Couple days ago i changed my menu bar to white with "OpaqueMenuBar" and then i wanted to change it back to normal. So i disabled OpaqueMenuBar and i deleted it. And Now my menubar is not transparent. Eventhough i enabled it in Desktop settings. What should i do??
I recently restored the default Leopard theme files after uninstalling a theme via Magnifique. However, I noticed that my transparent menu bar no longer has a gradient, though the menu bar has a gradient if I turn off transparency. I have re-enabled Core UI and transparent menu bar. I did another restore of the Leopard theme files using the iLeopard uninstaller. I have attached a screen clipping. My menubar is on the left. What it is supposed to look like is on the right.
How do I restore the gradient for the translucent menu bar? Is this done by setting an environment variable? I found this article:[URL]
Apparently you get a flat menubar if you disable transparency manually. Is there a similar way to restore the gradient when you re-enable the transparency?
I noticed that when I click on the or one of the other menus at the top, it seems to be solid white, but when I move my head to view it from the side, it appears transparent. Is this normal?
I'm looking for a Geektool script that will just display the battery percentage. Its mostly just for show and to slightly clean up my menubar, so its not that big of a deal.
I'm also looking for a way to make the menubar completely transparent, not translucent, so the menus and menubar items are just there sitting on the desktop.
I need a transparent hand print (different colors also) for a project. I've gotten a hand print and used a guide to try and make it transparent using Gimp but I can never export it.
I just need a simple program (I have Paintbrush, Gimp, etc) in order to make things transparent!
I have a new MBP 2010 and want transparent theme, similar to windows 7, is their anyway I can do this? I tried shapeshifter and it doesn't work for osx snow leopard, does someone know of any other program?
I was trying to replace an icon on a classic app, so that it wouldn't look so ugly in the dock. I made a picture that had some transparency in it. I tried copy and pasting from both a .psd and a TIFF into the info window. It almost worked. The app now has a 128x128 icon, but the trasparency was replaced by white. Is there any way to get the icon to retain the transparency? Alternately, does anyone have an OSX icon for Dreamweaver and/or Flash?
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make the toolbar at the top transparent without any third party apps? My friend macbook pro's tookbar is transparent by default.
I currently have a .PNG icon, and I would like to assign it to a folder, so the folder icon would be this one (It's a snow flake, which at first glance, makes me think of Winter Quarter for school, aka, the folder name.)
I know how to assign the icon to the folder, without any problems. (Right Click-->Get Info-->And drag the icon to the Top Left). However, when the icon (which is transparent, I'm 120% sure) is displayed, the background is white. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, except the icon also appears on my Finder sidebar, since it's a folder I use a lot.
Using Icon Composer (/Developer/Applications/Utilities), I tried making it an icns, just to see what would happen. But, like most icons I've tried, this appears when I drag it. And I assure you, this is not the icon I'm trying to make the folder appear as:
So, my question is, how do I transform this transparent PNG icon to be transparent when it's assigned as an icon for a folder. Incase it matters, the icon is 256x256, with a 72 pixels/inch Resolution. I've tried playing with the sizes a lot, and I believe I read somewhere that the resolution actually matters for OSX to take the icon.
After the recent OS X (10.6.8) updates just the other day, some dialogue boxes now have a transparent (100%) background. They used to have a white background.Â
Is this a known issue? If not, how do I report this?
i have returned my dock back to 2d, but it has a transparent background??? I don't want that, I simply want the black background with the 2d dock, how would i get that ?? like so...
Since I have upgraded to Yosemite, I've been experiencing problems with the windows. Sometimes, they become transparent or even entirely invisible, I can see the borders when I pass over them with the mouse on mission control and I can perform actions as if they were fully functional, I just can't see them. How can I solve this? It happens with every window open at the moment, but it doesn't affect the ones that I open after.
The image shows how the window become sometimes, other times it's completely invisible.
I have been looking for ways to view my WHITE .png (white Logos) files in OSX or in Bridge... but have had no luck.Â
I know this is possible I've had it before... it wasn't until I discovered that it was last a feature in TIGER. So I'm not crazy!Â
I can't fathom why Apple would remove this ability. But since it is possible, there should be an plug in or an app or something out there that can bring this back.Â
Seeing as it is possible in OSX, i figure my chances in finding a solution from Apple will be better than Adobe.Â
Solutions so far are:
1. Cover Flow
  - Not useful in-fact it's difficult.
2. open file in preview -> copy image -> get info on file -> Paste into icon
  - 100's - 1000's of images for something the OS can do anyway not an option, also makes files larger. Â
Sadly, once we figure this out there will only be one view we can see them in and that would be icon view... (better than cover flow) because columns doesn't let you change the colour of the BG.
Info: 3.2 GHz Quad, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 24 GB 1066 DDR3 ECC
I have a applied the Keyer effect to a clip overlaid on another clip. The problem is that the Keyed area is not made transparent, but appears purple- as though the blue screen was actually a purple screen. I can't figure out how to make it transparent!
I am trying to change the background on some Aliases and folders I created on my desktop. I downloaded some icons in .ico and .png format online, and I am able to use the .png format. I open up the .png file, ctrl-c it, then goto the Alias or Folder I want to change the icon on. I do a "Get Info", then I click on the icon at the top and do a ctrl-v. This changes the icon, but it puts a White background behind the icon. See the screenshot below to see what I am talking about. Screenshot of resulting icon on desktop. Site where I downloaded the icons:
I've just switched to mac and have a beginner's question: Although I selected a strong red color for my work calendar, the events are only shown in a transparent red. This actually applies to all calendars. Is there a possibility to see the full colors i.o non-transparent?
so just the other day, I noticed that my safari window was fading transparent any time I would make it an inactive window, for example by clicking onto the desktop. I don't know why or how this could have happened, although the only thing I remember installing recently enough was "Inquisiter" for Safari, but I've uninstalled that and it still seems to be happening.
I'm using the most recent version of the Safari 4 beta in case you needed to know.
I guess it's not really a BIG deal since it doesn't really harm my ability to do anything in OS X, but I'm just a little confused as to how this happened in the first place. Does anybody know why or how this happened and how I could disable this?
Here's a video of it happening just to help you understand what's happening:[URL}
I've realized that sometimes I "lose" my wireless signal. I am not using an AirPort router (I'm using Linksys, if that's at all helpful). I've noticed that suddenly all of the wireless signals disappear from the AirPort menu up on the menu bar, except the network that I am connected to (i.e., I only see my router's name there). It also becomes impossible for me to browse the internet, so what I've done to troubleshoot this is disable the AirPort, put the computer to sleep, and disconnect/reconnect my router. When I turn it on, it seems to work. I've also tried simply disabling and then re-enabling AirPort, but it doesn't work after that.
my "services" menu has disappeared as an option in finder. When I try to access it by right-clicking a finder item (folder or file), it's just plain missing. However if I look for it under the finder menu bar, the arrow beside service says 'building'. But I've been waiting for hours and it doesn't look like anything's happening.
Yesterday I accidentally opened Terminal and didn't realize it until after I typed into it and hit a few returns. I thought nothing of it until today. When I started up all of the desktop icons were ghosted or transparent. The Dock apps look fine, and everything seems to work OK. There are odd .DS_Store files everywhere and other files that start with a dot that I've heard are supposed to be invisible.
I've looked around and found out that it's a Finder problem that can be corrected by typing something into Terminal. That's how I realized I must have messed it up yesterday when I accidentally typed into the Terminal. What code I need to enter into Terminal to restore it to the default settings. I have a Dual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5 with OS 10.4.11, and other than this problem it works great.
Just today it began that when I try and open iChat from the Menu Bar icon, the whole right side of the menu bar reboots. Anyone else experienced this or have an idea of steps I can take to fix it?