OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Need An Anti-virus Or Malware Detection App To Remain Secure?
May 29, 2012Does my iMac need an anti-virus or malware detection app to remain secure?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Does my iMac need an anti-virus or malware detection app to remain secure?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have reason to believe there might be a trojan on my mac, my isp keeps telling me that my system is sending out massive amounts of junk mail.
I can't seem to find any reliable free anti-malware software for mac that isn't malware itself.
Does anyone out there now of any freeware that would scan for trojans?
I know this is probably an age-old question but I can't seem to find a definitive answer on the internet. Are there any real threats out there for my Mac OS X or is installing an anti-virus just a wiste of time, money and memory? Should I be concerned about passing on viruses through e-mail or USB stick to my colleagues or friends who use Windows? If so, which anti-virus should I use? Is there any real competition between anti-viruses out there?
View 7 Replies View RelatedDo Macs does not have Virus/ Trojan issues? Is it really that you don't need to buy an anti-virus? I know, it's a PC culture but what about a person surfing the net all the time (or like me who doesn't switch-off the net connection unless there is power supply issues)
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have finaly made the move to a Mac from the world of windows. i have a license for etrust AV for mac. should i bother installing it. i would never run windows with out AV but is it safe to do so on a mac?
Do MAcbook Air need any Anti-virus? If yes then which one you prefer?, Do MAcbook Air need any Anti-virus? If yes then which one you prefer?, Do MAcbook Air need any Anti-virus? If yes then which one you prefer?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Does anyone know of any good security software for my mac mini? I just want some extra protection, rather be safe than sorry.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince Mac is not prone to virus as it is known, is it safe not to install anti-virus software? I merely surf "normal site", download things if needed, receieve email with attachment. BTW, if those email attachment has virus, will Mac auto prompt and auto delete without any anti-virus program.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhats the best anti virus software for windows xp?Im not using it on a mac but figured this would be the best place to ask
View 23 Replies View Relatedi have a macbook pro. And my question/concern is Do i need to install an anti-virus on my macbook?? cuz one of my friends told me that i dont need an anti-virus on mac's
View 4 Replies View RelatedRegardless of how vulnerable to malware you think or don't think macs are...
is there a must have or a best anti virus for macs?
I'm a Windows user, recently forced to use the Mac because of work. I bought a Mac mini.
Anywhoo, very basic question - do Mac users generally use anti-virus software?
I used Mac through most of the 90s (again, because of my job) and my workplace didn't use it then. I've also been using Linux for the past 10 years and have never used anti-virus software on it either, and never had any problems.
On Windows I use K7 Antivirus.
when i look up the history of my safari, i have got this link all over my history page, like literally hundreds of it.
link: [URL]
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Mac OS X (10.5.6)
i was browsing using safari on my MBA and this anti virus opo came out quite frequent even i already set my block pop up windows. can anyway advice me how to get rid of it? its quite distracting anyway.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy keyboard is not working well and im sure it is a malware. how can i delete it?
This is my first Mac...On the PC I used MS Office and continue to do so..I bought the Office for mac 2008 until the new one comes out. Would like to know if I need an Antivirus software for protection since I have and will be receiving word and other office files? Also would like to know how to move all my pst files from outlook onto my new mac? I have about 12GB archived that I need access to.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Parallels on my iMac to run Windows XP. I have AVG free anti-virus running on the Windows side and it can't find an internet connection to update the anti-virus files. How do I fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny recommendations on/experience with anti-virus software?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was unable to find any useful information regarding how I can secure my computer. Also, are Snow Leopard Macs still at risk?
MacBook Pro
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Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Is there an anti-virus needed for the new "Flashback" virus?
View 5 Replies View Related3 emails from the same sender, to the same recipients (a BCC: email group), but at different times on the same day, and with different Subjects and content, were grouped together as Duplicates.
The only reason I knew they were 3 different emails, is I had first downloaded them on my iPhone, where they do show up as 3 different messages.
This is a serious bug in my opinion: the emails were from an important prospective client for my startup company, each with important content, and had it not been for the fact that I was away for the weekend without my Mac, and first downloaded them on my iPhone, I would never have known that the emails were all different. Apple could be causing lots of people to be missing important emails.
Since I do now know they are not duplicates, I can click on the "2 Duplicates" link at the top of the one email that shows up in my Inbox, and see the other 2.
But don't want this to happen again (and I'm guessing it has probably happened before and I simply didn't know).
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whenever I try printing a PDF mailing label from the post or another parcel service containing a barcode on my wireless HP AIO printer, I get the printout as expected apart from the the label area which remains blank. could it be an issue in the latest HP drivers???
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