OS X :: Opening (Converting) Window Docs In Mac
Feb 25, 2009I noticed that some docs I saved on my PC show up with the extension .tmp. Does anyone know how to open them or convert them?
View 2 RepliesI noticed that some docs I saved on my PC show up with the extension .tmp. Does anyone know how to open them or convert them?
View 2 RepliesI only have TWO documents left over from my PC days and I cannot open them. I originally created them by using Microsoft Works, their Excel spreadsheet. I have tried everything, that I know of and cannot open them. What solution is there? I tried Open Office and that did not work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis didnt use to happen but now when I open Word or Excel it seems to want to open all the recent Docs that I have worked on as well?Â
Looked at all the preferences and cant find anything to turn this off or work out why it is doing this now when it didnt use to?Â
Mac OS X (10.6.5)
How the heck to I stop Lion from launching old docs when I open a new doc in MS Word, Excel, Preview, etc? I HATE this feature. Twice now I've edited the wrong document because when I click on a new Word doc, one that I worked on last automatic pops up on top of it. This is a ridiculous feature! Also, I don't need photos that I looked at yesterday magically opening when I open a new photo in Preview. That can be embarrassing if is someone is looking over my shoulder, if you know what I mean. Do I need to make sure I close all old docs instead of just quitting. Is there a way to just turn this frustrating auto open feature off?Â
iMac 27", Mac OS X (10.6.2)
There Is A Page I Open Often. And Its Opening To The Right Hand Side Of The Window. Please Someone Tell Me How To Resize It Back Into The Middle Again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe current behavior of the Finder icon in the dock first brings Finder windows currently open into focus. I often wish I could click the Finder icon, and have a new window open. However if each time it was clicked, it brought current windows to focus, but then also created a new window, this would be annoying. So how about this:
If the Finder isn't in focus, one click will bring it into focus. The next click, assuming now that the Finder is focused, creates a new Finder window. Also, it could even be conceived that a double click of the Finder icon, when out of focus, would both bring current windows to focus, and then create a new window directly.
As far as I can see, someone on my work mac right clicked on the 'Downloads' folder and set the 'Open With' option to 'Preview'.
As such, when the icon is clicked every item in the Downloads folder opens in preview (massive pain) and there are issues with the folder working on the dock. I tried changing the 'open with' option on the Downloads folder myself but there isn't anything appropriate to change it back to. I assumed finder but that isnt an option.
If I close a session while mail was still open with a window of it open. When I open a session again it automatically open up with a window of mail. Is there anyway to deactivate that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to "Open at Login" various programs I have in my dock without opening the main window (like Mail, Skype, MSN and so on). Any idea?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAt the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time.
Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?
At the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time. Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of getting Safari to open a link in a new tab in the existing window rather than opening a new window? Before anyone shouts I have got that ticked in the preferences, but it doesn't do it.
Here is an example of what I mean, in google mail, if I choose the google finance option, it opens it in a while new window, not in a new tab in the same window.
I have a Mac Pro tower with Snow Leopard, and there is a long delay, sometimes 5-6 seconds long, before files open up after being clicked on within the Finder window. The delay happens with any file, such as a MS Word file, .jpg file, .pdf file, whatever. The result is always the same - a long delay before the file opens. It doesn't seem to matter if the file is large in size or not. Before the Mac Pro I had a G5 and it opened files much faster than this brand new Mac Pro.
View 4 Replies View RelatedToday, suddenly, my finder has started quitting whenever I go to the "applications" tab. Every other part of the finder works but the applications refuse to open. It's worrying me because I think it could be one of those few mac viruses. I'm running a virus scan at the moment to see.
Also on the possible virus front. I had cleaned my HDD the other day and gotten it to 58 gigs left of free space. A few days later it came up as 78 free though which confused me.
Suddenly Iphoto wouldn't start, so I tried to buy an update on App store, but it didn't work. When I click on Iphoto, it starts but Iphoto doesn't open, it just open the window and a circle keep running. What can I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Trying to download vlc-2.0.1 dmg and I get a message that "Safari can't complete the download because there isnt enough free disc space". The staus on my hard drive shows 916 GB available, so I don't understand. Had no trouble with other downloads (Office 2011).Â
another program for opening windows media player?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2 iMacs 2012,2007
Within the past two days, I think my laptop has gotten a virus or been hacked. Every time I open a new tab a pop up window comes up even though I have pop-up blocker turned on. In addition, when I google anything the results are below many more ads than normal. I got a virus detecting app from the App Store and it said my laptop was clean so I don't know what to do!
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
After doing an erase and clean install to 10.6.6 for some reason my Search window continues to open in Icon view rather than List view as it did before. Hard to believe I can't resolve this. And there's probably a very simple solution, but even after doing an extensive search on the web I can't seem to find it.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy mbp has a very strange problem. when i was using my computer it will open a window of safari once in a while. and i am sure i didn't thouch anything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently using osx lion, I have a behaviour to shut down my computer and let the application that currently running closed by itself during shut down (including massive finder windows). But when I turn on my computer again, those windows reappears. While it might be a nice feature, its really bothering for me. Is it possible to tell osx lion NOT to open the last windows opened during shut down? I am also curious if its possible to do this on safari. I have limited bandwidth, and opening the last windows is annoying.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Every time I open a new folder, instead of showing the content of that new folder within the same window, another one is opened.I even went to the preferences and the option "Always open folders in new windows" was not selected.Relaunching finder didn't help either, and so did restarting my laptop.Also, the bar that reguarly appears at the bottom of the finder window containing information about disk space and number of files is at the top of the finder window.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI got my macbook pro 13in in November so it is brand new.I suffered a fall on the ice with my laptop in my backpack.Back pack first a week ago.I have a shell case for it,but am worried something might have happened internally.
It has been fine up until the past couple days.I began to notice black flickering occurring on my screen.I rebooted and fine.Then today I noticed when uploading things online a strong flickering showed on the finder.So I tried System Preferences > Display and UNCHECK the setting for "Automatically adjust brightness as ambient light changes".This worked on safari,but I went to open up a file in photoshop and the flickering occurred once more.I'm not sure if when dropped something occured or if just some kind of error.
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.2
how do you get the system to stop opening a window to choose what you want to do when you click?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 Gb ram
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy computer won't open a specific folder in my documents folder. It will let me open other folders but not his one. When I click to open it get a notice that Finder has unexpectedly quit.
iPhone 4
I have purchased quicktime pro 7 and am trying to convert .mov files to .wmv files but it is only converting 30 seconds of the video?
Surely in purchasing Quicktime Pro 7 I have bought the rights to this
Try to open iChat window, version 4.0.8. in Time Machine. The TM window changes to a finder window. Is this normal for an application like TM? Trying to get back an open chat. not recorded.
G5, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
I have previously used the GRAB utility to take a snapshot of an open Safari windiw, and the snapshot included the entire windiw contents. When I opened the snapshot in Preview, I could scroll up and down and view the entire contents of the original Safari windiw. Then, I tried it again a few hours later on a different Safari window, but I then got only the part of the windiw that was visible in the browser at the time that I GRABbed the window (i.e., when I took the snapshot).What do I need to do to get the entire windiw?
Mac OS X (10.6)
Why is hiding a window / app not a 1-click window control? Perhaps with Option+Click as Hide All Others.Window controls exist to streamline common tasks; hiding is a very common task in OS X.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen Google Docs first came out I was very excited. The reason it suits me so well, is for my family finances. For budgeting, I've created a fairly advanced cash flow sheet on Google Spreadsheet. It gives me a quick glance at my month-to-month finances, and also, because it is Google Docs, I can make changes from anywhere with an internet connection and a web browser! Beyond that, my wife and I can view the document at the same time, and discuss changes in real-time.
But why is Google Docs so slow on my mac? At work, on my PC, Google Docs is quite fast, and an enjoy to use. At home, on my 5 year old iMac (using Firefox since Safari is not supported). I know my connection at home is faster, so that is not the issue, and up until a few days ago I assumed it was because my mac was so old. However, this weekend I went home and looked up my finances on my brother's brand new 24" 2.4Ghz iMac, and the same symptoms held true. Is the site not optimized for Macs?