PowerPC :: Booting G4 PPC Mac Mini From Intel MacBook's Hard Drive?

Apr 28, 2009

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My Intel MacBook is in the shop, and I swapped out my hard drive before I sent it in and put it in a USB enclosure. I was able to boot my friend's MacBook Pro from the drive, but my G4 Mac Mini is not seeing it as an option (upon startup or otherwise). I can read files from it, but I really need to boot from the drive for some other things (cookies, passwords, and especially the ability to sync my iPod touch).

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PowerPC :: G4 Not Booting After Installing New Hard Drive

Apr 11, 2010

My newly acquired "ibook G4 1.33ghz 12 inch" is having problems booting just after recently insatlling a brand new WD Scorpio Blue 160GB hard-drive. I installed myself with the very useful [URL] tutorial which ran through the process quite simply. Basically the background story here is, I was given the ibook by a friend of mine who didn't want it as she didn't have the patience, money and time to invest into having it fixed. Some three years ago she dropped it from her coffee table and since then the hard-drive started failing, getting louder and slower to eventually one day not switching on at all. She took the ibook to an Apple Genius bar in LA where they ran diagnostics and resulted it with having a failed hard-drive.

She never had it repaired and has since been keeping it stored away as a spare. She was kind enough to gift it to me, I was well up for the challenge to repair it so here I am!! So, I bought a new hard-drive, successfully installed it and then the moment of truth, the ibook DID switch on, this itself was good news. But ever since I haven't been able to progress any further, as when I switch the ibook on it makes the apple start-up sound then goes to a white screen and says this:
Invalid memory access at SRR0: ff8486a4 SRR1: 00003030
Apple PowerBook6, 7 4.9.3f0 BootROM built on 07/05/05 at 11:14:11
Copyright etc.

Then says:
To continue booting, type "mac-boot" and press return
To shut down, type "shut-down" and press return
Reducing system power
So if I type "mac-boot" it goes to a grey screen with a folder icon in the middle containing a little 'finder' face and a flashing question mark, and then if left for about 5 minutes or so it just switches itself off. Of course it occurred to me that there is nothing on the new hard-drive so it can't boot from anything, I tried using my intel mac's start up disk which has OSX tiger on it, but this doesn't give any better results, I start-up holding C and I here the disk being read but it can't boot from it, it still goes back to the OpenFirmware screen as above.

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Cannot Booting - Hard Drive Failure?

Nov 25, 2009

I'm a new Mac user for about 6 months now. I bought a used PowerBook G4 15" 1.25 ghz notebook that was in good condition. It was well cared for by the previous owner. Only thing she had done was update the ram to 2 gigs.Recently I began to notice it running slower, programs were freezing and Garage Band couldn't run as many tracks. I installed recommended software updates before it started to get slower and I thought maybe that was the problem.So I attempted to do a fresh swipe of the hard drive and start from nothing. I saved some files and then tried to run the software installation cd. It didn't really help at all. I can't remember the error but it wouldn't let me reinstall OS X even when I held "c" when starting up. At one point I must have clicked run in target mode because I booted it up and it showed an unfamiliar screen. Then I restarted it once again and saw on Disk Utility that S.M.A.R.T. said something about hard drive failure.

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MacBook :: Booting From External Hard Drive

May 7, 2009

Is it possible to boot from a external hard drive instead of my internal drive?

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MacBook :: Not Booting From External Hard Drive

Sep 27, 2009

I have a Black Macbook with 2GB ram, 250GB HDD, 2.4GHz Processor and have been trying to boot off of my 320GB firewire External HDD but it has so far been unsuccessful. I have the external formatted as GUID Partition Table, and have the four system disk folders on the drive (Applications, Library, System, Users) which I copied from a time machine backup. I have tried booting the MB while holding down the option key and the external HDD appears as a drive available for booting on. But when I select the external HDD a cross with a circle around it appears and it boots off the internal HDD instead of the external HDD.

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MacBook Pro :: Best FireWire Hard Drive For Booting OS Off?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a powerbook which I've been told can only boot it's OS through firewire only. My question is can any of you recommend an external firewire hard drive? I'm after a 1TB of storage as anything smaller isn't ideal. I don't want to spend bucket-loads, but I know that the option of firewire costs more, so I'm prepared for that. I've been told not to buy any Western Digital drives as they don't like to be used as a booting drive (for older macs I think anyway). I also wanted to know, could I used the hard drive to boot my OS from and also use to to save additional files, or is that a disaster waiting to happen?

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MacBook Pro :: Not Booting Up With Hard Drive In Optical Bay?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a SSD in the main bay and have my stock Toshiba 500GB 5400RPM installed in the optical bay with a hard drive caddy. When I boot up I get stuck at the White Apple scrren with the spinning dotted wheel or it boots up to the desktop and my mouse and keyboard freezes. Has anyone else experienced this problem or have a resolution? I tried two separate hard drive caddys and two separate hard drive thinking these might be the problem with no luck.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Not Recognizing Hard Drive While Booting

May 12, 2012

Recently I have formatted my hard drive and had few problem with installing lion, so I removed it install it like external drive from another computer then put it back inside and now it's not working, doesn't even spin, but I can boot from usb on that drive and the computer work.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), unibody 2009

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MacBook Pro :: Kernel Panic Upon Booting To Hard Drive Or CD

Nov 2, 2010

Yesterday I purchased a INtel X25-V SATA SSD and installed it in my 13 inch MacBook Pro. Upon booting to a CD so I could install OS X 10.6 on the new drive, I received a kernel panic. After numerous tries I then put the old hard drive in (now clear of any data) and tried to boot to a CD again. Same problem. Now I seem to be stuck with a computer that will not boot to the CD no matter which hard drive is installed. I am able to use the SSD/HD in target disk mode. I can even install OS X to it from a different computer, but then when I try to boot on the MacBook Pro itself, I receive the kernel panic. The kernel panic seems to occur regularly after the Mac tries to load the CD for a minute or two.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Transfer From G5 To Intel?

Dec 10, 2008

I have a G5 PowerMac from 2004 (I can provide more details about the machine if it's necessary), that has essentially broken down and I do not currently have the money to fix it. A friend of mine has a brand new Intel Mac Pro. I want to install my G5's hard drive as a second hard drive on his Mac Pro.

My questions are:
1) Is this even possible?
2) Can I do this without losing the content of my hard disk?
3) Is there an available guide, or could someone run down the detailed steps, of doing this?

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Hardware :: Hard Drive Keeps Booting Up

Dec 19, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro and last week I upgraded to Snow Leopard 10.6.2 and now when I close my laptop, my hard drive spools up every minute and it's very annoying. I can't leave some apps open because they have illegal operations due to the hard drive booting repeatedly. It's to the point now where every 60 or so seconds my external speakers come on, my hard drive spools up loudly. When I finally open my laptop the screen comes on for a few seconds, cuts off and goes black and then comes back on a few seconds later. When my laptop is open it works perfectly however.

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PowerPC :: Booting Powerbook G4 - Drive C On Start Up?

Jan 24, 2010

Here's the rundown: my uncle gave me a pristine Powerbook G4 Titanium edition. Good computer, 15.5" screen, definitely worth keeping. He wiped the thing clean before giving it to me. The problem is the internal CD drive is super flaky and won't take an bootable CD well. It took my Tiger bootable once or twice and bonked out during the installation. Now, I can't get anything. BUT, I have a nice external firewire 400 CD/DVD drive. I hit option and can see the disc, but the PB won't take it. Also, of course I hit C on startup to try and load from the CD. Hasn't taken since the first few tries.

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Hardware :: Booting From An External Windows Hard Drive?

Sep 20, 2009

My parents bought a new iMac and have finally made the switch. There's one program on their old hard drive that they need to use. I've installed Windows XP on the new iMac, put the old pc hard disk in a USB2 enclosure and would love to use that to boot off of. The problem is that the iMac doesn't consider that as an option when booting.

The other issue is that if the power goes off and the computer reboots, the default seems to be for the Windows partition and the Mac OSX.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Not Working / Logic Board Unable To Communicate With Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2009

My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.

The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?

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PowerPC :: Booting From External FW Drive Can't Play Hulu-Old Chip Or FW Bottleneck?

Mar 9, 2009

I just set up an old G4 Mac Mini with a 1.5 GHz PPC chip and 64 MB VRAM as an HTPC with the intent to use it to watch Hulu and ABC.com and other sites where you can stream TV shows online. However, Hulu is very very choppy. The audio's fine but the video is pretty disappointing. In full screen it's really just a series of still pictures. I know Flash on the mini is supposed to not be that great, but is there anything I can do?

Is there any way to change the video settings of the g4 or of the TV to improve the streaming video playback? I'm playing it on a 40" Samsung LCD connected via DVI--> HDMI.

I'm booting off an external firewire drive through Firewire 400 and my concern is that perhaps this is the problem - the slowdown is not coming from the processor or the VRAM but rather from the Firewire. Can anyone with a similar setup let me know if this works for them. Is there anyway to speed up the I/O between the G4 and the Firewire drive? it's a LaCie 250GB D2 Hard Drive Extreme with Triple Interface.

According to the Activity Monitor, Safari's using 72% of the CPU to play from Hulu. According to Hulu's support page, the Mac Mini meets the system requirements. I'm just trying to watch the SD videos, not the HD. I have Flash 10 and Safari 3.1.2.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Making Weird Noises / Failing Hard Drive Or Something Else?

Nov 22, 2006

My PM G5's Hard Drive has been making wierd noises lately and I'm really beginning to worry that it's failing. How can I be sure?

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IMac :: Booting From Firewire External Hard Disk - Windows Drive

May 15, 2009

So here is my bright idea. I still may want to have Windows on my iMac for work projects *sigh* I think I came up with a solution, I rather not partition my iMac (when I buy it) 1TB drive for Windows. Don't want Windows on my main disk - I need the storage for Mac things, personal stuff etc. Is it possible to boot from a Firewire connected external HDD to run Windows?

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OS X :: Hard Drive Swap From Mac Mini To MacBook Pro?

Oct 6, 2009

thinking of relegating my mini to HTPC and buying a new base model 15" MacBook Pro. As both these systems have essentially the same hardware, including 9400M graphics, can I just swap the hard drives so my current 7200rpm mini drive goes into the new MacBook Pro, and the new, unused, 5400 rpm drive comes out of the Pro and into the mini?

Any reason this wouldn't work? I just think it would take a lot of time to back everything up to Time Capsule and then fresh install both hard drives.

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PowerPC :: Make Second Hard Drive As New Primary Hard Drive?

Apr 19, 2010

i just installed a new 2nd, (750 gb) hard drive into my g5 because my first 250gb is nearly full. I'm trying to launch logic but the file is way to big. It wont let me install this program from my new, second hard drive because the message i get is that it supposed to launch from the primary or running hard drive. Can anyone tell me how i can make my second hard drive my new primary hard drive? I got the .dmg for my leapord osx. but not the originals anymore. can anybody help me with this. i'm pretty sure it's simple, i just don't know how to do this.

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Mac Mini :: Hard Drive - Same Physical Size As Macbook Pro?

Jan 4, 2010

Does the Macbook Pro and the Mac Mini use the same type/size hard drive? (Looking to take a hard drive from a macbook pro and put it in the mac mini as a replacement)

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PowerPC :: Intel IMac Hard Drive And RAM Into G3 IMac?

Jul 14, 2010

My intel 2006 iMac recently died, and I'm wondering if I could one of the 1GB RAM sticks into the a G3 iMac I own. And more importantly: If I could put the hard drive from the intel iMac into the iMac G3.

The intel iMac was made in late 2006 and the iMac G3 was made in 1999, 1998 or 2000.

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Intel Mac :: Installed A New Hard Drive In 20" (2006) And Now The Hard Drive Does Not Show Up?

Mar 9, 2012

I have just installed a new hard drive in my imac intel 20" (2006) and upgraded the memory and now the hard drive does not show up in the 'select destinations' folder of the install program. I can see the hard drive in the disk utilities window however it wont let me do anything.It is a seagate 1TB SATA II drive however it is displaying it as a 7.3 TB.I have tried to erase and partition and get the same error message each time, 'Input/Output error'.
I have tried starting the thing with the install disk which is Mac OS X (Tiger?) which came with the computer


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PowerPC :: Hard Drive From A Macbook Pro Fit In An Ibook?

Feb 27, 2008

I have a macbook pro hd i want to put in an old ibook, but the pins look different will they fit?

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OS X :: Mac Mini - Wiped Hard Drive - Broken DVD Drive - Install Leopard?

Mar 6, 2009

Clearly there must be a way to do this, right? Can I install off an external hard drive? Off a USB drive? Share my macbook pro's DVD drive somehow? If the hard drive on the mac mini is completely reformatted and I plug it into the USB port on the external hard drive which I partition and install the Leopard DMG would it be able to boot off of it?

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PowerPC :: Hard To Place IMac G4's Hard Drive?

Apr 6, 2008

I have an iMac G4 with a failed HD. I know this because it boots from my external drive. Does anyone know where I can find the Hard drive part # and a take-apart guide?

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Spins And Super Drive Make Noise - No Boot Up

Jan 7, 2010

My friend gave me his old Apple cube G4 + 15" Cinema display in like 1000 pieces. Its completely teared apart. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work. The original IDE cable wasn't included, so I bought one for 2 cents. It should work or not? Maybe the powersupply. I'm not sure. I don't believe actually that the hardware itself, like the motherboard is broken. When everything is into place and I connect the cube to the powersupply it boots immediately. I don't have to do anything. Harddrive spins and the superdrive makes some noise as well. This repeats itself every 5 seconds. The screen is connected and gets power through DVI, but no display. Both the cube and display have touch enabled buttons to switch it on, but they do not respond (I guess).. Motherboard gives 2 light. DS1 is green, DS2 is red.

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PowerPC :: Making PowerBook Hard Drive Into External Drive

Apr 8, 2010

I want to put my old 15" PowerBook hard drive into an external case. I pulled the hard drive out of the PowerBook. And I purchased a NexStar CS 2.5" SATA to USB 2.0 external case. But the connections don't match. What do I need to do? Do I need to buy some sort of adaptor? Hard drive is a Hitachi 120GB 5400RPM (model # HTS541612J9AT00) 2.5" Sorry, these photos are blurry as hell. Picture of hard drive pins:

Pins are in the following configuration (1's represent pins):...............

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Windows On Mac :: Booting Windows XP From External Hard Drive

Nov 18, 2009

I have an external hard drive which I have successfully installed Windows XP SP3 onto. It was a long and painful process but I finally was able to get a modified XP install disc ready and from a Dell PC running Windows was able to install onto the external hard drive and I'm able to boot from it and everything. I did this on a PC because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to boot correctly from an external drive in Mac.

Anyway, the hardest part is in the past and now my only problem is how to boot this external hard drive from my macbook, which is primarily what I want to use it on. I currently have a Macbook with three operating systems on it: Mac OS 10.5.8, Ubuntu Linux, and Windows XP SP3. I use rEFIt to boot into these operating systems. I tried using rEFIt to boot into XP on the external hard drive but it just gives me the legacy error messages saying that it couldn't load and noting the booting legacy os is not well supported by mac.

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Mac Mini :: Using SDHC For Booting The 2010 Mini?

Sep 12, 2010

I was toying with this idea mostly for a backup boot drive for my 2010 Mini.

Since SDHC memory cards are so small, that's why they appeal for this use. I have 32GB ones that should work just fine since I'm now using 40GB SSD's for boot drives. My current boot requirement is only around 27GB with OSX, Home, all Applications, etc.

Think what a nice compact size you could have for a boot drive. The question is can you boot to SDHC's. If you can boot to an USB stick, why not an SDHC?

If it routinely works, then I could use both internal drives for lots of data storage. Maybe that could replace SSD's for boot drives. Or maybe the transfer rate is too slow for SDHC's.

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Mac Mini :: Add Second Hard Drive?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a 2011 Mac mini with a 500gb hard drive. I want to upgrade it, have bought a Cruical M4 64GB SSD, WD Scorpio Black 750GB 7200 rpm drive and a second hard drive cable. I want to replace the 500gb drive with the 750gb drive and install the SSD. Then run the OS, PS and LR from the SSD. I want to clone my current drive to the new one but once I get both drives installed is there a way to remove the OS from the HDD? Can I do this or do I have to start from scratch and then reload everything? Really don't want to do that.

Info:Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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