Power Mac G5 :: Can't Transfer From Usb Device Without Corruption
Dec 3, 2007
I hope the following problem is not too long winded. we have 3 identical Dual 1.8Ghz G5 Power Macs all with 30" Apple LCD screens, when any usb storage device is connected powered or unpowered, memory stick or hard drive, any pictures copied over to the mac are corrupt (lines through them, half the picture sheared off to the left or right, half the pic in another colour etc). f i connect the device to one of our older G4 machines or one of our new imac's there is no problem.
Dual 1.8Ghz G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jun 10, 2009
my better half is moving from a 17" macbook pro to a 24" iMac. I did the data migration (used the network. we don't own a firewire cable) for her user account and files, she is still using parallels v3.0, and during the migration the 19 GB parallels volume file didn't transfer properly? so after a successful migration (other than the above) I went back to her 17" macbook pro, ran parallels successfully, compressed the parallels volume, ran parallels again successfully on the 17", then moved the volume file over the network to the 24" iMac, again the parallels program on the 24" iMac (which was just migrated from the 17") reports the parallels volume file is corrupted? what/where should I look for an answer on this one?
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Apr 2, 2012
whats the best way to transfer a cd to another device?
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Sep 5, 2014
Can you, is it permissible, to transfer your music/BOT in iTunes that you put there, to another's device?Â
If so, how is that done? Just plug it in, pick the items and transfer?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Mar 21, 2012
I recently updated iTunes to v10.6 from 10.0. Since then, any album art that I have manually added in the past no longer shows up on my iPhone or iPod Classic. However, album art that was retrieved via iTunes (purchases, etc) does appear. I first noticed this on my iPhone, which was running iOS 5.0.1 at the time. I updated to iOS 5.1 afterwards, thinking that it might solve the problem but nothing changed. Â
Some things I should mention; my entire library is ALAC (lossless), and I do not use the sync feature with music. I manually drag albums over that I want and use the "convert to AAC feature", and have always done so. The main reason I upgraded to iTunes 10.6 was to take advantage of converting to AAC 256kbps instead of the previously fixed bit rate of 128kbps. Anyway, I dragged over a lossless album without the option of converting to AAC, but it still didn't transfer the artwork. Â
In case anyone is wondering, the method I used to download my art was by finding the cover using Google Images, hilighting every track in the album, and pasting it in. Again, I never had this problem until upgrading iTunes to v10.6. Â
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Apr 9, 2012
How do I transfer audiobooks that I ripped from CD's to a storage device? When I try to move them I get a circle with a line thru it, and they won't move?
Info:iMac G5 (20-inch iSight), iOS 5.1
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Dec 30, 2007
I have a total of 10 USB devices connected to my G5 Mac, including hubs, printers and scanners. Most behave fine, but one or two cause minor problems. The worst offender is a Sierra Wireless 875U Aircard, which is a wireless broadband modem I got through AT&T. I use it for my Internet connection.
Every time I power up my Mac or bring it out of sleep, it won't recognize the 875U, even though it's plugged directly into the Mac's front panel USB port. I can't even see it on System Profiler. Having it in a different port or going to a hub port doesn't make any difference.
To make it work, I have to unplug it, wait a few seconds and plug it back in. My Mac then recognizes it and it works fine until I shut down the Mac or put it to sleep again. Granted, this is only a nuisance level problem, but it would be nice if the Mac recognized all the ports all the time. I'm running a duel G5 2.0 GHz under Mac OS 10.4.10. I see the exact same problem in my G4 iBook (1.0 GHz) also running Mac OS 10.4.10.
Dual G5 / 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Aug 14, 2010
Just recently, I keep receiving an error, every couple of minutes or so, thats states: "A USB device is currently drawing too much power. The hub to which it is attached to will be deactivated." Now I have seen this same problem posted, but I have No Device hooked up at all. I have a 2 year old macbook pro 2.4 GHz, running 10.5 I've tried rebooting but it continues to occur.
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May 18, 2012
I keep receiving this message, over and over, sometimes stacked 6 times or so, but the only issue is that I have nothing plugged into my USB at all. I tried restarting, but it didn't work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 3, 2012
my macbook pro had an error in regards to something like a usb device has used to much power and has now been closed. Since then the mac won't recognise any device i put into the usb port
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Jul 6, 2012
I'm using iMac with wireless mouse and keyboard.Once,I've unplugged flash memory directly without eject, USB error message shown on the screen,After that,although I've removed all of usb devices&cables on the connector,But USB error message always pop up periodically.I tried SMC reset, But issue still existed?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 3, 2010
This is a problem that's been bugging me now for a while: when I plug in my iPhone or even a measly Usb Flash drive into my Apple Keyboard's USB port, a message appears on my Mac's screen saying: "A USB device can't draw enough power to operate properly. If the device came with a power cord, plug it into an electrical outlet. Otherwise, connect the device to a USB port on your computer." Does anyone know why the Apple Keyboard has a weird indented USB connector?
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Sep 13, 2006
I get this strange message every so often, sometimes more often than other times. It says:
USB port drawing too much power. The device that is plugged into it will be deactivated.
There are only two things plugged into the USB-The keyboard and mouse. When I get this message, the mouse freezes. If I jiggle the mouse cable where it is plugged into the USB, it comes back and everything is fine until this message comes up again.
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Mar 19, 2012
I was looking through the posts on here and the only solution I could find was to reinstall Lion, so I did, but it still doesn't work. Everytime I plug the mic in it says, "USB device requires too much power." I just bought the mic. I tried calling the Blue mic costumer service but no one answers.
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Jun 19, 2014
i just recently got a keyboard i had back and plugged it in with a mouse i typically use all the time. when the keyboard was plugged in i got the typical message for "USB device drawing too much power, has been disabled…" i just want to re enable the mouse. it was quite obvious it was the combination of BOTH devices that caused this, but i'd really like to just get the mouse working again. I've Tried Resetting the SMC and ran the diagnostic but nothing has worked.
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Dec 1, 2014
I have Macbook Pro Early 2011. recently my USB device stops working and I am getting message " The USB device drawing too much power has been disabled"and MacBook Pro getting over heated.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Apr 26, 2012
Here's the deal on an old MacBookPro Intel Core Duo 2.16 GHz! The disc can’t be burned, because the device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media. Basic problem is the dvd burner doesn't burn!Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 1, 2014
I have a mac book pro OSX 10.7.5 I am getting this message when trying to burn a cd: The disc can’t be burned, because the device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Mar 9, 2012
I am planning on buying an ipad2 soon. How do I transfer all my photos from my old G4 powermac to the new coputer. The photos are all stored via iphoto on the old computer
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May 23, 2012
Can I migrate Contact List from Macbook Pro Laptop to new Power Mac desktop?
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Nov 30, 2010
I was inquiring as to buying a raid-6 array from a well known company. I received the following as part of a pre-sales discussion. I have never heard this before, but wanted to seek others opinions as it sounds just too bizarre to be true - I mean how can people run snow leopard server if this is the case and manage data? He is recommending Raid-0 arrays backed up to another raid-0 array nightly, fwiw. For the record, I'm looking at Atto hardware cards and mini-SAS 8 bay enclosures, not software raid. Text of interest:
"These days a drive failure isn't the most common means of losing data. What we see the most problems with is what's called data corruption. It's when the data stored on a drive becomes scrambled for one of several reasons. On a software based RAID 0 it's usually easily repaired with tools like Disk Warrior or Tech Tools Pro. When the problem occurs on a Hardware based RAID 5 or RAID 6 the parity can quickly become unreadable making the RAID unusable by the computer. There are no tools that can repair the corruption on a parity RAID once it reaches a certain point. The problem arises because the parity data is stored across all of the drives, and in the case of a RAID 6 it has 2 sets of parity stored on each drive making corruption a huge problem.
If everything is going correctly and your workflow is correct you shouldn't see much corruption. We do see a lot occurring when video is stored on drives, and at times software or OS updates cause corruption all by themselves. OSX is famous for the problem since 10.5 came out. One common way to create problems for yourself is dragging and dropping files from one location to another. When you drag and drop you do not get the whole file, some of the index is lost. Do this enough and you'll have a problem because it's cumulative. Try this; do a "Get Info" on a file and note the file size. Then drag that file to another location and do a "Get Info" on the destination file copy. You'll see that the new copy is smaller, it's lost some index data. Do this enough and the file can become unreadable and will have to be repaired. Do it enough on a parity RAID and you can make the file unreadable and irreparable."
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Apr 8, 2010
This is on a new i5 received from Apple on Tuesday. Apart from being able to move the mouse, it had hung completely so a reboot cured it. Happened again, reboot fixed it and has been stable for a couple of hours now.
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Jul 4, 2010
Okay, so here's the deal, and I preface this with the obligatory 'yes I know I should have backed up my data and I'm a dumbass for not doing this.'
A week ago my Mac stalled, wouldn't even go passed the startup point. I booted from disk and did all the stuff you have to do before I resigned to failure and deleted my hardrive and reinstalled the OS.
Good news is, Mac is back, working perfectly.
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Jun 5, 2014
My Macbook Pro has been running into constant problems actually printing to any wireless device.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 5, 2007
I have used the disk for a number of years - all appeared to work fine - I am now backing up my data and only get Very slow transfer speed using firewire 800 - 2 hrs to transfer 1.36 Gb. Disk is connected to a Dual 1.8 Ghz Power PC G5 with firewire 800 - another d2 disk is connected to it with firewire 400 and I have just connected a Maxtor disk using firewire 400 to that. I have tried Updated the firmware (it did require it), tested the device alone on both 800 and 400 connections both slow. Restarted everything and used disk repair to check and repair the disks - repaired permissions on the startup disk.
Connected all the devices together again | LaCie 800 - LaCie 400 - and Maxtor 400. It sends data to all the other devices fast (~ 3 min for 1.6 Gb) through the LaCie 800 disk connection!, but does not send data to the LaCie 800 fast at all. Tested the other devices alone as well - they are all fast. Have also performed a TechTool Pro Ver 4 test on the the disk (Disk type ST325082 3A 232.89 Gb LaCie d2 External LUN0 revision 3.03) Passed the surface scan, disk controller and read write tests. Is the disk failing?
G5 Tower
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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May 9, 2008
After reading about many people using invisible shield I decided to put on on my Air. After I turned it on though, it looked like the screenshots below. I was so careful with the water, but I'm assuming some must have got in? Is that the case and What can I do?
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Nov 23, 2008
Mac OS X just crashed while I was writing to my external hard drive; I rebooted my mac and the disk is now corrupted. My old partition is no longer mountable, nor can I fix it with Disk Utility. I get the following error when I try to verify/repair it:
Verify and Repair volume ?disk1s2?
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Invalid node structure
Invalid B-tree node size
Invalid node structure
Invalid B-tree node size
Volume check failed.
Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed.
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Dec 13, 2009
It happens randomly after some time, sites will get corrupted text showing up as...
Basically all characters turn to square boxes. Doesn't happen on Safari, seems to be Mac only too.
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Apr 4, 2010
I've got a late 2007 SR whitebook 2.2ghz 4gig of ram with intel gma x3100 using Snow Leopard 10.6.3. Last couple months (I think) I've experienced some graphical corruption around the edges of apps (it goes black mostly but sometimes looks like lots of lines) it also happens in expose around the windows, also on dock icons. It happened in 10.6.2 and now 10.6.3, its not happening at the moment which is annoying as i can't show you, my macbook seems to run very hot (well it feels hot underneath though the iStat dashboard shows it idling cpu at 57 degrees c).
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Jul 19, 2010
I have a 17" MacBook Pro 2,1 ~2006 model 2.33 Intel Processor, running Snow Leopard. A year ago I upgrade the ram to 4GB (though this model only recognizes 3GB), and upgraded the internal hard drive to a 500GB 7200rpm Seagate Momentus. Since April this year, I have had 3 ocassions where the Screensaver locks up, the only recovery is to power off by holding the power button down for a few seconds, which leads to me loosing my drive partition. Because of the way OS X is sucky about mount points, I have the entire 500GB partition as one volume. Up until last week, I treated this as a minor annoyance, as I have multiple time machine backups, and the reformat and restore works and is relatively quick.
Aside from making me reluctant to travel with this laptop (luckily I have an Air as well, but that does not work for all my needs). On my most recent trip not only did the volume get corrupted, the machine did not recognize the drive, or any drives on the machine (incl. the dvd drive). Only after removing the drive completely, a combination of the boot up key sequences for resetting the machine, and booting off the cd, did I manage to get the machine to eventually recognize the hard drive. I am unable to determine if this is a faulty drive, or a faulty machine. I have run the Apple Hardware Diagnostics which give the all clear - I have nothing to stress test the drive, and I am running out of debug options and patience. Although this laptop is getting "long in the tooth", it still works like a champ (except when it crashes), and my only gripe being its weight.
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