I was trying to replace an icon on a classic app, so that it wouldn't look so ugly in the dock. I made a picture that had some transparency in it. I tried copy and pasting from both a .psd and a TIFF into the info window. It almost worked. The app now has a 128x128 icon, but the trasparency was replaced by white. Is there any way to get the icon to retain the transparency? Alternately, does anyone have an OSX icon for Dreamweaver and/or Flash?
I am trying to change the background on some Aliases and folders I created on my desktop. I downloaded some icons in .ico and .png format online, and I am able to use the .png format. I open up the .png file, ctrl-c it, then goto the Alias or Folder I want to change the icon on. I do a "Get Info", then I click on the icon at the top and do a ctrl-v. This changes the icon, but it puts a White background behind the icon. See the screenshot below to see what I am talking about. Screenshot of resulting icon on desktop. Site where I downloaded the icons: http://www.iconarchive.com/category/...condrawer.html
Yesterday I accidentally opened Terminal and didn't realize it until after I typed into it and hit a few returns. I thought nothing of it until today. When I started up all of the desktop icons were ghosted or transparent. The Dock apps look fine, and everything seems to work OK. There are odd .DS_Store files everywhere and other files that start with a dot that I've heard are supposed to be invisible.
I've looked around and found out that it's a Finder problem that can be corrected by typing something into Terminal. That's how I realized I must have messed it up yesterday when I accidentally typed into the Terminal. What code I need to enter into Terminal to restore it to the default settings. I have a Dual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5 with OS 10.4.11, and other than this problem it works great.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make the toolbar at the top transparent without any third party apps? My friend macbook pro's tookbar is transparent by default.
I'm stuck on a rather buggy problem. I'm trying to produce animated gifs with transparent backgrounds for incorporation into a Keynote (v. 3) presentation. [The individual frames of the substantial animations I am creating are being produced in Matlab using the "print -dpng" command with white backgrounds, which I then want to make transparent.] I seem to be able to download silly animated gifs with transparent backgrounds from the web that display correctly in Keynote. But when I produce such animations myself using convert [from the imagemagick suite, both the version distributed with fink and the more recent version available at [URL] all frames after the first display with white backgrounds in Keynote (but look ok elsewhere). Optimizing the animated transparent gifs in adobe ImageReady CS (v. 1) Does anyone know a good mac program to make animated gifs (with transparent backgrounds) that display correctly in the latest version of Keynote?
I am the first person to think of this idea and publish it on the Internet time-stamped. Please use freely. I have an idea for the Macbook Pro keyboard. Make the sides of the macbook pro keys transparent acrylic black so that no hairs or dust can fall under there and let the light shine through the black transparent acrylic to create the same backlit keyboard effect.
can i make the actual box transparent so the buttons and the user profiles are sill there but floating, like everything will be there but that white/grayish box that surrounds everything wont be?
I need a transparent hand print (different colors also) for a project. I've gotten a hand print and used a guide to try and make it transparent using Gimp but I can never export it.
I just need a simple program (I have Paintbrush, Gimp, etc) in order to make things transparent!
Somehow I managed to do a "stroke" on the trackpad that made the icons on my desktop very large. I can't figure out what I did or find a setting to change them back to small size.
Anyone know the stroke or where to find the setting?
I have mbp, OSX 10.7.4. Had to do a restore. Now my springboard icons are invisible. There is a space on the dock where it is, and the discription of what it is, is there, but the icon is invisible. Only a space, which, by the way, will work to to launch me to where it is suppose to. Just can't see it. I tried repair permissions, redownloading lion, and removing "invisible icons" and putting them back. But still the same thing.
Every time I enter a different folder in Snow Leopard' Finder, the icons are different sizes. How can I make the icons the same size in all of the folders?
I am using OSX Snow Leopard. It's really great, but the folders and items within them are a total mess. When I copy or move anything to a folder, all the other icons move and icons even appear on top of one and other. Please is there any way to stop this - is there an app or something that will make the folders as tidy looking as they are on Windows? And please leave out all the Mac/Windows fanboy stuff - I have no problems with either OS.
I recently tried to download a free trial of World of Warcraft for Macs but instead screwed up the display settings on my Macbook (version 10.6.4 OS X). I removed it from the computer when the game didn't play, it just gave a black screen, at which point I had restarted the computer to find text sizes magnified, the display setting changed so the whole screen wasn't being used, etc. I was able to change the screen display size no problem but cannot figure out how to make the icons and text in boxes such as applications in the dock, or system preferences folder smaller. Is there a way, without reinstalling the operating system, to reset these minor settings? I could live with the changes but would rather not.
I'm a new Mac-user having used PC:s for 25 years. On my Windows Desktop it was easy to place new icons with shortcuts to websites I often visit. I have tried to do this on my Mac, creating Bookmarks, exporting them to Desktop. Iicons appear. But when clicked they don't connect with the webaddresses I have given.
I have read Q&A from someone who tried to give similar shortcuts to customers, but I did not understand the answers. I'm Swedish and Mac Keyboard and Desktop menues etc are in Swedish so the exact terms in English may be difficult to translate. My problem is different since it's only on my Mac I need the shortcuts/icons/links.
Just switched to Lion and the size of the dock items are too samall I have increased their size in pref but they are still very small. Also I am missing several dock items from the right side of the dividing line and yet if i mouse over the empty space the captions of the missing icons show and some times I can select the desired action by clicking on the empty space where they previously showed.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6), with lion can I open power pc
How do I make sure my attachments to emails appear as icons and not as open files? Once they appear as open files I can double click and select 'view as icon' but they don't stay that way. When I send or file the email the attachment is usually open again.
I have a new MBP 2010 and want transparent theme, similar to windows 7, is their anyway I can do this? I tried shapeshifter and it doesn't work for osx snow leopard, does someone know of any other program?
Couple days ago i changed my menu bar to white with "OpaqueMenuBar" and then i wanted to change it back to normal. So i disabled OpaqueMenuBar and i deleted it. And Now my menubar is not transparent. Eventhough i enabled it in Desktop settings. What should i do??
I recently restored the default Leopard theme files after uninstalling a theme via Magnifique. However, I noticed that my transparent menu bar no longer has a gradient, though the menu bar has a gradient if I turn off transparency. I have re-enabled Core UI and transparent menu bar. I did another restore of the Leopard theme files using the iLeopard uninstaller. I have attached a screen clipping. My menubar is on the left. What it is supposed to look like is on the right.
How do I restore the gradient for the translucent menu bar? Is this done by setting an environment variable? I found this article:[URL]
Apparently you get a flat menubar if you disable transparency manually. Is there a similar way to restore the gradient when you re-enable the transparency?
I noticed that when I click on the or one of the other menus at the top, it seems to be solid white, but when I move my head to view it from the side, it appears transparent. Is this normal?
I currently have a .PNG icon, and I would like to assign it to a folder, so the folder icon would be this one (It's a snow flake, which at first glance, makes me think of Winter Quarter for school, aka, the folder name.)
I know how to assign the icon to the folder, without any problems. (Right Click-->Get Info-->And drag the icon to the Top Left). However, when the icon (which is transparent, I'm 120% sure) is displayed, the background is white. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, except the icon also appears on my Finder sidebar, since it's a folder I use a lot.
Using Icon Composer (/Developer/Applications/Utilities), I tried making it an icns, just to see what would happen. But, like most icons I've tried, this appears when I drag it. And I assure you, this is not the icon I'm trying to make the folder appear as:
So, my question is, how do I transform this transparent PNG icon to be transparent when it's assigned as an icon for a folder. Incase it matters, the icon is 256x256, with a 72 pixels/inch Resolution. I've tried playing with the sizes a lot, and I believe I read somewhere that the resolution actually matters for OSX to take the icon.
After the recent OS X (10.6.8) updates just the other day, some dialogue boxes now have a transparent (100%) background. They used to have a white background.Â
Is this a known issue? If not, how do I report this?
i have returned my dock back to 2d, but it has a transparent background??? I don't want that, I simply want the black background with the 2d dock, how would i get that ?? like so...http://reo-2007.deviantart.com/art/L...Style-69915653