has a better performance for running that vm? which one's battery life last longer for running that vm?

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OS X :: Possible To Use Time Machine Running Mac OS 10.5?

Feb 25, 2009

Do you use time machine if you run Mac os 10.5?

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OS X :: Running Time Machine On NAS Storage?

Apr 19, 2009

Has anyone tried using some of the NAS storage solutions out there as your Time Machine back up? If so, how well does it work? Reason I ask is because I'm thinking of getting one but I don't want to run into the same problem I had with mounting when I tried using an external HDD connected to my home server. I know it's not the same but I'm just asking to be safe.

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OS X :: Clean Install Of SL On Machine Already Running SL?

Oct 8, 2009

Is it possible to wipe my umbp (already running 10.6.1) and clean install SL? I have the up-to-date install disk.

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Applications :: Running SL In A Virtual Machine On A Mac?

Mar 31, 2010

I haven't posted in a while, but now I have a question for you all.

I just started a new job, that requires the use of my macbook, and I would like to keep my home and work systems completely separate. My first thought was to install Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on my mac. I already have Parallels 5 for a bootcamp installation, so I tried using Parallels to install SL. No dice, it only works with SL Server. I have two separate SL discs, both standard versions.
I've searched the forums and haven't come across any results for running SL in a virtual machine that is installed in SL.

This is child's play on Windows machines, but seems pretty difficult for OSX. Does anyone have suggestions or recommendations for VMs that will work for this application?

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OS X :: Duplicate Time Machine Backups Running 10.6.4?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a Mini (OSX 10.6.4) and a 1TB external drive that I use for TM. When I connect the drive two backups are made. They are the same size and contain the same number of files. Why two backups are made?

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OS X :: Time Machine - MBP - Disconnect While Backup Running?

Aug 13, 2009

Instead of Time Capsule or a NAS, I've decided to just use an external Firewire 1TB external drive to backup my MBP with 500Gb drive. Does Time Machine run 100% in the background? I'm concerned that I may want to disconnect my external drive at a time when Time Machine running a backup. How do I know when Time Machine is backing up and when it's finished? Are you expected to wait for Time Machine to complete before disconnecting, or are there some smarts built in to Time Machine to account for this?

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OS X :: Time Machine Stuck In Loop Running SL?

Aug 29, 2009

I installed SL a few days ago and had to rebuild my Time Machine backup. It powered through all 700GB today and then it kept going. The progress bar got to the max: 700/700, then went to 700.02/700.02 ,, 700.03/700.03 ,, 700.04/ 700.04 ,, etc. Currently it's adding onto the "inprogress" file and filling up the drive with more data than I had to backup! It's done 844GB out of 700. Keep in mind, this is a totally-from scratch backup here! Do I stop it? Do I wait until it fills up the drive and "figures it out" ?

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Applications :: Will Time Machine Work On A Mac Running 10.4.11

Nov 23, 2009

I would love to use Time Machine to back up my files at home as I do at work, but I do not want to upgrade to 10.5 due to conflicts a number of my programs. Will Time Machine work on a Mac running 10.4.11?

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Intel Mac :: 27 Freeze When Time Machine Is Running?

Jun 8, 2012

iMac 27 late 2009 freeze while is working. Nothing works on computer even when a video is playing. I have a 12 GB of RAM and 502 GB free disk space. I checked disk utility and CPU is working fine. I don't know why the iMac is freezing with so much space.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Permanently Running?

Jun 19, 2012

I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but my iMac seems to be permanently running Time Machine to back up to my Time Capsule. 

It's literally just completed a 131Mb backup and has started now another one! 

These backups seem to be extremely slow, yet the TC is connected using an ethernet connection. 

Is it possible that my antivirus software is slowing the backup process down so much, that the next hourly backup starts almost immediately? 

My TC is just over half full. 

Also, when I Enter Time Machine, it takes ages - well, 5 to 10 minutes, really - before I can start scrolling through my old files. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3; Time Capsule

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OS X :: Running Server In Virtual Machine - Internal Speakers

Nov 1, 2009

I am thinking about purchasing an iMac for Christmas (I already have a couple of laptops). I have a couple questions: I'd like to run Mac OSX Server in a Virtual Machine on the iMac. Can this be done? What software do you recommend? I'm thinking about using an Xserve at work, but I have nowhere to test the software before purchasing. How good are the internal speakers on the iMac? Do I need external ones?

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OS X :: Won't Work With Time Machine / Locked In Backup That's Not Running

Jul 30, 2010

starting with my iMac permanently sending crash reports, unbidden and unstoppable. I started with 10.4, and I'm now on 10.6 in after repeated attempt to get a useable mac. All was well, until I included another external disk to the time machine backups. It took nearly two days, then seemingly with around 5Gb to go, it suddenly stopped and said it had finished. I logged out and went to work, coming back to find it was still locked in a plain blue screen. I left it overnight, still like it this morning, so I did a forced shutdown. It wouldn't restart. I rebooted from the 10.6 disk, but it said the hard disc was irrecoverable and I needed to erase. I erased and reinstalled, but when it came to restoring from Time Machine, it didn't recognise the backups. Checking on the backup disk it has a folder indicated it is still in a backup. If I try to enter a different backup through the Time Machine icon in the backup, it too says I can't because it's in the middle of a backup.

Is there any way I can delete this folder and get it to let me back in? I don't want to just delete it without some guidance as it's taken me weeks of reinstall just to get this far, having persuaded the likes of TurboCad to let me re-install from a download. I feel I'm on the threshold of having to start all over again. I attached a sticky (I have no apps to speak of at the moment) which had an image of the error message, showing two icons within minutes of each other, one showing a completed backup, the other a message icon stating backup in progress. I don't think the image on the sticky can be accessed...

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safe To Use IMac While Time Machine Running?

Feb 12, 2012

If I run Time Machine for the first time, do I have to stop using my iMac until the program is finished? Or can I continue to use it?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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