Power Mac G5 :: Monitor Blinks And Everything Gone From Desktop
Oct 14, 2007
I have a acer 22"Widescreen monitor connected to a G5 Dual thru the DVI port on the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro card. Last night while opening windows &/or scrolling thru info. The monitor would blink and then POOF the windows disappear along with everything else on my desktop including hard drive icons! (the top menu border was still there, I don't remember if the dock survived)
After this happened a couple of times, a couple of restarts and letting it sit for an hour or so, I found that if I touched places on my desktop, randomly, the items that would normally occupy that piece of real estate would become visible. The phenomena hasn't happened today but I'm trying to isolate any problems before they become unfixable.
G5 PowerMac dual 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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May 17, 2009
I just installed 8GB in a early 2009 2.66 Quad (I know I'll lose triple channel) but now it looks like there is a red LED on the daughter board that blinks when the power button is pressed. It also blinks for a second when the computer shuts down.
If you have a surge protector, I know there are two red LEDs on the mother board that blink when the surge protector is switched on (right under the optical drive). I think those are normal since it's been that way from the very beginning. But I don't ever remember seeing the red LED on the daughter board light up when the power button is pressed. The LED is just left of the large heatsink, and it is not part of the LEDs associated with the RAM or Riser.
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May 26, 2012
My computer won't start, the monitor dosn't come on, and the sleep light blinks constantly.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 16, 2009
I recently received a Power Mac G5 from work. They told me I could have it, but reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling the OS was on me. So, I took it home, and plugged it in to turn it on, and the white light on the front blinks 3 times and then stays steady... and then blinks 3 times again... and so on and so on.
The RAM that came with it was bad, so I put in 2, 1 GB PC3200 sticks in it. Isn't it a RAM problem?
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Jun 21, 2012
My imac does not turn on, not even make the noise when booting up. The only sign of life is the blinking light that tells you is on.
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Nov 22, 2007
I have a G5 Quad with an Ati x1900 graphics card running into a 52" Samsung LCD. This was working fine through a dvi-vga adaptor until I switched the monitor resolution from 1920X1080 to 1360X768 which is not supported by the monitor .....blank screen. I plugged another 19" monitor into the other output on the card and both work fine but as soon as I remove the 19" the 52" reverts back to the unsupported mode. I have reset the pram and tried booting in safe mode but that did not help me. From bootup the 52" works fine until just before the login screen, then it switches resolution......blank screen. Would anyone know where these settings would be housed in OS 10.5.1 so I can modify (delete) them?
G5 Quad
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Aug 26, 2010
I recently purchased a Radeon 4870 for my Macpro & couldn't figure out a way to make the DVI port my main monitor port. It always mounts my desktop on the mini display port. Is there a way to reverse this?
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Dec 21, 2007
I just got my dual 2ghz G5 that I bought off ebay. I love it. Anyway, it has a 64mb Radeon 9600 Pro with the two monitor ports. I plugged my 22" Samsung into the DVI port. I want to buy another identical monitor for the other port, but it looks different. I found a graphic that shows the card's ports: [URL]. The top one in the graphic is where I put the connection. The bottom one is different. Is there an adapter or something? Or since I'm using two non-Apple monitors, should I just get a new card? BTW, I just bought and installed Leopard.
Macs - multiple
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Nov 28, 2009
I have the white MacBook. 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.
I want to have an external display for the laptop so I have a bigger monitor to watch videos on when I stream them from the internet. I was just wondering how big can the MacBook go without slowing it down or over working the machine? Will I notice a difference in the operating temperature and speed when there is an external monitor hooked up?
Also, does anyone have any recommendations for monitors? I went to the apple store today and there monitors they had were too expensive for what I am looking for so I will probably be going with HP, LG, or Samsung.
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Mar 7, 2012
Why is my ADC monitor not turning on after I put my G5 to sleep? I am running an adaptor to my G5 from the ADC monitor (DVI to ADC).The screen usually runs fine when I reset the monitor or turn it off but as for when I put it to sleep, no such luck..This has happened once before and last time I just waited and randomly turned it on a couple days later and boom, the screen booted up.I have tried basic options, like resetting the computer several times, pulling the power cable out of the G5 for several minutes and even a PRAM reset but nothing seems to have made it work as of yet.I assume it's within the G5 as it has happened a few times and the monitor works fine when I test it on other computers..Also as I mentioned before this is not the first time it occured and it just randomly seems to come on whenever.
ADC Monitor and G5 Power PC, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2012
Recently broke my monitor and need to find a cheap replacement asap. I know that you need something that has the right adaptor to plug in but it doesn't really matter if it's apple, acer, etc. My question is does anyone know of a cheap monitor for the time being that has the right adaptor for the powerman g5?
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Apr 15, 2012
Can I connect my Power Mac G4 (model M5183) to a modern flat screen monitor? I already tried it with a small flat screen TV which works fine with my MacBook Pro but couldn't make it work with the G4. I only need the G4 for a SCSI slide scanner that I use occasionally, and would love to get rid of the monstrosity of a monitor that came with the G4. I've updated the processor in the G4 to 1 GHz and run it with OS 10.5.8.
G4, Mac OS X (10.3.9)
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Apr 25, 2012
I went to turn on my G5 tower and my monitor say no image. Everything is hooked up but no picture
Mac Pro
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May 27, 2012
I own a g4 quick silver which has a "formac" flat monitor. This monitor connects straight in to the g4. I have just bought a g5 but it will not connect, I have looked at adaptors but cannot find the right one. Does.
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May 17, 2012
I have virtual dj on my system and I am trying to set up a karaoke system. The one problem I am having is when I hook up the vga to the mini dvi converter and the other end to my TV monitor. What is showing on my TV monitor is an echo of what is showing on my computer screen and not what is showing in the video window (which are the words to the song that is playing). I was told that I need to have the desktop extended and that would separate what is showing on the computer screen and the small window with the words.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 6, 2009
As the title asks, really. Is it safer for an iMac to be shut down from a power cut whilst turned on, or whilst sleeping? We tend to get a power cut once every couple of months.
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Apr 28, 2012
Is it not possible to use a monitor with the lid closed, and without the power cable?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 30, 2009
I have a client with a fairly basic Mac Pro setup. He has the standard ATI 2600 graphics card connected to two 26 inch Samsung LCDs. The main monitor is ok, but the secondary monitor has about one inch of the far right side that does not work. The desktop area itself is squished in, and not chopped off. So far we have replaced the monitor with another, he has about a dozen at his disposal, we have replaced the VGA cable, and we have switched ports on the video card and re arranged the screen locations in system preferences. No matter what configuration we use, the screen on the right has it's image squished and makes many things look distorted.
Just curious if anyone else has had this issue, and what they've done to resolve it. We've contacted Apple care and they originally blamed the monitor, which is why we replaced the screen completely. At some point in the next couple weeks we may have a chance to bring the system to the Apple store, but then we'd need two monitors to demonstrate the problem.
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May 18, 2012
What would require the least processing power of a Mac Pro; a 24 inch monitor run via a DVI cable or the same image accessed via Apple Remote Desktop software and displaying the screen on another Mac? Here is the rest of the story.I am designing a home video surveillance system built around a Mac Pro and SecuritySpy. It will coordinate 12 network cameras (HD quality) and the potential load of the cameras alone will be huge. My goal is to place the Mac Pro in a locked network closet and administer it remotely. I can either go the Apple Remote Desktop route or have the monitor signal sent via an ethernet adapter, but the aim is to tax the CPU the least.So, what are your thoughts?Technological change is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.(Albert Einstein, 1941),
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Aug 21, 2009
I want to run an Imac and an external Monitor, but I want to use the complete graphics power on the external Monitor, so no mirroring of the displays. Is there any way to shut down the internal display?
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May 2, 2012
I received a 27 LED apple/mac monitor --not the 2011/12 version though.I want to use with my work computer--a dell laptop. I can't seem to find the right adaptor to connect the two.I need a dvi port converter that also connects to my vga on my laptop (so need the male end of hte vga since my laptop has the female end).I only found 1 adaptor but it ends with a dvi on a vga. I don't have hdmi on my laptop either--tried that adaptor as well when I couldn't see on the pic when I ordered that it was hdmi not usb). Please help. I have read so many blogs that say it can be done.
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Dec 20, 2007
I went to startup here at work this morning, and only my desktop has appeared. There is what appears to be a search icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and the pointer turns to the color wheel when I move across it. I have seen it do other things, but not this one.
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a power mac that run server 10.5 . And i have a old imac g4 that runs tiger. But i want to use both computers for a server and use the screen from my imac. But my imac can't run server 10.5 . Can i make a server like that.
PowerMac, g4
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Mar 21, 2012
Do not want a nuisance to escalate into a serious problem thru benign neglect. Random black screen -- Turn monitor off then on, and all comes back fine. No loss of power in machine, no fan quirks, no overheating. Is it the Monitor? or the graphics card?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 6GB DDR2 SDRAM
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Dec 21, 2007
I have just used DiskWarrior to recover a drive that wouldn't mount.
After recovering all my data and running Tiger's Disk Utility to reformat the drive (Erase) question is:
How do I get see the drive on the Desktop?
The drive appears on the Finder Sidebar but how do I get the icon to appear on the desktop, same principle as an alias I guess.
PowerMac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
1.8 GHZ Dual Proc. 2gb Memory, 128mb VRAM 20" Cinema Display
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Mar 25, 2012
I can't stop my mouse from moving all that is on the screen.....I was using my computer and then all of a sudden everything on the desktop was moving when i used the mouse? What can I do to fix this?
Power Mac G5 (June 2004), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 10, 2012
I have some files on my desktop; whenever I try to reposition them, they snap back to thier original place (the 'drag & drop' feature doesn't seem to work).Â
Is there a way to reposition the files on the desktop?
Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Have installed 10.7.3
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm having a problem with my display that I have had for a week now. It's connected to a MacBook via mini display port. At random times the display will go completely black for about one second and then come back on. This does not seem to have an affect on anything else. The display is beautiful other than this quirk. there are many people discussing this same problem, not only with a regular MacBook like mine but also with the MacBookPro.
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a Mac Pro and when I plug my Canon EOS Rebel Xti into the USB drive, it doesn't appear as a mounted drive. Instead what happens is the light for the CF card on the camera just blinks rapidly. I'm not sure what's going on here. The camera works just fine when plugged into my Windows PC (which I'm trying to leave in the dust!!). When plugged in, the open as dialogue appears. Why the trouble on my Mac?
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Mar 16, 2012
When I start Safari in three of four accounts, the home page just blinks trying to open, but it never does. Safari works just fine in only one account.
Safari 5.1.4
iMac Intel
Mac OS X 10.7.3
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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