OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Intel 20" Does Not Log In First Time?
Apr 16, 2012
I have an iMac 20" since 2008. First of all can I say that I am not a techinical person and therefore I do not understand many technical references or procedures. I came to use my mac today and when I enter my password the screen goes white for a few secinds then returns back to the login screen. After a few attempts you are able to log in, any ideas what could be causing this? I have already tried to reset the SMC (dont know what this is) by turning off, unplugging for 15 seconds, reconnecting and waiting for 5 secinds before swithcing back on.
I have my data saved on an external hard drive (OS 10.7) as I sold my previous Mac and am thinking about buying a power pc iMac using Leopard - does anyone know whether this will be able to open and transfer my data to the older Mac?
I have an iMac running the latest version of Lion (10.7.4) and which I have upgraded to a one terabyte hard drive and full memory capability. I back up to a My Book 2 terabyte external hard drive using Time Machine. My iMac is often very sticky, though I've done most of the diagnostics I know of and preferences etc. are seemingly all OK and fcuk -fs gives a positive result! The Mac is often hard to wake from sleep and in particular seems to spend a lot of time backing up very-very slowly, with the result that it frustratingly seems to be backing up most of the time with the consequent effects on using other programs. Also the whole thing seems to grind to a halt after a hard days work with quite a few applications open. I'm wondering what can be causing this and what I can do to overcome this very frustrating and debilitating problem?
I am running a Intel Imac 2008 clean install SL then Lion upgrade, followed by Lion Server install.I have multiple home macs, and intnded the server as a way to monitor and restrict kids internet use.In short, it has changes/screwed up multiple programs, and complicated home sharing issues considerably. Mail on the server machine has permission problems (cannot send mail, unable to sign), Spotlight in mail is non-functioning, finder spotlight searches are inconsistent, etc.I want to revert to plain old Lion.
I have done disk utility/verify disk and verified/repaired permissions, and have 'fiddled' (i'm not an expert) in the keychain/certificates areas, but I think the best solution is a clean install of Lion. When I backup to TIme Machine, is there a way to pull a 'Lion' version of my disk image back, and just not upgrade to Server? I understand I can disable Server and turn off applications in Server, but it doesn't fix my buggy machine. My options are to back up my 250GB of music, 100GB of photos, 100GB of movies, etc on to external drives, and clean install and then reimport everything, but even that will probably mean I cant reinstall my single user licesnse of MS office, VMware fusion, etc that I didn't buy on the App store.
My iMac would not start. i had to do PRAM, now I have OS X Utilities. Do I risk losing my files on hard drive if I restore from Time Machine backup, or are all my files saved by Time Machine?
I recently replace the internal hard drive. After resoring from my Time Machine backup, I can no longer access backup files prior to the last backup. How do I gain access to the prior backup files?
I have 10.8.5 and use Quicken. I updated last week and lost 5 years of data. I have Time Machine but when I go to data from last month Quicken doesn't come up. How can I find it?
I have a desktop mac from mid 2011 and also a 2010 mac mini. I just got a new time capsule and time machine cannot find the new time capsule. I know the new time capsule is working because I have a third machine from late 2012 that found the new time capsule easily. Could it be an operating system issue? I am running 10.9 on the machine that is working, 10.8 on the mid 2011 machine, and 10.7 on the mac mini.
I just installed a new SSD. Time Machine is active. It says it is saving data. When you open TM, it opens the times that it saved data except there is noting in the boxes and the button to choose a backup to restore is greyed out, not allowing to choose anything as there isn't anything to choose. The TM says that it has backed upped 350 gb of data. There is nothing there however. I rebooted, disconnected external drive, even reformatted and started over. Nothing seems to work.
i deleted the wrong folders in Lightroom and this has stopped me from viewing some photos in iPhoto,the thumbnail is there but when i click on it there is no image,can i use time machine to get the photos back and how do i do it as i have never used time machine before.
I tried following the Pondini instructions for restoring individual files but I must be doing something wrong. To restore the address book, he says "open finder window". No problem. Then "enter time machine then navigate to the backup in question". When I open time machine, it only wants to back up. I can't access any files from there. I can only access the files from the backup folder but then there is no "restore" button. How do I restore the address book that I backed up in time machine?
My time machine was removed from my network. it is telling me that it has been forgotten. I would like to re instate my time machine on my network how can i achieve this?
cut and paste with mouse different text selections at the same time. I have tried many hot keys to select different sentences on different paragraphs at the same time and i couldn't.
I have noticed more and more unwanted ads popping up from time to time, I can't hardly do anything! As soon as I start a search on Safari all these ads start coming.
I have a 2013 iMac on OS 10.9.5 with no problems. I will be receiving a new iMac w Retina Display on Yosemite, which I'll be backing up with a new, unused TC.
I want to copy and transfer files from older iMac to the new one using the TC, but right now I don't want upgrade to Yosemite on the older iMac.
Can I manually select files from the older iMac to copy to the TC, and what files must I leave out so that there aren't any problems that transferring files from an older OS to a newer one won't arise?
Info: iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 3TB TC
My Time Machine was full and not allowing backups. While trying to open up space I did something and now it tells me that Time Machine backup disc cannot be found. What do I need to do?
Recently my hard drive crashed. All attempts to revive it failed. I have used Time Machine for years to save my backups on an external hard drive. Can I get Gmail emails I saved to my iMac saved to a flash drive for archiving on my Gmail account? If so, how would I go about extracting and saving the email messages from my Time Machine backups? I have a PC laptop and access to another iMac. I would also like to copy several audio books I had in iTunes. How could I access them?
I have an iMac 27" desktop. I also use 2 external HD (Seagate type, 3 GB each) each connected via USB 3.0. And lastly I have a 2TB Time Capsule that also serves as my wifi.
Originally I set up my Time Machine preferences to backup my iMac onto my Time Capsule, no problem, worked great. Left it like this for a long time...
then I decided I wanted to use Time Machine to back up my External HD #1 (where I moved all my video project files), onto External HD #2. This worked great, and I left these settings in place for a while.
then I decided it was time to back up my iMac again, so I went into my Time Machine preferences ended the current setup so that I could return to the original settings (backing up the iMac onto the Time Capsule).
...and so problem began.
My thinking was once I got a recent backup made with iMac to Time Capsule configuration then I would go into Time Machine preferences and re-establish the External HD #1 to HD #2 settings... thinking I could continue on this way manually, each week or so, and therefore have 2 different Time Machines each from 2 different sources.
Well, once I ended the set up of HD #1 to HD #2 I couldn't get Time Machine to successfully return to the original iMac to Time Capsule setup. At this point I called apple support; they were able to walk me through some steps to get the Time Machine backing up my iMac onto the Time Capsule, but it required me to delete the original time Machine backup of the iMac on the Time Capsule. Which led to reestablishing the backup (which in this case took almost 2 days to complete).
I restored the new machine from the most recent back up of my old iMac which has worked great and looks just like my previous computer. However..when I enter Time Machine it only goes back as far as today and when I try to do a back up it says there is not enough room. I would have hoped that my new iMac would recognise the back up as it's own and reinstate it as normal..but this doesn't seem to be the case.
Since i have started using Time Machine i have been getting this message on a semi regular basis.
This computer’s local hostname “-My-iMac.local” is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to “My-iMac-2.local”.
At one statge it got upto 5 before i reset it back in system preferences, sharing, computer name, edit.
I do not want to keep reseitting it and really I have no idea what it is doing or why nor am I aware of what impact its having om my use of my apple products.
I've recently starting having problems with my external HD that I use for my Time Machine backups. I'm not able to repair the drive using Disk Elements, so I want to copy some of my backups stored therein onto my Mac HD before I try reformatting the external HD. However, I get the error message "The volume has the wrong case sensitivity for a backup" when I try dragging the backup folders onto my desktop. Is there any way to salvage the backups before I try reformatting?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), External HD: WD Elements 2TB
I have an iMac desktop with OS X version 10.9.4 Mavericks operating system. Processor 2.06 core 2 duo Memory 4GB 1067 MHx startup disk hard drive.
Problem is I deleted some photos from my hard drive to free up space, thinking I could access them from my backup drive if I needed to. However, when I try to get the photos through my TimeMchine backup drive, it won't let me, saying it's not the original library. How do I access my old backed up photos?
Recently I upgraded Lion to 10.7.3. Since that time I have been having a lot of trouble with my internet connection. I keep losing the connect and have to go to diagnostics and turn it back on. Is anyone else having this problem?