OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Download Pictures From Emails On The Mac Pro
Jun 9, 2012Why can't I download pictures from emails on my Macpro?
MacBook Pro
Why can't I download pictures from emails on my Macpro?
MacBook Pro
When I receive an e-mail that has pictures (photos, etc.) attached, these seem always to be displayed in the message. That means that if I print the message, all the pictures are printed, too. How can I prevent this?
I want to download the attached pictures separately, but to print just the text of the incoming mail.
Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
how to take pictures from my SD card and downloaud into my computer so I can e-mail them?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My one year old MacBook Pro is full already. How can I see what's taking up all the space? I cannot download anymore pictures. It's running slower than usual.
MacBook Pro
pictures won't download with lion
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am having an odd issue with an IMAP email account. Mail does not receive emails anymore on an account, but is able to send them. Also, I was thinking that something was corrupted with the inbox and wanted to rebuild said inbox : but I cannot as it is greyed out.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am unable to send or reply to emails. They stay in the 'outbox' and the wheel spins by the "Sent" box.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am completely lost on what has happened to my computer. I have 900,007 photos in iphoto trash I am unable to delete. Each time I try I get a notice from apple. They are not my photos they are stuff from the internet I do not want and I do not know how they got there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), had the computer since september.
I deleted my emails and when I went into trash they'd disappeared
MacBook Air
I am trying to rename a mailbox that is a sub-mailbox to another, both of which I originally created to store email messages. I can highlight the name and type a new one, or I can go to the Mailbox menu and select Rename Mailbox, then type the new name. In both cases I get the following error message:Mail was unable to rename "~/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes/AFS.mbox/EBO".
Macbook Pro 15" 2 GHz Intel Core i7, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4 GB RAM
When downloading small files online they will download through Speed Download. Before I installed Speed Download it would just download through the regular downloading client. How do I change it back to using the regular one as standard? I use firefox btw
View 6 Replies View Relatedme and my grandma are planning on getting a family pack MobileMe account to save money instead of having two accounts. She has a trial account currently, so from what I understand is tomorrow I go buy the family pack box set, set up my account (which will be the master account), cancel her account (disable synching on her iPhone before hand), add her account under account options in my account, and viola.Now here's my question:Since we will both be on the same 'family pack,' will she be able to view my emails, find my iPhone, pictures, or anything else? And vice versa.What I'm hoping is that even though they are in the same family pack, you will have to log in with each specific account (via password) to see mail, contacts, etc
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to download Lion and I have been getting the following error everytime I sign in with my Apple ID:
'We could not complete your request.
There was an error in the app store. Please try again later (4).'
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was doing a software update in an outdated Mac OS X 10.7.3 to get all the latest updates through its Apple Software Update. However, one of them failed to upgrade: iTunes v10.6.1 to v10.6.3. After rebooting to let Mac OS X 10.7.3 to 10.7.4, Apple Software Updater shows it 97% partially downloaded. I have over 31 GB free, so it can't be a free disk space problem. I tell it to resume download, but it quickly fails from 169 MB to about 172.7 MB (176.9 MB is the whole size) with "The update "iTunes" can't be installed. The update could not be verified. It may have been corrupted during the downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs."
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My MBP 10.7.3 OS won't allow me to download IRS PDF forms it (i7 MBP), but my old white MacBook (not up to date) will load them.Would it be Click to Flash? The site is all PDF files, not Flash that I can tell. Did the new update disable Click to Flash or something. It happening both in Safari and Firefox.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am unable to download the windows migration assistant to my pc in order to gain from the apple mac book pro experience. Apparently my computer needs to have windows xp or some or system to download the windows migration assistant. I have Win 2007?
MacBook Pro
There seems to be a pattern with major updates from Apple and the ability of the servers providing the content - be it iTunes or iOS or Mac OS updates - I have been unable to download successfully the larger updates but smaller (22MB for AirPort Utility) work fine. The annoying thing is that in almost all cases the error doesn't occur until after the download is complete - meaning it takes up all the time and bandwidth etc with no result and you have to start all over again.
This has happened to enough people and with enough different software releases that I posit that it is not the result of any particular configuration of networking and or hardware and or firmware and or OS version etc - but that the it is a systemic issue on the provider side of things.
Perhaps they (Apple's content providers) should stagger access or something - by time zone - or Apple should release updates over the course of a week - not all on the same day. I would much rather get a message that the server is busy try agian later - or have one update a day - and have it work on the first try - that to waste time retrying the same downloads over and over again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4s 64GB iPad 16GB
Just bought my first macbook last night, and after trying for hours I have still been unable to download any new widgets for my dashboard. I click on the utility in the dashboard to get more widgets, which redirects me to the apple website. After I find one I like, and click down [URL]
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to download Lion, the download sign in window appears and is populated with someone else's Apple ID. If I change the ID to mine and use my password I get 2 messages: "We could not complete your request. There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (4)" Click OK and 2nd message: "Unknown Error" iTunes does not exhibit this, and normal sign in to App Store shows correct ID, only the Download Authentication does this. I have been able to update other Apps just fine, this requires a purchase, and is the only difference.
View 5 Replies View Relatednot able to download apps on my iphone 4. error message says "unable to down load application" at this time
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
we have just purchased a i mac desktop,we saved all our files from our old dell on a external hardrive, some of these files are password protected by us. a error message flashes up encrypted?
I have purchased Mountain Lion from the App Store. When I try to download i get a message stating that it cannot be downloaded. My Mac Book Air has the correct specifications needed but Apple won't let me download the software.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Apple mail out of office rule is sending auto replies to all emails not just newly received emails--HELP! I set up the rule according to another apple support thread and instead of only sending the reply to new mail received, it was sent to all messages I believe that were in my INBOX, I only had a few but several people that hadn't sent me emails since I set up the rule, received the OUT OF OFFICE reply.Here is the procedure I followed for the out of office rule-[URL]I just used my email account which is a business account- not an ECU account but these rules according to the apple thread apply for all emails.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm trying to learn how to create better quality videos.
motion5, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I used to just plug my iPhone 4 (ver. 4.2.1) into my iMac and iTunes (I think) opened with a window showing pictures that were on my iPhone or somehow asked if I wanted to download (upload/import??) the pictures/movies to my iMac. I do not do this often, so I may well be forgetting something in the process. When I plug the iPhone in to the iMac, the first message that pos up is "no camera connected." Then iTunes opens and show my iPhone on left. I cannot find the pictures that I just took on the iPhone though.
iMac OSX 10.6.5, 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo, 3GB memory
iTunes ver 10.1.1 (4)
iPhone ver 4.2.1
I may be being a bit dumb but how do I save pictures from a cd onto my mac using iPhoto?
MacBook Pro
I have a nikon D50 and when i plug it in to the usb the camera display says it is connected with the computer, but no notification shows on my computer screen and there is no way to download or view my pictures. Is there any software i can download so i can transfer my photos?
G5 power mac , Mac OS X (10.5.8)
i have my memory card to my camera in the hole for the card on my computer and nothing is happening!
MacBook Pro
How do I transfer or download all of my pictures to icloud from iphoto?
MacBook Pro