OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To See Sync Status In Finder

Jun 2, 2012

In my last OS, i could see the status of the sync at bottom of finder. Meaning, it would tell me the last successful sync to my .me account

how I can see this in my current OS, or how I find out this information?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Get Finder Window Spinning Wheel Status Indicator Back

Jul 1, 2012

In Mac OS X Lion the bottom finder window frame is gone. Consequently the spinning wheel status indicator in the lower right corner is also gone. How do I get the status wheel back so I can tell whether the window view is still loading or hung? In Mac OS X Lion the bottom finder window frame is missing. Consequently the spinning wheel status indicator is also gone. How do I get the status wheel back so I can tell that the window view is loading vs. hung.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Select "Show Status Bar" In Finder

May 21, 2012

The View Menu in my Finder does not allow me to select "Show status bar" on a new iMac running Lion.  I see many responses where people are told to select this but my Finder simply does not let me do this.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To See Status On Download

May 31, 2012

just purchased lion how do i see status on download?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Download Stalled And Now Cannot Continue - Status Waiting

Jul 2, 2012

My Lion download stalled during the download and now I can't continue the download. The message I now get is that the Lion download is "waiting". How do I continue the download or start a new Lion OS download?

Lion OS, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Can't download Lion OS

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sort All The Messages In Inbox By Unread Status And Then By Date?

Mar 24, 2012

Is it possible to sort all the messages in my inbox by unread status and then by date? 

That is, I will have all of my unread emails at the top, but then the first read email will be my most recently received one? 

At the moment, sorting by unread status means that the top read emails are the ones that have been forwarded/replied to, and then the most recently dated ones. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Lost OS X Lion Status / Menu Bar After App Update Install

Mar 28, 2012

Installed an update for WePrint Server APP which popped up onscreen. Downloaded update, installer program loaded, selected drive, and install was successful. Closed the install program window (Safari open in background along with other programs running in dock, but not on screen), but the Installer menu bar remained on the top of the screen. Lost the OSX Lion Status / menu bar, the Apple icon, time, user, etc. Was able to use Safari, but not without hesitation.

The Safari menu bar at the top of the screen never appeared while in Safari, the Install Program menu did not disappear, even thought there was no evidence that the program was still running. No icon in dock, no hidden screen page or window. Closed all the running programs in the docks, and checked Force Quit, (ctrl+alt+esc) and no installer program remained. Unable to shut off or restart the computer without using the on / off button on the back of the intel mac monitor. Once rebooted all seems well.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), All software up to date...

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Is Current Status Of Compatibility Of OS X With Logic 9 & Final Cut Studio 3

May 31, 2012

With the impending demise of Mobile Me, I'll be making some changes. In order to utilize the full capabiliteis of new Mobile Me I'd need to upgrade to OS X.I have not yet done so because I have and use FCS 3 and Logic 9, both of which have been reported as having compatibility problems with Lion. I write to ask the status  especially of compatibility between Lion and Logic 9. With sadness I understand that FCS 3 will never work with Lion, so I'll also ask of any FCS 3 users who have upgraded: what have you done to be able to work with your video created in FCS 3?

iMac 3.16 Ghz 4 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.5.8), also use MB 2.06 Ghz 2 GB RAM & iMac 2 Ghz 2 GB RAM

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remove An Icon From The Status Menu When Command And Drag Doesn't Work?

Mar 12, 2012

I am trying to remove a status icon for an application I uninstalled. When I try to drag it, nothing happens, so removing it by the "command"key & drag method isn't effective. Is there another way I can get rid of it?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Click Finder Icon On Dock ≠ New Finder Window?

May 22, 2012

Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Closing All Finder Windows Crashes Finder?

Apr 18, 2012

Lion 10.7.3 with all current updates. 

If Finder has been running for a while, and I have a number of finder windows open, when I option-command-w, the Finder crashes and then restarts with all the windows that just closed. 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: List Of What X-Spam Headers Apple Mail Will Look At / When Determining Junk Mail Status?

Apr 25, 2012

Apple Mail has a preference to 'Trust junk mail headers in messages' but I can not find a list of what those headers are.By trial and error I've learned the "X-Spam-Flag: YES" will work (exactly that, no extra info), but I'd like to know what other options there are... particularly if I can send a score/rating back and have it look at that.But I can't find a list of supported headers.The Internet is full of "common spam headers" and yet none of them actually seem to work and lots of people who can't get it working with spamassassin which is incredibly common.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Contacts Are Different On Mac And IPhone Even After Sync

Mar 24, 2012

I have an issue with contacts on my devices. My iPhone 4s, and my MacBook Pro. I am running Lion and the latest version of everything and yadayadayada. But I want the Address Book on my Mac to be identical to the one on my iPhone so I have numbers and emails all stored of my friends and family on my Mac as well as iPhone. However, when I go to iTunes and click sync contacts and all that, it does something with Google and crap to match them and it's just a total mess. On my iPhone I have groups of contacts that are "From My Mac" which contains about 2/3 of all my contacts. Like some synced and others didn't. Then there is an "iCloud" group. Which contains very very few contacts and doesn't do crap for me. Then there is an "All Contacts" group that actually has everything. I thought iCloud was going to sync ALL my contacts to ALL my devices? I don't know what to do right now at all. I think my Mac is syncing with Google and not my iPhone because the only contacts it's syncing are the ones from my old droid on that email, which is also my Apple ID. So should I take my Mac off syncing with gmail contacts and then I can remove all the gmail contacts off of gmail for good or whatever and then I can get my iPhone contacts on?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Iphone Won't Sync Without ICloud

Mar 25, 2012

I joined iCloud feeling the clock ticking.Then I learn I need the $29.99 OS upgrade to Lion to support iCloud and I oblige. NOW, I learn MS Office 2004 is not supported! Feeling a little baited here.Can't open any of my .doc's! Any advice before I go out and drop another C-note on software that worked to suit my needs a day ago. Contemplating a timemachine restore, but then I'm back to iCloud > Lion $29.99 and my iphone won't sync without iCloud, right?

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1, iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, iCloud

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Sync ICal On MacBook

May 14, 2012

After discussing the migration to iCloud with Apple Support I bought Lion today. Only later did I learn it won't run on my MacBook (Core Duo, not Core 2). Any fixes, workarounds' for syncing that calendar. My desktop, iphone, ipad and ipod touch will all work fine, of course, but my notebook appears left in the cold. Guess this means Mail is out of luck, too!

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13" MacBook is Intel Core Duo

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Is There A Sync Icon On The Menu Bar, Get It Off

Jun 10, 2012

Why is there a sync icon on the menu bar how can i get it off?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Early 2011

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Itunes Music And Iphone Sync?

Mar 27, 2012

i synced an album from my itune library to my iphone. when i play the synced album always the same track is repeated. on itunes the album is played correct. each track is played in the correct order.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remove The Sync Icon From The Toolbar?

Mar 31, 2012

I have 12 different icons in my toolbar. 11 of them are useful. Of course the one I don't want, is the only one I don't know how to turn off. Why must apple scatter the option for "show in toolbar" across the system prefrences labrynth? How do I get rid of the device sync icon?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMAP Gmail Folders Do Not Sync

Apr 26, 2012

Read boards, tried help, tried everything.  Gmail IMAP account will only synch inbox. ALL other folders do not appear in Mail 5.2 / Lion 10.7.  In fact, MAIL doesn't even appear in the list of applications here.  Am at a HUGE loss. I have checked Google settings. They are all set to show and show online just fine. I need this for work, so if this cannot be solved, I need to go back to a PC solution.  Nothing should be this complicated. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MAIL 5.2

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keeping Two Folders In Sync On Macbook Pro?

May 2, 2012

i dont like keeping important files exclusively in the dropbox folder ... i rather keep them on my macbook pro's HD and so backed up to time machine. 

this way, if dropbox were to suddenly become kaput one day, my important files are still with me, not lost forever just because they were exclusively in the cloud. ( i tested this ... i delete a file when in the dropbox web site, it removes it instantly from the dropbox foler on the laptop.) 

however, i like keeping a current copy in the dropbox folder, so that i can access the current version on my iphone / ipad. 

what i do now is copy the up-dated files every evening into the dropbox folder .... this way i meet both the objectives. 

is there anyway i could keep the two folders in sync but only one way ... i change a file on my HD , it automatically changes in the dropbox folder too . however, if a file is changed in the dropbox folder ( read deleted on dropbox servers by some mishap) the original file on the laptop remains untouched. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sync Address Book With ICloud?

May 3, 2012

In iMac Prefs>Mail, Contacts & Cal, I have setup up and started an iCloud account. I make changes to my Address book and it is not syncing with my iPhone 4s, which also has iCloud syncing turned on. I know other pieces of iCloud work, as my emails do come across on both systems.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Missing Color-sync Profiles?

May 15, 2012

I'm really struggling to print greyscale with my HP B110 printer. Print using a greyscale colorsync profile In the OS X print dialogue box, there is a menu under the paper size and orientation settings which should have the name of the printing application in it. When users click this menu there will be universal printing options available first, followed by a set of driver-specific options. In the first set, select "Color Matching" and select the "Colorsync" radio button. Then in the "Profile" menu choose "Other Profiles" and select either "Black and White" or "Generic Gray Profile". With one of these profiles selected, printing the document will now be in black and white or greyscale.

The problem is that neither of those Profile options appear through that print dialogue box.  There are a dozen or so, such as "Wide Gamut RGB" and "Generic RGB Profile" but none mentioning Gray, Grayscale or Black. If I open ColorSync utility, I can see that there is a System file called Generic Gray Profile in /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Generic Gray - however if I navigate to this path, it is not there, only something called Gray Tone and a few others. how can I activate this profile so I can select it as a printing option? 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sync Keychain On Multiple Macs?

May 21, 2012

There are a lot of forums on this subject, but are specifically about Apple removing Keychain sync with iCloud. I cannot find any solution as to how to do it now they removed this option.  

I have installed Keychain2Go but it just synced right away to "somewhere". I guess it's their servers. So I am concerned about that as I don't know this company.  

So is Keychain2Go the only solution to sync Keychains now? I cannot find any other solution.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Sync ICal With ICloud Calendar

May 25, 2012

Is there a way to sync the iCal in the Macbook Air to my calendar in iCloud? I'm looking to sync my iPhone's calendar with my Macbook Air calendar.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Sync Mail Between A Leopard And Lion

Jun 9, 2012

I have problems bringing my laptop mail updated from my desk top. I can not longer sync.

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Safari :: Can't Get Bookmarks To Sync Proper With Lion

Jun 21, 2012

Well I still can't get bookmarks to sync proper with Lion. I have three Mac Pros, two ipads and iMac 3.4 27inch and iPhone 4s. Every thing syncs on all devices ,,,,, All but the bookmarks between the computers. The ios devices sync fine, but no two computers will sync bookmarks. I have tried everything on the forums and a few more of my own, but to no avail!

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac Pro, Quad, Eight core, iMac 27

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Address Book Sync To Gmail

Jul 5, 2012

How is Contact Sync for Gmail different from Address Book's built in sync? Should I uncheck the sync option in address book if I am using the app?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Unable To Sync Nokia Phone Sms / Sync Works For Photos And Contacts

Apr 9, 2010

I have a Nokia N78 cellphone which I can sync to my Macbook Pro using iSync. This works fine for photos, iCal, contacts but I what I would like to do is to be able to back up and view my sms on my Mac. Does anybody know if there is anyway of achieving this (free if possible)? If not, can anybody recommend a phone (other than the obvious iPhone) that has this syncing capability with Macs? I am looking to update my phone soon anyway.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Home Sync Errors With Chrome Files

Mar 5, 2012

Recently a bunch of users in our office have been getting constant Home Sync errors, most commonly with Google Chrome files. File Sync opens and lists a number of errors syncing files including:

History Index 2012-02
History index 2012-03
Network Action Predictor
Web Data
among others.

Are the files locked by Chrome or something so Home Sync generates errors? Did something change in Lion or Chrome in the last few weeks because this never happened previously?

Lion 10.7.3
Chrome 17.0.963.65

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Home Folder Sync Not Working?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a lion server set up on a mac mini. I have set up an OD to manage network accounts through the server app.  My workflow for setting up users is: 

1. using the server app add a new user

2. I have a home folders users directory set up under file sharing and set to be available for home directories - so I select this share as the home folder for the user

3. I user the WGM app to then set up mobiility through the preferences tab to create always and to sync the home and preferences

4. I check that the home folder is set correctly under the user account in WGM 

When I log in to the client machine (regardless of whether or not I have first logged in on the server or not) the client presents an error saying that it can not log in and can not access the server at that time.  The client stays on the user login screen. 

If I then change the users home folder on the server to local I can then log in on the client machine and create the account.  If I elect not to create the home folder on the client machine the rainbow ball of death occurs and the machine hangs.  So I instead log in and select to create the local home folder. I then log out of the user and change the user setting on the server to point the home folder to the correct share instead of on the local setting. 

I then log back on to the client machine and can log in without any problems.  HOwever, I get an error message if I try to sync saying that the home folder is not accessible.  This is despite the fact that the home folder, and the server et al, can be mounted in finder and I can copy and paste documents etc to and from the server.  I have full and expected access to the server and the associated storage. For some reason home sync continues to say that the home folder can not be found (in fact that the server can not be found) whenever I try to sync. I have the OD bound to the client machine and have no problems seeing the users and being able to access the OD from the client machine. 

Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2 x 2.93 6 Core Intel Xeon 32GB 13

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