OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migrate Selected Documents And Photos?
Jun 7, 2012How do I migrate selected documents and photos?
iPad 2
How do I migrate selected documents and photos?
iPad 2
In mail, my attachments, both photos and documents, appear in the body of the message. How can I get my attachments to appear as a separate attachment and not as part of the main message?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My understanding of Documents and Data in iCloud preferences is that when turned on, all of my iWork documents will be synced. I don't want to do that because some documents contain sensitive data. Is there a way to restrict syncing to a selected folder of documents?Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project in Aperture. I want to move a select group of photos from iPhoto into Aperture 3.5.1. I know how to open these images in Aperture by switching libraries but I can't figure out how to actually move these photos into the Aperture project. Most posts I found are based on Aperture 3.3 which is slightly different.Â
View 1 Replies View Relatedmigrate photos, iTunes from G5 ox10.4.11 to new?
Mac mini, iOS 4.1, To new mini
how do i migrate photos in a folder on my desktop over to my new macbook pro
MacBook Pro
I have the iLife 08 version of iPhoto and i inserted my sd card, selected photos and clicked import selected. It freezes on 47 left and i have to force quit. Even stopping doesn't work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI burn a cd every month of my documents and photos. My Mac has no problem reading the files from the disc, but my PC seems to only "read" the photos. When I try to read the text files (.doc, .rtf, etc.) I get an "access denied" msg.My Mac is Tiger 10.4.11, WORD is 2004, both fully up to date; everything pretty vanilla. My PC is a senior citizen with W98, and WORD 2000 and is not connected to the Internet.
View 13 Replies View RelatedIf the logic board fails on my iMac, can I recover photos, documents, downloads and music?
I am trying to update my MacMini from 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 and I am not able to. The user account I am trying to do it from is an admin account. I currently have 4 other updates and I am not able to install any of them and they are listed below.
Airport utility 6.1
Digitial Camera Raw Compatability update 3.13
iTunes 10.6.3
Java for OS X 2012-004 1.0Â
Here is a copy and paste from my Console install.log only trying to install the Airport Utility and Digital Camera Raw updates. All others were doing the same as these.Â
Jun 25 09:41:43 media-hub Software Update[43018]: JS: 10.7.3
Jun 25 09:41:45 media-hub diskmanagementd[43030]: DM ->T-[DMToolBootPreference recoveryPartitionInfoForVolume:what:dict:]: inHostDiskUDS=0x108f85c20=disk0s2=Macintosh HD inWhatStr=RecoveryInfoBaseSystemVersion
Jun 25 09:41:45 media-hub diskmanagementd[43030]: DM ..T-[DMToolBootPreference recoveryPartitionInfoForVolume:what:dict:]: did get booterRecoveryUDS=0x108f85ae0=disk0s3=Recovery HD
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am doing a clean install of lion from the recovery HD, is it best to migrate the data back via TM back up, or clone? I don't have any programs that i don't a have disc for, and all i want to migrate is itunes, mail, and pic files etc. I have seen where migrating when you install is better than migrating later, so i want to be sure i have a clean clone, or back up, to migrate from. I also failed to write zero's over SL when i did a clean install for Lion, so it was not so clean. So i guess my question is just, clone, or TM back for migration?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How to migrate from G4 with OS 10.4 to MacBook Air? - no wifi on G4. no firewire on Air. No ethernet on Air. ??
MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011)
When replacing pre-populated (untitled folder) or selected text in Finder, Safari, etc. a special character is added about 1/3 of the time. You can't see it in Finder, but it does show in file names viewed in Terminal, in URLs (only after you hit enter and Safari gets confused) in the file name at the top of certain apps, or on PCs.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can not drag selected songs onto my iphone device (music section), What do I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Why Apple customers accept being forced to migrate to Icloud and Lion (an OS with bad reviews) before the end of June when knowing that Mountain Lion will be available a few weeks later?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently migrated a MacBook Pro to a Mac mini - all went well enough. I realized that Final Cut Express HD is on a Power Mac G5 that I've retired. I have moved and can't seem to locate the install disc, so I'm wondering if it's possible to migrate just a single app over from the G5 to the mini.
MacBook Pro, iMac, PowerMac G5, 2 Mac minis, iPhone 3G, and a few XP boxes, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
my pc died and i want to recover data from it and transfer it to a mac. is there a way to do this maunually? I cant start the pc.
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i am trying to transfer one computer (Mac) says to "verify the passcode" and the other says it is waiting for the Mac to connect. It's been thinking 10 minutes. Is that normal?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
I use a Mac book pro. the HDD is partitioned on which on one part i run mac osx Lion and on the other Windows 7. Presently i do my work in windows 99 percent of time. I want to switch entirely to mac. on windows i use MS Office with outook 2010. i want to switch entirely to Mac and thn remove windows from my computer.Â
the question is how do i move the outlook data (mails(since 20030 contacts(over 4000), calander, notes et all) and all documents, music, videos bookmarks etc to Mac OSX on the partitioned portion of the SAME HDD? i have read many posts that advise how to do it from a PC to Mac but none that help when all the data is on the same HDD. after migration, i want to delete the partition.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have suddenly had constant lockup trouble with my 13"MBP under Lion (latest version 10.x). So I did a complete re-install, including using Disk Utility to erase HD, then Lion. I have complete Time Machine Backups, however Lion will NOT list my TM external HD when migrating my data (both at initial startup and using the utility)! Why not? It is CLEARLY listed on my desktop, so I know it's mounted. I don't have to re-install every program, and info manually?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I bought a new MacBook Pro, which has Lion. My old MacBook Pro has Snow Leopard. Last night I used migration assistant to move everything from my old computer to my new computer. My instincts told me not to do it, because my old computer is 6 yrs old and has so much stuff on it. I was thinking it might be better to just go on an as needed basis, however, there is so much I need, I decided to do it.Â
Problem one, CS5 will not work. Maybe I need to do a clean install?Â
Are there any other issues I should be aware of? I see I need to re-enter my license info for Word ...Â
Have I messed up my new machine? Should I start over and wipe the new one clean and use another method?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have recently bought a Mac Book Pro and I am trying to transfer my files from my old PC to the new Mac. I have put my files onto an external hard drive but when I plug it into my Mac is doesnt show on the desktop?
Info:MacBookPro, Trying to transfer my files from PC
I've been trying to migrate data to a new RAID setup, but have been running into the error code 36 issue where Mac created invisible files are killing the file transfers. At any rate, I tried about three different directory cleanup utilities and for the most part got almost all the data to move. Now I'm onto the last bit which was giving me permissions errors as well.I used Batchmod to make everything read write and I ALSO CLEARED THE XTARS. Worked like a charm and everthing transfered. HOWEVER. Killing the extened attributes of the files turned them all into Executible files with no program ownership. BTW, there are font files so there are hundreds of them. Is there anyway to re-assign them or get some of the attributes back?Â
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My son just received his new Macbook Pro (15 "); he is running Snow Leopard on his 2008 model Macbook Pro. Is it possible to migrate from Snow Leopard to Lion using the setup assistant or does he have to upgrade to Lion first?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a iMac with Leopard. It has Intel Core 2 Duo 3Ghz with 4G Ram. I would like to install Lion, but on the system requirement, I can read this sentence:Mac OS X 10.6..6 or later.What does it means? I should firstly migrate to 10.6.6 or 10.6.8 and then I can migrate to 10.7?Â
My goal was to reinstall the iMac from crash with the CD of Lion.
iMac - MacBook Pro - MacPro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I have a few user accounts on my PC and I was looking to only transfer one of them to the new mac I plan to purchase in the next few weeks. Is this possible with migration assistant or are other methods necessary?
Info:MacBook Pro with Retina display
I installed Lion on both my Mac Pro and my MacBook Pro. The MacBook Pro maintained the rules I had set set up in Mail. My MacPro had a few issues in upgrading and I lost all my rules. Unlike Mobile Me, iCloud doesn't sync rules. How can I get them from my laptop to my desktop?
View 2 Replies View Relatedis it safe? i guess i have to in order to move to icloud. i don't use any complicated features on my laptop--a macbook core 2 duo intel--but i am NOT computer savvy at all.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI tried to use the "migration assistant" to migrate data form my old MBP to my new MBP. Both with Lion.it just clonated the old MBP into the new one (the main user), wich replaced some new apps (ilife, and others) with the old vervions tha were im the old MBP.I tried to erase the Macintosh HD, reinstall Lion from scratch but it happened again. What am I loosing during the process?
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I did the entire Migrate Assistant process to transfer all my files and what not to my MacBook. Problem is that I did it on separate occasions and now I have several accounts. How can I transfer my files from the other accounts to my primary account and delete the other accounts?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)