PowerPC :: G4 Not Turning On - Just Fan Running
Feb 7, 2006
I went to turn on my Power Mac G4 this morning and only the fan would come on. No light. No computer start up sounds. No screen. Just the fan. I tried a new battery and that's not it.
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Jun 24, 2014
My 2010 Macbook Pro running on OS X 10.9.3 is having issues turning on. When I boot it up it makes the chime like normal and the grey screen appears with the apple logo. A couple of seconds later the screen just goes black and it shuts down.
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Sep 24, 2010
Windows user here that just ordered a 27" QuadCore iMac. Usually on my PC at home, whenever i'm not using it I turn off the monitor but leave the computer itself running most of the time (I run a lot of torrents, VNC, etc). Is there a way to turn off only the display and keep the computer running like I normally would on the PC?
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Apr 27, 2012
When I turn on my iMac he does not get over the 'white' apple page and keeps on running in a loop for ours. I simply do not get the computer started again. I am completly lost. Tried it for several days to restart again.
iMac, iOS 5.1
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May 19, 2008
I have an old powermac G4 dual 1.42 the other day I decided to power it up to update it and it would not turn on. I push the power button it lights briefly and goes out. The light stays on if I hold the button down. The fan does not come on nor any noise from inside the case, etc. I have reset the pram, that little button, and I have replaced the battery, I have searched for the problem but nothing seems to fit my exact case. It's not my main computer and I am no where near an apple store and I'd rather fix the problem myself instead of paying an arm and leg for apple to repair it.
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Jan 2, 2007
I have a 12" 1.33Ghz iBook G4 that does not respond when I try to turn it on. Every now and then I can hear the hard drives spin up but after that nothing happens. I've tried to make sure the problem wasn't being caused by my AC adaptor and battery and they seem to be fine. I even tried to remove my third party Crucial 1GB stick of RAM and it still won't work. Is there anything else I can try before I head over to the nearest Apple store?
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Mar 21, 2009
I have a iBook G4 with the following spec. 14� Screen 933 MHz Processor / 384 MB RAM / 40 GB HD, OS 10 panther Untill now it was working perfectly, last week in was on and hanged up and was heated for hours, Now when i was trying to switch it on it was not booting up and not recogninsing the hard disc, I tried to reboot i failed, than i tried to reload OS10 panther with the original disc no 1 it went on till the end and before finishing it showed error message. I tried to check and repair Hard disc and it was OK I think the problem is with memory ( which is inbuilt in the board) If i put additional memory on the slot and try to relad the OS will it work, or there is some other problem.
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Sep 22, 2010
I wanted to fix this hardware problem with my iMac G4 20". Basically the LCD screen has a redish tint in the corners, only really visible when displaying something bright/white. Also, when looking at the screen from an angle when displaying a black image, it looks completely red. What's the fault here? Is it the panel itself or the backlight?
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Nov 30, 2010
Up until recently my PowerMac G5 has performed as it should for a computer its age. About two nights ago it shut itself down and I haven't been able to turn it on since. Power does cycle through the unit because all the fans will either cycle once or twice, or at the very least they will twitch. And now there's a tiny red LED on the motherboard and behind the power button that lights up whenever I try to power on the computer. I'm at a loss for where I need to go from here, though I feel rather certain that my computer has simply passed on. It's an original 2004 1.6 ghz single processor PowerMac G5, serial number unknown, since I can't turn it on.
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Mar 6, 2007
My iBook used to come up with an alert that it was using reserve power, and then automatically go to sleep, so I could wake it as soon as I plugged it in. Now, there is no warning, if it gets to 0% it turns off, NOT sleeps but turns completely off without shutting down. This means any unsaved work is lost etc, its not at all good. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? (I have Tiger, iBook 1.44Ghz, 1.25 RAM)
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Nov 17, 2010
I have a first gen iMac 24 Intel with a dead logic board. However everything works in it. The screen, power supply, isite, speakers. appear to work fine. I got a MacBook Pro to replace it and I wanted to know if there is a way to turn the old iMac into something that is more like the Apple 24� display, even if I need to do electronics work in it.
I am in IT and have access to a lot of dead stuff I can scavenge for parts. I am also an electronic technician, so I should be able to do this. I just don�t know what I need to do.
Hunting down info on this topic has come with that there are controller issues. If I can pull a controller out of another dead LCD display that I happen to have, I can see it working. I can even see the possibility of adding the electronics from a USB hub to pipe USB functions over a DVI cable. And get the iSite and speakers working.
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Feb 2, 2009
I've bought a dual 2Ghz powermac G5 secondhand, and bought a new drive and installed 10.4.3 and updated to 10.4.11, the fans where always on full blast so i searched the forums and ran the Thermal Calibration utility, everything seemed fine for a week. Then it started turning itself off with a click from the power supply after i left it on all night while downloading.
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Oct 18, 2006
dont know if this is the right thread but, i picked up a Performa 5200CD, from the dump, and its in perfect condition, but when you go to turn the power on, it does nothing, could this have a dead power suply, broken switch?
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Dec 30, 2008
A friend of mine brought over his 14" iBook G4, 1.33GHz, 60GB HDD and 1.25 GB RAM. The problem with it is that upon start-up, the grey screen with the apple/turning gear comes up, then after a few moments a blue screen will appear, though no box showing the start-up process. I've run a few basic diagnostics on this, including the lovely disk utility (which did nothing), I've run fsck, zapped the PRAM, etc, no success as of yet. At one point, I received a screen with alternating folders, one showing the smiley mac face, the other folder with a flashing "?". I cannot replicate this for the life of me. I have attempted to acquire files via TDM, though am not able to see the hard drive despite using 2 different laptops. Possibly the firewire cable itself is spent, though it's brand new! Here is where I become increasingly frustrated: I ask my friend for the boot disks as the ones for my own 12" iBook don't work (for whatever reason). He tells me that he loaded Leopard this summer (currently running 10.5.2, no updates loaded since), then proceeds to bring over boot discs for a MacBook...:headdesk: To begin with, it seemed like the HDD was fried, however, after running disk utility (and not hearing any negative sounds), it does appear that the HDD is fine. I'm thinking a kernel panic, though not sure how to resolve these.
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Sep 14, 2009
a few years ago my friend gave me an old B&W G3 that was used in schools. It's got a 300MHz G3 and 256 megs of ram, and some DB15 ATI card. It currently sits in a storage room in the basement gathering dust.
I'm wondering, if I install OS X Panther (or maybe Jaguar if it'd run better), if I'll be able to host a VPN for my brother who's in China trying to get around the internet blocks there. The tunneling program he uses there is really slow.
On a side note, would it be worth upgrading the ram/CPU to do this? I probably wouldn't want to spend what it'd cost to upgrade the CPU for such an old computer, though.
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Nov 24, 2008
My dad might give me his Power Mac G5 soon, and I've noticed it running very slow. It is running Leopard, it usually has about 20 apps open at a time, and has 512 MB RAM (lol). How much ram should I slap in there to make it take off like a rocket? If you have any good Power Mac G5 RAM deals, then link to them.
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Apr 26, 2009
I got a Powerbook G4 12" from my cousin, and the hinge was all beat up. The screen wouldnt work, although it did turn on fine(fan running and HD clicking). So we took it apart, and found a broken wire in the hinge, and replaced it, and now it works. But, after using it for a while, the fan was on full blast, and wouldnt turn down. Since it was still apart, we took off the top, and the HD and heatsink were encredibly hot(i probably would have burned my finger if I kept it there long enough). I know that it will get a bit hot, but nothing should be running at that temperature. What could cause this?
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Mar 21, 2006
Okay, basically, I've had my PowerBook for a little over 2 years. Over the last few months, it's been incredibly slow. For example, I can only load one or two tabs at a time in Safari before the 'rainbow spinning wheel of death' appears, and takes a couple of minutes to leave, and load the page. This type of thing happens across the board, on pretty much all applications.
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Nov 5, 2006
What I used to love about my Powerbook G4 is that it's pretty much silent, unless I happen to be burning something, or running several programs at once. However, this appears to be a thing of the past, as I've begun to notice that the fan is now permanently whizzing, and while it's not loud, it's anything but silent. This happens constantly, while I'm running minimal programs, and while my computer is sitting on my desk, not on any soft surfaces.
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Mar 19, 2007
Everything on my mac is running slower and slower, I have the last ver. of the eMac, and still running the 256 Ram, and 12 GB of storage with an external of 250 GB. I dont know why, if you need a list of apps or anything just ask. I also dont have the 100 I need right now to upgrade the ram. Plus if anyone could tell me if and how I can use my external as my main drive, but it is a usb, that sometimes hikups being on my mac for access, it will access it sometimes 5 min after I boot, so I may not want to, or is it a glitch of my mac.
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Apr 28, 2007
I am making a summer project out of dual-booting my G4 PowerBook with OS X and Ubuntu. I downloaded and burned the Fiesty PowerPC ISO. The live CD is awesome. I really really want to make this happen. I had tried installing Ubuntu back in the Edgy days, but it just wouldn't work properly. The trackpad wasn't working right, my wireless card wouldn't work (damn you Broadcom). Has anyone installed Fiesty and have it working on thier G4 PowerBook?
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Jan 19, 2009
My PowerMac's (G5 Dual 1.8GHz procs) fans seem to run at a solid 4k rpm's regardless of what I'm doing, even with CPU usage set to low. I've taken the whole machine apart, cleaning it with canned air and such, but the problem just won't leave me be. The air coming out of the machine is ice cold, and the temperature readings I'm getting are about 86 degrees F for the CPU's and 70 for the HDD, so I'm not sure what gives.. Slot and Backside fans are running at 255 rpm, but the others are all 4k.
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Mar 16, 2009
Can I run Mac OS 7 .5.3 on my iBook Clamshell? Am I providing enough info? If you need more info, I'll tell you. Right now I'm copying some files over to my hdd drive, getting ready to clear 68 something MB's off. I will then put Mac OS 7 in the root (almost). Will this power pc thing do it? It seems that it's like the old Macintosh's, just more powerful and better.
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May 26, 2009
Have a G4 MDD and it has started to run hotter than usual. Its actually starting to seriously affect the temp in the room. Are there any fixes for this or is it just how it goes? I tried vacuuming it out and cleaning some of the dust out to help the airflow a little but some places are a little hard to access without tearing it apart.
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Jun 1, 2009
I have a Power Mac Quad 2.5. late 2005. I would like to get a LED display. The new Apple LED , I am told it wont run on my Power Mac. Is it as simple as putting in another video card, currently have a NVIDIA 6600, but I cannot confirm that. I pulled the video card out, but could not find a model number on it anywhere. What about third party cards, adapter etc.
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Jul 28, 2009
The fans on my G5 Pro are running at close to 3000rpm most of the time. I have read other forums and do not think this is normal at all. I started looking into the fans because I am getting frequent kernel panics (black screen crashes) and thought it might be the machine over heating. My CPUs are at about 50C to 52C and the fans are constantly running that fast.
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Feb 20, 2010
I have an eMac (version = 2.1) with DVD drive serial YM2383TW-N9K-ff12 700 mhz. PPC G4 256 ram runing os 10.2.8 and I'm trying to install os 10.4.7 Tiger. I have the gray discs. When I insert the disc I got this gray screen whit a bunch of scripts that tells me drive not supported.
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Mar 26, 2010
I have two machines. A dual 1.8ghz G5 with 5gb ram. And a new 2.66ghz macbook pro with 4gb ram and 7200rpm drive. For everyday use, the Macbook is faster, but not by much and I prefer to just use the G5 because of the bigger screen. However, the G5 is mainly my media center (store all of my movies and TV shows on it). I really like HD and the Macbook will run 1080P without a problem, but the G5 will only run 720P, and only some at that. Some 720P videos it will skip with. It is a solid machine, (I know they are older, but it really is not bad, and is there anyway I can make it handle all 720P smoothly?
For storage, searching the web, and watching movies, this computer is still great. But more and more things are in HD now and it is a bummer having some of them skip a few times when watching.
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Dec 9, 2006
I have had my iBook for a good 4 years now. I have a 1.2ghz G4 ppc running Tiger and it is starting to run slow. I noticed that videos will now pause if something else is running or downloading. This never happened before. I was thinking about reinstalling my OS but would like to avoid that. Does anyone have this same problem or have any tricks to speed this up again?
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Dec 15, 2006
I recently bought a DVI-HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook (see sig) to my Sony LCD tv. THe Sony's max resolution is 1366 x 768 (pretty much standard for HD-ready tvs). I've been trying to get my powerbook to output that resolution so I get a full screen picture on the tv. However for some reason I keep getting stuck with 1280x720, which leaves some black bars all around.
I'm using SwitchResX where I input the resolution as a custom resolution. I then restarted as the software suggests, but it doesn't let me apply the resolution.
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