Mac Pro :: Do The Video Cards Have Drivers That Are Friendly With Dvi-hdmi HDTV Outputs
Apr 13, 2008
I will be a hardcore PC guy gone mac soon. I am getting a MAC pro in a few days.
On my PC I run a dell 30'' and a sony XBR3 at 1080P on an 8800gt. It works well.
The one thing that could ruin my mac switching plans is my TV giving me problems.
I will have an ATI and nvidia card on hand for the MAC pro.
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Feb 6, 2012
I am trying to display my own video on a HDTV from iTunes on my iMac. Trying to output through thunderport w/ mini displayport to HDMI cable.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Airport Express, Apple TV
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Apr 13, 2012
I am using both video outputs on the back of the mini, VGA and HDMI. Thes VGA is running to a projector and the HDMI is running to a computer monitor. I am also running Bootcamp WINDOWS 7. When I power up the Mac, the computer monitor goes to sleep and defaults to the projector as the main monitor. If I power on the projector first, before powering the computer on and then power the MAC on, it recongnizes the computer monitor as the default monitor. Why can't the MAC mini recognize the computer monitor(HDMI) as the default when both video outputs are connected?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Running Boot Camp with Windows 7
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Aug 4, 2010
With the new Mac Mini models, you can have audio out via HDMI or the line out. I am thinking to hook the mini up to an LCD TV/monitor via HDMI (sound on the monitor) and also to my other TV/sound system via the mini DP and audio out.
I assume when the mini turns on it'll activate both displays (if they are turned on), and from what I understand you can have two displays running. I'd only want one at a time so I'd have the other display switched off. But can the mini output audio to either both, or whichever system I am using? I've read a lot of posts but can't find a definite answer. I only want audio (and video for that matter, but can turn off other screen) to one TV at a time, but do I have to go into the OS audio settings each time I want to swap between the two?
I'm also thinking of using Plex and keeping it open at all times, just sleeping the mini when not in use. Can the mini only output to one source, requiring manual switching to the other (i.e. going from HDMI to audio out)?
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May 26, 2010
I'm looking for a new video card for a MacPro 1.1 (Intel 2007) that will handle Steam source engine games decently and also work with bootcamp. I'm OK with BIOS flashing a PC card but I don't want to have to deal with patching files as well to get it to work since its going into a friends Mac and I won't always be around to show him how to patch stuff if he ever reinstalls OS X.
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Feb 4, 2012
Got 2011 Mac mini and connected via HDMI to 15 months old Samsung 46 inch LED TV using 1080p and 50Hz. From start (dec 2011) I have had the problem that occationally (>50% of the times) the TV starts to flicker heavily. It is "war of the ants = cannot see anything" on the TV for like 3 seconds and then I can see the desktop clearly for around 3 seconds an then it is back to the flicker.screen. It keeps on like that until I shut-down and restart the Mac mini. Sometime restart works an sometime it does not. Anyone with similar problems that know what to do?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 5, 2012
I have just tried to link my imac (2007) to my HDTV via HDMI. As mini DVI port won't carry audio I've used a separate phono to RCA stereo cable as well. Mirroring is fine but still no audio.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 18, 2012
Have just bought a Macbook to HDTV HDMI connector cable from the Apple store in MK - plugged in to Macbook & connected other end to TV & get great playback picture but no sound!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a Rev A Macbook Air with Micro DVI out. With the Micro DVI to DVI-D Dual Link. I am trying to find an adapter from DVI Male to HDMI Female to run to my HDTV.
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Jul 26, 2005
I also took the time to search on this topic and couldnt find anything related
heres the sitch!
Computer = Mac Mini 1.42 model
TV = Samsung TXR3079WH HDTV
DVI to HDMI cable connected to a Samsung HDTV TXR3079WH
the tv doesnt come with dvi connectors so i opted out and purchased the dvi-hdmi cable. i hook it up to the samsung tv and then boot it up and nothing appears on the screen. it just freezes the television to the point that i cant even change to a different source input.
I tested it with different resolutions (i had an LCD next to me to interchange with) and neither resolutions worked. I then thought it might be the DVI-HDMI cable so i hooked it up to my Comcast HD Box and it worked perfectly fine. I then took the Mac Mini to a neighbors house and hooked it up to his 47" Panasonic HDTV and the Mac Mini fired right up and worked beautifully on the Panasonic HDTV using the same cable. Went into System Preferences and under diplays it actually said "Panasonic HDTV" so it recognized the tv. and the resolution automatically reset itself to 1900x1200. Then afer seeing that the Mac Mini was capable of this and all the settings must have been right, i walked back over to my house and the initial problem started again. No Picture on the Samsung HDTV. After all this i found out that the DVI port on the Mac Mini works, The DVI-HDMI cable and the HDMI port on the back of my Samsung TV works as well. So i think it might just be a samsung driver issue? dont know how to resolve this issue.
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May 25, 2012
I've got a recent MBP with Thunderbolt. I'm trying to connect it via a Mini DisplayPort-to-HDMI adapter to an HDTV with HDMI, but the MBP doesn't seem to acknowledge the addition of the new display. What it IS doing is flickering the built-in screen occasionally, the way it does when connecting to a projector or something, but it never shows any additional displays in the displays CP, and never seems to send any signal out to the HDTV.
Mac: MBP 2.3 GHz i7 with OS 10.7.4
Adapter: Belkin Mini DisplayPort to HDMI
TV: Sony 32" Bravia
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Oct 4, 2010
I just replaced my HDTV with a new Sony Bravia 32EX500 (Full HD, 1080p). My previous TV (HD Ready, 720p) was linked to my 2008 iMac with a VGA cable (with a mini-DVI to VGA adapter on the Mac end). It worked perfectly fine, but I can't get it to work with the new TV. Could you please tell me what resolution, frequency, and colours I should use to make it work?
Please not that I do not want a HDMI cable. I know it'd be better and easier, but my computer is quite far away from the TV and an HDMI cable of that length would be way too expensive. I'd rather find a way to make it work with the existing VGA cable. I just need to find the right settings for that VGA input. The TV doesn't recognize the signal right now.
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Sep 8, 2008
I've seen a few posts about this problem on Macrumors and through Google searches, but I haven't found a solution to the "Black Border" problem some of us are having when connecting Macs to HDTV's via HDMI cables. Nor am I certain what the cause of the problem is: Mac?, TV?, HDMI cable length?
For me, resetting PRAM by holding Command-Option-P-R at startup and waiting for two chimes removes the black border for up to several computer restarts, but eventually the border comes back until I reset PRAM, again.
I have a 55' long HDMI cable from Monoprice ("HDMI Tin-Plated Copper CL2 Rated (For In-Wall Installation) Cable (22AWG) - 35ft (Gold Plated)") running from a Mac Pro with an ATI Radeon video card to a 52" Mitsubishi 1080p HDTV.
To clarify, this is not just a black bar at the top and bottom like when watching certain DVD's, but a black border around all four sides that effectively reduces the size of your TV from, e.g. 52" to 46" whether watching movies, surfing the web, or otherwise using the Mac via an HDTV
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Nov 5, 2009
i have a white macbook (2009 version) and am looking to get the best video possible from it on my 52" lcd hdtv. currently i am running a mini dvi (from mac) adapter to vga adapter that then connects to the hdtv using a 25' vga cable. resolution is ok, but isnt it possible to use one of the hdmi inputs on the tv for better quality???
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Dec 24, 2008
i just bought the macbook alu. w/ the mini displayport, i tried to plug it directly to my samsung 1080p hdtv with the Mdport to vga cable but the tv didnt display anything. so i searched the web to find other solutions (Mdport to dvi -> dvi to hdmi cable), but for me that means buying 2 other cables so i was wondering if i could use this route: mini displayport to vga -> vga/dvi-i adapter -> dvi-i/hdmi cable -> 1080p hdtv? with this example, i would have to buy only the dvi-i/hdmi cable since I already have the vga/dvi-i adapter (my old MSI 6600gt one) so hows that sound? thx for giving me the answer ASAP cause I need to make a surprise presentation for my boy!
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Jul 7, 2009
With my dad's MacBook pro I was able to hook it up to our HDTV using a DVI to VGA adapter, but we were never able to hook up the audio. Have any of you connected your laptops to an HDTV? If there were a video plus audio solution, that would be ideal, but I'm guessing that is not the case. So is there a cheap video adapter I can buy? My TV has HDMI, VGA, and various component inputs.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a Macbook and a new HGTV...I want to watch movies etc. from my mac onto my TV. I got a mini DVI-DVI and a DVI-HDMI cords...they plug in fine, but nothing there a setting i'm supposed to change...or what is the problem?....
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May 10, 2009
I recently received a late 2007 mac mini as a hand me down from my parents and I'm trying to hook it up to a Sony HDTV via HDMI to DVI cable. I bought the cables I needed and attempted to set it up, however when I turn on the system nothing appears on the display. I've been searching posts and various forums, but haven't really made any progress because most troubleshooting guides are focused upon display problems like pixels and refreshes.
Unfortunately I don't have a VGA monitor to use (which is what the mini was previously used on) to try and see if that works.
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Jan 10, 2011
I currently got the 5870 driving a 30" ACD and 23" ACD. Would there be any noticeable performance increase if I were get the gt120 to run the 23" and have 5870 run the 30" ACD (my work display)?
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a Mac Pro and two video cards, and am upping the setup to a new Nehalem Mac Pro with the ATI 4780 card + NVidia GT120 card. For illustration purposes, I will use those two cards to frame my question, as we seem to be pretty familiar with their specs by now. My question is somewhat conceptual, and is difficult to explain, but I am counting on the MR collective intelligence to sort it out! I'll use a few scenarios to illustrate my point: Scenario 1: Heavy use of the 4870 card, using both outputs (two screens). Naturally, performance is better than using the GT120 card.
Scenario 2: Same heavy use, but this time one port from the 4870 is used, and one port from the GT120.
Scenario 3: Same heavy use, but both ports on the 4870 are used, and one port on the GT120 (three screens total)
Scenario 3: Same heavy use, but both ports on the GT120 are used, and one port on the 4870 (three screens total)
How do software applications deal with two video cards? Would running Aperture, FCP, gaming etc., degrade just one screen? Wouldn't the whole application have to slow down to accommodate the lesser card? Is there a "primary" card and a "secondary" card designation? I'm thinking of multiple monitor setups (three, for example) where a lesser card is necessary to drive the extra screen, but the application is using all three.
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Aug 21, 2009
Is this any better? I know in 10.5 to switch between video cards (on the laptops that come with two) you had to log out and log back in. I've heard Windows can do it on the fly.
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Sep 12, 2009
Apple only allows OSX to be used on Apple hardware. How is flashing a non Apple video card different to building a hackintosh?
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Aug 10, 2008
I am looking for a solution for sending dv and hdtv quality video, ntsc, out of my macpro to an lcd monitor.
Basically, I want to be able to have a real time program output from my fcp timeline while I am editing.
Previously, I have been going firewire out to my camera, then using the camera as an a/d converter, going composite to an external monitor. I would like to bypass having to use the camera in this way.
It would be nice to find a PCI card (or whatever they're called) that has s-video and/or hdmi and/or dvi, so I can plug directly into the lcd. I just want to make sure, though, that I can select this output within fcp.
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Sep 2, 2009
I have an iMac G4 800 mhz that I'd like to mirror to a 46" Samsung HDTV. I bought the Apple mini dv to both composite and s-video converter. When I plug it in, all I get is a scrambled version of what's on my to fix this and actually get video to transfer?
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Aug 24, 2010
Does anyone with a Mac Pro '08 and up run it with 2 high end cards? ATI 4870, 5870 and/or GTX 285 are the ones I'm thinking of.On my MP '09, I currently run a 20" off the GT 120 and the GTX 285 on a 24". I have another 24" coming in (the Apple LED), so it requires me to use the GT 120. For gaming purposes, I'm considering getting a 2nd high end card for the new 24" instead of letting the old 20" act as a slave on the GTX 285 (trying to minimize load on the gtx285, again for gaming).
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Jun 24, 2008
I just got a third monitor and need another video card for my 08 MP. I really want to get the 3870 but here's the questions. How do two separate video cards work? Will the two monitors hooked up to the 3870 look good while the lone display on the 2600 look like crap? My background is mainly final cut pro, with a sprinkle of Color (with MXO and yes i know only one card will work) and motion. So should I just save my pennies and get the 2600? Will a 1080p panel and a 1680*1050 be too taxing on it
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Oct 16, 2008
So what are the top AGP video cards? Either being a Mac or PC that I could flash with a Mac Rom. What are the better choices that I have? I used to use flashed PC cards of 9800 Pro for my G4s but figured there are better cards for the G5. I do prefer to get PC cards since they are cheaper and I can flash them.
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Feb 3, 2009
i am using Mainly Photoshop, RealFlow and Maya on my latest MAC:
Model Identifier:MacPro3,1
Processor Name:Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed:3 GHz
Number Of Processors:2
Total Number Of Cores:8
L2 Cache (per processor):12 MB
Memory:4 GB
Bus Speed:1.6 GHz
Video1: ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT:
Video2: VIDIA GeForce 8800 GT:
If i order 2 More Video Cards, will that improve performance, even i have only 2 Displays connected?
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Mar 4, 2009
Can the new mini's with the new video cards run final cut pro? I am not a video editor but do some small projects once in awhile. I would max out the mini at 4GB of ram running (2) 24" monitors.
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Mar 5, 2010
I understand that the PCI-X slots are backwards compatible with PCI, correct? If so, can we install 2 additional PCI video cards? Or, can we use PCI-X video cards for Windows and somehow flash them with Mac drivers? Of course, there is the matter of budget: we have very little to work with. Would any of you have a spare video card that would work in this machine and be willing to donate it? I can email you an in-kind donation form you can use for tax purposes.
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