OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stop It From Opening Old Docs When Launch An Application?
Apr 16, 2012
How the heck to I stop Lion from launching old docs when I open a new doc in MS Word, Excel, Preview, etc? I HATE this feature. Twice now I've edited the wrong document because when I click on a new Word doc, one that I worked on last automatic pops up on top of it. This is a ridiculous feature! Also, I don't need photos that I looked at yesterday magically opening when I open a new photo in Preview. That can be embarrassing if is someone is looking over my shoulder, if you know what I mean. Do I need to make sure I close all old docs instead of just quitting. Is there a way to just turn this frustrating auto open feature off?Â
Whenever I launch Pages, the application opens pretty much all the documents I've worked on. I take care to close all the windows, hoping that they won't launch again next time I start the application, yet they do. I can't find a setting in the preferences or Settings to disable this behavior.Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I close all my programs before shutting down. Since installing Lion, programs I used recently relaunch when I start up the machine, sometimes the next day. No, I don't have "Start on Login" selected for these apps in the dock. Another weird thing:Â I selected a Word document to open, the app launched and the last document I was in also opened, even though I didn't select it.
I am used to having graphic files on my desktop, when editing one I would simply right-click and pick "open with" > Photoshop (which is always open in its own desktop in my computer). Now out of the blue, if I do that, it loads another instance of Photoshop, which is certainly what I don't want. I can have 2, 3, 4 Photoshops running at the same time and editing the same image!
I searched but all I could find is people wanting the opposite i.e. opening multiple instances of the same app.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
So everything installed on my Lion iMac works absolutely fine. However, I recently tried to re-install Appfresh (an application updater), so I used Appcleaner to uninstall it, grabbed a new download, dragged it to Applications as normal, double-clicked it.. nothing. The icon sits in my dock, and the indicator pulses, continuously, but the application never appears. It's not in the Force Quit menu, and Activity Monitor has no trace of it either.Â
I thought, okay, something up with Appfresh. But I've since tried a couple of other apps, and a game (Botanicula), and the exact same thing happens. I've done nothing new in the way I've installed them, opened their .dmg files, and dragged the application into Applications, completely normally, but they all do the "sit in the dock and nothing else" thing. If I left-click them once in the dock, they vanish, and that's all I hear of them. I've tried Disk Utility to do both verify and repair permissions to both the disk and the partition, but that hasn't solved the problem. I'm running the latest 10.7.3 with all patches to remove Flashback, etc.Â
Every time I log in to my account, all of the applications I previously had open start up automatically. This takes a long time and there is a reason I closed the applications when I logged out. Is there a way to stop this from happening? Also, every time I open up Quicktime, it also opens the past video's I had opened. This is also really annoying.
Chrome has suddenly begun to start-up when I power on my Macbook without any action on my part. Currently running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3. How do get this to stop?Â
Preview has always been the engine that Safari used to open PDF in the browswer. Acorbat took over today for unknown reasons to me. How can I switch it back?
I want my Mac to stop opening all previous files when,say, opening an application such as Word or Pages. I want I want my Mac to stop opening all previous tabs when opening Safari from new. I looked in applications' Preferences and Mac System Prefs
When I log in using Lion, Mail, Entourage, and ICal open on my desktop.I already tried unchecking the restore windows box under system preferences/general; sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. The only way to stop it seems to be to uncheck the similar box that appears when you shut down the computer, but you have to do it each time, and I think it doesn't always work either. The options features in the dock items don't seem to work--they're already unchecked, and the windows still open. I don't want everyone else in my family to see my mail as soon as the computer opens and it's really annoying besides.Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I must have hit some funky combination of keys, for now my iMac, every time I open an application, opens the file I want PLUS the file that was last open in that same application. How do I get this to quit happening?
I only have TWO documents left over from my PC days and I cannot open them. I originally created them by using Microsoft Works, their Excel spreadsheet. I have tried everything, that I know of and cannot open them. What solution is there? I tried Open Office and that did not work.
How to stop pages opening in Full Screen Mode?This occurs on most software and is very annoying when you have a large monitor with one small picture taking up the whole screen.PLUS trying to reduce the size of the screen means the cursor has to find a tiny one pixel area in the corner in order to reduce the screen size. This takes up a lot of time when working on several images.(enlarging the cursor size is not an answer and makes it worse because it's hard to exactly align the cursor with the text or else it edits the wrong line of text).
There is probably a very simple answer to this - but I can't find it! Everytime I start up my imac, a couple of tedious applications that take a long time have to open then I have to close them to get on with what I want to do.
I am currently using osx lion, I have a behaviour to shut down my computer and let the application that currently running closed by itself during shut down (including massive finder windows). But when I turn on my computer again, those windows reappears. While it might be a nice feature, its really bothering for me. Is it possible to tell osx lion NOT to open the last windows opened during shut down? I am also curious if its possible to do this on safari. I have limited bandwidth, and opening the last windows is annoying.
I just used Adobe Acrobat Pro, and added a 'digital signature', but really, I just want to drag and drop (or copy and paste) a scanned signature I have handy. I couldn't see how to do this in Acrobat. Is there a good little app that will make this easy for me?
For example, (when Safari or Terminal application is already launched) pressing the dock icon or launching from quicksilver brings the window to the front (or moves to a specific space where the window is in).
Is it possible to modify this behavior to opening a new window? By clicking the dock icon (or some sequence of keyboard shortcuts) I want to open a new window of safari or terminal. Furthermore, it would be great if this can be done to the current 'space'.
1-can i add an application to launch in exposé ³hortcut?2-how to cancel changes applied to an application's preferences if a mistake has been made?3-when force quit doesnt shut an application, what do i do?4-how reliable is the stikies app in dashboard? ever lost what you had taken down?5-if many windows and apps are open. is there a easy way to minimise all and just keep one instead of minimizing them one by one?6-what happens to a new file that im currently viewing while time machine is backing up? backed up or skipped?7-built in mac firewall, anything to do? shall i select allow all incoming connections or only essential services? 8-my document folders such as "movies", "music" etc. why have i got 2 different my documents? one serie is in places->home folder and the other is under places->documents
My last.fm application automatically launches when I open iTunes, because it has a plugin in iTunes.I have a nice lyrics application called Get Lyrics that automatically downloads lyrics as I listen, and I'd like it to automatically launch with iTunes as well.I don't want it to launch at login, only when I open iTunes.
How do I do this? I want to launch app 2 while working in app 1 without having app 2 jump in front of app 1, but others, such as Microsoft Office Suite for mac, jump to the front every time (namely excel) no matter what.