MacBook Pro :: Strange DVD Drive Noises After Dropping / Grinding Noise At Beginning Of Startup
Sep 10, 2010
Just accidentally rolled my MacBook Pro over a chair (About the height a little over one MacBook Pro's screen) while it was inside it's case.)
I then later found that it had strange DVD drive noises after the drop-There were 2-3 DVD grinding noises longer than the usual grinding noise at the beginning of a startup.
Is my DVD drive now dead?
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Dec 21, 2010
I recently purchased a gently used MacBook. Running 10.5.8. The computer sounded and operating perfectly until I made the following software updates:
MAC OS X Update Combined
Security Update 2010-007
Remote Desktop Client Update
Airport Base Station Update
iLife Support
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 5
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 8
Airport Utility
Now I have an annoying hum noise, that could possibly be the fan.I have run Disk Utility, but the annoying hum noise remains. Does anyone have any suggestions before taking this by an Apple Store.This was intended as a Christmas gift for my wife. Can anyone spare me the embarassment?
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Dec 25, 2010
I have a June 2010 17" 2.66 i7 UMBP. This is going to sound really silly and I do not really know how to describe it correctly, but it has begun to make lots of strange "Tapping/Clicking" noises. It happens quite regularly when the notebook is stationary but increase whenever the notebook is moved.
I am familiar with the hard drive clicking noise but this is totally different - it kind of sounds like a small metal ball-bearing inside a small, thin glass sphere knocking or clicking against it's side or like tapping a small thin glass object with something like a thin metal rod.
I am sorry for the poor description but that is the best way I can describe it & know I must sound like a complete idiot but I am not very savvy to computer issues but I hope someone can identify what these noises are if if they mean that something bad is going on.
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Dec 27, 2010
ive had a look around an only found bits an pieces relating to this but nothing really specific.i have an imac 3.06ghz, 4gb memory. less than a year old its been making some noises recently (like a downloading sound for afew seconds every so often) which happens every 30 seconds or so. this happens even when theres no programs open and im not connected to the internet!!! ive only really noticed it doing this the last month or so to be honest.
the computer has also been re-formated about a month ago as it was passed onto me from a family member, an im wondering if its got anything to do with that?is this a normal thing for macs an maybe i just havent noticed it before, or does it sound like something is wrong??
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Mar 27, 2009
I have a Macbrook Pro, one generation old. In the past week, it started making a high pitched noise from the upper left hand corner, near the keyboard. When I pick the computer up and change the angle, I can eliminate the noise.
Just in the past day I noticed that in addition to this high pitched noise, periodically a much louder, different noise comes from the same area, which again, if I move the computer around, I can minimize the noise.
My guess is that there is something loose in the computer, maybe a fan? Should I bring it to apple? My computer has been running pretty slow lately, could this have anything to do with it?
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May 23, 2012
I posted a YouTube video so you could hear the noise my MacBook Pro 15 inch laptop is making. Here is the link as well as the copy/pasted description I used on YouTube (too lazy to re-write) url...Two weeks ago my MacBook Pro started getting really hot on the back left hand side of the keyboard area -- to the point that I couldn't have it resting on my legs.It is now making a crunching noise from the same area. Sometimes it doesn't crouch and other times it's so loud it sounds like an expiring bomb. It doesn't have to do with how many programs I'm using. I just watched a full movie and it was silent on the crunch noise ... Other times nothing is running and it's just sitting there crunching away. Not sure if this is a fan or hard drive issue -- I've YouTubed other videos but my noise seems to be completely different from everything I've found.Heading into Apple tomorrow but I'm worried it'll stop making the noise when I go in, like the car whose breaks squeak until you take it to the mechanic type of thing.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 30, 2009
I've come to use the CD drive on my 13" MBP for the first time today and I'm slightly concerned at the grinding/crunching noise I get when inserting and ejecting disks. I have an iMac and that is nice and smooth with no odd noises, my MBP just doesn't sound right at all. Once the disk is in and loaded it operates fine and is nice and quiet, is this normal noises coming from the loading mechanism?
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a student who put most of her project work for the past few semesters on an Western Digital hard drive which was in a I/O Magic shell. It was dropped and immediately started a grinding noise. She took it to the local mac guru who has been unable to recover any of the data. My gut tells me it's a goner but I wanted to run it by the gurus here to see if they might recommend anything that we might try before giving up.
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Dec 9, 2009
I bought a MacBook Pro about 10 days ago and it had several dead pixels. That got swapped out for another one which had bubbles of liquid under the glass. I'm on the third now which has a slightly warped case and is now making this clicking noise (0:15) every minute or so.
I don't know what to do - I feel so awkward going in and asking for another swap. Has anyone else got this noise?
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May 23, 2012
Trying to install OS in my macbook pro. DVD/CD drive is not letting or accepting the cd.I could put it in 1/3, but the macbook does not take it in. It seems something is stuck.I checked to see if any cd is in there and even tried rebooting and holding down the trackpad to see if something ejects.
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Oct 5, 2009
Let me preface this by saying I am probably taking this to the Apple Store about an hour away from where I live tomorrow. For A while my MacBook Pro 13" has been making a loud spinning/grinding noise on occasion. Normally, I'd just shut down, boot up, and it would be fixed. Well, yesterday, that didn't work. After being told by the support guy that my free phone support expired 14 days ago (Mac bought in June), he said he'd do what he could to help. I told him about the noise and held the phone up to it (it is coming from the right of the trackpad). He said he had never heard that before and said to take it in to the Apple Store. I've found an Apple Support article, but it doesn't shed a lot of light on the situation.
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Nov 30, 2014
Hearing a grinding noise intermittently on the left side of my laptop.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Oct 25, 2009
I have just discovered that there are strange noises from my 21.5" iMac (1TB, ATI 4670).I have no idea where do the noises come from (maybe harddrive?)
Can anyone can tell me?
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Oct 19, 2009
My 20 mo. old 24" iMac has started making a random grinding noise. My guess is it's from the hard drive.
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Oct 5, 2007
So I've got my mothers aluminium 12" Powerbook here because there were some troubles with it, it was freezing, made strange clicking noises on the left side (like 20 times every time she tried to restart) and eventually wouldn't start up anymore. So I guess there must be something wrong with the harddrive .
What is the best strategy to try to save as much data as possible? I have the original OS X 10.3.4 installation disks, I have an external hard drive to write the users data folder to. Do I just slide in the install disk while starting up (I mean I can't slide in the disk while it's off can I?) and will I be able to attach the external drive in order to copy the files?
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Apr 5, 2012
Just got a brand new macbook pro, and eve since I first started it up it has made this weird noise right before the start up audio. i have done some research and i have found out that there are two superdrives that apple puts into their macbooks and that one is louder then the other, but this was back in 2009. should apple have fixed that through out all these years. what should i do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 23, 2010
Since I plugged my Cinema Display (20" alu) to my MacBook Air... I hear a strange sound inside the computer.
It comes as I guess from the graphic card, or the power, because when I turn off the screen (by putting down the brightness at its maximum), this time there is no sound anymore. When I turn it on, the sound restarts (by being high when the brightness is down, and down when the brightness is at its maximum).
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Feb 15, 2012
I got a strange beep (about one second in length) when restarting my new MBP. It came after a two hour, 1.47 gb update to itunes after which itunes prompted me to restart my machine. It was not from my speakers, is it something with the motherboard?
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 22, 2014
When I start my Mac Book Pro tower it makes a strange high pitch noise. I moved my graphics card around figured I might have blocked a fa.
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Aug 30, 2010
I have strange beep/chrr noise from up left corner of my macbook pro i7.
This is happening only when I am watching youtube/vimeo or something video over flash player (10.1). I tried HW acceleration on/off and still this problem.
Later I noticed this problem is only with Safari, when I use Firefox or Chrome problem does not exist.
Reinstalled flash, cleared all caches, still there.
By watching .flv in VLC, QuickTime or Movist also nothing... My safari is 5.01 version.
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Jul 2, 2009
My new Macbook Pro occasionally makes a strange clicking noise. Not too loud. I can't really tell what's causing it or what it's coming from, but I'm 99.9% sure it's not the speakers. Ideas?
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Jun 28, 2012
My mac book pro is making a strange crackling noise, coming from the right side, at first it was occasional now it's constant. It doesn't matter if the volumes on or off.
MacBook Pro
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May 10, 2009
when I was browsing the BBC website . I happened upon the front page and could hear a crackling sound, eventually after looking round the room for about 5 minutes I realized it was the macbook.
When the news page 'scroller' at the top types its news story out in a tika tape kinda way that is when the crackling noise happens .
does this make sense ? is my macbook faulty ? ..does it take soo much power to perform this function as to make my macbookCPU crackle ?
the noise is coming from approx the center of the notebook and is quiet(ish) but audible enough
anyone have any ideas ?
link to the site is below , you'll see the words scrolling across the screen at the top which then creates a clickable link to a news story : URL
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Jul 19, 2009
When I go to close it, it makes a noticeable clicking then shuts as normal. If I leave it in a partially closed position for a few seconds, it clicks again when I shut it.
Obviously something is getting stuck or jammed but I can't see what it is or which bit of the hinge it's stuck in...
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Mar 13, 2012
Every time my trackpad is touched it makes a clicking noise/rattling noise. No, it is not coming from the speakers. It seems to originate from the bottom middle and the bottom left where I mostly click, but even when I scroll more upwards it makes the noise. This computer is in excellent condition and has never been dropped or anything.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 18, 2008
Hey guys, got a little issue here. I have had a MBA since about march of this year. Just recently I on two occasions the computer has all of a sudden had this loud high pitch whine. It has only happened twice and at both times (if I remember the 1st time correctly) I wasn't really doing anything on the computer. Today specifically it was just sitting idle on my desk. Not sure where its coming from maybe speakers? Any idea to what this is? Should I be setting up an appointment to see a Mac Genius?
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Nov 2, 2007
I have a PowerBook G4 15" Laptop and it's recently started making a buzzing noise. It drives me crazy! The noise seems to come from the processor and happens whenever I'm scrolling through web pages, hovering over my dock, launching applications or pretty much whenever the computer is doing anything.
I've googled the issue and found it to be quite common, even being some posts on this forum. Here's the best info I've found so far:
"The squeaking is actually the processor going into Nap mode, and has been noticed on a number of G4 and G5 models. To save power when the processor has a little bit of idle time, it essentially turns itself off. What is happening when it's squeaking like this is it is alternating very rapidly between going in and out of Napping as the processor waits for more things to do. I've noticed that it happens most often during an active SSL connection; an https:// connection, Software Update, checking E-mail on a secure server, or any other secure connections can make this squeaking noise. There are many other ways to produce it too, such as scrolling through a web page or some other more graphic-intensive process.
If you want to check and/or get rid of it, you can download the CHUD tools (part of Apple's Developer Tools, and also available separately). The Processor preference pane (formerly called Hardware) will let you disable Napping, after which point the squeaking should go away. The squeaking also goes away if you reduce processor speed by turning Energy Saver processor performance down to Reduced. However, I'd recommend that you leave Napping enabled (to reduce heat output and increase battery life), so leave it in the default state."
I've downloaded the CHUD tools program and turned off Nap mode, I think. But it still makes the noises! I cannot figure out how to reduce processor speed. So frustrating. Anyone have any advice?
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Oct 5, 2007
My PowerBook G4 has been slowly dieing over the last couple of month, ever since I told it was going to get replaced with a MacBook Pro early next year (hopefully around MacWorld). The Airport signal is slowly decreasing and I'm in the same room as the wireless router, the mouse touchpad in parts is loosing sensitivity, there are randomly hard freezes of the system, etc.
But over the last couple of days I have noticed a strange noise coming from the fan (well that's guess), it sounds like its sighing, I know it sound ridiculous but it's the only thing it reminds me off. It comes and goes (the sighing) but it is constant and it's really starting to: 1) Freak me out that my computer could die and day, 2) Annoy me. I have a sound clip (.amr - also converted to .mov) does anyone know how i can upload it onto here or a link, so people can hear what I'm experiencing.
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Aug 9, 2009
My (new) iMac makes a strange noise when I boot. It looks like the hard disk to me. As long as it makes the noise, it doesn't boot. After the noise is gone (sometimes in a minute, sometimes five). I have attached a file recorded with my iPhone to illustrate what I mean. Is this normal or should I get back to Apple?
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Dec 4, 2009
I've had my macbook for a good 2-3 years. I put in a movie and heard it vibrating and clicking. It then started to make a noise and got louder and louder like it was going to explode. I searched some forums and someone said that it means your hard drive is dying. What do you think it is? should I go into Apple and have them look at it?
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