OS X V10.7 Lion :: Lost The Entire Library Folder From User Directory After Update?
Feb 4, 2012
With the update to OS-X 10.7.3 did anyone lose the entire Library folder from their user directory? I didn't notice until I started working on the installation of an application (beta version) and found the my entire ~/Library/ folder gone, all 57+ GBytes of it. I'm restoring it from Time Machine two days ago, but I wonder what happened with the update to completely remove it.
Sometime in the past couple of days I lost write permission to my own home directory (/Users/yalla) - The attributes for my homedirectory are correct, but there are extended attributes as well, and I believe this is where the problem lies.
For Documents, Downloads etc, I am allowed to create/modify/delete files and directories, but under my pure homedirectory ~yalla I am all of a sudden unable to write, meaning I cannot create for instance a new .bashrc (not that I need to since I already have one), or create new catalogues.
I have tried both from Terminal and from Finder, and I am not allowed to create new directories under ny homedir. By going to Finder and going under "Get Info" for my homedir, I have gone to Sharing & Permissions and changed from Read Only to Read & Write which seems to fix it. I have however not been there before and made any changes, and I am therefore worried that by changing this to R&W I am fixing a symptom and not the core problem.
My entire library was on an external hard drive that crashed. All of my audio is on my iPod and all of my videos are on my Apple TV (including purchased videos and audiobooks). Is there a way to rebuild the library again?
When I open Finder on my iMac, then click on my user name in the sidebar, I am not seeing the Library folder for my user name. I need to modify some of the application support folders for specific applications, but I cannot find them using Finder. These folders are specific to my user name and are not located within the Macintosh HD/Library folder for the entire computer.
They should be in the path Macintosh HD/Users/[my username]/Library/Application Support/[application name].
But for some reason, the "Library" folder doesn't even show up in Finder when I click on Macintosh HD/Users/[my username]. It's visible when I open one of the applications and use preferences to access folders in the application support folder for that application, but not when trying to get to the same location using Finder -- which I need to do in order to copy and paste some of the files.
Info:iMac, MacBook Pro, iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 4S, iPod Classic (160 GB)
I just got a new macbook pro, and when I popped my old secondary hard drive in, I notice that half of my mp3 files are now shown with a little lock next to them. I can manually un lock them one at a time, but I'm a professional DJ, and I have thousands of files. how to unlock an entire directory in one fell swoop? I didn't lock them to begin with, so this is aggravating.Â
I cannot save bpm or cue points to files while they're locked. My serato scratch live software will also not save overviews while they're locked.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm having a problem with adding files to iTunes. When I try to add a file to my iTunes library, it will not let me go into the folder to select individual files. It tries to add the enter folder. For example, I have all my music on an external drive. When I click "Add to Library" it brings up the hard dive. When I try to click the hard drive, it does not show me any other folders. It just tries to add the entire drive. I've moved a folder of one musical artist to my desktop, but it does the same thing. Tries to add the entire folder. It won't let me delve deeper and select albums or individual songs. Â
On my Mac Mini, I have set up a new user because of problems with the OS. So far, it is working fine. I also have a G5 running OS 10.4.11. There is an account on both machines with the same name. However, the new account on the Mini is a different name. The G5 does not offer the "login as" (at least that I can see, so my access to the new account on the Mini is limited to a dropbox. To simplify: A is the account on both the Mini and the G5, B is the account only on the Mini. I tried extending the permissions on B's home directory, but that did not work. Using get info, I unlocked the file then tried to add A to the list of users. For some reason, nothing happened.Â
How can I give user A permission to access user B's home directory on the Mini?
I've a user who has been given a company shared MacBook Air. The account name was previously our company name, but I've sucessfully followed the guide [URL] to change this. Thus, the username is now now his firstname & lastname. The home folder is firstnamelastname. However, the old username (our company name) is still showing up as the username for some email recipients and airdrop.I'm guessing the email name might be saved localy on a few of the users contacts since he's been sending a few emails before the user name was updated. Can this be confirmed in any way?
I know the prevailing opinion is to move the Users folder (i.e. all home folders) off an SSD boot drive and onto an HDD in order to increase available space and avoid thrashing the SSD. However, it occurs to me that by moving the users folder the Library folder is also moved (~/Library/). Doesn't this compromise the speed increase gained from having an SSD? The application will start quickly but then have to wait for the HDD in order to load preferences.
I accidently deleted my user library folder on my MacBook. And Soon after I restart my mac I have to create a new admin account but then after I made one the apple intro video shows up again and I have to create new account .so how do I restore back the library folder?
Adding 10 IMACS with OS 10.7 to my active directory domain. I would like for all users to have the same basic user settings at log in. how I can configure the MAC clients.
There's this website that has a bunch of mp3s in one directory. Instead of downloading them one by one.. is there a program that will download the entire website and all it's mp3?
My home folder shows a file size of 912 GB, yet the consumed space on my 1TB hard drive only shows 798 GB used. How can that be, given that the home folder is stored on the hard drive (HD)? I discovered the discrepancy when Time Machine wouldn't make backups anymore ... it said there wasn't enough space to even make an initial backup. When tracked individually, the home folder along with the other folders on my HD show a combined size that totally fills up my drive, yet when I checked the space on my HD it says there's approximately 200 GB free. I've run checks (Disk Utility) on both the HD and the external backup drive and they both checkout OK. I excluded almost all of my files from the Time Machine preferences, then it was able to make a succesful backup. Does that mean that the file sizes reported by Time Machine are correct (the drives completely full) and that there's something wrong with my internal HD?Â
updated to 10.7.4 and cannot turn on my Open Directory service in Server Admin. It's there, but says it is stopped, and it won'y start.After reboot it is still the same.
Since upgrading to Lion I can't access my photos in iPhoto. The folder is greyed out in my Applications folder. Could it be to do with my version of iPhoto (8.1.2)? If I spend more money and upgrade it will my photos then still be in the folder on my iMac?
It appears that the Library folder that is in the Home Folder (e.g./Users/Home/Liberary)has been made invisible in OS 10.7.x. However I have seen it because after converting samples Logic showed me the folder and its contents. I would very much like to move the samples from their present location in this folder on the startup disk to the EXS 24 samples folder on the external RAID array that is dedicated to this purpose - - but I don't know how to make the Library folder visible.
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 24GB RAM/MOTU 2408 mk3 audio interface
It appears to not to be backed up by Time Machine - which can not show anything earlier than the latest version.It contains items that suggest that it is regularly used by Apple software (e.g., Safari - for bookmarks?)It appears to be used by some manufacturers (e.g., Garmin) for device software updates - including a very large one that used 2.3 GB and stayed there after the Garmin map update was installed. (I was running low on hard drive space, so I took a deep breath and deleted that 2.3 GB file)What negative consequences could occur from deleting items from that Caches folder? (Caches may be seen in Time Machine by opening the user's "home" older in Finder, holding down the option key while clicking Go then Library, then clicking Caches, then Entering Time Machine. After the window settles down, only the latest Caches window and one other mysterious item will remain.) I am using OS 10.7.3 on a MacBook with 1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, purchased in December 2006.
So I was using Boot Camp assistant to install windows. Everything went smooth until windows crashed. Said it was missing a file, blah blah. My brother had just handed me his W7 Ultimate (instead of home which I just installed) so I figured I'd just reinstall Windows completely. Went back into Boot Camp assistant and accidently clicked "Erase disk and create a single partition for Windows."
I have lost all my pics and music that were stored on there, backed up so thats not a big deal. But how can I reformat that drive to be used by my mac again?
The "Restore disk to a single Mac OS partition" is grayed out.
i have upgraded my hard disk and restored from time machine back up!! the only issue is when i go to my mac hard disk the user directory cannot be seen??although if i search for it in finder using /User it finds it!!my question is how can i get the user folder to appear when i go to mac hard driver again?
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
I am manually moving files from a Time Machine backup. How do I view the user's home Library files that are in the backup? I need to move over some of their preferences and bookmarks.
If i search a file in finder and then i want to see what folder and go to that folder how do you do that? In windows you can click the drop down button that shows the entire directory path but there doesnt seem to be any similar function in the finder window. You can click the back button to go back up the tree if you got there by navigating down but if you went directly to the file form a search there doesnt seem to be any way to go up the path.