PowerPC :: G4 Shutdown After 10 - 15 Minutes When Turned On
May 5, 2010
I just obtained an Ibook G4, it was my cousins, and it had crashed, so weeks later he gave up and bought a IMac. Anyway, the Ibook will turn on, boot up like normal. I had it turned on for about 10-15 minutes, and it just powers off. I had it plugged in, and it obtained about 11% battery, so I don't think it dies from battery shortage. Something I did notice, the battery charger cord, from wall to brcik is a 250V wire, while the brick it self needs about 100Volts. It isn't the cord that came with the Ibook. Could this cause the Ibook to shut down?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a Macbook (late 2011) 15" 2.2 i7 pro. I noticed this after upgrading my RAM with 2 x 4gb Corsair DDR3 1333MHZ Ram (stock 2 x 2gb)Upon closing the macbook lid, the computer would goto sleep (the pulsing heartbeat light would be on). The problem is, if the macbook was in sleep mode for an extended period of time (I've tested and something over 15 minuites) the computer would shutdown. I have tried searching for similar problems and unable to find something exactly the same. I have reset the SMC and PRAM but this problem is still there.Obviously it would sound like the RAM but I am having no problems doing anything with the mbp, the only thing is this sleep turned into shutdown problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 12, 2012
Why would my MacBook have shut down on me then when I try to turn it on it beeps every five seconds?
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May 9, 2012
On safe mode I can boot but the computer shut down automatically after 3 minute. On the normal boot - I see the wheel running, running and running and the computer shut down without booting. On the console mode I can check (fsck -fy) the disk (no error) but after I cannot boot!
macbook Pro 17" Build9l31a, Mac OS X (10.6.2), ibook G3, ibook G4 14
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Jul 1, 2009
my iMac won't turn on. The day before yesterday happened the same thing, but after a few tries with the power button, it eventually turned on - and all ok yesterday. Both the day before yesterday and today, the general power was turned off for some minutes, but the iMac wasn't running. So now, I've tried to reset the SMC, removing everything attached, but nothing.
At least I can clearly hear the tic tic tic button, probably of the timer, because I set up a schedule to let it turn on at a certain hour. What can I do? It's a white iMac, never had a problem.
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Sep 8, 2006
My system has randomly shut down twice now in the last two days. Dual G5 2.3. I checked the console log, which I know very little about, and it said this:
localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -122
Two questions-
what's the -122 code mean?
Do you think resetting the PMU would be the solution to this?
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Jul 16, 2010
i have an iBook g4 that just flashes different colours when turned on. What would be the issue & can it be fixed?
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May 9, 2008
My iBook G4 is 3 years old. I have 2 problems: My latest problem is that it won't charge the battery. I bought a new Ac Adaptor, and I used my battery and my adaptor in another G4 and it charges, but not in my computer. So I know the problem is INSIDE my computer. My father replaced the.DC-inboard when the pin off of my old charger broke off inside the computer.
2.) Now the computer won't turn on. If it does turn on it shuts off 20 seconds later.
There is no warranty, I don't know where to start with fixing it since I can't get it to stay on.!
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Sep 13, 2008
hi little problem today my ibook just turned striaght off while i was browsing the net. it went straight off no shutdown no warning , had to remove the battery and charger then wait couple minutes before it turned on again,
i wasnt doin anything stressful to the laptop i hadnt installed anny apps or anything just browsing the net and it went off any ideas?? is it showing signs of breaking down?
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May 31, 2008
I have a emac thats about 4 years old, always has run well and done everything good. Recently retired it to backup computer and did a total erase and instal of the os.. ran great till a few weeks ago when it froze after about 10 minutes of use. Tried it again the next day and got the same thing. I waited a week and then tried it and still...same thing. Unpluged it, hit the power button and waited a day... same thing. Unpluged everying except keyboard and mouse... same thing.
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Nov 12, 2008
My computer, a Powermac G5, Dual 2.0Ghz, 1st Edition Released Oct 2003, will just freeze. It usually happens within 5 minutes of booting into the operating system. I am also unable to boot from the Leopard or Tiger DVD's to try and install a fresh copy of the OS as they freeze during the install. This is what I have tried so far, but to no avail:
Resetting the RAM and Graphics Card
Resetting the Power Management (PMU)
Resetting the PRAM
Now this is the even stranger thing. I installed a copy of PowerPC Ubuntu Linux 8.04 and it works fine. This makes me think that it is unlikely to be a hardware issue.
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Feb 2, 2009
I got a powerbook G4 with a smashed LCD. I hooked it up to an external monitor, and 1 thing keeps bothering me - it lags like hell. I have had an iBook g3, now using macbook aluminum, and I have never seen anything like this on a mac before. It lags like hell - it turns on in about 20 minutes. Sometimes it even doesn't. I have tried resetting Pram, Vram, premissions repair, looking @ activity monitor(nothing exceeding 2-3%). HDD capacity - about 55% full. I cant even describe whats up with it - launching any app takes about 2-3 minutes. For instance, iTunes launching takes 3,5 minutes and none of the songs are playable. I have tried to create a new account - did not help.
So lets start with system preferences. I have :
1,5ghz PowerPC processor
256mb Ram
Tiger 10.4.11
HDD 80gb Fujitsu MHT2080AT
So at first I though it was the lack of RAM - I bought a 1Gb stick. Now I am thinking it is because of the HDD. But I am not ready to buy another component randomly.
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Feb 26, 2008
I am a high school teacher and in my lab, for the first time, I have an eMac (1 GHz G4), that, when I turn it on, all that shows is a grey screen with an apple in the middle. I tried doing a "mac-boot" to no avail.
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Nov 26, 2006
I retrofitted a Toshiba dvd/cdrw 2512 in my indigo ibook, following instructions found online. Opens fine with f12 key, and drilled hole for paperclip eject if need. Plays dvds and burns cds great (patchburn installed to burn from itunes too). But, the drive also opens when the ibook is turned on and when it comes out of sleep. Is this a glitch that can be fixed. Not a big deal but would like to have it not open if possible.
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Aug 2, 2007
I have a dead/dying old G4 iBook (logic board failure) and was wondering whether I can remove the internal drive and mount it in an external case, and use it as an external USB or Firewire drive? The drive has some valuable data on it which I'd like to keep, and the iBook only boots for a few minutes each time (if I'm lucky).Is it just a matter of opening it up, taking the drive out, and taking it along to a computer shop who should be able to kit me out?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have a 1.33ghz 12inch Powerbook with 768mb of RAM, my battery lasts for about 20 minutes, I am on my 4th ac adapter (and it is already broken again, I so get why they made them magnetic in future laptops). I am running Tiger... everything works just fine except the embarrassing battery life and unpredictable charging (b/c of the semi-broken power adapter).
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Sep 26, 2006
It's a G5 20" 2.0ghz machine and is 15 months old approx. He was running something or other, nothing very taxing, when the computer unexpectedly shut down. He restarted it and within a few mins it shutdown again. He restarted it again and used it fine for a couple of hours, shut it down and went to bed. Came to it the next day and nothing. No noise, no lights, nothing. He dropped it off at a local authorised dealer and they thought it was either going to be the power supply (�100 to fix) or the main board (�600 to fix). Sure enough he got the call and it's the logic board thats gone. He doesnt have applecare unfortunately but decided to try his luck and contact apple anyway. Needless to say, they weren't in the least interested and told him he'd either have to foot the bill or toss the machine in the bin. �600 to fix one of these is appauling and more than the machine itself is worth but the options are limited. Has anyone else experienced anything like this and if so are there places to get the machines fixed cheaper? I know this goes to show that it's a good idea to stump up the extra cash initially for applecare but �1200 (the price when new) seems pretty bad for 15 months computing and has really put me off recommending iMacs to anyone else. The days when I can construct my own computer with my own components and run OS X on it, and repair it myself cant come soon enough if this is how it's going.
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Nov 24, 2009
I've been looking around on a few forums, and I've tried to reset PMU, hold the programmer key, take out battery let it be, external screen,... None of it worked for me. I have tried to install Os X Jaguar without upgrading firmware, so it told me that it needed to upgrade. But I can't do that since it doesn't boot anymore. I tried disconnecting the harddrive and boot it without it, it still turns off. [URl]
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Dec 28, 2010
When I select "SLEEP" from the Apple menu, press the power button my cinema monitor, the power button on the tower or the system is set up to sleep after a certain period of time - the tower immediately powers off, not even a complete shutdown cycle occurs. No new software has been installed (previous to issue). I have already completed the following:
-Unplugged all USB devices (other than apple mouse/keyboard)
-Reset PRAM
-Reset PMU
-Swapped out RAM chips (and mem tested them - no issues)
-Repaired permissions
-Cleared cache's
-Repair Disk from Start-Up CD
-Rebuilt directory from Techtool Pro
System Info:
Dual 1.25Ghz
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Aug 20, 2009
Ibook G4 shut down completely after pulling plug out of outlet. Tried to restart by holding down power button and nothing happens- no sounds, no chime, no light. Removed battery and shows all 4 lights light up. Power cord shows green light when plugged into outlet. Changed outlets etc. Several weeks ago had to get a new cord cause old cord would not keep computer charged even when plugged in. No problems after replacing cord until now. I cannot get it to restart.
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Apr 15, 2012
My iMac 27 late 2010 does not shut down when shut down in the normal way. I have to shut down with the push button. I have tried disconnecting all the usb connected hardware still no use. Can any body help.I have OS Lion 10.7.3?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 3, 2009
how is this possible?
I shut down before going to bed - 100% certain, no doubts - and I just woke up a few minutes ago. I was on the other side of the room and the Mac powered up?
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Jun 13, 2006
And not hot in the good way...
I turned my Macbook off for about three hours to watch a movie. I hadn't had it on any longer than an hour prior to turning it off.
But after picking it up to turn it back on just now, I practically burned my hand on it. It's been off for THREE hours...
I'm assuming this is a bad sign. However, I know I didn't overwork it prior to turning it off. No hissing or mooing.
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Oct 22, 2009
My buddy saw an article on the net that I showed him about a guy building a "Hackintosh" with all new parts bought from newegg. The article seemed to say that you really should use the same parts as the author did to ensure Snow Leopard compatibility.
My buddy has built MANY a pc. He seems to think that using the directions and software discussed in the article I showed him, that we could pretty much turn ANY home built PC into a Hackintosh with higher performance and less cost.
I'm not here to discuss the legitimacy of his claim, but I would like to know about the hardware / software part?
Can basically any PC be turned into a Hackintosh?
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May 12, 2012
Keep asking me log in after having turned on the macbook air
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 3, 2007
Sometimes when I try to turn on my power mac G5 don't work. I have already changed the inside battery and also trying to reset the pmu. The only thing that works always is to disconnect the power cord from the back some minutes.
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
PowerPC G5 (2.2)
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Nov 8, 2010
How can i find out when i first turned my mac on, or bought it? I know i turned it on the day i got it. Like, I want to know when i first used it/turned on, to work out exactly how long i've had it.
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Nov 27, 2010
is it harmful to the hd?
often move my mbp from the bed to my legs
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Feb 22, 2008
I remember back, long, long ago in the elementary school days when we had the colored Macs - you turned them on by pressing spacebar. Now I would actually like that with my Mac Pro so that I don't have to bend over to turn it on. Does this option still exist in Mac OS?
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Mar 16, 2008
I suspect that someone was messing around with my computer. Is there a log that would show what time was the computer turned on or last on etc.? Anything that would back up my theory that someone was using it when i wasn't here?
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