Do MAcbook Air need any Anti-virus? If yes then which one you prefer?, Do MAcbook Air need any Anti-virus? If yes then which one you prefer?, Do MAcbook Air need any Anti-virus? If yes then which one you prefer?
i have a macbook pro. And my question/concern is Do i need to install an anti-virus on my macbook?? cuz one of my friends told me that i dont need an anti-virus on mac's
i was browsing using safari on my MBA and this anti virus opo came out quite frequent even i already set my block pop up windows. can anyway advice me how to get rid of it? its quite distracting anyway.
This is my first Mac...On the PC I used MS Office and continue to do so..I bought the Office for mac 2008 until the new one comes out. Would like to know if I need an Antivirus software for protection since I have and will be receiving word and other office files? Also would like to know how to move all my pst files from outlook onto my new mac? I have about 12GB archived that I need access to.
I know this is probably an age-old question but I can't seem to find a definitive answer on the internet. Are there any real threats out there for my Mac OS X or is installing an anti-virus just a wiste of time, money and memory? Should I be concerned about passing on viruses through e-mail or USB stick to my colleagues or friends who use Windows? If so, which anti-virus should I use? Is there any real competition between anti-viruses out there?
Do Macs does not have Virus/ Trojan issues? Is it really that you don't need to buy an anti-virus? I know, it's a PC culture but what about a person surfing the net all the time (or like me who doesn't switch-off the net connection unless there is power supply issues)
I have finaly made the move to a Mac from the world of windows. i have a license for etrust AV for mac. should i bother installing it. i would never run windows with out AV but is it safe to do so on a mac?
Since Mac is not prone to virus as it is known, is it safe not to install anti-virus software? I merely surf "normal site", download things if needed, receieve email with attachment. BTW, if those email attachment has virus, will Mac auto prompt and auto delete without any anti-virus program.
I'm a Windows user, recently forced to use the Mac because of work. I bought a Mac mini.
Anywhoo, very basic question - do Mac users generally use anti-virus software?
I used Mac through most of the 90s (again, because of my job) and my workplace didn't use it then. I've also been using Linux for the past 10 years and have never used anti-virus software on it either, and never had any problems.
I'm using Parallels on my iMac to run Windows XP. I have AVG free anti-virus running on the Windows side and it can't find an internet connection to update the anti-virus files. How do I fix this?
Anti-Glare vs Glossy with an anti-glare film. Opinions? Advice? I want to retain the pretty black bezel and the film would serve a double purpose: anti-glare and scratch protection.
is attached to word documents. a friend rid it from my husbands resume which he was trying to upload to monster. there doesn't seem to be a program to get rid of it on a mac. so everythng i open just gets infected on my 3 machines. other than taking it to a pc and running the program my friend had, is there a (program) that will allow me to get rid of it? i know it doesn't affect my machine but pcs will not take these docs. I don't work in word, just use it to open client documents and copy into quark.
My girlfriend downloaded a bunch of programs and I noticed her Windows installation was a lot slower than when it was fresh. She has an antivirus program called "Uniblue RegistryBooster" and I was wondering if that was a reputable antivirus program or something malicious.
I'm about to order the 15" i7 soon. I'll leave the country to travel in Asia for 3 months this summer, so I will tend to be outdoors a lot. On daily basis, I'm a college student and freelance graphic designer - I usually use my computer in class or at home (not too much outdoors). I was debating about getting the regular glossy screen, or Hi-Res Anti-glare screen, just because the regular anti-glare doesn't seem to be offered. And sadly, it costs $150 extra ($135 for educational discount). I read somewhere a while ago, matte screen gives more accurate colors on the screen, while glossy gives more popping and vivid colors. Tough choice for me. Based on what I mentioned above, do you guys recommend me to get the Hi-Res Anti-glare screen? Is it really worth the money? What's good and bad about both of them?
Has anybody gone from glossy to AG and found anything that irritates them about the AG screen?Does it seem weaker without the glass enforcement?Does dust collect around the edges of the screen since it isnt end to end?What about cleaning it?
I was wondering if any of you know of a screen protector made for the 15" AnitGlare Screen fitting the inside of the Silver edge, the only ones that I ve found are for the Glossy screen and makes the screen 'AG'
So all I want is a normal Screen protector that fit the 15" AG screen.
Wondering what kind of anti-theft software people are using since there is no way to use a physical cable lock on the MBA.
Also - anyone with software installed - can you post any experience with having to actually use it to get your mac back or the software companies support.
I need to purchase some of the orange anti-static tape that Apple uses to cover the connections on logic boards. I recently fixed a MBP (2.4GHz SR 15") and need to find some tape for the board. I know it isn't a completely crucial component, however, I would like to make my computer look as if it were new. If anyone knows where to buy this tape, the exact tape, not another version, please post a reply or email me. Thank you.
I just bought & wasted $20+ on the Photodon anti-glare protector for my 13" MBP. The speckling/rainbow effect on white pages just killed it for me even though the anti-glare was nice and the protector was well made. I've read that due to the extra glass panel between the display and the protector, it's hard to get a decent ant-glare shield.
The Moshi iVisor AG doesn't actually adhere to the glass and I may give it a shot next. Anyone have one? If so, how does it work? In theory, it should work better than the Photodon but would really like to hear from someone before I drop another $40 and wait with bated breath for the USPS guy again only to be let down.
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the NuShield screen protector specifically the DayVue type. It is supposedly anti-reflective (similar to what you would find on eyeglasses) which differs from anti glare in the way it goes about reducing the reflected light. It should reduce the reflections without making the image blurry. But I wanted to see if anyone else had tried it before giving it a go. It has a money back guarantee including up to 5 bucks for return shipping so I may try it anyways.
what the safest method for cleaning the anti-glare screens is on the unibodies. On my glossy a simple damp lint-free cloth works perfectly, but I have a feeling that over time that method of cleaning may actually rub/ruin the antiglare surface, so I'm a bit worried.