OS X V10.7 Lion :: Its Not Holding Settings/preferences?
Jun 19, 2012
The Lion OS I am using is not holding its preferences. For example, every time I open Preview I get the same photo and it won't hold my Mail settings either. I have unticked the box on the log in window and updated as well as settings preferences again and again.
why the sound settings wouldn't be holding? On my computer, I set the sound preferences to play from my USB connected speakers. When the computer goes into sleep mode the sound setting reverts back to the default. It is very annoying. On my husbands computer it is the iChat alert sound preference that does it. He has it set to an alert sound for when he receives a message. We are both running Lion 10.7.4 and iChat version 6.0.2.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 106
I use a HP Pro B8850 printer, but now I have changed to mac I cant find the colour settings in the printer preferences, i.e. print in greyscale only, or adjust the colour tones etc.
Running OS 10.6.2. A couple of days ago I noticed that my iCal was completely blank. Everything gone. Odd, but not a big problem - I just restored it from my iPhone. I just rebooted twenty minutes ago and my user profile has been completely reset - from the desktop settings to individual application settings. I haven't had any data loss as far as I can tell, but every single application setting has been reset - I've lost my bookmarks, startup settings, RSS subscriptions, everything that could possibly be customized within an application.
I am running an iMac G5 (just pre Intel) using OS 10.4.11. My internet is via an external modem, ethernet connected. Everything is working fine (as far as I know!) However, for no particular reason I opened "System Preferences" and on clicking on "Network" was confronted with this:- [URL]. On clicking the OK button nothing happens and the only way to get out of System Preferences is to Force Quit it. As I can't get into "networks" in System Preference, I have no idea how the settings have changed. I can't remember when I last installed any new software - it's also ages since I looked at that section of System Preferences.
Find or reinstalling the systems preferences as well as the settings icon is lost. both were put in to the trash and trash has since been emptied . Is there any way of getting them back with out loseing eveything on my mac
I reinstalled OSX (leopard) completely fresh, I have multiple Time Machine backups, and I do not want to restore my entire machine, I just want to pull out the files needed for iTunes to detect my iPhone(backups, and settings so the machine knows it can be connected to this machine) as being connected to the correct machine and not sync'd to another machine. I know how to browse the time machine backups I just need to know what files contain the preferences/logs/plist or whatever settings files that are needed to be replaced on my newly installed system.
I upgraded from Leopard to SL, but couldn't get some software to work - so downgraded back to leopard. Since then, in setting up a proxy, when I enter the username and password, and apply, gong back to the proxy screen again, the username and password isn't there. I suspect a permissions issue.
I haven't had this work with Lion on my macbook pro that just died nor the Macbook Air I just got. I use accents on letters all the time and it would be really helpfu. I've tried turning off key repeat, that doesn't help. I tried copy and pasting something into terminal I saw on one of the other discussions, but that didn't help either (although it is possible I did it wrong since I don't use Terminal hardly ever).
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was using my macbook pro and suddenly it started crashing... I tried to restart it but it would take too much time, so i pushed the power button and powered it off. When i started my mac i got a kernel panic. *** is going on ? I restarted it 7 times, tried to enter safe mode holding the shift key but nothing
Has anyone figure out how to stop that annoying loop in system preferences that says settings have been changed??I can get out of it by a two handed click on the OK button and locations but then it just comes back. I don't want to delete all the info on there and have to retype in.I'm only finding old posts back in 2008 on this! Am I that far behind??I was hoping a permanent easy fix has been found by now. I haven't had the need to get into System pref.
I just bought a new Apple Magic Trackpad and after playing with it at the store I went into the settings to set a few things however when I got mine home and installed/paired it with the Bluetooth, I'm not showing any settings in my System Preferences for the Trackpad.
I am trying to hunt down a mystery for a friend using her macbook air (Lion).
She is trying to add special characters (accents, etc.) to words in a MIcrosoft Word 2008 document.
Sometimes she can hold the key, and the special characters menu will pop up. Sometimes she will get the "old" repeating letter (eeeeeeeeeeeee). I tried to look at everything I could think of, but there seems to be no earthly reason why it does it sometimes but not all the time.
The only explanation I could guess at was that it was Word 2008 and Lion (and not Word 2011).
when I open my Network in System Preferences, "Network settings have been changed by another application" pops up and every time I click Ok, it pops up again, not letting me be able to access any other option in the Network window. The wireless icon has disappeared from my top bar and the only way I have managed to get online is via my ethernet cable. I have had nothing but problems since I started using my O2 Wireless Broadband dongle and I've noticed that behind the "Network settings have been changed by another application" notification, I can seen the Dongle has appeared as a new network connection option... but was never there before today (have been using the dongle for two months now)
I am on Tiger 10.4.11 on Mac Book Pro Intel duo. All updates except for Parallels installed. Have run permissions repairs and preferential treatment. Tried to delete preferences for system ... Every time I try to uncheck the box marked or open the Date and Time preferences, it freezes and have to force quit.
I'm setup a master image in Lion on a MacBook Pro and sucessfully created the image and hosted it up on as a NetRestore. In this image I made a local account that I call "Local Adminisrator" with the short name "ladmin" and I use this account to install all my applications under and also set user settings like finder views, dock icons, turn off resume, turn off backwards scrolling and all those things. Typically in Snow Leopard after I have done this, these settings took affect under other users.
You may be thinking, why not just set user prefrerences under Workgroup Manager and the reason I havn't done this is my server runs Snow Leopard Server and its scheduled for upgrade for the mountain lion release. So far how I've hosted the NetResore images is in a Virtual Machine running on an iMac I have lying around.
So my question is: is there any I can create all user settings under lion in my one administrator account and then have these settings be applied for all the users? It seems like Lion just goes back to the defaults whenever a new user logs in from either active directroy or open directory,
I remember a lot of complaints about the old MBPs having problems with the aluminum denting and I was wondering if people are having the same problems with the new aluminum MBs. How are they holding up overall? Are people mostly happy with them, particularly compared to the previous models?
After upgrading to Lion 10.7.4 ALL of my Sharing options in the Sharing Preference Pane have disappeared. See screenshot. Is there any way to get them back without a reinstall? I installed Lion from a thumb drive purchased from the Apple Store...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
In Lion, Finder opens in my home page. When I tell it to open in another folder, it remembers for about 3-4 days, and then goes back to to my home page. How can I get it to remember my preference?
I was planning on selling my iBook G4 to assist in buying a refurb MB, but might there be any advantages to hanging on to it? The only thing I can think of is as an additional backup, but as it is only 60 GB, doesn't seem worth it. Book G4, 1.33, 640MB, 60 GB. Any creative uses for it or is it best to sell?
Searched and kind of found an answer, but it doesn't seem to be 100% correct for me. Right now, MOST of the FKEYS do what is printed on them, controlling sound, brightness, F9 and F10 only work when you hold the fn key (lower left). How can I get those to work without that? I know there is an option in the Keyboard control panel, but that only makes it so I have to use the fn key for ALL of them.
Alright I was going to load Windows on a partition thru Boot Camp. However I decided not to and then used the Boot Camp assistant to remove the Windows partition.
Ever since I got rid of the Windows partition, I've have to hold the OPTION key just to get my MBP to boot even though there is NO other operating system installed on the old partition. If I don't hold the OPTION key it won't boot, it just goes to a black screen.
I just bought a refurbished macbook pro and at first the screen wouldn't turn on when I started it up, the little sleep light was on though. I pressed and held down a key for a few seconds right after pressing the power button and the screen worked. My question is, should I be worried about this? I got the computer from a company I later found out is really difficult to deal with so I don't want to have to return or exchange it, but I also want to get my moneys worth.
So I bought a "new" PowerMac G4. I have two already.
The guy said it was running os 9 but now it wouldn't boot. I figured it needed an OS and the guy was wrong. I try to boot it up...
flashing ? folder
So I go thru all hell trying to install os x and what not.
It won't boot to the install CD. I finally got it to boot from my other Powermac's HD with OS X on it, but I can't seem to install OS X on this other HD, but that's not really what I'm asking here...
When I startup the PM and hold Option, nothing happens with either HD installed!!! No boot menu comes up.
Also when I hold down C, nothing happens at least nothing different. It doesn't boot to the CD.
Why is this?
Sometimes it seems to boot to my HD OS X and sometimes it boots to the CD on it's own. I can't choose what I want it to boot to unless I start the OS X and select it from there.
I verified the hard disc on my mid 2010 3.06 ghz 10.7.3 iMac this morning to be greeted by a box telling me this disc was corrupt and that I needed to restart while holding cmd+r until the apple logo appears then to repair the disc.at this point I would like to say that I am posting this from said iMac and it boots up normally and runs fine.but,when I start it holding cmd and 'r' let go at the apple logo the cog starts turning below the apple for about 10/15 seconds then the apple is replaced with a circle with a line through it (the cog keeps on spinning below it) it seems like it would just sit like this for ever - after about 5 mins I held the power button, turned it off, turned it back on again and just left it to boot up normally - no problems. thought I would try it again - turned it off, held cmd and r exactly the same as before......
When trying to install a fresh copy of the OS what key/key-combination would you hold down after inserting the (Leopard) disk, if the keyboard isn't an Apple one? Holding down the C-key doesn't work.