I was planning on selling my iBook G4 to assist in buying a refurb MB, but might there be any advantages to hanging on to it? The only thing I can think of is as an additional backup, but as it is only 60 GB, doesn't seem worth it. Book G4, 1.33, 640MB, 60 GB. Any creative uses for it or is it best to sell?
This is a mystery to me. Long story but the gist of it is that I found if I hold down the power-button on my iBook while it's off it goes into some weird mode. i.e. fan spins, disc spins, sleep light flashes and a tone comes from the speakers.Is this some sort of hardware test mode? Is it going to blow up? Is it resetting something?
So I bought a "new" PowerMac G4. I have two already.
The guy said it was running os 9 but now it wouldn't boot. I figured it needed an OS and the guy was wrong. I try to boot it up...
flashing ? folder
So I go thru all hell trying to install os x and what not.
It won't boot to the install CD. I finally got it to boot from my other Powermac's HD with OS X on it, but I can't seem to install OS X on this other HD, but that's not really what I'm asking here...
When I startup the PM and hold Option, nothing happens with either HD installed!!! No boot menu comes up.
Also when I hold down C, nothing happens at least nothing different. It doesn't boot to the CD.
Why is this?
Sometimes it seems to boot to my HD OS X and sometimes it boots to the CD on it's own. I can't choose what I want it to boot to unless I start the OS X and select it from there.
I have a 17" G4 1Ghz iMac, we used it until 10 months ago when I got my new 24" Intel 2GHz machine. That new 24" iMac is now in the basement craftroom as the digital hub for pictures/video/etc., while I brought the 17" G4 1Ghz iMac out from my closet for the upstairs loft general web surfing machine. It worked for 2 days and upon shut down would not re-start. I could only hear the fan and nothing else. If I held the power button for 10 seconds upon trying to start up there was a chime that sounded for a few seconds. Once the fan is making small sound, nothing else, if I hold power button for 5-20 seconds the computer will shut down (fan turn off).
Did some online checking, found article on PMU, so I did try and re-set PMU via the apple support article.Resetting the iMac (Flat Panel) Power Management Unit (PMU). Still, no re-start. It was running the latest 10.4.x update upon being put away for 10 months. Here is a picture of the bottom, the red light is on upon trying power on, my finger is on the PMU reset button. Is there any other diagnostic thing I can do? Is there a battery on this logic board that I can check/replace? I'm 100% ok at taking it apart and trying anything to fix it.
When I turn it on it runs fine for sometimes about a minute (sometimes less) before it just turns itself off! After it turns itself off I'll hit the power button and it emits a high pitch squeal from the machine whilst holding the button. If I then remove the battery from the Machine depending on how long I leave the battery out and put it back in, it will then power up for a short amount of time. Sometimes I can get it to the desktop and open System Profiler for example, other times it gets as far as the Apple grey screen. I've ordered a power adaptor as I didn't get one with the machine but as far as the battery indicator goes, it's on 96% and all four green lights are on the battery indicator on the base. Has anyone heard of any problems like this before?I believe it's running a 500mhz processor and has 512mb of Ram.
I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.
Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^
Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.
Right now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
I just bought a parts ibook from ebay, but I managed to fix it, except there was no hard drive. I currently have a 6 GB HD in it with OS X.3.9 on it, but I want tiger. I have the tiger family pack, so I have a license for it. It only has a CD-ROM drive, so I am wondering if I can buy a 40 GB HD, and clone the one from my G4 onto it.
SPECS ibook G3- 500 MHZ 192 MB RAM CD-ROM currently has 6 GB HD ibook G4- 1064 MHZ 1.25 GB RAM Combo drive 40 GB HD
So, I'll spare you guys the details, haha, but I am stuck trying to decide between getting an iMac Intel or a MacBook Pro for my home use computer. What would be the advantages of one over the other? I just really love the fact that a MacBook Pro would be portable yet powerful. And yes, I have this iBook for portability to school and such, but if I want to do extensive work on the couch, I could bring a MBP vs. an iMac. What do you all think? Are too laptops redundant?
many people have asked this already probably, but i was wondering about the advantages of Mac OS over Windows. i've heard some but they never made any sense to me. i've become somewhat tired of windows and the associated programs. but Mac is also very expensive. can you people give me any opinions or even links to hard facts about the differences between the operating systems.
Are there any tests that compare a 1.6GHz to 1.8GHZ(1.86GHz for Rev B) with the exact same configuration? For example I would be interested in comparing 1.6GHZ with HDD with a 1.8GHZ with HDD(Not SSD). The reason I ask is I would think the 1.6GHz would generate less slightly less heat and have a slightly longer battery life as compared to the 1.86GHz. So there might be more than just money saved when going with a 1.6GHz
It just came to my mind that at some storage place of mine, I have an old special edition (grey) iBook that i bought in 1999, if I remember correctly. Can't look it up right now, but I think it had one USB port, one ethernet port, a CD-ROM drive, and it was running OS9.
Is anyone of you still using old iBooks, and what for? Would a version (which?) of OS X run, or would you suggest staying with OS9? Kind of sad to have it just laying around - it was amazing, back in the days.
Just a quick question for anyone kind enough to take a moment to answer: I have a 24" 2.93GHz Core2 Duo iMac (last year's model) that shipped with 2 x 2GB (hence total 4GB) of RAM. I am starting to feel the crunch from more memory-intensive programs, and so the time has come to upgrade. is there a clear performance advantage to installing matching RAM sizes, as opposed to 2 sticks of different sizes? I noticed that [URL] currently offers an 8GB kit (2x4GB) for around $260. This is a bit beyond my budget, so I was thinking of instead just getting one 4GB through them for $130, and then mixing it with the Apple 2GB stick which is already in the computer. Would I see a significant performance upgrade with the 6GB mismatched RAM vs. the 4GB matched?
I'm planning to buy a Mac Pro soon (within a week or so), and I'm wondering about the GPU setup. My question: Is there a processing advantage to getting multiple GT120's? I'm running two 30" ACD's so I know I don't need the extra card to support two monitors. But I'm wondering if Aperture, Photoshop, Lightroom, and other GPU intenstive apps would be able to take advantage of having two GPU's? Fyi - I'm planning on the 8x2.66GHz, 12GB ram, 1TB internal (I use drobo's for storage)...so just wondering what would be optimal for my photographic processing (and some videos with the 5Dmk2 camera).
Im looking to get keyboard and mouse for my mbp because im getting a 24" monitor to hook it up to. Should i get a bluetooth connection or just simple wireless connection? Which ones would you guys recommend?
I just login to my gmail through safari. does anyone use mac mail, and if so why? The idea of it just popping up on my computer is nice I guess, but why else would I use it?
Just purchased a iBook G4 1.33 Ghz, 512 MB of Ram running Leopard. I must certainly plan on upgrading ram but I am wondering how bad will the deafault specs be with leopard?
I had my iBook G4 a few years ago, and since I was about eleven when I had it, I'm not sure I always took the best care of it, but it's always worked pretty much fine up until about a week ago. It's started shutting down randomly. It also sometimes randomly goes to sleep in the middle of things. In particular, it doesn't seem to like starting up, or the internet, especially if I'm on youtube. I've tried a PMU reset, as it worked once before when my laptop wouldn't start up, but it hasn't worked properly. It's worked from anywhere from a minute from the time I start up again, to about a day or two at most, but it always seems to shut down again.
I really don't know what else to do with it... and I don't understand how computers work at all.
Yesterday I was on facebook when my ibook g4 went black and turned off. There wasn't any beeping/flashing or anything but it won't turn on. When I press the little button on the battery 5 yellow lights light up so I guess the battery's fine but the laptop itself just died. If i can't get it fixed mum won't buy me a new one and i'll just have to deal with it.
I remember hearing about it on a website, is there any rough tutorials to go about this? Don't ask me why I want to do it, my friend said it can't be done, and I just want to show him up. he also thinks macs are dumb, so hes not so smart in the brain.
I have a iBook and would like to get a webcam to work with MSN Messenger for Mac 5.1.1. Unfortunately my budget does not stretch to an iSight. Can someone advise on a compatible webcam that would work with Tiger and MSN Messenger.