Power Mac G5 :: Switching To Different Sound Outputs
Nov 7, 2007
At first glance, this seemed to be an application problem, but two different applications that do similar things are effected by it, so I'm guessing it's more my Mac than the utilities. I have a 5.1 speaker system attached to my G5 via digital out. Switching between internal and external speakers is a PITA (go to System Preferences, etc.). I'd come across Rogue Amoeba's SoundSource, allowing me to switch right from the menu, and all was well. Until it wasn't.
After working just fine for a long while, it suddenly stopped. No explanation--selecting Digital Out didn't switch anything. Tried different things, including a complete uninstall and reinstall of the app, nothing. Ditto after going from 10.4-->10.5. Figured it was one of those things and gave up. Found an alternative utility: PTHVolume, which does something similar, but in different ways. It doesn't even SEE the Digital Out. The Mac OS X Sound Preference Pane works fine, though. What could be wrong that third party apps don't work with the Digital Out?
I've reset the PRAM (because of a totally different issue, actually) but that didn't change anything. Run Diskwarrior to no effect. Repaired permissions, nada. Deleted com.apple.soundpref.plist, no result. Deleted com.apple.audio.DeviceSettings.plist and com.apple.audio.SystemSettings.plist and that made the Sound preference pane disappear, necessitating a reinstall of 10.5 (but other than that, it didn't do anything).
PowerMac G5 dual-2GHz
Mac OS X (10.5)
I have one particular application I use that requirems me to temporarily switch my audio input and output to different sources. Once I've used the app., I switch them back to their previous state.
I use Soundsource which gives me quick menu-bar access to the inputs/outputs but I still have to set them indiviudally. I was hoping there might be a way to have one or more 'sound sets' which have different combinations of inputs and outputs and then just switch between the sets.
In the absence of any such app. (or is there one?) does anyone know how I could write an Applescript to do this?
Info: Mac Pro Dual 3GHz, 15GB RAM, ATI 3870, 30, Mac OS X (10.7.2), MBP 17", iMac Intel 20", G4 Mini, MBA 1.8 (2nd Gen)
So quick backstory my father is the owner of a club and i'm the dj and we are trying to replace our ancient and now broken dj computers with a not so ancient (but still old) dual PM G5 that ive had lying around for a couple years not doing much. We have a couple reasons for doing this and sadly most are for aesthetics because i must admit putting this case in the front booth just adds a bit of class to the whole thing.Well now to my problem/question.Is there anyway to make two different channels come out of the outputs, cause right now if i hook it up one digital and one analog it plays the same sound out of both which well, i can't do. So if thats not possible i guess i could use the pci slots to put a sound card in, but i was also was wondering if anyone knew of a good sound card that worked in this computer.
I have Mac Pro with Digidesign/ProTools interface connected. I sometimes switch sound output from MP to run through the digidesign hardware. I'm getting message right now saying "selected device has no output controls", not allowing me to switch. I rebooted with the interface already turned on. I've run into theis before- can't figure out what causes this to happen. Sometimes it's OK. ?
I have a 12" Powerbook 1 ghz (yes, it's getting old) running Tiger. When it's turned off, it charges just fine. However, when the computer is on, the power from the adapter keeps cycling on and off. For example, the lighted band around the power adapter tip switches from orange to off (NOT to green) repeatedly: about 3-4 seconds with power (lighted band is orange, screen backlight is bright, and if I'm in the Energy Saver section of the System Preferences, it thinks it's plugged in) and about 1 second with no power (lighted band is off, screen backlight dims, and if I'm in Energy Saver area, the computer thinks it's on battery power.
This is irritating because 1) the computer won't charge when on, and 2) as I type this, the screen goes from bright to dim to bright to dim etc.
Obvious answer is the power adapter, but I don't have access to another. What does everyone think? is it the adapter or some other problem?
FWIW, the internal hard drive just died and I'm booting from an external FireWire drive. It started doing this power thing a few days before the internal hard drive died.
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!
I am using both video outputs on the back of the mini, VGA and HDMI. Thes VGA is running to a projector and the HDMI is running to a computer monitor. I am also running Bootcamp WINDOWS 7. When I power up the Mac, the computer monitor goes to sleep and defaults to the projector as the main monitor. If I power on the projector first, before powering the computer on and then power the MAC on, it recongnizes the computer monitor as the default monitor. Why can't the MAC mini recognize the computer monitor(HDMI) as the default when both video outputs are connected?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Running Boot Camp with Windows 7
I have a 3,1 Mac Pro running 10.6.8. I want to watch and listen to a video file that has it's audio sent to the Line Out where I have powered, desktop speakers. At the same time I would like to hear either Pandora or iTunes being played through the USB DAC I have connected to my home stereo system.
I am trying to get my wireless speakers (Veho Mimi) and my 3.5mm output to work together. I have tried to aggregate the outputs but it says unable to match clock speed.
I have a mac OS 10.3.5, PowerPC G5. The sound does not work. I have restarted the computer, played with sound settings, made sure all speakers and headphones are unplugged. When speakers or headphones are plugged in the volume works fine, but when they are not in, I can't hear the thing.
I can't get any sound out of my G5. I've checked all my settings, and they're correct (I believe). I have a Texas Instruments built in sound card (TAS3004). I bought the machine a year ago used (it was a demo) and it's never had sound since I set it up.
Information: G5 Dual 1.8 Mac OS X (10.4) 80GB Drive, 2.25GB RAM
We just updated our G5s here at the lab (QuickTime and Garageband ), and now the sound output is extremely distorted and crackly regardless if its a video on cnn or a song off iTunes. Tried Zapping the PRAM and repairing permissions, even reinstalled QT from the standalone installer on apple to no avail.
My iMac has no more sound after a power outage. I fear the soundchip is fried. I've tried all things like reparing permissions and verifying disk. I've read something about PRAM resetting?
When I power up my iMac, I encountered a very loud fan sound in the background that I had never encountered before.This happens despite turning off and powering up again.
I Have a power mac G5 2.7 (early 2005?) liquid cooled. It has a ticking sound (like a clock), low level but still audible, can it be turned off? What is it?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.7 GHz early '05
I have an early 05 PowerMac Dual 2.3 machine that's making some intermittent clicking noises over the last few months. There's no pattern - sometimes it happens every few minutes, sometimes it won't happen for hours. The clicking sound is loud - and is accompanied by, what I can only describe as, a bit of a buzz sound. At first I thought it could be my HDD or superdrive, but I think the click is way too loud. Now the question - is this my power supply getting ready to give? The machine does not fall in the range of the power supply repair program. I'm already in the process of adding a second HDD to clone my main drive just in case.
For a while now, I've been getting a strange whine out of my mbp core duo right above the power button. I don't believe it's the common "whine" others have complained about as I've tried brightening the screen/turning on the camera. Tapping on the case will stop the sound for a bit, but it soon returns. The sound comes and goes, but in incredibly irritating.
I have a sample here. You may need to turn up the volume to hear it. Yesterday I replaced the right side fan, but the sound is back. Now I'm thinking it's the speaker, but don't want to spend more money on parts unless I'm relatively confident of the problem.
I have logitech speakers set up with my MacPro, and there is a steady stream of static noise coming from the computer. It's not the speakers because I have tested them with another device. It's definitely coming from my desktop. The strange thing is that if I restart my machine it goes away for a bit. But it starts back up as I open programs, browse the web, etc.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core
So my second power adapter for my Powerbook is dead (it replaced the original via applecare). I have had problems with it and even have tripped on the cord while plugged in thereby probably damaging it. I have heard the usual sparking sounds and have recently saw the blue spark ignite from the plug while out of the powerbook and in order to get green/orange connection light I've had to twist the plug until it lights up. After reading other people's problems I decided to look at the plug and noticed that the metal is stripped all around the main plug as you can see in the picture. So I am down to my backup (purchased before asking if applecare covered power adapters) which has the exact same problems.
I've had problems with my Mac for a while now. First of all, it indicated ram problems with 2 beeps. I later fixed this by moving and changing around modules. It was solved, but now a new problem. The Mac seems to turn on, making its iconic sound for startup, but the screen remains black. After about a half to one minute, the fans go crazy and I have to shut it off. I've tried a few things like holding shift or alt, but that doesn't work as it doesn't even display a white screen.
I need to know what to do and I don't really have the time to buy new parts right now. I'm really a windows based pc fixer by the way so I'm new to fixing macs.
I'm coming from a good 7-8 years with an old G4, so forgive the ignorance. On that one, I added a PCI audio card to connect with some Altec Lansing speakers with Sub-woofer & simulated Surround sound. It sounded great. hat's your suggestion? Get a similar card for the G5?Or get some new speakers that will sound as good?I don't know anything about digital audio out. Does that connect to speakers, or only tuners?
I got my MBA for 2 days now. Everything works fine except I heard these randomly Click noise coming out from under the power button place every once a while . It only does it once everytime when it happens and the click sound goes less than a second. Is this suppose to be normal?
With the new Mac Mini models, you can have audio out via HDMI or the line out. I am thinking to hook the mini up to an LCD TV/monitor via HDMI (sound on the monitor) and also to my other TV/sound system via the mini DP and audio out.
I assume when the mini turns on it'll activate both displays (if they are turned on), and from what I understand you can have two displays running. I'd only want one at a time so I'd have the other display switched off. But can the mini output audio to either both, or whichever system I am using? I've read a lot of posts but can't find a definite answer. I only want audio (and video for that matter, but can turn off other screen) to one TV at a time, but do I have to go into the OS audio settings each time I want to swap between the two?
I'm also thinking of using Plex and keeping it open at all times, just sleeping the mini when not in use. Can the mini only output to one source, requiring manual switching to the other (i.e. going from HDMI to audio out)?
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.