PowerPC :: G4 Will Not Boot - HD Not Shown In Diagnostics

Sep 8, 2008

I have an ibook g4 that will not boot, I figure its a bum hard drive since the hd doesn't show up in diagnostics. I am wondering if its possible to install os x on an external firewire hd through the ibook and run the ibook off that? The only reason I need the ibook is for portability with my dj program torq, I have 2 imacs, a 20" and a 24" but they aren't very portable.

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OS X :: Partition Shown As EFI Boot - Mac Volume Not Located

Jun 6, 2009

I have 2 partitions on my MacBook drive. One is OS X Leopard, and the other is a Windows XP Bootcamp Partition (FAT32). When I made the Bootcamp partition, I cloned up my OS X partition to a USB drive (using Carbon Copy Cloner), replaced the OS X partition with the clone (to defragment it), and then partitioned it using Bootcamp. I decided I wanted a larger Windows XP Bootcamp Partition, and so I removed the partition using Bootcamp, recloned and replaced the OS X partition with the recloned backup (to defragment it, once again), and then used Bootcamp again to partition it, this time with a larger partition size. The first time I partitioned it, everything worked great. Ever since the second time, though, when I hold option during startup to change boot volumes, the volume that once said "Macintosh HD" now says "EFI Boot." Also, my OS X partition is no longer the default partition, and when I lookt at the Startup Disk in the System Preferences, my OS X partition is not listed among them. This is the same when I look at the "Startup Disk" preferences on the Windows XP partition, using the Boot Camp application, and when I click "Startup in Mac OS X," I get the error: "Could Not Locate Mac OS X Volume."

I had been ignoring the problem, simply holding option on startup and choosing the "EFI Boot" volume. This was working fine until today, when I finally came around to updating OS X. I ran Software Update, which told me I had to restart my computer. When I did, it went through the whole updating progress bar screen for a while, and then restarted the computer. When the computer restarted, it restarted in Windows XP, so I shut down the computer, booted it up, and held option. I chose "EFI Boot" when I was given the choice, and it started booting to my OS X partition. About a minute or two after I chose "EFI Boot," the computer unexpectedly rebooted into Windows XP again. I restarted the computer, again holding option and choosing "EFI Boot," and again it unexpectedly restarted. How can I get back into my OS X partition? Is there a way I can clone my OS X partition and replace it like I've done in the past? (Note: I have MacDrive 7, and have seen an option for backing up drives on there in the past, but have never used it.) Why is my OS X partition showing up as "EFI Boot"

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ICloud On Mac :: Password Popup Shown On Every Boot

Jun 27, 2014

I get this popup window every boot. Why does that window show up? and How can I fixed it? 
I reinstalled OS X 10.9.3 today. Before reinstalling, I didn't see that window.

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PowerPC :: G5 Not Turning On Only Red Light Shown?

Nov 30, 2010

Up until recently my PowerMac G5 has performed as it should for a computer its age. About two nights ago it shut itself down and I haven't been able to turn it on since. Power does cycle through the unit because all the fans will either cycle once or twice, or at the very least they will twitch. And now there's a tiny red LED on the motherboard and behind the power button that lights up whenever I try to power on the computer. I'm at a loss for where I need to go from here, though I feel rather certain that my computer has simply passed on. It's an original 2004 1.6 ghz single processor PowerMac G5, serial number unknown, since I can't turn it on.

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PowerPC :: Little Dots Shown On IBook Display

Dec 12, 2005

My homeroom teacher's 14 inch G3 iBook's display has started displaying everything grainy. There are little dots everywhere on the display, and it is annoying. The head IT person at school is stumped. I am not sure of the exact version of OS X, if it might be a software issue. Could it be a sign of logic board failure?

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OS X :: Network Diagnostics Asks For Password To Connect?

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to connect my Mac Pro to a wireless network which has no security settings. Other Macs in the house connect to the network with no problem, but the Mac Pro doesn't. I am setting up a new network as I have moved house. In the previous house the wireless worked fine on the Mac Pro.

When I click on the Airport Icon in the menu bar, the search wheel shows and it finds the network, but when I click on the name of the network typically it doesn't connect. Occasionally it does connect, and I briefly have internet access, but then the number of bars on the Airport Icon gradually reduce and then I can't connect again.

When I run Network Diagnostics from Safari, it finds the network also, but then typically asks for a WEP password for the Wireless Network when I haven't added any security to the network (occasionally it doesn't ask for a password and I can connect briefly)

I have tried resetting my Time Capsule and creating a new wireless network with a different name, but still experience the same issues.

I wonder if someone has any ideas as to what might be going on, and how I might be able to troubleshoot this.

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Hardware :: Tests/diagnostics On A New Hard Drive?

Oct 16, 2010

If I'm buying a new hard drive, are there any tests/diagnostics I should run on the drive out the box?

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Intel Mac :: Network Diagnostics Is Asking To Select A Location?

Jun 18, 2012

Network diagnostics is asking me to select a location. What is a location? Does it make a difference whether I choose a dated one or automatic? And why is my previous selection lost?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Won't Boot Past Apple Screen & No CD Boot

Jun 11, 2007

I have an iBook G4 1.07 GHz 30 gb 256 RAM with Panther. It was working fine until my HD got close to being full. Now I can't get it to boot past the Apple screen. It will either freeze there, or move on to the blue screen and freeze before the progress bar enters. I want to re-install Panther but I can't get any CD to boot during startup by holding "C", including the Panther OS CD, the Hardware Test CD, or the Tech Tool CD. I am able to boot to single user mode, where I type fsck -fy, and I recieve no errors with the hardware. I had this issue beore and my HD had to be replaced by Apple.

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Mac Mini :: System 'Failure' In Network Diagnostics - "operation Timed Out"

May 3, 2012

Up until this past Tuesday, I was able to print from Mac Mini with my HP Laserjet 1200 printer connected to my Airport.Now I receive the following message: Now my printer keeps pausing itself every time I try to print a document.  If I unpause it it prints a page saying "operation timed out" Then when I click on HP Officejet -> Printer ->Network Diagnostic I see that everything is green lit with the exception of "Server" which is saying failed and I get this message: Network Diagnostic was able to connect to the Internet, but not to the server "HP Officejet J5700 series.pdl-datastream.tcp.local.". This could be caused by problems with the server, or an Internet problem between computer and server. I've done the unplugging Aiport and Printer, deleting and reinstalling System Preferences.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Can't Boot To OS, But Clone Of HD Will Boot On Another Mac?

Oct 17, 2010

Got a Powerbook G4 with a "messed up" HD. Couldn't fix it, so got a firewire drive and ran a bunch of utilities from my newer intel iMac. Cloned the Powerbook's drive to a USB hard drive, did all repairs on the USB drive, formatted the Powerbook, cloned the USB drive BACK to the Powerbook, but it just gives me the flashing question mark when I try to boot.

What is REALLY weird is I can boot my iMac FROM THE CLONE ON THE USB DRIVE and it works fine.In Drive Genius the Powerbook drive (in TDM) shows as a single drive, but if I go to "Repartition" then it shows 3 smaller partitions on the drive; I believe they're called "Apple Free Space" or something like that (can't check right now, I'm running Repair on it AGAIN at the moment).

I feel like I'm missing something simple, like the machine just doesn't see one thing that tells it "Oh, yeah! There's an operating system on this drive!" I have tried partitioning from Drive Genius and Disk Utility. Have done clones back and forth with Drive Genius, Disk Utility, and Carbon Copy Cloner. Same results each time.

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PowerPC :: OSX Not Boot On Mac G3

Aug 7, 2007

I can't get OSX to boot on the G3 when I reboot with the C button down it won't do anything no apple logo or anything. It's 10.4 and the cd version What am I doing wrong?

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Boot Up - How To Know About It

May 15, 2009

My Powerbook g4 al 1GHZ won't boot up. I press the power button it chimes, i can hear the hardrive and fans spinning but the screen is black.

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PowerPC :: Boot Through Cd Linux From G3

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to install Damn Small Linux on iMac G3,64MB ram and 333Mhz processor. The problem is that i'm not able to boot the cd. Under windows machine...it boot normally,but if i put it on G3 and hold 'C',it doesn't boot (but i think it try to read the cd becouse i see a small icon with "face"/"?" on the screen).

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PowerPC :: G4 1.5Ghz Won't Boot Up

Oct 20, 2010

My PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz won't boot up. It happened about a year ago when I first got my new MBP so I just let it sit. But I'd like to give it to a friend if I can get it to work. I've tried resetting the PMU by holding shift+control+option+power... waiting 5 seconds and powering on, but nothing happens. The battery appears to be functioning correctly. When the cable is in it lights up like normal and the battery indicators light up and are in full charge. I've taken the ram out and put it back in. Any other clues what I could try before bringing it in to Apple?

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PowerPC :: Can G5 Ppc Boot (leopard) From Usb

Oct 26, 2010

I have a usb thumb drive can I boot leopard from a usb?

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Boot Into Any Mode

Jan 1, 2011

My trusty ol' powerbook might have finally met its match. I can not get it to boot into any mode. I've tried booting to the original discs ('C' while starting up); safe mode, single user mode, etc. I've reset the PMRAM (or whatever it's called) It seems perma stuck at the blue screen.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Boot

Aug 21, 2006

My powerbook was working fine but i shut i down over night and when i turned it on the next morning it refused to boot. All i got was a grey screen with the folder icon which flash between a question mark and the finder icon.

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Completely Boot Up

Aug 28, 2006

I opened up Garageband, went into preferences to configure the audio for my peripheral audio device, and the computer and curser locked up, so I had to shut it down by pressing the power button for 4 seconds. I restarted the G4 and it would only boot up to a blue screen with the pointer curser, but would not finish loading anything on the desktop, no icons, no menu, nothing. I tried restarting repeatedly this way, but got the same result each time.

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PowerPC :: IBook Won't Boot To OS X

Nov 22, 2006

I was playing some old freeware games for Mac OS 9 and was playing lemmings when my Clamshell iBook just turned off and now I get the Blinking folder with question mark. I made a live CD of ubuntu where it's talking to the harddrive but the iBook won't boot to OS X so i am trying to figure why.

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PowerPC :: G4 Keeps Freezing During Boot

Apr 8, 2007

My powerbook G4 keeps freezing whenever I try to start it - as limited as my Mac vocabulary is, the "spinny thing" that goes by during the "gray boot screen" with that there "Apple logo" stops and the entire process is frozen. Paper season is started here at school - and I hate click-clacking on the cheapo Dells in the computer lab.

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PowerPC :: 800 Mhz G3 IBook Won't Boot Into OS X

Oct 8, 2007

My friend just got a 800 Mhz iBook G3 from someone. I think it's the April 2003 model. It has a CD-ROM drive so I think it's that one. The iBook has Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on it. The problem is that in normal boot, it hangs right before the "Starting Mac OS X" screen with the bar. The mouse pointer just stays in the corner. The computer can boot into Safe Boot. He tried reinstalling the OS with Archive And Install keeping the same settings but it still does it. Apparently he says that he had to boot into the Mac OS X Install Disc in safe mode by holding shift. Starting the computer holding Option and selecting the Install Disc caused the installer caused it to hang in the same way. He is currently doing another Archive And Install with the keep settings box unchecked and has yet to do an Erase And Install.

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PowerPC :: G4 PowerMac That Will Not Boot Up?

Nov 2, 2007

I have a G4 PowerMac that will not boot up. I power up the computer and it stalls on a grey screen with text prompting me to type <<boot>> if you wish to continue...or something like that. Does anyone have any advice on how I might troubleshoot this? The computer was working fine for a few days before this occured. It has been unused and sitting is storage for a while.

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PowerPC :: G4 12 Dvi Aluminum Won't Boot?

Feb 16, 2008

my powerbook was playing up yesterday and i had to power off via the switch and now it wont boot, All i get is a grey screen no apple logo and no spinning dial, in stead i get a picture of a happy mac face and then a question mark and sometime not even that.

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Load / Boot / Anything

Apr 5, 2008

Assuming it's the HDD, which I already got a replacement. Can I take out the HDD and install it in an enclosure and run some sort of recovery software? I had alot of personal stuff as well as my portfolio work in there

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PowerPC :: Mac G4 Doesn't Boot From DVD

Jul 14, 2008

A while ago, I got hold of an old Power Mac G4 (450MHz, 128MB RAM, OS X10.3) which I haven't dug out until now. As it contains the old owner's data, I thought the best thing to do would be to do a clean install of Tiger. I bought a Tiger DVD set and upgraded the RAM to 1GB but the DVD won't boot. The DVD is mounted in OS X and I can access the launch screen which has a button to restart and upon restarting, OS X just boots again.

I have tried pushing C and Alt (I have a Microsoft Bluetooth keyboard as the Apple one has been misplaced - Could this be the problem?) but nothing appears on the the display for a while, then OS X boots. I have also tried setting the Startup Disk to the Install DVD which doesn't work either. I was also thinking it could be the DVD-ROM drive as the button to eject is in the center whereas the drive's eject button is on the right (so I am guessing it isn't an original part)

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PowerPC :: Froze Up And Won't Boot

Sep 11, 2008

Basically, I have a 12" 1.33ghz powerbook that's progressively gotten worse over time. The problem started occasionally with the clock drifting and the computer freezing after waking from its sleep. After booting, everything would be fine again and the problem wouldn't happen for a couple weeks or a month. But then it got worse, where it would freeze but wouldn't boot after the first try. This went on for a few weeks, where now it won't even boot anymore. What I get is the boot chime followed by the grey screen without the apple icon. I can still use the reboot key commands, but that's it. Has anyone had a similar problems, know what might be happening or have an idea of how to fix it?

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PowerPC :: No Boot Up Or Display?

Feb 9, 2009

I have an old 450mhz powermac g4 and about a billion old sticks of pc133 (and some pc100) ram.
So I have 3 128mb PC133 memory sticks, and when i put each in the powermac individually (as the only mem stick in the computer), they work fine.

However, if i put any more than one stick in the computer, it will turn on but not boot up or display anything.

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PowerPC :: G4 1.33 Won't Boot From DVD Drive

Mar 25, 2009

I just upgraded my PowerBook G4 1.33 from the orig Combo D to a Panasonic SuperDrive [URL].
The drive works fine except I can no longer boot from it. Holding the "c" key, "Option Key" nothing works.

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PowerPC :: Everything Intact But G4 Not Boot At All

Aug 9, 2009

Recently I got a broken G4 cube. I am trying to figure out what the problem is. The previous owner cut the original IDE-cable. So I replaced it with just a standard IDE-cable. Maybe that's the problem, I am not sure. Everything is connected like it should be, power is on, but it doesn't boot. This is what happens. The moment I connect the power supply, it starts booting, I hear the superdrive spin up for half a second, after that it will go dead again. This repeats itself about a 1000 times. The cinema display is connect through ADC, but doesn't do one thing!

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